Oracle8i Parallel Server Setup and Configuration Guide
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Directory Structure

Specific topics covered in this appendix are:

Understanding the Oracle Parallel Server Directory Structure

When you install Oracle8i Enterprise Edition and the Oracle Parallel Server Option, all subdirectories are under a top-level ORACLE_BASE. ORACLE_HOME and admin directories are also located under ORACLE_BASE.


The following is the hierarchical directory tree of a sample OFA-compliant database for Oracle Parallel Server on UNIX platforms:





/u01/app/oracle is the default ORACLE_BASE directory 




/product/8.1.6 is the name of the Oracle home by default 




Subtree for Oracle binaries 




Subtree for Net8 




Files created by Oracle Database Configuration Assistant 




Oracle Parallel Server Management message and TCL files 




ops.sql script and initialization parameter files for database creation  




This is a legacy directory from previous releases. It contains links to initialization parameter files that point to the new location files, $ORACLE_BASE/admin/db_name/pfile








Subtree for Oracle Parallel Server database administration files 




Database administration files for this database identified by the database name 




Ad hoc SQL scripts 




Audit files 




Archived redo log files 




Background process trace files 




Core dump files 




Programs used to create the database 




Database export files 




Initialization parameter files 




User SQL trace files 

See Also: Oracle8i Administrator's Reference for your UNIX operating system for further information about $ORACLE_HOME and /admin directories  

Windows NT

The following is the hierarchical directory tree of a sample OFA-compliant database for Oracle Parallel Server on Windows NT:





c:\oracle is the default ORACLE_BASE directory 




\ora81 is the name of the Oracle home by default 




Subtree for Oracle binaries 




Subtree for Net8 configuration files, including tnsnames.ora, listener.ora and sqlnet.ora 




Files created by Oracle Database Configuration Assistant 




\admin subdirectory 




Oracle Parallel Server ops.sql script and initialization parameter files for database creation  




This is a legacy directory from previous releases. It contains initialization files that point to the new directory location for the initialization parameter files, ORACLE_BASE\admin\db_name\pfile








Subtree for Oracle Parallel Server database administration files 









db_name database administration files for the instance identified by SID




Ad hoc SQL scripts 




Audit files 




Archived redo log files 




Background process trace files 




Core dump files 




Programs used to create the database 




Database export files 




Initialization parameter files 




User SQL trace files 

See Also:

Oracle8i Installation Guide for Windows NT for further information about the contents of the ORACLE_HOME and \admin directories 

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