Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide
Release 8.1.6







A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


aborted save set, 2-8
Administrator GUI, LSM
Clients Window on UNIX, 2-21
Devices Window on UNIX, 3-4
Devices Window on Windows NT, 3-6
Edit Client Dialog Box on Windows, 2-23
Edit Group Dialog Box on Windows, 4-8, 4-10
Groups Window on UNIX, 4-8
labeling a volume on UNIX, 3-14
labeling a volume on Windows, 3-15
Messages display on UNIX, 4-12
mounting a volume on UNIX, 3-16
mounting a volume on Windows, 3-17
overview, 2-10
Pending Messages Window, 3-21
Server Window on UNIX, 2-24
Sessions display on UNIX, 4-12
Set Up Server Dialog Box on Windows, 2-25
UNIX, 2-11
unmounting a volume on UNIX, 3-18
unmounting a volume on Windows, 3-18
Windows NT, 2-13
administrators, LSM
acceptable names, 2-28
administrator server attribute, 2-26, 2-27
modifying on UNIX, 2-29
modifying on Windows NT, 2-30
server resource attributes, 2-26, 2-27
specifying, 2-27
using wildcard to grant privileges, 2-29
MM, 1-11
architecture, LSM, 2-2, 2-3
attributes for resources
client resource, 2-20, 2-21, 2-22, 2-23
server resource, 2-26, 2-27
storage device resource, 3-5
volume pool resource, 3-12
auto media management
enabled behavior, 3-19
for tape devices, 3-19
not enabled, 3-19, 3-23
automatic bootstrap backup, 2-5, 4-8


automatic bootstrap, 4-8
LSM server bootstrap, 4-7
maintaining bootstrap information, 4-11
manual bootstrap, 4-11
messages on UNIX, 4-12
monitoring Oracle backups and restores, 4-12
Oracle backup/restore utility, 4-2
viewing volume inventory, 3-20
Backup and Recover service, B-10
backup and recovery system
backup unable to progress, Pending Messages Window, 3-21
bootstrap, 2-5
how LSM backs up data, 2-4
Oracle8, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10
overview of Oracle, 1-8
Backup Operators group, B-9
automatic backups, 4-8
finding, 5-5
maintaining bootstrap information, 4-11
manual backups, 4-11
server backups, 4-7
browsable save set, 2-8
browse policy, 2-6


browse policy, 2-6
index, 2-5
resource attributes, 2-20, 2-21, 2-22, 2-23
retention policy, 2-6
communicating with servers on Windows NT, B-7
DHCP, B-10
client-server communications, problems with
NT, B-7
df, 5-7
dkinfo, 5-7
scanner, 5-6
Command Line Utilities Help, LSM, Windows, 1-14
command line utility, Oracle
Enterprise Backup Utility, Oracle7, 4-4
Recovery Manager (RMAN), Oracle8, 4-4
components, LSM, 1-3
configuration files directory
contents, UNIX, 5-12
contents, Windows NT, 5-20
configuration, LSM
modifying on NT, 2-29
modifying on UNIX, 2-29
server resource, 2-27
specifying, 2-27, 2-28
configuration roadmap, 2-16
LSM resources
client dialog box, Windows NT, 2-23
client resource, 2-20
server resource, 2-24
overview, 2-2
resource dependencies, 2-3
resource types, 2-2, 2-5
storage devices
configuring on UNIX, 3-7, 3-8
configuring on Windows, 3-8, 3-9, 3-10
labeling a volume on UNIX, 3-14
labeling a volume on Windows, 3-15, 3-16
labeling and mounting volumes, 3-13
mounting a volume on UNIX, 3-16
mounting a volume on Windows, 3-17
server features, 3-2
tape device, no-rewind name, 3-2
types that LSM supports, 3-2
unmounting a volume on UNIX, 3-18
unmounting a volume on Windows, 3-18
volume pools, 3-10
used in documentation, xiv
creating partitions, 5-7


destroyed server, 5-3
device resources, 3-2
df command, 5-7
DHCP, B-10
disaster recovery
procedures overview, 5-8
recovering Oracle data
overview, 5-26
types, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3
disaster recovery on UNIX
configuration files directory, renaming, 5-15
mmrecov command, 5-12
nsrwatch or nwadmin to watch recovery, 5-14
recovering LSM indexes and configuration files, 5-11
recovering LSM to a new machine, 5-16
recovering OS and LSM software, 5-10
restoring Oracle8 data on UNIX, 5-15
disaster recovery on Windows NT
configuration files directory, renaming, 5-22
mmrecov command, 5-21
recovering LSM indexes and configuration files, 5-20
recovering LSM to a new machine, 5-25
recovering OS and LSM software, 5-19
recovery requirements
hardware requirements, 5-18
LSM requirements, 5-18
operating system requirements, 5-18
restoring Oracle Data
overview, 5-24
disaster recovery preparation
bootstrap save set ID
finding the bootstrap for UNIX, 5-5
overview, 5-5
scanner -B command, 5-5
disk information
on UNIX, 5-7, 5-8
overview, 5-6
finding the bootstrap for Windows NT, 5-6
overview, 5-4
saving information, 5-6
document conventions, xiv


environment variables for LSM, 4-2


features, LSM, 1-4
types of storage devices supported, 3-2
finding bootstrap, 5-5


group attributes, default, 4-8, 4-10
Clients Window on UNIX, 2-21
Devices Window on UNIX, 3-4
Devices Window on Windows NT, 3-6
Edit client Dialog Box on Windows, 2-23
Edit Group Dialog Box on Windows, 4-8, 4-10
Groups Window on UNIX, 4-8
labeling a volume on UNIX, 3-14, 3-18
labeling a volume on Windows, 3-15, 3-18
messages display on UNIX, 4-12
mounting a volume on UNIX, 3-16
mounting a volume on Windows, 3-17
overview, 2-10
Pending Messages Window, 3-21
Server Window on UNIX, 2-24
Sessions display on UNIX, 4-12
Set Up Server Dialog Box on Windows, 2-25
UNIX, 2-11
Volumes Window, 3-20
Windows NT
running, 2-13, 2-14, 2-16
TCP/IP requirements, 2-13
GUI, Oracle
Oracle Enterprise Manager, 4-5


Field Help, 1-14
How Do I Help, 1-14
UNIX, 1-11
UNIX online manual pages, 1-12
What Is This Help, 1-14
Windows Command Line Utilities, LSM, 1-14
Windows NT online help, 1-13
host tables
how to set up, B-1
testing with ping, B-3
hostname, Oracle server, 2-23
HOSTS file, B-9


in progress save set, 2-8
client, 2-5
media, 2-5
save set status value in client index, 2-9
IP errors, troubleshooting, B-1 to B-2


Japanese version of LSM for Windows NT, 2-18


label template, C-1
components, C-4
customizing, C-2
Label Template dialog box, C-6
label templates
components, C-10
creating, C-10
editing, C-11
how NetWorker uses, C-5
numbering sequences, C-8
organizational structure, C-10
pool, matching to a, C-5
separator, C-9
sequence number, C-9
labeling storage volumes, C-1
volume, C-5
UNIX, 4-12
Windows NT, 4-12
Administrator GUI
overview, 2-10
UNIX, 2-11
Volumes Window, 3-20
Windows NT, 2-13, 2-14, 2-16
acceptable names, 2-28
modifying on UNIX, 2-29
modifying on Windows NT, 2-30
specifying, 2-27
using wildcard to grant privileges, 2-29
architecture, 2-2, 2-3
bootstrap backups
automatic, 4-8
maintaining information, 4-11
manual, 4-11
server, 4-7, 4-8
Command-Line Utilities Help, Windows, 1-14
components, 1-3
client resource, 2-20, 2-22, 2-23
overview, 2-2
resource dependencies, 2-3
resource types, 2-2
server resource, 2-24, 2-25, 2-27
storage devices, 3-2, 3-4, 3-6, 3-7, 3-8, 3-9
environment variables, 4-2
features, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5
how LSM backs up data, 2-4
Japanese version for Windows NT, 2-18
overview, 1-2
SAP R/3 integration on Windows NT, 1-7
tracking volume modes, 2-9, 4-3


maintaining bootstrap information, 4-11
man pages, UNIX, 1-12
manual bootstrap backup, 4-11
media index, 2-5
Pending Messages Window
recovery waiting for tape volume name, 3-21
waiting for backup tape, 3-21
removing storage volumes, 3-20
volume labels, 3-21
media index directory
contents, UNIX, 5-12
contents, Windows NT, 5-20
media management
auto enabled, behavior, 3-19
auto for tape devices, 3-19
auto not enabled, 3-19, 3-23
automatic for tape devices, 3-19
changing the volume modes, 3-20
device configuration on UNIX
adding a device resource, 3-7
modifying a device resource, 3-8
overview, 3-7
removing a device resource, 3-8
device configuration on Windows NT
adding a device resource, 3-9
moving a device resource, 3-10
overview, 3-8
removing a device resource, 3-10
device resources, 3-2
labeling a volume
on UNIX, 3-14
on Windows, 3-15, 3-16
labeling and mounting volumes, 3-13
mounting a volume
on UNIX, 3-16
on Windows, 3-17
storage devices, 3-2, 3-4, 3-6, 3-7
unlabeled volumes, 3-19
unmounting a volume
on UNIX, 3-18
on Windows, 3-18
details of save sets on volume, 3-21
inventory of backup volumes, 3-20
volume-specific information, 3-21
volume pools
default attributes, 3-12
default resource attributes, 3-12
label templates, 3-10, 3-11, 3-12
Media Management Library (MML), Oracle8, 1-11
display on UNIX, 4-12
logs on Windows NT, 4-12
logs UNIX, 4-12
Oracle8, 1-11
multiplexing during RMAN backups, 4-6


name attribute, server resource, 2-26
name resolution, B-9
names, LSM administrators, 2-28
label template, using, C-1
name resolution, B-9
naming requirements, B-5
services, B-10
NetWorker server
restarting, 5-15
shutting down, 5-15
NetWorker User program, D-1
privileges, D-1
starting, D-1
nsr_shutdown command, 5-15
nwadmin command, 2-11


online help
Field Help, 1-14
How Do I Help, 1-14
UNIX, 1-11
UNIX manual pages, 1-12
What Is This Help, 1-14
Windows Command Line Utilities, LSM, 1-14
Windows NT, 1-13
operations, volume, 3-21
Oracle backup volumes
viewing, 3-20
Oracle backups and restores
backup/restore utility, 4-2
monitoring, 4-12
prerequisites to running, 4-2
Oracle Enterprise Manager, 4-5
Oracle8, 1-10
Oracle server
hostname, 2-23
Enterprise Backup Utility (EBU), 4-4
Oracle Enterprise Manager, 4-5
backup and recovery system, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10
Media Management Library (MML), 1-11
MM API, 1-11
Oracle Enterprise Manager, 1-10, 4-5
Recovery Catalog, 1-9, 1-10
Recovery Manager (RMAN), 1-9, 1-10, 4-4
LSM, 1-2
LSM Features, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5
Oracle backup and recovery system, 1-8


parallelism attribute, server resource, 2-26
partitions, creating, 5-7
Pending Messages Window
recovery waiting for tape_volume_name, 3-21
waiting for writable backup tape, 3-21
ping, host table testing, B-3
browse, 2-6
retention, 2-6
label templates, using with, C-5
pools, volume
default resource attributes, 3-12
label templates, 3-10, 3-11, 3-12
selection considerations
expiration date of the volume, 3-22
number of volumes, 3-23
volume label time, 3-23
volume mode, 3-22
unable to find a mounted volume, 3-23
portmapper, testing with rpcinfo, B-4
primary disk
recover for UNIX, 5-10, 5-19
NetWorker User program, D-1
privileges, LSM administrators, 2-29
prtvtoc command, 5-7


recoverable save set, 2-8
OS and NetWorker, UNIX, 5-10, 5-19
to new server, UNIX, 5-16, 5-25
Recovery Catalog, Oracle8, 1-9, 1-10
Recovery Manager (RMAN), Oracle8, 1-9, 1-10
recyclable save set, 2-8
recyclable volumes, 2-7
redo logs, applying, 5-26
related documentation, xv
renaming configuration files
UNIX, 5-15
Windows NT, 5-22
resource types
client, 2-3, 2-5
browse policy, 2-6
retention policy, 2-6
device, 2-3, 3-2
label template, 2-3
policy, 2-3
pool, 2-3
server, 2-3, 2-5
retention policy, 2-6
save set, 2-9
routers, verifying, B-5
rpcinfo, use of to test portmapper, B-4


SAP R/3 integration with LSM, 1-7
save set
changing the status, 3-20
recover, A-1
retention policy, 2-9
status value
aborted, 2-8
browsable, 2-8
client index, 2-9
in progress, 2-8
recoverable, 2-8
recyclable, 2-8
scanned-in, 2-8
suspect, 2-8
viewing details of save sets on volume, 3-21
scanned-in save set, 2-8
scanner command, 5-6, 5-12
scanner program, A-1
Command Line Utilities Help, 2-7
man page, 2-7
using to recover save sets, 2-7, 2-9
using to recover volumes, 2-7
server backup
automatic bootstrap backup, 4-8
bootstrap backup, 4-7
maintaining bootstrap information, 4-11
manual bootstrap backup, 4-11
server destroyed, 5-3
server index directory
contents, UNIX, 5-12
contents, Windows NT, 5-20
server indexes and configuration files
damaged, 5-3
recovering for UNIX, 5-11
server resource
administrator, 2-27
name, 2-26
parallelism, 2-26
server resource type, 2-5
communicating with clients on Windows NT, B-7
services, B-10
Set Up Server dialog box, B-8
storage devices
configuring, 3-2
on UNIX, 3-7, 3-8
on Windows, 3-8, 3-9, 3-10
labeled volumes, 3-11
labeling a volume
on UNIX, 3-14
on Windows, 3-15, 3-16
labeling and mounting volumes, 3-13
LSM server features, 3-2
mounting a volume
on UNIX, 3-16
on Windows, 3-17
recycling volumes, 3-20
removing storage volumes from media index, 3-20
resource attributes, 3-5
tape device
auto media management, 3-19
no-rewind device name to prevent data loss, 3-2
types that LSM supports, 3-2
unmounting a volume
on UNIX, 3-18
on Windows, 3-18
volume pools, 3-10, 3-11, 3-12
suspect save set, 2-8
switches, verifying, B-5


tape devices
auto media management, 3-19
TNS listener on Administrator list, 2-27, 2-28
tracking volume modes, 2-9, 4-3


finding bootstrap, 5-6, 5-12, 5-21
recovering OS and NetWorker, 5-10, 5-19
recovering server indexes and configuration files, 5-11
recovering to new server, 5-16, 5-25
renaming configuration files, 5-15
unlabeled volumes, 3-19


volume operations
Pending Messages Window, 3-21
pool considerations
expiration date of the volume, 3-22
pool volume considerations
number of sessions, 3-23
volume label time, 3-23
volume mode, 3-22
tracking volumes, 3-21
auto media management for tape devices, 3-19
changing the modes, 3-20
labeling, C-5
labeling and mounting, 3-13
labeling on UNIX, 3-14
labeling on Windows, 3-15, 3-16
labeling storage, C-1
manually removed, recoverable using scanner, 2-7
appendable, 2-9, 4-3
manual recycle, 2-9, 4-3
read-only, 2-9, 4-3
recyclable, 2-9, 4-3
tracking, 2-9, 4-3
mounting on UNIX, 3-16
mounting on Windows, 3-17
default attributes, 3-12
default resource attributes, 3-12
label templates, 3-10, 3-11
mounted on storage devices, 3-11
pool resource, 3-10
tape volumes and file-type volumes must be separate, 3-10
unable to find mounted volume, 3-23
volume considerations, 3-22
recyclable, 2-7
recycling volumes, 3-20
relabeled volumes
unavailable for recovery, 3-21
relabeled, not recoverable using scanner, 2-7
removing from media index, 3-20
unlabeled volumes, 3-19
unmounting on UNIX, 3-18
unmounting on Windows, 3-18
viewing details of save sets on a volume, 3-21
viewing inventory of Oracle backup volumes, 3-20
viewing volume-specific information, 3-21


using to grand LSM administrator privileges, 2-29
Windows NT
renaming configuration files, 5-22
SAP R/3 integration with LSM, 1-7
saving disk information, 5-8
Setting up Japanese version of LSM, 2-18

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