Oracle WebDB Tutorial Guide
Release 2.2






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Administration page

Page from which all Site Builder managers are accessed. Some managers, such as the Site Manager, Category Manager, and Perspective Manager, are reserved for the site administrator.

Only logged on users may access the Administration page; public users never see the Administration link on the navigation bar.

advanced search

Allows users to use multiple terms in a search, use the Boolean operators And or Or, and limit searches to specific categories, perspectives, or folders. Site administrators choose whether to implement the advanced search feature in a WebDB site.


One of the four display options, which places the item directly below Quickpicks at the top of a WebDB site home or folder page. Announcements are typically reserved for important items you want to broadcast to all users, like recent promotions or news about the company picnic. Unlike News items, Announcements are not automatically archived.


In WebDB, a group of components connected to one another by links, designed to fulfill a particular business need. For example, a form can be linked a chart that, in turn, allows an end user to drill down to detailed reports about items displayed in the chart.

activity log

A database table that provides a record of end user requests for WebDB components. The log includes information about the time of the request, the user who made the request, and the machine and browser type that originated the request.


A .gif file containing a colored, horizontal bar with a title and optional graphic elements displayed on a WebDB page. A banner is used in WebDB pages to break the visual flow of a page and to group the related items that appear beneath it.

basic search

Allows users to locate an item in a WebDB site by entering a single term in the Search box. The Search box is located on the navigation bar, at the discretion of the site administrator or folder owner. The search criteria is compared to each item's title, description, and keywords, if available. Only those items the user has permission to view are searched.

batch job

Running a component in the background using the WebDB batch job facility. An end user can run a component in batch mode by selecting options on the parameter entry form for the component. Batch processing is useful if the component is based on a large amount of data, or if the component displays many rows of data.

bind variable

A variable in a SQL statement that must be replaced with a valid value or address of a value in order for the statement to execute successfully. WebDB component developers typically use bind variables to display a parameter entry field in a component's parameter entry form. The entry field allows end users to choose the data that the component will display.


In WebDB, the part of a web page where the banners, items and images are displayed.


A method provided by web browsers for navigating to pages whose locations (URLs) you've saved. In WebDB, you bookmark pages as a personal link?

Browse In privilege

A WebDB-specific privilege that allows a developer to search schemas for objects such as tables, views, and procedures on which WebDB components will be based. To view an object in WebDB, a developer must have Browse In privileges (or Build In privileges, which automatically includes the Browse In privilege) in the schema that owns it.

browse mode

Usual mode of viewing and interacting with a WebDB site, as opposed to edit mode, which is used to perform folder and item management tasks.


Searching the database for objects. In WebDB, you can browse the database using object names, object types, the schemas owning the objects, or any combination of these search criteria.

Build In privilege

A WebDB-specific privilege that allows a developer to build a component in a schema. Developers must have Build In privileges in at least one schema, including their own, to build a component. The schema will own the finished component.


A WebDB component that displays the results of a SQL query in calendar format. At least one of the table columns in the query must have the DATE datatype.


A grouping of items on a WebDB site. A category helps users answer the question, "What is this item?" For example, in a travel site, you might have categories of maps, snapshots, or hotel reviews. Each Regular item (as opposed to Quickpicks, Announcements, or News items) added to a WebDB site must be assigned a category.

category dashboard

Set of buttons that appears at the top of a category page when displayed in edit mode. Allows quick access to all the tools used to create and manage categories.

Category Links

One of the elements that can appear on the navigation bar. When Category Links is selected on the Folder Manager's Navigation Bar tab, all of the categories established for the WebDB site appear on the navigation bar as individual links. Users can then click a link to see all of the items associated with that category.

Category List

One of the elements that can appear on the navigation bar. If a user selects Category List on the Folder Manager's Navigation Bar tab, the user must then decide which categories should appear on the navigation bar, using the Available/Displayed Categories Links list boxes. The selected categories appear on the navigation bar as individual links. Users can then click a link to see all of the items associated with that category.


A WebDB component that displays the results of a SQL query as a bar chart. Charts are based on at least two table or view columns: one that identifies the bars on the chart and another that calculates the size of the bars on the chart.

check box

A control that can appear alone or in groups on WebDB forms and parameter entry forms. Each check box can be switched either "On" or "Off." WebDB provides options for displaying Lists of Values as check boxes in forms and component parameter entry forms.


A database object used to store tables that are related to one another and that are often joined together in the same area on disk.

color palette

Used to assign colors to elements in a folder style, including background, links, banners, and other items displayed on a folder page. The hex value for each color is displayed in the palette.

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

The industry-standard technique for running applications on a Web server. Whereas standard HTML documents retrieved from a Web server are static (the exact same text is retrieved every time), CGI enables a program running on the Web server to communicate with another computer to dynamically generate HTML documents in response to user-entered information.


A PL/SQL stored procedure created by a WebDB component build wizard; for example, a chart, report, or form. Executing the stored procedure creates the HTML code used to display the component.

component schema

Any database schema in which a WebDB developer can build a component.

content area

In a WebDB site, the part of a folder page to the right of the navigation bar, where items are displayed.


User who has the authority to add content to a WebDB site; that is, the Own, Manage Items, or Create With Approval privilege. Folder owners control which users can add items to a given folder. The site administrator can also allow public users to contribute news items to the site's home page, subject to approval by the news administrator.

Create With Approval privilege

One of the folder privileges. Allows a user who is not the folder owner to add new items to the folder. Items that are added by a user with this privilege must be approved by the folder owner (or site administrator) before they are displayed.

custom item type

User-defined item type which includes values or functions that further control the display or functionality of the item. Custom item types are often function calls. These can be calls to PL/SQL functions that exist in your own database schema, or they can be external, or HTTP calls which are accessible only through an HTML or browser interface using a URL and parameter values. Custom item types are built upon the base item types defined in WebDB.

database access descriptor (DAD)

Set of values that specify how WebDB connects to the Listener or some other type of database server to fulfill an HTTP request. The information in the DAD includes the user name (which also specifies the schema and the privileges), the user password, connect string, error log file, standard error message, and National Language Support (NLS) parameters.

database administrator (DBA)

A WebDB user having the DBA role. The DBA role provides the user access to all WebDB menus and all privileges, including creating and dropping users, assigning build and browse privileges to users, and assigning roles to users.

database object

See object.

display option

Option specified during the item creation process, which determines where the item is displayed on the page. News items are displayed beneath the News banner. Quickpicks are displayed beneath the main banner, centered at the top of the page. Announcements appear below Quickpicks. Regular items are displayed beneath the appropriate category banner.

edit mode

Mode that enables an authorized user who has logged on to a WebDB site to manage folders and the items contained within the folders. To enter edit mode, the user clicks the Edit button at the top right of the folder page. If the Edit button does not appear, the user does not have permission to add items to the folder and/or to change the folder's properties.

end user

A WebDB user who executes a component. The user has been granted execute privileges by the owner of the component.

execute privilege

A permission that allows an end user to execute a procedure. In WebDB, the execute privilege is typically granted to allow an end user to execute a component stored in the database as a procedure.

expiration period

Number of days before an item expires, established during the item creation process. After an item expires, it is viewable only by the item's owner and the site administrator. Expired items are removed from the database during a system purge.


To store a copy of an object, module, selected text or image to a file or a remote database.

field-level validation

A method for verifying that correct values have been entered into entry fields in components and parameter entry forms. Field-level validation is performed when the end user causes the OnBlur condition to occur after entering a value in an entry field, for example, when tabbing to another entry field. See also, form-level validation.

file item

One of the item types you can add to a folder. When you finish adding a file item, the file is uploaded to the WebDB site and stored in the host database. The title of the file item is displayed on the folder page as a link. When a user clicks the link, the file is downloaded to the user's computer and displayed in the user's Web browser.


Containers for items. Folders in a WebDB site are similar to folders on a desktop computer in that they are organized hierarchically. This hierarchy, displayed in the Site Map, forms the structure of each WebDB site.

folder dashboard

Set of buttons that appears at the top of the folder page when the folder is displayed in edit mode. Allows quick access to all the tools used to create and manage folders and the items within them.

folder link item

One of the item types you can add to a folder. A folder link provides a route to another folder within this WebDB site. The title of the folder link is displayed on a folder page as a link. When the user clicks the link, the Web page referenced by the item is displayed in the user's browser.

folder owner

User with the Own privilege for a given folder. A folder owner controls the folder and its contents, and can grant folder access to other users. If the site administrator allows it, the folder owner also controls the style applied to the folder--that is, the folder's appearance. A folder may have more than one folder owner.

folder page

The page on which a folder's contents are displayed. A folder page is typically divided into discrete areas by the News banner and various category banners.

folder path

Chain of folder reference names separated by colons, starting at the root folder and ending at the object folder. Folder paths, which appear below the folder name on the title banner, describe the complete directory path of a folder and create URLs for folder links.

folder privileges

Refers to the user's level of access to a given folder. These levels are:

Users with this privilege:  Are allowed to: 


Perform any tasks relating to the folder or its contents, including deleting the folder, choosing a new parent, adding, deleting, or modifying items, changing the navigation bar, and so on. 


Look at the folder, but not add or change any of its items or perform any tasks affecting the folder itself. 


Modify the folder's style. 

Manage Items 

Add, delete, or change items belonging to the folder. 

Create With Approval 

Create new items for the folder. Items created by users with this privilege are not displayed until the folder owner has explicitly approved them. 

folder reference name

Allows WebDB to uniquely identify each folder and its contents. The reference name is established when the folder is created and cannot be changed. If the supplied name is not unique, WebDB substitutes a unique value.

foreign key

A value or column(s) in a table that refers to a primary key in another table.


A WebDB component that provides an interface to one or more database tables, views, or procedures.

form-level validation

A method for verifying that correct values have been entered into entry fields in components and parameter entry forms. Form-level validation occurs after the user enters a value in an entry field and submits all values on the page, for example, when clicking an OK button.

frame driver

A WebDB component consisting of a web page divided into with two frames. One frame (the driving frame) contains a SQL query that drives the contents of a second target frame.

frames view

A tree displaying a hierarchical view of WebDB menus and pages. End users can click nodes in the tree to navigate to WebDB menus and pages. The frames view is accessible from the WebDB home page.


In WebDB, PL/SQL subprograms that perform a specified sequence of actions, and then return a value.

In WebDB sites, a PL/SQL procedure or user function that returns a value. End users can execute procedures or functions in a WebDB site by clicking on the title of a PL/SQL or custom item. Functions are usually small, very specific blocks of code written to perform a specific task within the scope of a larger application.


To save a procedure containing a WebDB component to a file or database in a binary format so that it can be executed in run-time and batch mode.


A privilege or role given to a WebDB user.


Collection of users who have access to a WebDB site and share a common need or interest. Users are assigned to groups based on their common responsibilities or access requirements; for example, Human Resources, Accounting, and so on.

group administrator

User who has the privilege to add or delete members from the group, or to delete the group itself.


An optional region in an HTML-based web page that contains introductory material for the page. In WebDB, the header can include text, graphics, data, and computations. The header appears first before the body.


A WebDB component that displays data from a self-referencing table or view (at least two columns in the table must share a recursive relationship). A hierarchy can contain up to three levels and displays data such as employees in an organization chart, or the hierarchical relationship between menus in a web site.

home page

A PL/SQL procedure that, when executed, creates a web page that is the entry point to the WebDB product. A Listener setting specifies the default home page for WebDB.


Acronym for Hypertext Markup Language. A tag-based ASCII language used to specify the content, format, and links to other pages on Web servers on the Internet. WebDB consists of a collection of PL/SQL procedures that, when executed, generate HTML.

HTTP function

See function.

hypertext link

In WebDB, a reference from some point in a component or web site to some point in another component or web site.


A bitmapped object that can be stored and loaded into a component or web site, and displayed using a web browser.

imagemap item

One of the item types you can add to a folder. An imagemap is a collection of smaller images, each of which provides a link to a different URL.


An optional structure associated with a table used to locate rows of the table quickly, and (optionally) to guarantee that every row is unique.

interest list

Set of links displayed in a folder owner's personal version of the home page under the Interests banner.

interMedia Text

Advanced gist, theme, and text retrieval services offered in Oracle 8i that enables search criteria to be compared against every word in every item in a WebDB site. When interMedia is not available, or has not been enabled, search criteria is compared to each item's title, description, and keywords only.

IP address

A four-part number with no more than three digits in each part that uniquely identifies a computer on the Internet, or on a local LAN.


Basic unit of content (such as text, files, and links) that folder owners or contributors place on WebDB site pages. When users add items to folders in a WebDB site, they are stored in the site's host database. The item title and its content (or results of execution, in the case of a link or function call) are displayed on automatically-generated Web pages by WebDB. Each item must be defined as one of the pre-defined item types (or custom item types, if they have been created), so that WebDB knows how to display the item and how to execute it.

item ID

Local database reference to the contents of an item. An item ID value is used in custom item types to pass items to PL/SQL procedures. The function uses the item ID to access the contents of the item.

item title

Descriptive text that identifies each item on the home or folder page. The user clicks an item title to view or download the item.

item type

WebDB provides eight item types: URL, file, text, imagemap, folder link, PL/SQL, WebDB component, and multiple files. When a new item is added to a WebDB site, the user specifies the base item type to control item display and functional characteristics. Custom item types are created by users, based on one of the basic item types.

join condition

Combining data from two (or more) tables or views in a single SQL SELECT statement.


A scripting language developed by Netscape that allows generation of dynamic components in otherwise static HTML. WebDB allows you to use JavaScript to create applications that validate entry fields in components and parameter entry forms.

keyword search

see basic search.


A collection of one or more PL/SQL program units that are stored together in a database, and can be referenced by several applications at once.


A shared component that allows developers to add hypertext jumps between components.

link text

Text (usually displayed in color) which is "hot", or hypertext. End users click on the text to display the Web page specified in the HTML code. For example, in the HTML code <a href="">Travel The World</a>,' Travel The World' is the link text displayed in color. End users click it to jump to the Web site.

List of Values (LOV)

A shared component that allows developers to add selectable values to entry fields in components and parameter entry forms. An end user selects from the list one or more values for the entry field. A single List of Values can be displayed in different formats such as combo boxes, radio buttons, or check boxes.


A setting automatically applied to a component when it is being edited. The setting prevents other users from editing the component.

Manage Items privilege

One of the folder privileges. Allows a user to make changes to existing items in a folder, or to add items to that folder.

master-detail form

A WebDB component that displays a master table row and multiple detail rows within a single HTML page. Values in the master row determine which detail rows are displayed for querying, updating, inserting, and deleting.


A WebDB component that displays a web page containing options that end users can click to navigate to other menus, WebDB components, or URLs.

mime type

A file format defined by the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions standard. A mime type describes the type of file being transferred to the web browser.

multiple file item

One of the item types you can add to a folder. Allows you to quickly upload several files at once and store them in the database. Unlike single file items, you cannot associate titles or descriptions with files uploaded this way. Instead, the actual file names are used as file links on the folder page. You must choose a single category for all the files.

navigation bar

In a WebDB site, the area that allows users to navigate to frequently accessed or important areas of the WebDB site. In framed browsers, the navigation bar appears on the left side of each folder page; in unframed browsers, it appears at the top of the page. While folder owners decide which text links or images to place on the navigation bar for a given folder, the site administrator has control over certain elements of the navigation bar, such as which image is used as the site logo, and the text of the links themselves.

navigation toolbar
  1. Buttons located along the bottom of WebDB that allow users to navigate to other WebDB pages.

  2. Graphics elements and buttons in a web site created using WebDB that allow users to navigate to other pages in the site. The buttons and graphic elements can be displayed at the top, sides, or bottom of a page.


One of the four display options. Usually reserved for time-sensitive material, News items appear beneath the News banner on the home or folder page, and can be any type of item. For example, a News item on a travel WebDB site could be a link to a Web page that temporarily advises against traveling to the Caribbean because of hurricane warnings. News items are archived according to settings made by the site or news administrator.

news administrator

User who has privileges to maintain and approve the news items on a WebDB site's home page.

null value

The absence of a value in a table column.


A structure used to store data in the database. Developers can create objects using object build wizards provided by WebDB, or using Oracle database commands.

Although WebDB components are stored in the database as package objects, the term component is used to refer to charts, reports, forms, etc. Object is used when referring to tables, packages, triggers, etc.

object information

Information that WebDB provides about a database object, including its owner, type, and dependencies on other objects.

object schema

A schema that owns the objects on which WebDB components are based. To build a component based on an object, the schema where the component is being built must be granted explicit privileges on the object, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and EXECUTE.

Oracle Connect String

A Listener setting that can be used to set up a TNS names alias for a remote database installed on Windows NT.

Oracle HOME

An environment variable that indicates the root directory of Oracle products.

Own privilege

One of the folder privileges. Allows a user to perform all functions on a folder, and to grant other users various privileges for this folder. Site administrators automatically have the Own privilege for every folder in a WebDB site.

Owning Schema

The WebDB site schema created by the Site Creation Wizard at site creation time. The schema must be new. The Wizard will grant appropriate privileges to the account. Two users are created: a public one, by adding the suffix '_PUBLIC', and a second, private administrative schema, by adding the suffix '_ADMIN'.


A database object consisting of a specification and a body. The specification includes the datatypes and subprograms that can be referenced by other program units. The body includes the actual implementation of the package.

page request

In WebDB, an end user request for a WebDB component.

In WebDB sites, a Web browser request sent to a Web server to transmit a Web page for display. Each time a page request is fulfilled, a log entry is made. These log entries can be queried in reports using the Site Statistics Manager to determine which pages on a Web site are most often requested.

parameter entry field

A field on a parameter entry form that allows end users to enter values that will be passed to a WebDB component.

parameter entry form

A page that prompts end users for values to pass to a WebDB component. End users can view the parameter entry form for a component, if one has been created, by choosing the Run with Parameters option in WebDB.

parent-child relationship

See recursive relationship.

personal folder

Area on a WebDB site reserved for a single user. A personal folder is created automatically when the user's database account is created in the User Manager. If the user's database account is created outside of WebDB, the user can create his own personal folder using the Personal Information Manager. Unless the owner grants the View privilege to other users, only the owner can see the items in his personal folder (and the site administrator, who can see all the folders on the site).


A cross-category grouping of an item. Perspectives help users answer the question "Who will be interested in this item?". For example, you can add links to diverse vacation spots around the world and assign perspectives like 'Vacations for Nordic Enthusiasts', 'Archeology Expeditions', and 'Extreme Vacations for Adventurers'. Perspectives are available only for Regular items, but are not required. More than one perspective can be assigned to an item.

perspective dashboard

Set of buttons that appears at the top of a perspective page when displayed in edit mode. Allows quick access to all the tools used to create and manage perspectives.

Perspective Links

One of the elements that can appear on the navigation bar. When Perspective Links is selected on the Folder Manager's Navigation Bar tab, all of the perspectives established for the WebDB site appear on the navigation bar as individual links. Users can then click a link to see all of the items associated with that perspective.

Perspective List

One of the elements that can appear on the navigation bar. If a user selects Perspective List on the Folder Manager's Navigation Bar tab, the user must then decide which perspectives should appear on the navigation bar, using the Available/Displayed Perspective Links list boxes. The selected perspectives appear on the navigation bar as individual links. Users can then click a link to see all of the items associated with that perspective.

PL/SQL item

One of the item types you can add to a folder. A PL/SQL item contains a block of PL/SQL code. The title of the item is displayed as a link. When a user clicks the link, the block is executed. The result is returned and displayed in the user's browser.

PL/SQL function

See function.


A number that TCP uses to route transmitted data to and from a particular program.

primary key

A column in a database table consisting of unique values that can be used to identify rows in a table.


The right to perform an action on the database. These can either be general (system privileges) or specific to particular database objects (object privileges). They can also be grouped into roles. A user with the DBA role grants privileges in WebDB.


A PL/SQL subprogram that performs a specified sequence of actions.


The system and Oracle database resources that are available to the user.

public folder

Any folder in a WebDB site that is viewable by end users without logging on. The folder owner or site administrator must designate a folder as public.

public user

User who browses and views a WebDB site without logging on. Public users can see only those features that the site administrator has made available on the navigation bar, and can view only public folders.

Query by Example (QBE) form

A WebDB component that provides an interface allowing end users to query or insert values into a database table or view. The Query by Example form contains entry fields that correspond to the columns in the database table or view on which the form is built.


A SQL SELECT statement that specifies which data to retrieve from one or more tables or views in a database.


One of the four display options, which places the item's title at the top center of a WebDB site home or folder. Quickpicks are often designated for items that are frequently accessed by your audience, and are often displayed as graphic links.

radio button

A control (similar to a check box) appearing in sets of two or more, only one of which may be either "on" or "off" at any given time. WebDB provides options for displaying Lists of Values as radio buttons in forms or component parameter entry forms.

recursive relationship

A relationship that occurs when the values in a table column can be related to those in another column in the same table or another table; for example, between a primary key and foreign key.

Regular item

One of the four display options, which places the item's title beneath the category banner to which the item belongs. A folder page typically contains several category banners, with Regular items listed beneath them. A Regular item is the only type of item associated with a category and, optionally, perspectives. A Regular item must belong to one category, and only one. A Regular item may also be associated with one perspective, many, or none at all.

remote database

A database running on a separate machine that can be accessed over the network.


A WebDB component that displays the results of a SQL query in a tabular format.


A group of database object privileges that can be granted and revoked as a unit. The DBA assigns a role to a group of users in order to grant them the database object privileges associated with the role.

rollover image

A second image that is displayed whenever the cursor is moved over an image on the navigation bar in a WebDB site.

root folder

Top level of the folder hierarchy in a WebDB site; contains all other folders in the WebDB site. Also known as the WebDB site's home page.


A set of values in a table; for example, the values representing one employee in the SCOTT.EMP table.


A collection of components and database objects under the control of a given database user. The schema has the same name as the user who owns it.


See basic search.

search engine

Application for searching for Web pages on the Web. Yahoo! is a popular search engine that anyone can use. In WebDB sites, end users can perform basic or advanced searches using interMedia Text, assuming it has been installed with Oracle 8i and enabled by the site administrator.


A database object used to automatically generate numbers for table rows.


The period between logging on and logging off WebDB.

shared components

Building blocks used by WebDB developers to create components. Shared components include links, Lists of Values, JavaScripts, and look and feel elements. Each shared component can be used by multiple developers to create WebDB components.


See WebDB site.

site administrator

User who has full privileges over the entire WebDB site. Site administrators set up and maintain the site; designate folder owners, news and style administrators; create perspectives and categories for the site; and manage users. Site administrators can also view all the folders on the site, including any user's personal folder.

site contact

E-mail address of the person (or generic job title) designated as the primary contact for the WebDB site. Assuming that the folder owner chooses to display the site contact in the navigation bar, the site contact's e-mail address is displayed in the format: Webmaster: <email address>.

site log

Table of all events and related information gathered as users interact with a WebDB site. Used to generate site statistics in the form of reports and graphs.

Site Map

Displays the hierarchical organization of all folders in a WebDB site that the user has privileges to view or access. Users can click any folder link in the hierarchy to display that folder's page.

site statistics

Report tables and bar graphs that provide detailed and summary information on page requests, users and groups, item requests, and searches.


A table that contains the results of a query on one or more tables, called master tables, in a remote database.

snapshot log

A table associated with the master table of a snapshot. It tracks changes to the master table.

status code

See version.

stored procedure

See procedure.

structured U/I template

A shared component that controls the look and feel of WebDB components. Structured U/I templates display the same image and text in the same location on every component that uses the template.


Set of values and parameters that controls the appearance of folder pages in a WebDB site. Styles can control the look and feel of all the pages in the entire site, or they can be applied to a single folder.

style administrator

User who has special privileges to maintain and enforce display settings in a given style.


A nested folder. All folders in a WebDB site are subfolders of the site's home page, also known as the root folder.

substitution tag

A tag used to create unstructured U/I templates. When the HTML code that creates the template executes, substitution tags dynamically embed components, titles, headings, and other elements into the template.


The file format used by the Microsoft Excel program to define formulas and data in spreadsheet, as well as transfer spreadsheet content from one file to another.


A name assigned to a table or view that can thereafter be used to refer to it.

system purge

Deletes all items in a WebDB site marked as deleted or expired from the database.


The basic storage structure in a relational database.


An allocation of space in the database that can contain objects.

temporary tablespace

An allocation of space in the database used for the creation of temporary table segments for operations such as sorting table rows.

text item

One of the item types you can add to a folder. When you create a text item, you enter text (up to 32KB) in the Item Wizard. The text block is then stored in the WebDB site's host database. The title of the item is displayed as a link. When a user clicks the link, the text is displayed in the user's Web browser.

tree view

see Site Map.


A stored procedure associated with a table. It executes before or after one or more specified events.

unstructured U/I template

A shared component that controls the look and feel of WebDB components. Unstructured U/I templates are based on HTML code that, when executed, dynamically embeds components, titles, headings, and other elements.

URL item

One of the item types you can add to a folder. URL items provides a route to another Web page, either inside or outside this WebDB site. The title of the URL item is displayed as a link. When a user clicks the link, the Web page referenced by the link is displayed.

user name

In WebDB, identical to a schema name. A unique string of characters identifying an authorized user's account on an Oracle database. User accounts are created and managed by the database administrator, or directly in a WebDB site by the site administrator. A user who logs into WebDB with the user name Scott can by default create components in the SCOTT schema

user interface component

See component.

user interface (U/I) template

A shared component that controls the look and feel of WebDB components. Selecting a U/I template when building a component automatically selects a title on the page where the component is displayed, a title background, links to other web pages, and background colors and images.


Indicates the status of a stored procedure that contains a WebDB component. For example, ARCHIVE indicates an old version of the component that is being saved in the database. PRODUCTION with VALID PACKAGE indicates the most recent version of the component, which will run without errors. PRODUCTION with INVALID PACKAGE indicates that the most recent version of the component contains errors. There can be multiple versions of the same component.

version control

When enabled, creates a new copy of an item in the database when the user updates the item and clicks the Add as New Version button in the Item Manager.


A virtual table whose rows do not actually exist in the database, but which is based on a table that is physically stored in the database.

View privilege

One of the folder privileges. Allows a user to view any item in a folder, except items that have expired or have been deleted.

visited link

Link which is displayed in a different color than unvisited links to signify that the user has clicked it at least once during the browser session.

web server

A program that delivers web pages.

WebDB component

See component.

WebDB component item

One of the item types you can add to a folder. A WebDB component item may be a chart, form, report, and so on, created by the WebDB Component Build Wizard and stored in the host database. The title is displayed on the folder page as a link. When the user clicks the item, the WebDB component executes and sends the result to the user's browser.

WebDB roles

Two special types of roles that control the user's view of the WebDB product. The DBA role provides the user access to all WebDB menus and all privileges. The WEBDB_DEVELOPER role provides the user access to all WebDB menus except System Administration and Monitoring. Users with this role can build components in the their own schema, plus any schemas in which the DBA has granted build and browse privileges.

WebDB site

Web site created with the Site Creation Wizard in WebDB and developed using site management tools within the site itself. A WebDB site consists of folders, which are containers for various items including URLs, text blocks, files, folder links, imagemaps, WebDB components, and PL/SQL procedures.


In WebDB, the percent (%) character, which is used to mean any single character or a contiguous set of characters within a word or phase.


A graphical interface that guides a user step by step through a process. In WebDB, there are wizards for creating of creating components, objects, web sites, and items within web sites.

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