Oracle(R) Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack
Release 2.1






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Introduction to Oracle Performance Manager

Oracle Performance Manager is an Oracle Enterprise Manager application that allows you to monitor different types of real-time performance data.

Oracle Performance Manager uses the Agent data gathering service (also called the Oracle Data Gatherer) to collect performance data. To monitor some types of data, you must install the Oracle Data Gatherer on the system (or systems) where you want to monitor data. See the Oracle Intelligent Agent User's Guide for information on managing the Agent data gathering service on a system.

If you are using Oracle Performance Manager to monitor database performance, the Agent data gathering service can be installed on another system. See "Accessing Performance Data Through an Intermediate Host" for more information on accessing data through an Agent data gathering service on another system.

The types of performance data that Oracle Performance Manager can monitor on a system depends on the products that are installed. Table 3-1 shows the types of data (or services) that Oracle Performance Manager can monitor when various Oracle products are installed.

Table 3-1 Data that Performance Manager Can Monitor when Various Oracle Products Are Installed
Oracle Product  Oracle Concurrent Manager Data  Oracle Server Data  Operating System Data  SAP R/3 System Data  Microsoft SQL Server Data 

Diagnostics Pack  






Management Pack for Oracle Applications  






Management Pack for SAP R/3  






Standard Management Pack (Oracle Standard Edition only)  






If additional products from Oracle or other vendors are installed, Oracle Performance Manager may be able to monitor additional types of data not shown in Table 3-1.

Accessing Performance Data Through an Intermediate Host

Oracle Performance Manager relies on the Oracle Data Gatherer to monitor a service (such as a node, a database, or a concurrent manager). Usually, the collection of the data is done on the system where the service is located. However, for some types of services Oracle Performance Manager can also monitor data on a system by using the Oracle Data Gatherer on another system (an intermediate host).

This intermediate host could be the client system where the Oracle Performance Manager is running, or any other system on the network on which the Data Gatherer is available.

There are three ways to set the location of the Oracle Data Gather. The method you use depends on how you connect to the service. Consider the following three scenarios:

Usage Scenarios for Oracle Performance Manager

Using Oracle Performance Manager, you can:

Starting Oracle Performance Manager

You can start Oracle Performance Manager from the Oracle Enterprise Manager console or from the Start menu.

Starting Oracle Performance Manager from the Console

You can start Oracle Performance Manager from the Oracle Enterprise Manager console in any of the following ways:

Starting Oracle Performance Manager from the Start Menu

On the Start menu, follow the path: Start=>Programs=>ORACLE_HOME=>Diagnostics Pack=>Performance Manager.


ORACLE_HOME represents the home directory in which the Diagnostics Pack is installed.  

When you start Performance Manager from the Start menu, you are given a choice of logging in to the Oracle Management Server or running Performance Manager in standalone mode.

Running Performance Manager in Repository Mode

To run Oracle Performance Manager in repository mode:

  1. Click Login to the Oracle Management Server.

  2. Enter the appropriate connection information for your Oracle Management Server.

    To select an alternate Management Server, click the Management Server button next to the Management Server drop-down list. In the resulting dialog box, you can add another node that is running Oracle Management Server software. The Oracle Management Server and its associated repository must already exist.

    For information on the fields in the Management Servers dialog box, click Help.

  3. Click OK.

If the repository information for the Diagnostics Pack has not been created, Oracle Performance Manager automatically updates the repository at connection time.


If the repository was created using Enterprise Manager Release 2.0.4 or earlier, you must upgrade the repository or create a new repository. For more information, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide.  

Running Performance Manager in Standalone Mode

To run Oracle Performance Manager in standalone mode (not connected to the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository), click Standalone, no repository connection, then click OK.


When you run Oracle Performance Manager without connecting to a valid repository, you cannot save any user-defined charts, and any recordings you make during the session will not be saved when you exit Oracle Performance Manager.

In addition, you will need to manually add services you want to monitor, and you will have to add them again each time you start Performance Manager.  

Using the Oracle Performance Manager Main Window

The primary component of the Oracle Performance Manager user interface is the main window (see Figure 3-1), which contains two panels. The navigator or tree panel appears on the left side of the main window and the property sheet panel appears on the right side. When you select an item in the navigator panel, the property sheet panel displays the properties of the selected item.

When you first start Oracle Performance Manager, the navigator panel displays the service type folders and the property sheet panel displays the Performance Manager welcome screen.

A vertical toolbar appears on the left side of the window and a menu bar appears across the top of the window. For more information about the buttons in the toolbar and the commands available from the Performance Manager menus, choose Window from the Performance Manager Help menu.

In the navigator panel, the Network folder contains a folder for each service type. For example, when you have the Diagnostics Pack installed, the service types are Nodes, Databases, and SQL Servers.

In addition to the Network folders, the Recordings folder contains any recordings of chart data that exist. For more information about the Recordings folder, see "Recording Chart Data" .

Figure 3-1 Oracle Performance Manager Main Window

Connecting to a Discovered Service in Repository Mode

If you are working in repository mode, expand a service type folder to view the corresponding services previously discovered through the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.

To connect to a discovered service, select the service in the navigator tree and click Connect to Service in the Performance Manager toolbar, or click the plus sign (+) next to the service in the navigator. You may be prompted with a Logon dialog box if credentials are required to connect to the service. For information on the fields in the Logon dialog box, click Help.

Manually Connecting to a Service

If you are working in standalone mode, the service type folders are empty and you must manually add each service you want to monitor to the navigator tree.

If you are working in repository mode, you can manually add additional services that have not been discovered using the Enterprise Manager console.


When you add a service manually to the navigator tree using the Add New Service button, you are adding that service for the current session of Performance Manager only. You can begin collecting data for the service, but if you exit and restart Performance Manager, you will have to add the service again.  

To add and connect to a service manually:

  1. Select the folder for the service type you are adding.

  2. Click Add New Service in the Performance Manager toolbar panel.

    Performance Manager displays a Logon dialog box.

  3. Fill in the fields in the Logon dialog box and click OK.

    For information on the fields in the Logon dialog box, click Help.

After you connect to a service, Performance Manager displays the classes of performance information you can monitor for the selected service. Expand a class to see the individual performance data charts available for the selected class.

Viewing Performance Manager Charts

You can display a chart using one of the following methods:

Performance Manager displays each chart or chart group in its own window, which is separate from the main window. This window is called the Chart Display window. For more information, see "Using the Chart Display Window" .

Monitoring Multiple Services Concurrently

You can view charts from multiple services concurrently by connecting to the services from the navigator tree and displaying the chart.

Viewing Chart Groups

Some types of data include a chart group, which is two or more charts that are displayed within a single Chart Display window. You display a chart group the same way as you view any other chart (see "Viewing Performance Manager Charts").

You can display a special chart group that contains the Overview Charts for a selected service:

  1. Select a service in the Performance Manager navigator.

  2. Click the Show Overview Charts button in the toolbar panel.

    Performance Manager displays a chart group containing some key statistics most likely of interest to database administrators monitoring the selected service.

Charts in a chart group are displayed within a single window. You perform actions, such as setting options and displaying drill-down charts, on one chart at a time within a chart group. The currently selected chart within a chart group window is identified by a highlighted title. For example, the Memory Faults chart is the currently selected chart in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 Identifying the Selected Chart In a Chart Group

Besides viewing the Overview Charts for a selected service, you can also view a chart group provided with a data class. For example, you can select the Memory data class for a Windows NT node and display the Memory at a Glance chart group. Not all data classes provide chart groups, however.

Selecting Collected Data and Data Sources

For some charts, the chart's property sheet allows you to select the collected data to display and the data sources for which the collected data should be displayed.

The collected data are the statistics that can be monitored and displayed in the chart. The data sources are the items from which Oracle Performance Manager is able to collect the data. For example, the data source of disk statistics may be disk1 or disk2, and the data source of file statistics may be file1 or file2.

By clicking in the column next to the name of the collected data or the name of the data source in the chart property sheet, you can specify whether or not to monitor that collected data or data source and display it in the chart.

When a green check mark appears in the column, Oracle Performance Manager will display that collected data or data source in the chart. If you click in the column again, the check mark goes away, which indicates that Oracle Performance Manager will not display that collected data or data source. You can toggle back and forth between monitoring and not monitoring all the collected data or data sources by clicking in the column head. If the check mark is gray, it means Oracle Performance Manager will display the collected data or data source, and you are unable to change the selection of this data.

If the chart definition contains default data source or collected data attributes, then those items are preselected in the chart's property sheet.

Using the Chart Display Window

When you display a chart, Oracle Performance Manager opens the Chart Display window. The window contains its own toolbar and menu bar. For information about the Chart Display window, choose Window from the Chart Display window Help menu.

Selecting a Chart Format

To change the format of the chart, click one of the chart format buttons in the Chart Display window toolbar.

For example, suppose a chart initially displays as a bar chart. To see the data as a pie chart, click the Pie Chart button in the toolbar. You can also display a chart in one of the additional formats:

For more information about the buttons on the Chart Display window toolbar, see the Oracle Performance Manager online help.


Depending upon the type of chart you are displaying, one or more of the chart formats may not be available.  

Setting the Chart Refresh Rate

By default, most charts are set to refresh every five seconds. That means that Performance Manager collects the data every five seconds and then immediately refreshes (or redisplays) the chart using the new data.

To change the refresh rate for the current chart:

  1. Click the Set Refresh rate button in the Chart Display window toolbar.

    Performance Manager displays the Set Refresh Rate dialog box.

  2. Use the fields on the dialog box to set a new refresh rate for the current chart.

  3. Click OK to close the dialog box and display the chart using the new refresh rate.

Pausing and Restarting a Chart

By default, Performance Manager continues to collect performance data and update the current chart using the current refresh rate.

To pause a chart so it stops redisplaying based on the refresh rate, click the Pause Chart button in the Chart Display toolbar.

To restart the chart, click the Resume Chart button in the Chart Display toolbar.

Selecting Chart Options

After you display a chart in the Chart Display window, you can still modify the collected data and data sources for the chart. For more information about selecting the collected data and data sources before you display a chart, see "Selecting Collected Data and Data Sources".

To set the chart options:

  1. Click the Set Options button in the Chart Display toolbar.

    Performance Manager displays the Set Options dialog box.

  2. Use the dialog box to add or remove data items from the chart.

    For more information on selecting data sources and selecting collected data, click Help.

Oracle Performance Manager also allows you to select filters to limit the data collected for a chart. However, not all charts provide filters.

For charts that allow you to filter the chart data, you can select a limit to the number of data sources that are displayed. For example, if the data sources are the processes on an operating system, you can modify the chart to display only 10 processes, rather than all the processes.

For example, to select a limit to the number of data sources that are displayed for the Pagefaults Per Session chart, do the following:


The Pagefaults Per Session chart in the Process class is available only when you are monitoring a Windows NT node. For a UNIX node, select the Process Info chart in the Process Data class as an example of a chart you can filter.  

  1. Highlight the Pagefaults Per Session chart in the navigator tree of the Performance Manager main window.

    You can locate the chart by traversing the tree as follows: Network=>Nodes=><Name of Node>=>Process=>Pagefaults Per Process.

  2. Click the Options tab in the Property Sheet panel.

  3. Enter 10 in the Maximum Number of Data Sources to Display field.

    The 10 data sources will be sorted by Page Faults per second, as shown in the Sort the data by drop-down list.


    The number of options available on the Options tab will vary, depending upon the class of data you are modifying. Some data classes offer more or fewer options than the Pagefaults Per Process class discussed here.  

  4. Click Show Chart.

    Performance Manager displays the chart, but includes a maximum of 10 data sources.

You can later change this setting after the chart is displayed:

  1. In the Chart Display window for the Pagefaults Per Process chart, click the Set Options button in the toolbar.

  2. In the Options tab, set the Maximum Number of Data Sources to Display back to 7.

  3. Click OK.

These options can be useful for finding the top resource users. In the case where processes are the data sources and the data collected is memory usage and CPU usage, you can ask the Agent data gathering service to limit the number of data sources to 10, and to sort by memory usage. Your chart would then show the 10 processes using the most memory. If you were to sort by CPU usage, you would get the 10 processes using the most CPU instead.

Some charts can also give different views of the data. If that feature is available, you will also be able to select a view of the data. An example of a data view may be the current rate per second or current rate per transaction for each piece of data collected in the chart.

Chart-Specific Commands

Some types of charts have their own unique commands. For example, you can select the Kill Session command when you are viewing the Lock Manager charts for Oracle database services.

To see if a chart-specific command is available for a chart:

Drilling Down from One Chart to Another

Some charts have drill-down charts associated with them. To see if any drill-down charts are available for the current chart, do one of the following:

In either case, Performance Manager displays any drill-down charts associated with that chart item as menu options on the Drilldown menu. If a list of drill-down chart names is not displayed, it means no drill-down charts are associated with that item.


If you have trouble selecting a particular data item when you try to drill down for related data, pause the chart or reduce the refresh rate. For more information, see "Pausing and Restarting a Chart".  

Drilling Down to an Historical Chart

From a Performance Manager real-time chart, you can drill down to see an historical view of the same data collected over a longer period of time, for example, days, months, and years. This view of historical data, provided by the Oracle Capacity Planner software, allows you to analyze long-term trends in the data.

Historical data collection must be enabled to view the historical data for a chart. If you drill down to a historical chart for which historical data collection has not been enabled, Performance Manager allows you to start historical data collection. You can also start historical data collection by starting Oracle Capacity Planner. From the Capacity Planner window, you can also control other aspects of your historical data collection, such as how often data is collected and loaded into the historical database.


User-Defined charts do not support drill-down to historical data.  

To drill down to historical data:

  1. Display a chart in the Chart Display window.

  2. Click the right mouse button on a data item in the chart.

  3. From the context menu, click Drilldown.

  4. From the Drilldown submenu, click Historical Data.

What happens next depends on whether or not you have begun collecting historial data. Consider three possible scenarios:

Displaying Alternate Chart Orientations

You can display bar charts with either a horizontal or vertical orientation.

To change the orientation of the bar chart, click the button associated with the orientation that you want.

Sorting Data in a Table Chart

When a chart is displaying data in table format, the sort order of the column data can be changed by clicking the column headers in the table. The first click on a column header sorts the data in ascending order, and a second click sorts the data in descending order.

Changing the sort order in the chart table does not affect the data's sort order on the server. To change the sort order of the data on the server, use the Options page. For more information, see "Selecting Chart Options".

Saving Your Changes to a Chart

If you are working in repository mode and you make modifications to a chart (for example, if you change the format, orientation, or sorting order of a chart), you can save your changes in one of two ways:

Obtaining Help for a Class, Chart, or Data Item

To get help on a class or chart:

  1. Select the class or chart.

  2. From the Help menu, choose Selected Item.

    If help is available for the selected chart, Performance Manager displays a message box or a help topic window describing the chart data.

To get help on a data item:

  1. Select a chart.

  2. In the Property Sheet panel, hover over a data item or select a data item and choose Selected Item from the Help menu.

    If help is available for the selected item, Performance Manager displays a pop-up balloon or a message box describing the data item.


    Help is not available for all objects.  

Printing a Chart

To print a chart, click the Print Screen button on the Display Chart window toolbar.

The size of the chart on the screen determines the size of the chart in the chart printout. For example, when you print a chart that is 5 inches high and 7 inches wide on your screen, the chart will be 5 inches high and 7 inches wide in the printout.

Generating a Report for a Chart

To generate an HTML report for a chart:

  1. Click the Report Chart button while the chart is displayed.

    Performance Manager displays a dialog box that tells you the name of the HTML file used to display the report and where the file will be saved.

  2. Make a note of the file name and location.

  3. Click Yes to preview the chart in your Web browser, or click No if you do not want to preview the report.

You can view the report later using a Web browser, or--if you have experience with Web publishing tools and techniques--you can share the report with your co-workers by publishing the HTML file and its associated graphic files on a Web server.

Recording Chart Data

Oracle Performance Manager allows you to record the data being monitored in a chart. After a recording is complete, you can play it back. During playback, you can pause and fast forward the recording, if you wish.

Chart recordings are saved under the Recordings folder and on the Recordings tab of the right pane of the Performance Manager main window when a recorded chart is selected. The Recordings tab is added to a chart's property sheet after you record the chart.

You can manage chart recordings in the Recordings folder without connecting to the service from which a chart was recorded. If you are already connected to a service, you can see a chart's recordings by selecting the Recordings tab in that chart's Detail property sheet.

Starting a Recording

You start a recording by performing one of the following steps:

Oracle Performance Manager displays the Recording Parameters dialog box. For more information on the fields in the Recording Parameters dialog box, click Help.

Stopping a Recording

To stop recording a chart, do one of the following:

Playing a Recording


Before you can play a recording, you must stop the recording. For more information, see "Stopping a Recording".  

To play a recording, do the following in the Performance Manager main window:

  1. Navigate to the Recordings folder.

  2. Select the chart you want to play in the navigator tree.

  3. In the corresponding property sheet, select the recording from the list of recordings for the selected chart, and click Play Recording (or on the Recordings menu click Play Recording).

  4. In the Chart Display window toolbar, click Start Playback.

    The Stop Playback, Pause Playback, and Fast Forward buttons become available in the playback window (Figure 3-3). When the playback is complete, the Reset Playback button becomes available.

Figure 3-3 Chart Playback Buttons in the Chart Display Window

Removing a Recording

To remove a recording:

  1. Navigate to the Recordings folder or the Recordings tab on the chart's Detail page.

  2. Select the recording you want to remove.

  3. From the Recordings menu, click Remove Recording.

Creating a User-Defined Chart

In addition to predefined charts, you can define your own charts for database services based on user-defined scripts. By defining your own charts, you can take a snapshot of data at any given interval. After successful evaluation of the script, you can define the operations to be performed on the data.


The Performance Manager online help includes an example of creating a user-defined chart. Search for Example in the online help index.  

To define a new chart:

  1. Expand the Databases folder in the navigator tree.

  2. Expand the database for which you want to define a user-defined chart.

  3. Select the User-Defined Charts folder.

  4. Click Add User-Defined Chart in the toolbar.

    The resulting New Chart property sheet includes the SQL Script Command page and the Data Items page.

  5. On the SQL Script Command page, enter a SQL script that will be used to gather statistics for the chart you are defining.

  6. Click Evaluate.

    Performance Manager evaluates the SQL script. If the script is valid, Performance Manager displays the Data Items page.

  7. Use the Data Items page to customize how the resulting data from the script entered on the SQL Script Command page will be displayed in chart form.

    You can remove columns and change the names of the columns. You can also define new columns with data calculated from existing columns. For more information, see "Modifying the Data Items for a User-Defined Chart".

Modifying an Existing User-Defined Chart

To modify an existing chart you perform the same steps as outlined in "Creating a User-Defined Chart". The only exception is that the chart label is already defined.


To add or modify data items to user-defined charts, you must use the Agent data gathering service release 8.1.6. or later.  

To modify an existing chart:

  1. Expand the Databases folder in the navigator tree.

  2. Expand the database for which you want to modify a user-defined chart.

  3. Select the User-Defined Charts folder.

  4. Click the name of the chart you want to modify.

    On the SQL Script Command page, you can modify the script used to gather statistics for the chart. On the Data Items page, you can remove, add, or modify the data items associated with the chart. For more information, see "Modifying the Data Items for a User-Defined Chart".

Modifying the Data Items for a User-Defined Chart

When you select a user-defined chart and then display the Data Items page, you can modify the data items for the chart as follows:

Performance Manager displays the Add/Modify Chart Columns dialog box. For more information about this dialog, click Help. The Oracle Performance Manager Help provides details on the functions and operations available. The Help also provides an example of creating a user-defined chart.

Copying a User-Defined Chart

You can copy user-defined charts from one service to another or within the same serve by using the Create Like option. To copy a user-defined chart:

  1. In the navigator tree, select the user-defined chart you want to copy.

  2. From the Charts menu, click User-Defined Charts=>Create Like.

    Performance Manager displays the Create Like User-Defined Chart dialog box.

  3. Type a label for the new chart in the Chart Label field.

    Note that chart labels must be unique within a service.

  4. In the Service drop-down list, select the target service for the new chart.

  5. Click OK.

In the Create Like User-Defined Chart dialog box, you can choose the SQL Script Command or Data Items page to view the attributes of the chart you are copying. However, you cannot change the values of the attributes. Once the chart has been copied, you can select the new chart in the navigator tree and make any desired adjustments.

Converting Old Performance Manager User-Defined Charts

If you created user-defined charts using Oracle Performance release 1.5.0 or earlier (the Windows versions of Oracle Performance Manager), you can convert these user-defined charts so that they can be used with Oracle Performance Manager release 2.1. See "Converting User-Defined Charts From Previous Releases of Performance Manager" for information on how to perform the conversion.


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