Oracle8i Parallel Server Setup and Configuration Guide
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Additional Configuration Issues

This chapter describe additional configuration issues not covered by the database creation process.

Specific topics discussed are:

Configuring Clients for Oracle Parallel Server

The client should be configured with a net service name for the database. This entry should have an address list of all the listeners in the cluster. Additionally, the connect-time failover and client load balancing options should be set.

Connect-time failover instructs the client to failover to the next listener in the address list if the first one fails. Client load balancing instructs the client to randomly select a listener address. This randomization serves to distribute the load so as not to overburden a single listener. Together, these options instruct the client to choose an address randomly. If the chosen address fails, the connection request is failed over to the next address. This way, if an instance should go down, the client can still connect by way of another instance.


To control how the client executes these connection attempts, configure multiple listening addresses and use FAILOVER=ON and LOAD_BALANCE=ON for the address list. For example: 

See Also:

  • Chapter 6, "Configuring Naming Methods," in the Net8 Administrator's Guide to configure a connect descriptor

  • Chapter 8, "Enabling Advanced Net8 Features," in the Net8 Administrator's Guide to configure an address list and multiple address options, including connect-time failover and client load balancing



Client load balancing may not be a desired feature if application partitioning is used. 

Testing Net8 Configuration

To ensure the files are configured correctly:

  1. On any node or client machine, connect to an instance:

    SQL> CONNECT internal/password@net_service_name

    Oracle displays a "Connected" message.

    If there is a connection error, troubleshoot your installation. Typically, this is a result of a problem with the IP address, host name, service name, or instance name.

  2. On one node, increase MILLER's salary by $1000 and commit the change:

    SQL> UPDATE emp
    set sal = sal + 1000
    where ename = 'miller';
  3. On the other nodes, select the EMP table again:

    SQL> SELECT * from emp;

    MILLER's salary should now be $2,300, indicating that all the instances can see the database.

Understanding the Initialization Parameter Files

An initialization parameter file is an ASCII text file containing a list of parameters.

In Oracle Parallel Server, some initialization parameters must be identical across all instances. Other parameters, however, can have unique values within each instance. Oracle accommodates both common and unique parameter settings by grouping these parameters into two files, the common (initdb_name.ora) and instance-specific (initsid.ora file) parameter files. If you used Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, these file are already established.

Figure 4-1 Instance Initialization Files

Purpose of initsid.ora

The initsid.ora file uses the IFILE parameter to point to the initdb_name.ora file for common parameters. The initsid.ora file defines the following for each instance:

The sid is the value of the DB_NAME parameter in the initdb_name.ora file and the thread ID. For instance, if the DB_NAME is op, and the first instance has a thread ID of 1, its SID is op1; the second instance uses the SID op2 to identify its instance; and so on.

Example 4-1 and Example 4-2 show the contents of initsid.ora files for two instances with node numbers of 1 and 2 that Oracle Database Configuration Assistant created:

Example 4-1 initop1.ora


Example 4-2 initop2.ora


The parameters are described in the following table:

Parameter  Description 


Identifies the path and name of the initdb_name.ora file to include 


Specifies one or more rollback segments to allocate to this instance 


Specifies the number of the redo thread that is to be used by the instance. Any available redo thread number can be used, but an instance cannot use the same thread number as another instance. Also, an instance cannot start when its redo thread is disabled. A value of zero causes an available, enabled public thread to be chosen. An instance cannot mount a database if the thread is used by another instance or if the thread is disabled.  


Identifies the name of instance and is used to uniquely identify a specific instance when multiple instances share common service names 


Maps the instance to one free list group for each database object created with the storage parameter FREELIST GROUPS. Oracle Corporation recommends setting the INSTANCE_NUMBER to the same value as the THREAD parameter.

See Also: Oracle8i Parallel Server Administration, Deployment, and Performance 


Specifies whether Oracle checks for a password file and how many databases can use the password file. This parameter must be set to EXCLUSIVE. EXCLUSIVE specifies that only one instance can use the password file and that the password file contains names other than SYS and INTERNAL. It allows multiple users (other than INTERNAL and SYS) to start up a database. 

Purpose of initdb_name.ora

The initdb_name.ora file is called by the individual parameter files through the IFILE parameter setting in initsid.ora file.

Figure 4-2 Common Initialization Files

All instances must use the same common file. The instance-specific parameter file is optional. When using the instance-specific parameter file, the IFILE parameter within this file must point to the common file using a complete path name.

Example 4-3 shows a initdb_name.ora file (initop.ora) created for a Hybrid database through Oracle Database Configuration Assistant:

Example 4-3 initop.ora

db_files=1024  # INITIAL
control_files=("\\.\op_control1", "\\.\op_control2")
db_file_multiblock_read_count=8  # INITIAL
db_block_buffers=13816  # INITIAL
shared_pool_size=19125248  # INITIAL
processes=50  # INITIAL
parallel_max_servers=5  # SMALL
log_buffer=32768  # INITIAL
max_dump_file_size=10240  # limit trace file size to 5M each

Take note of the following parameters:

Parameter  Description 


Specifies the directory path where debugging trace file for background processes (LGWR, DBWRn, and so on) are written during Oracle operations 


Specifies the control files 


Specifies the name of the database, op, entered during installation or database creation 


Specifies the database domain,, in which the database is located entered during installation or database creation. When possible, Oracle Corporation recommends that your database domain mirror the network domain. 


Enables multi-threaded server (MTS) for this database

MTS_DISPATCHERS may contain many attributes. At a minimum, Oracle Corporation recommends setting the following attributes:


    Specifies the network protocol for which the dispatcher generates a listening endpoint


    Specifies an alias name for the listener(s) with which the PMON process registers dispatcher information. The alias should be set to a name which is resolved through a naming method, such a tnsnames.ora file

Oracle Corporation recommends setting MTS_DISPATCHERS as follows:


listener_db_name is resolved through a naming method, such as a tnsnames.ora file on the server or an Oracle Names server.

For example, the MTS_DISPATCHERS parameter can be set as follows in the initdb_name.ora file:


listeners_op can be then resolved through a local tnsnames.ora file as follows:

   (address=(protocol= tcp)(host=idops2)(port=1521))))

The entry should contain only the listener address, not the service name information in the CONNECT_DATA portion of a connect descriptor.

See Also:



Specifies the names of the database services on the network, By default, Oracle Universal Installer and Oracle Database Configuration Assistant create a service name that includes the entire global database name, a name comprised of the database name (DB_NAME) and domain name (DB_DOMAIN), entered during installation or database creation.

It is possible to provide multiple services names (by individual SERVICE_NAMES entries) so that different usages of a instance can be identified separately. Service names can also be used to identify a service that is available from multiple instances through the use of replication.  


Specifies the directory path where the server writes debugging trace files on behalf of a user process 

See Also:

Oracle8i Reference for a complete description of theses and other parameters.  

Configuring Recovery Manager for Backup and Recovery

This section explains how to configure archive logs to enable you to use Recovery Manager (RMAN) for backup and recovery of an Oracle Parallel Server database.

To configure RMAN for Oracle Parallel Server, perform the following tasks as described in this section:

  1. Configure your directories so that all archive log files are accessible by all nodes participating in backup and recovery.

  2. Configure the archiver so it can write to multiple destinations.

    See Also:


Configuring Directories for RMAN

To enable RMAN to back up and recover an Oracle Parallel Server database in one step and to use RMAN by way of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Recovery Wizard, all nodes must use the same name for the archive log and must have access to all archive logs. When Oracle generates each archive log, Oracle records the name of the log in the control file or in the recovery catalog. RMAN accesses the archive log files by this name regardless of which node is running RMAN. The easiest way to configure this is to share the archive log directories, as explained under the following headings.

Configuring Shared Archive Log Destinations on UNIX

To configure shared archive log destinations on UNIX using NFS (Network File Server), create the same directory structure for the archive logs on every instance. For a three-node cluster, for example, one of the entries is the local archive log destination, and the other two entries are the NFS mounting points for the remote archive logs. Create the following directory structures on each node.


Each instance writes archive logs to its local archive directory and to the remote directories.

Special NFS Considerations

Exercise caution when using NFS in Parallel Server environments. If you use "hard NFS" (default), you can block the entire cluster if the remote directories become inaccessible. This might occur as a result of a hardware failure. For this reason, Oracle Corporation strongly recommends that you use NFS implemented for high availability or soft-mounted NFS directories, as explained in the following sections:

NFS Implemented for High Availability

The optimal solution is to use a NFS implemented for high availability. This solution uses the exported NFS directory stored on the shared disks of a cluster. One node is the primary node that is used to allow access to the files. If this node fails, a failover process changes the access path to a backup node that also has access to the shared disks. If your hardware supports NFS for high availability, consult your vendor to configure this feature. Otherwise, continue with the procedures under the next heading.

Soft-Mounted NFS Directories

Soft mounting means that a process attempting to access the mounted directory is not blocked until the directory becomes available after a failure.

Contact your hardware vendor if your cluster supports soft mounted NFS directories between the nodes in a cluster. Consult your vendor documentation because the commands to configure this are operating system dependent.

On Sun Solaris, for example, create a soft mounted directory using the following commands:

mount -F NFS -o soft,rw,retry=10,timeo=30 node1:

To ensure that each node generates archive logs in its local partition, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter equal to the path for the local archive log file. Using the previous example, make the following entries in the parameter files for the three instances:

In initop1.ora enter:


In initop2.ora enter:


In initop3.ora enter:


Oracle Corporation recommends mirroring an additional copy or your archived logs from that node to a remote host. This is explained in "Configuring the Archiver to Write to Multiple Log Destinations".

Configuring Shared Archive Log Destinations on Windows NT

To configure shared archive logs on Windows NT:

  1. Assign an unused drive letter to each node in the cluster. For example, if you have a cluster comprising three nodes named idops1, idops2, and idops3, and if drive letters J, K, and L are unused, assign these letters to the nodes as shown in the following table:

    Node Name  Drive Letter 







  2. Use the Windows NT Disk Administrator application to create new logical partitions containing Windows NT File System (NTFS).

    Each partition will be a local archive log destination for the instance running on that node. To configure this, assign the drive letter owned by that node to the new partition. Continuing with the example in Step 1, on idops1, create a new partition named "J:", on idops2, create a new partition named "K:", and so on. When you create each new partition, also create a directory hierarchy called \archivelogs as shown in the following table:

    Node Name  Command 


    mkdir J:\archivelogs 


    mkdir K:\archivelogs 


    mkdir L:\archivelogs 

  3. On each node, share the new NTFS partition with the other nodes using the following command syntax:

    net share <db_name>_logs=<drive_letter>:\

    using the variables db_name and drive_letter as in the example shown in the following table, where the database name is op:

    Node Name  Command 


    net share op_logs=J:\ 


    net share op_logs=K:\ 


    net share op_logs=L:\ 

  4. Use Windows NT Explorer to set permissions on these shared drives.

  5. Map the shared drives from the remote nodes in the cluster using the same drive letters with the command:

    net use \\<node_name>\<db_name>_logs <drive_letter>:

    For this example, use the variables node_name, db_name, and drive_letter as in the following entries:

    On idops1, that has local drive J:, enter

    net use \\node2\OP_logs K:
    net use \\node3\OP_logs L:

    On idops2, that has local drive K:, enter:

    net use \\node1\OP_logs J:
    net use \\node3\OP_logs L:

    On idops3, that has local drive L:, enter:

    net use \\node1\OP_logs J:
    net use \\node2\OP_logs K:
  6. Ensure that each node generates archive logs in its local partition. To do this, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter in each instance's parameter file as in the following entries continuing with the example:

    In initop1.ora enter:


    In initop2.ora enter:


    In initop3.ora enter:



    You can use the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter to configure up to 5 log archive destinations. For more information about this parameter, refer to the Oracle8i Reference. 

Configuring the Archiver to Write to Multiple Log Destinations

After you have configured your directories, complete the steps described in this section to configure the archiver so it can write to multiple destinations. Multiple archive log destinations avoid single-points-of-failure by making the archive logs for a failed node available to other nodes for recovery processing.

Configure each node to archive to its local disk and to a remote disk. For the remote destination disk, Oracle Corporation recommends that you arrange your nodes in a circular sequence. Do this to allow the first node to write to second node, the second node to write to the third node, and so on. The last node should write to the first node. This way, each node writes to a remote archive log file as well as to a local file.

Configure your archive log destinations for UNIX or Windows, as described in the following sections:

Configuring Multiple Archive Log Destinations on UNIX

There are two methods for configuring archive log destinations on UNIX as described under the following headings:

Configuring Shared Archive Log Destinations

To configure multiple destinations on UNIX using shared archive log destinations, add the following initialization parameters to the previous configuration example for UNIX:

In initop1.ora


In initop2.ora


In initop3.ora

Configuring Non-shared Log Destinations

If your cluster hardware does not support shared directories with NFS, back up all local files with RMAN. For recovery, copy all the log files to the node from which you want to begin recovery. To automate this, create a shell script to store the necessary remote copy commands. Then to enable RMAN to find the logs, save the logs in a directory hierarchy with the same name as the source directory. On node 1 use the following script:

sqlplus system/manager@node1 @switchlog.sql
rcp node2:/ORACLE_HOME/admin/db_name/arch2/*
rcp node3:/ORACLE_HOME/admin/db_name/arch3/*

The switchlog.sql script that is called by the previous script ensures you retrieve all the log files. The contents of switch.sql should be:

alter system archive log current;

Configuring Multiple Archive Log Destinations on Windows NT

For example, add the following initialization parameters to the "Configuring Shared Archive Log Destinations on Windows NT":

In initop1.ora


In initop2.ora


In initop3.ora


To access remote archive log directories from your database, configure the OracleServicesid to start with a Windows account that has permission to write to this directory. Otherwise, attempts to do so produce the following message:

ORA-9291: sksachk: invalid device specified for archive destination.

Making a Consistent Backup

To perform a closed, consistent backup with Oracle Enterprise Manager's Backup Wizard, you must shut down all instances except the first node's instance.

See Also:


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