Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs)
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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LOB Programmatic Environments, 9 of 9

Using Java (JDBC) to Work with LOBs

Changing Internal LOBs with Java

You can make changes to an entire internal LOB, or to pieces of the beginning, middle or end of an internal LOB in Java by means of the JDBC API via the objects:

These objects also implement java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob interfaces according to the JDBC 2.0 specification. With this implementation, an oracle.sql.BLOB can be used wherever a java.sql.Blob is expected and an oracle.sql.CLOB can be used wherever a java.sql.Clob is expected.

Reading Internal LOBs and External LOBs (BFILEs) with Java

JDBC interface allows you to use Java to read both internal and external LOBs (BFILEs).

BLOB, CLOB, and BFILE Classes

The BLOB, CLOB, and BFILE classes encapsulate LOB locators, so you do not deal with locators but instead use methods and properties provided to perform operations and get state information.

Calling DBMS_LOB Package

Any LOB functionality not provided by these classes can be accessed by a call to the PL/SQL DBMS_LOB package. This technique is used repeatedly in the examples throughout this manual.

Referencing the LOBs

You can get a reference to any of the above LOBs in the following two ways:

Using OracleResultSet: BLOB and CLOB Objects Retrieved Represent LOB Locators of Current Row

When BLOB and CLOB objects are retrieved as a part of an OracleResultSet, these objects represent LOB locators of the currently selected row.

If the current row changes due to a move operation, for example,, the retrieved locator still refers to the original LOB row.

To retrieve the locator for the most current row, you must call getXXXX() on the OracleResultSet each time a move operation is made, where XXXX is a BLOB, CLOB or BFILE.

JDBC Syntax References and Further Information




Further Information

Refer to the following web site for further information about JDBC:

JDBC Methods for Operating on LOBs

The following JDBC methods operate on BLOBs, CLOBs, and BFILEs:

To modify BLOB values, see Table 3-36

JDBC oracle.sql.BLOB Methods To Modify BLOB Values:

Table 3-36 JDBC oracle.sql.BLOB Methods To Modify BLOB Values
Method  Description 

int putBytes(long, byte[]) 

Inserts the byte array into the LOB, starting at the given offset  

JDBC oracle.sql.BLOB Methods To Read or Examine BLOB Values

Table 3-37 JDBC oracle.sql.BLOB Methods Tor Read or Examine BLOB Values
Method  Description 

byte[] getBytes(long, int) 

Gets the contents of the LOB as an array of bytes, given an offset  

long position(byte[],long) 

Finds the given byte array within the LOB, given an offset  

long position(Blob,long) 

Finds the given BLOB within the LOB  

public boolean equals(java.lang.Object) 

Compares this LOB with another . Compares the LOB locators. 

public long length() 

Returns the length of the LOB  

public int getChunkSize() 

Returns the ChunkSize of the LOB  

JDBC oracle.sql.BLOB Methods and Properties for BLOB-Buffering

Table 3-38 JDBC oracle.sql.BLOB Methods and Properties for BLOB-Buffering
Method  Description 

public getBinaryStream()) 

Streams the LOB as a binary stream  

public getBinaryOutputStream() 

Writes to LOB as a binary stream 

JDBC oracle.sql.CLOB Methods To Modify CLOB Values

Table 3-39 JDBC oracle.sql.CLOB Methods To Modify CLOB Values
Method  Description 

int putString(long, java.lang.String) 

Inserts the string into the LOB, starting at the given offset  

int putChars(long, char[]) 

Inserts the character array into the LOB, starting at the given offset 

JDBC oracle.sql.CLOB Methods To Read or Examine CLOB Values

Table 3-40 JDBC oracle.sql.CLOB Methods To Read or Examine CLOB Values
Method  Description 

java.lang.String getSubString(long, int) 

Returns a substring of the LOB as a string 

int getChars(long, int, char[]) 

Reads a subset of the LOB into a character array 

long position(java.lang.String, long) 

Finds the given String within the LOB, given an offset 

long position(oracle.jdbc2.Clob, long) 

Finds the given CLOB within the LOB, given an offset 

boolean equals(java.lang.Object) 

Compares this LOB with another 

long length() 

Returns the length of the LOB 

int getChunkSize() 

Returns the ChunkSize of the LOB 

JDBC oracle.sql.CLOB Methods and Properties for CLOB-Buffering

Table 3-41 JDBC oracle.sql.CLOB Methods and Properties for CLOB-Buffering
Method  Description getAsciiStream() 

Reads the LOB as an ASCII stream getAsciiOutputStream() 

Writes to the LOB from an ASCII stream getCharacterStream() 

Reads the LOB as a character stream getCharacterOutputStream() 

Writes to LOB from a character stream 

JDBC oracle.sql.BFILE Methods To Read or Examine External LOB (BFILE) Values

Table 3-42 JDBC oracle.sql.BFILE Methods To Read or Examine External LOB (BFILE) Values
Method  Description 

byte[] getBytes(long, int) 

Gets the contents of the BFILE as an array of bytes, given an offset 

int getBytes(long, int, byte[]) 

Reads a subset of the BFILE into a byte array 

long position(oracle.sql.BFILE, long) 

Finds the first appearance of the given BFILE contents within the LOB, from the given offset 

long position(byte[], long) 

Finds the first appearance of the given byte array within the BFILE, from the given offset 

boolean equals(java.lang.Object) 

Compares this BFILE with another. Compares locator bytes. 

long length() 

Returns the length of the BFILE 

boolean fileExists() 

Checks if the operating system (OS) file referenced by this BFILE exists 

public void openFile() 

Opens the OS file referenced by this BFILE 

public void closeFile() 

Closes the OS file referenced by this BFILE 

public boolean isFileOpen() 

Checks if this BFILE is already open 

public java.lang.String getDirAlias() 

Gets the directory alias for this BFILE 

public java.lang.String getName() 

Gets the file name referenced by this BFILE  

JDBC oracle.sql.BFILE Methods and Properties for BFILE-Buffering

Table 3-43 JDBC oracle.sql.BFILE Methods and Properties for BFILE-Buffering
Method  Description 

public getBinaryStream() 

Reads the BFILE as a binary stream 

JDBC: OracleBlob and OracleClob Do Not Work in 8.1.x and Future Releases

OracleBlob and OracleClob were Oracle specific functions used inJDBC 8.0.x drivers to access LOB data. In 8.1.x and future releases, OracleBlob and OracleClob are deprecated.

If you use OracleBlob or OracleClob to access LOB data, you will receive the following typical error message, for example, when attempting to manipulate LOBs with Oracle8i release 8.1.5 JDBC Thin Driver :

"Dumping lobs java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03115: unsupported network datatype or 
representation etc."

See release 8.1.5 Oracle8i JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference for a description of these non-supported functions and alternative and improved JDBC methods.

For further ideas on working with LOBs with Java, refer to the LOB Example sample shipped with Oracle8i or get a LOB examplet from

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