Oracle8i Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Using dropjava

The dropjava utility accepts file names and/or schema object full names. After converting file names to schema object names, it drops the schema objects, then deletes their rows from the digest table. So, dropjava is the inverse of loadjava.

On the command line, you can enter the names of Java source, class, and resource files, SQLJ files, JARs, and ZIP archives in any order. Here is the syntax:

dropjava {-user | -u} username/password[@database]
  [-option_name -option_name ...] file_name obj_name file_name ...

where option_name stands for the following syntax:

{  {h | help}
 | {o | oci8}
 | {S | schema} schema_name
 | {s | synonym}
 | {t | thin}
 | {v | verbose} }

Names not ending with .java, .class, .sqlj, .ser, .properties, .jar, or .zip are assumed to be schema object names. If multiple schema objects have the same name, dropjava drops them all. Dropping a source drops classes derived from it. Dropping a class invalidates classes that depend on it directly or indirectly.

Table 2-3 describes the dropjava command-line options. The next two sections describe the required arguments -user and file_name.

Table 2-3 dropjava Options
Option  Description 


Displays the dropjava help screen.  


Directs dropjava to communicate with the database using the JDBC OCI driver. This option (the default) and -thin are mutually exclusive.  


Drops Java schema objects from the specified schema. If you do not specify this option, then the logon schema is used. To drop objects from another user's schema, you need the DROP ANY PROCEDURE privilege.  


Drops a public synonym created by loadjava.  


Directs dropjava to communicate with the database using the client-side JDBC Thin driver. This option and -oci8 (the default) are mutually exclusive.  


Directs dropjava to display progress messages.  

Specifying the User

The argument -user specifies a username, password, and optional database connect string in the following format:


With option -oci8 (the default), the connect string database is optional. If you specify database, which can be a TNS name or Net8 name-value list, schema objects are dropped from the designated database. Otherwise, schema objects are dropped from the user's default database.

With option -thin, you must specify the connect string database in this format:


where host names the host computer, lport is the port configured to listen for Net8 connections, and SID is the database system identifier. With a default configuration, lport is 5521 and SID is ORCL.

Specifying File Names

In general, dropjava and loadjava interpret file names the same way. With class files, dropjava finds the name of the class in the file, then drops the corresponding schema object. With source files and SQLJ input files, dropjava finds the name of the first class in the file, then drops the corresponding schema object. With JARs and ZIP archives, dropjava processes the names of archived files as if they were entered on the command line.

File names not ending with .java, .class, .sqlj, .ser, .properties, .jar, or .zip are assumed to be schema object names. If a file name begins with a slash, dropjava prefixes ROOT to the schema object name. If a file name does not match any schema object name, dropjava displays an error message, then processes the remaining file names.

Important Point

Always drop Java schema objects the same way you upload them. For example, if you upload SQLJ source files, then translate them on the server, use the same file names to drop them. If you upload resources individually, use the same file paths to drop them. To be safe, use a JAR to upload resources, then use the same JAR name to drop them.


In the following example, dropjava connects to the default database using the JDBC OCI driver, then drops all objects from schema BLAKE that were loaded from serverObjs.jar:

> dropjava -user scott/tiger -schema BLAKE serverObjs.jar

In the next example, dropjava connects to the specified database using the client-side JDBC Thin driver, then drops a class and resource from the user's schema:

> dropjava -u scott/tiger@dbhost:5521:orcl -t Agent.class images.dat

Running dropjava from an Application

A procedure named dropjava() in package DBMS_JAVA enables you to run the dropjava utility from an application. Here is the procedure spec:

PROCEDURE dropjava (options VARCHAR2);

You can specify all the options except -user, -oci8, and -thin (because this version of dropjava always connects to the current session). Enclose the parameter with single quotes, as shown in the following example:

CALL dbms_java.dropjava('-S JONES serverObjs.jar');

Relative path names are interpreted as relative to ORACLE_HOME. Output is directed to stderr.



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