Oracle WebDB Tutorial Guide
Release 2.2






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Welcome To Oracle WebDB!

Welcome to Oracle WebDB! This guide will help get you started with Oracle WebDB Release 2.2.

This preface includes the following sections:


"Intended Audience" 




"Tutorial Setup" 






"Related Publications" 


Intended Audience

This guide is intended for a variety of users, from database administrators (DBAs) to Web site content creators.

Before you begin the tutorial, you should read the preface "Oracle WebDB Basic Concepts" to gain a basic understanding of WebDB and general advice on how to use the product. After that, you only need to read those chapters that relate to your particular role. To find out which chapters you should read, see "Structure".


You should be familiar with using your Web browser. For example, you should know how to start your Web browser and be familiar with the basic user interface elements such as hypertext links.

In addition:

Tutorial Setup

Before you begin the exercises in this tutorial, you or your DBA must set up the tutorial environment. Instructions for this are provided in Appendix A, "Tutorial Setup Instructions".


This book teaches you how to use WebDB in the following chapters:

Chapter  Contents  Who Should Read This Chapter? 

Chapter 1, "Managing Users" 

Exercises to create a new user, add a user to a role, grant privileges to a user, and create a new role. 

DBAs who will be managing WebDB users. 

Chapter 2, "Building and Browsing Database Objects" 

Exercises to build a table and a procedure, query the table, and execute the procedure. 

Developers who will be building WebDB applications.

Developers who will be building and browsing database objects. 

Chapter 3, "Building Components" 

Exercises to build a form, a report, a chart, and a List of Values. 

Developers who will be building WebDB applications.

Developers who will be building WebDB components.

Note To complete this chapter you must have completed Chapter 2, "Building and Browsing Database Objects"

Chapter 4, "Building Applications by Linking Components" 

Exercises to build menus and links. 

Developers who will be building WebDB applications.

Developers who will be building links between WebDB components.

Note To complete this chapter you must have completed Chapter 3, "Building Components"

Chapter 5, "Creating WebDB Sites" 

Exercises to create and set up a new Web site. 

DBAs who will be creating Web sites with WebDB. 

Chapter 6, "Designing WebDB Sites" 

Exercises to design the structure, define the style, and control access to a WebDB site. 

Site administrators and folder owners who will be managing one or more folders of a WebDB site. 

Chapter 7, "Managing WebDB Site Content" 

Exercises to add and edit WebDB site content. 

Contributors who will be adding content to a WebDB site.

Note To complete this chapter, you must have completed Chapter 6, "Designing WebDB Sites"

Chapter 8, "Controlling Access to Oracle Reports" 

Provides an overview of how to use Oracle WebDB to control access to Oracle Reports reports (and their associated Reports Servers and printers).  

Oracle Reports administrator who is responsible for controlling access to Oracle Reports reports. 

Chapter A, "Tutorial Setup Instructions" 

Provides information on setting up the appropriate user accounts to perform tutorial tasks.  

Database administrator on which WebDB is installed.  


The following typographical conventions are used in this guide:

Convention  Meaning 


Used for emphasis.

Also used for button names, labels, links, and other user interface elements. 


Used to introduce new terms.

Also used enclosed in angled brackets (<>) to represent a variable. Substitute an appropriate value. 


Used to represent text you need to type.

Also used for file names and directories. 

Related Publications

You may also wish to refer to the following publications which are available in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) in the \docs directory on your WebDB CD-ROM, or orderable from Oracle.

Oracle WebDB publications

Part Number  Title  Description 


Oracle WebDB Release Notes 

Describes last minute changes to the product or documentation. 


Oracle Installation Guide 

Provides complete Oracle WebDB 2.2 installation instructions for both Windows NT or Solaris environments. Also, provides upgrade and site migration details, WebDB Listener installation and configuration, interMedia Text set up information, and WebDB CGI executable and WebDB cartridge to Oracle Application Server setup information. 


Creating and Managing Components - Task Help 

Provides procedural help on the various tasks you can perform with WebDB. 


Creating and Managing Components - Field-Level Help 

Provides screen-specific help for each WebDB page. 


Creating and Managing Sites - Task Help 

Provides procedural help on the various tasks you can perform in WebDB sites. 


Creating and Managing Sites - Field-Level Help 

Provides screen-specific help for each WebDB site page. 

Other Oracle publications

Part Number  Title 


Oracle Net8 Administrator's Guide 


Oracle Application Server Administration Guide 


Oracle8i interMedia Text Reference 


Oracle8i interMedia Text Migration 

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