Oracle8i Enterprise JavaBeans and CORBA Developer's Guide
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Connections and Security

This chapter describes in detail how both CORBA and EJB clients connect to an Oracle8i server session and how they authenticate themselves to the server. The term client, as used in this chapter, includes client applications and applets running on a network PC or a workstation, as well as distributed objects such as EJBs and CORBA server objects that are calling other distributed server objects and, thus, acting as clients to these objects.

In addition to authentication, this chapter discusses security of access control to objects in the database. A published object in the data server has a set of permissions that determine who can access and modify the object. In addition, classes that are loaded in the data server are loaded into a particular schema, and the person who deploys the classes can control who can use them.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Connection Basics

The examples in Chapter 3, "Developing CORBA Applications" and Chapter 2, "Enterprise JavaBeans" showed how to connect to Oracle, start a database server session, and activate a CORBA server object or an EJB, using a single URL specification. In the client examples, connection and object look up was done as follows:

1. Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
2. env.put(javax.naming.Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "oracle.aurora.jndi");
3. env.put(javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username);
4. env.put(javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
5. env.put(javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, 
ServiceCtx.NON_SSL_LOGIN); 6. Context ic = new InitialContext(env); 7. myHello hello = (myHello) ic.lookup("sess_iiop://localhost:2481:ORCL/test/myHello"); 8. System.out.println(hello.helloWorld());

In this example, there are four basic operations:

In line 7 above, when a client looks up an object, the client and server are doing a lot of things automatically:

When the object reference is returned, the client can invoke a method such as helloWorld() on the activated, narrowed object, as in line 8 above. This example shows a CORBA server object being looked up and activated, but a similar set of steps, including the narrowing, occurs when an EJB is activated through its home interface.

The remainder of this chapter describes the connection, service and session context establishment, and authentication steps. Code examples are provided to demonstrate how to control session invocation in a much finer-grained way than in the basic example above.

This chapter also describes different types of client authentication in addition to the NON_SSL_LOGIN method that the basic examples use. This chapter also discusses other aspects of security.

Execution Rights to Database Objects

In addition to authentication and privacy, Oracle8i supports controlled access to the classes that make up CORBA and EJB objects. Only users or roles that have been granted execute rights to the Java class of an object stored in the database can activate the object and invoke methods on it.

You can control execute rights on Java classes with the following tools:

There are three "built-in" server objects that a client can access without being authenticated, as shown below:

You can activate these objects using serviceCtx.lookup() without authentication. See "explicit" for an example that access the Login object explicitly.


In networking, the presentation layer is responsible for making sure that data is represented in a format that the application and session layers can accommodate. In Oracle, presentation can refer to a service protocol that accepts incoming network requests and activates routines in the database kernel layer or in the Java VM to process the requests.

Earlier versions of the Oracle database server had a single service--the two-task common (TTC) layer. This is the service that processes incoming Net8 requests for database SQL services from Oracle tools (such as SQL*Plus), and customer-written applications (using Forms, Pro*C, or the OCI).

In addition to TTC support, Oracle8i JServer supplies session IIOP service, implemented by the class oracle.aurora.server.SGiopServer, which handles TCP/IP requests routed to the service entrypoint by the listener and dispatcher. The IIOP service is capable of starting, controlling, and terminating Oracle8i database sessions, in the same way that an incoming TTC request from a tool such as SQL*Plus is capable of starting and terminating a database session.

When using the Oracle8i JServer tools, especially when developing EJB and CORBA applications, it is very important to distinguish the two service types: TTC and IIOP.

Tools such as publish, deployejb, and the session shell access CORBA objects, and so must connect using an IIOP port. In addition, EJB and CORBA clients, or distributed objects acting in a client role, must use an IIOP port when sending requests to Oracle.

On the other hand, tools such as loadjava and dropjava connect using a TTC port.

Figure 4-1 TTC and IIOP Services

Figure 4-1 shows which tools and requests use TTC and which use IIOP database ports. 1521 is the default port number for TTC, and 2481 is the default for IIOP.

The session IIOP service embeds a session identifier in object references. This allows a single client to access multiple sessions, which would be impossible if there were no concept of a session identifier in object references.

The session IIOP service uses the foundation provided by the Oracle8i multi-threaded server to provide very high application scalability. See the Oracle8i Java Developer's Guide for introductory information about application design and scalability. IIOP is discussed in greater detail in "About the Session IIOP Protocol".

About JNDI

Clients use the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) interface to look up published objects in the session name space. JNDI is an interface supplied by Sun Microsystems that gives the Java application developer a way to access name and directory services. In addition to the API used by the application developer, some of whose classes and methods are described in this section, there is also a JNDI Service Provider Interface (SPI). Oracle8i JServer has implemented a SPI to the OMG CosNaming service, which provides the access to the published object name space.

This section discusses only those parts of the JNDI API that are needed to look up and activate published objects. To obtain a complete set of documentation for JNDI, see the web site URL

When you use JNDI in your client or server object implementations, be sure to include the following import statements in each source file:

import javax.naming.Context;    // the JNDI Context interface
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import oracle.aurora.jndi.sess_iiop.ServiceCtx; // JNDI property constants
import java.util.Hashtable;     // hashtable for the initial context environment

It is also possible to access the session name space without using JNDI. See "Using Certificates for Client Authentication" for a Java example that does not use JNDI.

The JNDI Context Interface

Context is an interface in the javax.naming package. All Oracle8i EJB and CORBA clients that use JNDI methods to look up and activate server objects must import this interface.

The javax.naming.Context interface forms the basis for the JNDI operations that you use to manage services and sessions in the Oracle8i ORB. This class is fully documented in the standard JNDI javadoc from Sun Microsystems. See to obtain this documentation.

This section documents only the Context variables and methods that are most frequently used in Oracle8i CORBA and EJB application development.

Connecting Using JNDI

Before you can use JNDI to connect your client program to an Oracle8i server, you must set up an environment for the JNDI context. You can use a hash table or a properties list for the environment. The examples in this guide always use a Java Hashtable, as follows:

Hashtable environment = new Hashtable();

Next, you set up properties in the hash table. You must always set the Context URL_PKG_PREFIXES property. The remaining properties that you can set are for authentication. They are:


Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES holds the name of the environment property for specifying the list of package prefixes to use when loading in URL context factories. The value of the property should be a colon-separated list of package prefixes for the class name of the factory class that will create a URL context factory.

In the current implementation, you must always supply this property in the Context environment, and it must be set to the String "oracle.aurora.jndi".


Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL holds the database username.


Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIAL holds the clear-text password. This is the Oracle database password for the SECURITY_PRINCIPAL (the database user). In all of the three authentication methods mentioned in SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION below, the password is encrypted when it is transmitted to the server.


Context.SECURITY_ROLE holds the Oracle8i database role with which the user is connecting. For example, "CLERK" or "MANAGER".


Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION holds the name of the environment property that specifies the type of authentication to use. Values for this property provide for the authentication types supported by Oracle8i. There are four possible values, which are defined in the ServiceCtx class:

See "Configuring CORBA and EJB in JServer" for more information about configuration.

Context Methods

The Context interface contains a number of methods that the CORBA and EJB application developer will use. The methods required have been implemented in the ServiceCtx and SessionCtx classes that implement methods in the Context interface.

The JNDI InitialContext Class

InitialContext is a class in the javax.naming package that implements the Context interface. All naming operations are relative to a context. The initial context implements the Context interface and provides the starting point for resolution of names.


You construct a new initial context using the constructor:

public InitialContext(Hashtable environment)

passing it a hashtable that has the environment information described in "Connecting Using JNDI" above. The following code fragment sets up an environment for a typical client, and creates a new initial context:

    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "oracle.aurora.jndi");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "scott");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "tiger");
    Context ic = new InitialContext(env);


This is the most common initial context class method that the CORBA or EJB application developer will use:

public Object lookup(String URL)

You use lookup() to create a new service context, specifying in the URL the service identifier. The return result must be cast to ServiceCtx when a new service context is being created. For example, if initContext is a JNDI initial context, the following statement creates a new service context:

ServiceCtx service =
    (ServiceCtx) initContext.lookup("sess_iiop://localhost:2481:ORCL");

IIOP Services and Sessions

This section describes the Oracle8i IIOP services, session IIOP, and the use of the Oracle8i session for EJB and CORBA applications.

About the Session IIOP Protocol

The industry-standard CORBA does not support the concept of sessions, but the session concept is fundamental to the Oracle8i database and the JServer ORB. Because objects are activated within a session, the ORB and the database need a means to be able to distinguish objects within the same server process based on the sessions in which they are activated. You can activate objects within the existing session or another session. Session IIOP service provides a way for applications and server objects to distinguish sessions as well as services.

The session IIOP service introduces a new component tag, SessionIIOP, inside the IIOP profile (TAG_INTERNET_IOP--the OMG component tag for Oracle session IIOP is 0x4f524100). The session IIOP component tag has information that uniquely identifies the session in which the object was activated. The client ORB runtime uses this information to send requests to objects in a particular session.

Although the Oracle8i session IIOP service provides an enhancement of the standard IIOP protocol--it includes session ID information--it does not differ from standard IIOP in its on-the-wire data transfer protocol.

Client Requirements

Clients must have an ORB implementation that supports session IIOP to be able to access objects in different sessions simultaneously, from within the same program, and to be able to disconnect from and reconnect to the same session. The version of the Visigenic ORB that ships with Oracle8i has been extended to support session IIOP, and discussions are underway for other ORB vendors to support it as well.

Session Routing

When a client makes an IIOP connection to the database, the server code must decide if a new session should be started to handle the request, or if the request should be routed to an existing session. If the client initializes a new request for a connection (using the InitialContext.lookup() method) and no session is active for that connection, a new session is automatically started.

With session IIOP the server is able to decide, on the basis of the object being activated, whether to activate a new session or route to an existing session, depending on the absence or presence of a session ID component tag inside the IIOP profile.

Configuring CORBA and EJB in JServer

Clients access EJB and CORBA applications in the database over an Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) connection. IIOP is an implementation of General Inter-Orb Protocol (GIOP) over TCP/IP. All IIOP connections for CORBA or EJB clients that communicate with the database must have IIOP configured on the database and within the Net8 listener.

Entity   Description   Configuration Tool  


To support an IIOP connection, you must configure the database for GIOP in MTS mode.  

Configure the database MTS dispatchers for IIOP through the Database Configuration Assistant. This tool is started under the covers by the Typical and Custom Oracle8i install.  

Net8 Listener  

To support an IIOP connection, you must configure the Net8 listener to accept an IIOP connection over defined ports 2481 or 2482.  

Configure the Net8 listener for IIOP through the Net8 Assistant.  

The database supports incoming requests through a presentation. The presentation protocol is responsible for making sure data is represented in a format the application and session layers can accommodate. Both the listener and the dispatcher accept incoming network requests based upon the presentation that is configured. For IIOP, you configure a GIOP presentation.


For security concerns, you must decide if your IIOP connection will be Security Socket Layer (SSL) enabled.


The configuration for an IIOP connection can be handled in one of three ways:

Oracle8i Typical or Minimal Installation

During a Typical installation of the server, JServer is installed and configured for you. You automatically receive configuration for an MTS database with session-based IIOP connections through the listener using non-SSL TCP/IP.

After the typical install is complete, the following line is added to your database initialization file:


If, instead, you installed the Advanced Security Option and you want the SSL-based TCP/IP connection, edit your database initialization file to remove the hash mark (#) from the following line:



The (protocol=tcps) attribute identifies the connection as SSL-enabled.  

In addition, the listener is configured for IIOP. The following is placed within your listener.ora file:

(description_list =

After configuration, the client directs its request to a URL that includes the host and port, which identifies the listener, and either the SID or database service name, which identifies the database. The following shows the syntax for this request:

session_iiop://<hostname>/:<portnumber>/:<SID | service_name>

Oracle8i Custom Installation

If, within a Custom install, you choose the JServer option (as shown in Figure 4-2), the Database Configuration Assistant configures an MTS database for session-based IIOP connections, using non-SSL TCP/IP.


If you choose the Typical or Minimal options within the custom choices, your configuration is the same as defined in "Oracle8i Typical or Minimal Installation".  

Figure 4-2 Choosing the JServer option

This places the following line within your database initialization file:


If, instead, you installed the Advanced Security Option and you want the SSL-based TCP/IP connection, edit your database initialization file to remove the hash mark (#) from the following line:



The (protocol=tcps) attribute identifies the connection as SSL-enabled.  

After the installation is complete, you must bring up the Net8 Assistant to configure the listener for IIOP connections.

Net8 Assistant

The Net8 Assistant can modify any of the listener settings. The following is a brief description of the task you must do to configure the listener through the Net8 Assistant. For a fuller explanation, see the Net8 Administrator's Guide.

  1. Start Net8 Assistant

    • On UNIX, run netasst at $ORACLE_HOME/bin.

    • On Windows NT, choose Start > Programs > Oracle - HOME_NAME > Network Administration > Net8 Assistant.

  2. In the navigator pane, expand Local > Listeners.

    This brings you to the listener location panel, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 IIOP Listening Port Configuration

  1. Select a listener.

  2. From the list in the right pane, select Listening Locations.

  3. Select the TCP/IP or TCP/IP with SSL protocol from the Protocol list.

  4. Enter the host name of the database in the Host field.

  5. Enter port 2481 in the Port field if the chosen protocol is TCP/IP, or enter port 2482 if the chosen protocol is TCP/IP with SSL.

  6. Click "Dedicate this endpoint to IIOP connections".

  7. Choose File > Save Network Configuration.

This places the following within your listener.ora file:

(description_list =

After configuration, the client directs its request to a URL that includes the host and port, which identifies the listener, and either the SID or database service name, which identifies the database. The following shows the syntax for this request:

session_iiop://<hostname>/:<portnumber>/:<SID | service_name>

Manual Install and Configuration

If you did not install JServer through either the Typical or Custom install options, you can add JServer to an existing database with the initjvm.sql script. See the Oracle8i Java Developer's Guide for more information on this script.

Once you have installed JServer, you can configure your IIOP connections either through the tools--Database Configuration and Net8 Assistants--or by manually editing the initialization files.

Configuring Through Tools

  1. Configure the database for IIOP through the Database Configuration Assistant. To start up the Database Configuration Assistant, do the following:

    • On UNIX, run dbassist at $ORACLE_HOME/bin.

    • On Windows NT, choose Start > Programs > Oracle - HOME_NAME > Database Administration > Database Configuration Assistant.

    After starting up the Database Configuration Assistant, choose the JServer option. For information on what this does to your initialization files, see "Oracle8i Custom Installation"

  2. Configure the listener for IIOP through the Net8 Assistant. These steps are described in "Net8 Assistant".

Configuring Through Editing Initialization Files

The presentation layer within the database identifies the type of connection your client is using to access the database. To identify the GIOP presentation, you use oracle.aurora.server.SGiopServer, which is the configuration for session-based IIOP connections. EJB and CORBA applications can activate objects within multiple sessions and are not limited to objects within the single session that the client initiated. These connections identify both a session and the standard IIOP semantics.

To configure an IIOP connection, you specify the GIOP presentation in the following initialization files:

  1. Configure the IIOP connection in the database initialization file--You configure the PRESENTATION attribute of the MTS_DISPATCHERS parameter.

    This section describes only the PRESENTATION attribute for the MTS_DISPATCHERS parameter. For a full description of MTS configuration, see the Net8 Administrator's Guide.

  2. Configure the Net8 listener for IIOP connections.

Both steps are described in more detail below.

1. Configure the IIOP Connection in the Database Initialization File

To configure an IIOP connection within the database, you can manually edit the database initialization file.

The following is the syntax for the MTS_DISPATCHERS parameter:

mts_dispatchers="(protocol=tcp | tcps) 

The attributes for MTS_DISPATCHER are described below:

Attribute   Description  


Specifies the TCP/IP or TCP/IP with SSL protocol, which the dispatcher will generate a listening end point for.

Valid values: TCP (for TCP/IP) or TCPS (for TCP/IP with SSL)  


Enables support for GIOP. Supply the following value for a GIOP presentation:

  • oracle.aurora.server.SGiopServer for session-based GIOP connections. This presentation is valid for TCP/IP and TCP/IP with SSL.



If you configure several MTS_DISPATCHERS within your database initialization file, each MTS definition must follow each other. You should not define any other configuration parameters between the MTS_DISPATCHER definitions.  

For example, to configure MTS for session-based IIOP connections through the listener using non-SSL TCP/IP, add the following within your database initialization file:


2. Configure a Listener for the Incoming Connection

Each listener is configured to listen on a well-known port number, and the client communicates with the listener using this port number. To support CORBA and EJB, the listener must be configured to listen for IIOP clients on either ports 2481 or 2482.

You can either use the Net8 Assistant to configure your listener or manually configure the listener within the listener.ora file. Oracle recommends that you use the Net8 Assistant. See "Net8 Assistant" for information on the Net8 Assistant.

To configure the listener manually, you must modify the listener's DESCRIPTION parameter within the listener.ora file.


You must configure the listener with a GIOP listening address. The following example configures a GIOP presentation for non-SSL TCP/IP with port number 2481. You use port 2481 for non-SSL and port 2482 for SSL.

For GIOP, the PROTOCOL_STACK parameter is added to the DESCRIPTION when configuring an IIOP connection to sales-server:


The following table gives the definition for each of the GIOP parameters:

Attribute   Description  


Identifies the presentation and session layer information for a connection.  



Identifies a presentation of GIOP for IIOP clients. GIOP supports oracle.aurora.server.SGiopServer using TCP/IP.  



Identifies the session layer. There is no specific session-layer for IIOP clients.  


Specifies a listening address that uses TCP/IP on either port 2481 for non-SSL or port 2482 for SSL. If non-SSL, the protocol should be TCP; for SSL, the protocol should be defined as TCPS.  

Advanced Configuration Options

If you want your client to go to a dispatcher directly, bypassing the listener, you direct your client to the dispatcher's port number. Do one of the following to discover the dispatcher's port number:

If you choose to configure the port number, the following shows the syntax:

mts_dispatchers="(address=(protocol=tcp | tcps)

The attributes are described below:

Attribute   Description  


Specifies the network address that the dispatchers will listen on. The network address may include either the TCP/IP (TCP) or the TCP/IP with SSL (TCPS) protocol, the host name of the server, and a GIOP listening port, which may be any port you choose that is not already in use.  


Enables support for GIOP. Supply the following value for a GIOP presentation:

  • oracle.aurora.server.SGiopServer for session-based GIOP connections. This presentation is valid for TCP/IP and TCP/IP with SSL.


The client supplies the port number on its URL, as follows:


Notice that the URL excludes a SID or service name. The dispatcher does not need the SID instance or service name because it is a directed request.

Configuring SSL for EJB and CORBA

Oracle8i also supports the use of authentication data such as certificates and private keys required for use by SSL in combination with GIOP. To configure your transport to be SSL-enabled with GIOP, do the following:

  1. Enable the MTS_DISPATCHERS to be SSL-enabled.

  2. Specify the SSL wallet to be used when configuring both the listener and database.

  3. Configure the listener to accept SSL.

The following sections detail how to accomplish these three steps.


You must edit the database initialization file to add an SSL-enabled dispatcher. Uncomment the MTS_DISPATCHERS parameter in the database initialization file that defines the TCPS port. During installation, the Database Configuration Assistant always includes a commented out line for SSL TCP/IP. This line is as follows:


Configure the Wallet Location through Net8 Assistant

Modify the listener to accept SSL requests on port 2482.

  1. Start Net8 Assistant.

    • On UNIX, run netasst at $ORACLE_HOME/bin.

    • On Windows NT, choose Start > Programs > Oracle - HOME_NAME > Network Administration > Net8 Assistant.

  2. In the navigator pane, expand Local > Profile.

  3. From the pull-down list, select Oracle Advanced Security > SSL.

    This brings you to the listening port panel, as shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 IIOP listening port configuration

  1. On the "Configure SSL for:" line, select the "Server" radio button.

  2. Under "Wallet Directory", enter the location for the wallet.

  3. If you desire a certain SSL version, choose the appropriate version on the SSL version pulldown list.

  4. If you want the client to authenticate itself by providing certificates, select the "Require Client Authentication" checkbox.

  5. Choose File > Save Network Configuration.

These steps will add wallet and SSL configuration information into both the listener and database configuration files. The SSL wallet location must be specified in both the listener and database configuration files. Both entities must locate the wallet for certificate handshake capabilities.

The listener.ora file:

The default is for the database to authenticate the client. If you want the listener to authenticate the client, change the ssl_client_authentication parameter to true.

The database's sqlnet.ora file:

If you did not request client authentication, the ssl_client_authentication parameter will be false. The default value is for client authentication to be true. In addition, you can specify a specific SSL version number, such as 3.0, in the ssl_version parameter. The ssl_version value of 0 means that the version is undetermined and will be agreed upon during handshake.

Within both the listener's listener.ora and database's sqlnet.ora files, the wallet location is specified:

The Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide describes how to set up the SSL wallet with the appropriate certificates.

Configure an SSL-Enabled Listener through Net8 Assistant

  1. Back in the navigator pane, expand Local > Listener.

    This brings you to the listener location panel, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-5 IIOP listening port configuration

  1. Select a listener.

  2. From the list in the right pane, select Listening Locations. If none of the current listening addresses are feasible for your SSL listening address, you can add a new address by clicking on the "Add Address" button.

  3. Select the TCP/IP with SSL protocol from the Protocol list.

  4. Enter the host name of the database in the Host field.

  5. Enter port 2482 in the Port field.

  6. Click "Dedicate this endpoint to IIOP connections".

  7. Choose File > Save Network Configuration.

This places the following in the listener.ora file: it modifies the listener to specify TCPS --instead of TCP--as the protocol with port number 2482. The following shows an example of an SSL-enabled listener on the sales-server host.


Database Listeners and Dispatchers

When the listener receives a request for an IIOP connection from a client, it assigns an IIOP dispatcher to the client request, and sends an IIOP reply to ask the client to reconnect to the dispatcher. Figure 4-6 shows the interaction between the listener and the dispatchers, and also illustrates how an Oracle8i ORB session is activated.

Figure 4-6 Listener/Dispatcher Interaction

When a shared server services a new IIOP connection, it first creates a new database session for it and activates the ORB in the session. This session is very similar to the database sessions created for incoming Net8 connections. In the session, the ORB reads the incoming IIOP messages, authenticates the client, finds and activates the corresponding server-side objects, and sends IIOP messages as needed to reply to the connected client.

Further IIOP messages from the same client are routed directly to the existing session and handled similarly by the ORB.

When you configure a listener to accept both Net8 and IIOP connections, there is no need to distinguish between session IIOP and "standard" IIOP. The listener handles both on the same port. However, you do need a separate port for secure socket layer (SSL) connections. See "Using the Secure Socket Layer" for more information about connecting using IIOP and SSL.

URL Syntax

Oracle8i provides universal resource locator (URL) syntax to access services and sessions. The URL lets you use JNDI requests to start up services and sessions, and also to access components published in the database instance. An example service URL is shown in Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7 Service URL

The service URL is composed of four components:

  1. The URL prefix followed by a colon and two slashes: sess_iiop:// for a session IIOP request.

  2. The system name (the hostname). For example: myPC-1. You can also use localhost or the numeric form of the IP address for the host.

  3. The listener port number for IIOP services. The default is 2481.

  4. The system identifier (SID)--for example, ORCL--or the service name--for example, mySID.myDomain.

Always use colons to separate the hostname, port, and SID or service name.


If you specify a dispatcher port instead of a listener port, and you specify a SID, an ObjectNotFound exception is thrown by the server. Because applications that connect directly to dispatcher ports do not scale well, Oracle does not recommend direct connection to dispatchers.  

URL Components and Classes

When you make a connection to Oracle and look up a published object using JNDI, you use a URL that specifies the service (service name, host, port, and SID), as well as the name of a published object to look up and activate. For example, a complete URL could look like:


where sess_iiop://localhost:2481:ORCL specifies the service name, :default indicates the default session (when a session has already been established), /projectAurora/Plans816 specifies a directory path in the name space, and getPlans is the name of a published object to look up.


You do not specify the session name when no session has been established for that connection. That is, on the first look up there is no session active; therefore, :default as a session name has no meaning.  

Each component of the URL represents a Java class. For example, the service name is represented by a ServiceCtx class instance, the session by a SessionCtx instance. (See the ORB JavaDoc on the distribution CD for detailed documentation of these classes. The most relevant methods and variables are also described below.)

The Service Context Class

Oracle provides a service context class that extends the JNDI Context class.


The ServiceCtx class defines a number of final public static variables that you can use to define environment properties and other variables. Table 4-1 shows these.

Table 4-1 ServiceCtx Public Variables
String Name  Value 























Integer Name   Integer Constructor  


new Integer(2)  


new Integer(1)  


This section documents the public methods in this class that CORBA and EJB application developers can use.

public Context createSubcontext(String name)

This method takes a Java String as the parameter and returns a JNDI Context object representing a session in the database. The method creates a new named session. The parameter is the name of the session to be created, which must start with a colon (:).

The return result should be cast to a SessionCtx object.

Throws javax.naming.NamingException.

public Context createSubcontext(Name name)

(Each of the methods that takes a String parameter has a corresponding method that takes a Name parameter. The functionality is the same.)

public static org.omg.CORBA.ORB init(String username,
                                     String password,
                                     String role,
                                     boolean ssl,
                                     java.util.Properties props)

Gets access to the ORB created when you perform a look up. Set the ssl parameter to true for SSL authentication. Clients that do not use JNDI to access server objects should use this method.

See "sharedsession" for a usage example.

public synchronized SessionCtx login()

login() authenticates the caller using the properties in the initial context environment and then activates a new session and returns the session context. The returned object is narrowed to the appropriate type.

Throws javax.naming.NamingException.

public Object lookup(String string)

lookup() looks up a published object in the database instance associated with the service context, and either returns an activated instance of the object, or throws javax.naming.NamingException.

public Object _lookup(String string)

_lookup() looks up a published object in the database instance associated with the service context and either returns the object, or throws javax.naming.NamingException. Unlike with lookup(), the object is not activated.

The Session Context Class

Oracle provides a session context class, SessionCtx, that extends the JNDI Context class. Session contexts represent sessions and contain methods that enable you to perform session operations such as authenticating the client to the session or activating objects.


The session context methods that a client uses are the following:

public synchronized boolean login()

login() authenticates the client using the initial context environment properties passed in the InitialContext constructor: username, password, and role.

public synchronized boolean login(String username,
String password,
String role)

login() authenticates the client using the username, password, and optional database role supplied as parameters.

public Object activate(String name)

Looks up and activates a published object having the name.


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