Oracle8i Migration
Release 2 (8.1.6)







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1 Introduction

Versions and Releases
Migration, Upgrading, and Downgrading
Source Database and Target Database
Running Multiple Versions and Releases of Oracle
Install Version 7 and Version 8 Databases in Multiple Oracle Homes
Install Version 7 and Version 8 Databases on Separate Computers
Migrate a Version 7 Database to a Version 8 Database
Upgrade a Release 8.0 Database to a Release a 8.1 Database
Upgrade a Previous Release 8.1 Database to the Current Release
Migrate Version 7 Clients to Version 8 Clients
Using Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)
Running Scripts
Changing Word-Size
Rolling Upgrades for Oracle Parallel Server
Deinstalling Options

2 Overview of Migration

Overview of Migration Steps
Step 1: Prepare to Migrate
Step 2: Test the Migration Process
Step 3: Test the Migrated Test Database
Step 4: Prepare and Preserve the Source Database
Step 5: Migrate the Production Database
Step 6: Tune and Adjust the New Production Database
Role of the Database Administrator During Migration
Role of the Application Developer During Migration

3 Preparing to Migrate

Prepare to Migrate
Become Familiar with the Features of the New Database
Choose a Migration Method
Assess System Requirements vs. Resources Available
Choose an Oracle Home Directory for the New Release
Avoid Common Migration Problems
Prepare a Backup Strategy
Develop a Testing Plan
Test the Migration Process
Test the Migrated Test Database

4 Migrating from Oracle7 Using the Migration Utility

Documentation Roadmap for Using the Migration Utility
Overview of Migration Using the Migration Utility
Outline of the Migration Process
Using the Migration Utility
System Considerations and Requirements
Space Requirements
Block Size Considerations
Considerations for SQL*Net
Considerations for Replication Environments
Considerations for Migrating from ConText to interMedia
Migrating a System with Oracle Parallel Server Installed
Migrating to a Different Operating System
Character Set Considerations
Prepare the Oracle7 Source Database for Migration
Prepare for Migration on Windows Platforms
Install the Release 8.1 Oracle Software
After Installing Oracle8i on a Windows Platform
Review Migration Utility Command-Line Options
Migrate the Oracle7 Source Database
Prepare the Oracle7 Environment for Migration on UNIX Operating Systems
Perform Migration Steps in the Oracle7 Environment
Run the Migration Utility
Check the Migration Results
Preserve the Oracle7 Source Database
Perform Migration Steps in the Oracle8i Environment
Troubleshooting Errors During Migration
Abandoning the Migration

5 Migrating from Oracle7 Using the Oracle Data Migration Assistant

Documentation Roadmap for Using the Oracle Data Migration Assistant
Overview of Migration Using the Oracle Data Migration Assistant
Restrictions Related to the Oracle Data Migration Assistant
Start with an Oracle7 Database Supported by the Oracle Data Migration Assistant
System Considerations and Requirements
Space Requirements
Block Size Considerations
Considerations for SQL*Net
Considerations for Replication Environments
Considerations for Migrating from ConText to interMedia
Migrating to a Different Operating System
Character Set Considerations
Prepare the Oracle7 Source Database for Migration
Prepare for Migration on a Windows Platform
Install the Release 8.1 Oracle Software and Migrate the Database
Running the Oracle Data Migration Assistant Independently
Finish the Migration
Troubleshooting Errors During Migration
Abandoning the Migration

6 Migrating Using Export/Import

Basics of Export/Import
Export Utility Requirements
Import Requirements
Additional Options
Migrate the Source Database Using Export/Import

7 Upgrading from a Previous Version 8 Release to the New Oracle8i Release

Upgrade Paths
Upgrading the Database to the New Oracle8i Release
Prepare to Upgrade
Upgrade the Database
Upgrading Specific Components
Upgrading Oracle Replication
Upgrading Java
Upgrading Oracle Parallel Server
Upgrading Snapshots
Upgrading the Advanced Queuing Option
Upgrading User-Defined Datatypes
Upgrading the Recovery Catalog
Upgrading Statistics Tables Created by the DBMS_STATS Package
Recompiling Invalid PL/SQL Modules
Changing the Word-Size of Your Current Release

8 After Migrating or Upgrading the Database

Tasks to Complete After Migrating or Upgrading Your Database
Back Up the Database
Change the Password for the OUTLN User
Copy LONGs to LOBs
Check for Bad Date Constraints
Avoid Problems with Parallel Execution
Install ODCI.jar and CartridgeServices.jar Files
Modify Your listener.ora File
Migrate or Upgrade Your Standby Database to Oracle Release 8.1
Add New Features as Appropriate
Develop New Administrative Procedures as Needed
Adjust Your Initialization Parameter File for the New Release
Normalize Filenames on Windows Platforms
Tasks to Complete Only After Migrating Your Database
Rebuild Unusable Bitmap Indexes
Migrate Partition Views to Partition Tables
Migrate or Upgrade to the New Release of Net8 (Optional)
Test the Database and Compare Results
Tune the Migrated Database
Task to Complete Only After Upgrading Your Database
Rebuild Unusable Function-Based Indexes

9 Compatibility and Interoperability

What Is Compatibility?
The COMPATIBLE Initialization Parameter
Features Requiring 8.1.0 or Higher Compatibility Level
Schema Objects
Built-In Datatypes
User-Defined Datatypes
Oracle Parallel Server
Data Protection
Distributed Databases
Data Warehousing
Data Access
Spatial and Visual Information
What Is Interoperability?
Compatibility and Interoperability Issues
Startup and Shutdown
Tablespaces and Datafiles
Data Dictionary
Schema Objects
User-Defined Datatypes
Advanced Queuing (AQ)
Procedures and Packages
Oracle Optimizer
Oracle Parallel Server
Database Security
Database Backup and Recovery
Distributed Databases
SQL*Net or Net8
Miscellaneous Compatibility and Interoperability Issues

10 Upgrading Your Applications

Overview of Upgrading Applications to Oracle8i
Compatibility Issues for Applications
Upgrading Precompiler and OCI Applications
Understanding Software Upgrades and Your Client/Server Configuration
Compatibility Rules for Applications When Upgrading Oracle Software
Upgrading Options for Your Precompiler and OCI Applications
Upgrading SQL*Plus Scripts
Upgrading Oracle7 Forms or Oracle Developer Applications

11 Migrating from Server Manager to SQL*Plus

Startup Differences
Starting Server Manager
Starting SQL*Plus
New SQL*Plus Release 8.1 Commands
Commands Common to Server Manager and SQL*Plus
SQL*Plus Equivalents for Server Manager Commands
Possible Differences in the SET TIMING Command
Server Manager Commands Unavailable in SQL*Plus
Syntax Differences
Blank Lines
The Hyphen Continuation Character
COMMIT Command

12 Migration Issues for Physical Rowids

Migrating Applications and Data
The DBMS_ROWID Package
Rowid Conversion Types
Rowid Conversion Functions
Conversion Procedure Examples
Snapshot Refresh
Version 7 and Version 6 Client Compatibility Issues
Frequently Asked Questions About Rowid Migration

13 Downgrading to an Older Version 8 Release

Perform a Full Offline Backup
Remove Incompatibilities
Schema Objects
User-Defined Datatypes
Advanced Queuing (AQ)
Procedures and Packages
Constraints and Triggers
Oracle Optimizer
Database Backup and Recovery
Distributed Databases
Reset Database Compatibility
Downgrade the Database
Regenerating Replication Support
Re-Installing the UTL_REF Package on Release 8.0.4
Re-Installing Recovery Manager Packages on Release 8.0.3

14 Downgrading to Oracle7

Overview of Downgrading from Oracle8i to Oracle7
Downgrading a Database That Does Not Contain New or Changed Data
Downgrading a Database That Contains New or Changed Data
Alternative Downgrading Methods

A Troubleshooting Migration Problems

Problems Using the Migration Utility or Oracle Data Migration Assistant
General Migration Problems
Migration Utility Errors
Problems at the ALTER DATABASE CONVERT Statement
Oracle7 Control Files Exist
Database Started in Mode Other Than NOMOUNT
Convert File Not Found
Database Name Mismatch
Rerunning the ALTER DATABASE CONVERT Statement
Datafile Version Integrity Problem
Problems While Running the Manual Migration and Upgrade Scripts
Script Runs for an Inordinately Long Time

B Changes to Initialization Parameters

Initialization Parameters Added in Version 8
Initialization Parameters Added in Release 8.0
Initialization Parameters Added in Release 8.1
Initialization Parameters Renamed in Version 8
Initialization Parameters Renamed in Release 8.0
Initialization Parameters Renamed in Release 8.1.4
Initialization Parameters Renamed in Release 8.1.5
Initialization Parameters Obsolete in Version 8
Initialization Parameters Obsolete in Release 8.0
Initialization Parameters Obsolete in Release 8.1
Compatibility Issues with Initialization Parameters
Data Dictionary Protection
The DML_LOCKS Parameter
The DB_DOMAIN Parameter
Parallel Execution Allocated from Large Pool
Archive Log Destination Parameters

C Changes to Static Data Dictionary Views

Static Data Dictionary Views Added in Version 8
Static Data Dictionary Views Added in Release 8.0
Static Data Dictionary Views Added in Release 8.1
Static Data Dictionary Views with Added Columns in Version 8
Static Data Dictionary Views with Added Columns in Release 8.0
Static Data Dictionary Views with Added Columns in Release 8.1
Static Data Dictionary Views with Dropped Columns in Version 8
Static Data Dictionary Views with Dropped Columns in Release 8.0
Static Data Dictionary Views with Dropped Columns in Release 8.1
Static Data Dictionary Views with Renamed Columns in Version 8
Static Data Dictionary Views with Renamed Columns in Release 8.0
Static Data Dictionary Views with Columns That May Return Nulls
Static Data Dictionary Views Obsolete in Version 8
Static Data Dictionary Views Obsolete in Release 8.0
Static Data Dictionary Views Obsolete in Release 8.1

D Changes to Dynamic Performance Views

Dynamic Performance Views Added in Version 8
Dynamic Performance Views Added in Release 8.0
Dynamic Performance Views Added in Release 8.1
Dynamic Performance Views Renamed in Version 8
Dynamic Performance Views Renamed in Release 8.1
Dynamic Performance Views with Added Columns in Version 8
Dynamic Performance Views with Added Columns in Release 8.0
Dynamic Performance Views with Added Columns in Release 8.1
Dynamic Performance Views with Dropped Columns in Release 8.1
Dynamic Performance Views with Dropped Columns in Release 8.1
Dynamic Performance Views with Renamed Columns in Release 8.1.6
Dynamic Performance Views Obsolete in Version 8
Dynamic Performance Views Obsolete in Release 8.1
Date Columns in Dynamic Performance Views

E New Internal Datatypes and SQL Functions

Internal Datatypes Added in the New Release
Internal Datatypes Added in Release 8.0
Internal Datatype Added in Release 8.1
SQL Functions Added in the New Release
SQL Functions Added in Release 8.0
SQL Functions Added in Release 8.1

F SQL*Net and Net8 Considerations for Migrations and Upgrades

Net8 and SQL*Net Differences
Obsolete SQL*Net Parameters
Client and Database Coexistence Issues
Release 8.1 Client Connections to Release 8.1 Database
Release 8.0/Oracle7 Client Connections to Release 8.1 Database
Release 8.1 Client Connections to Release 8.0/Oracle7 Database
Oracle Names
Using the Net8 Assistant to Handle Compatibility Issues
Migrating and Upgrading to Net8 Release 8.1
Step 1: Verify Service Name and Instance Name
Step 2: Perform Software Upgrade or Migration on the Server
Step 3: Perform Software Migration or Upgrade on the Client
Step 4: Perform Functional Upgrade and Migration
Using Oracle Connection Manager Release 8.1
Using Oracle Connection Manager Instead of Oracle Multi-Protocol Interchange
Using Oracle Names Version 8
Migrating from Oracle Names Version 2 Using a Database
Migrating from Oracle Names Version 2 with the Dynamic Discovery Option
Migrating from ROSFILES
Reviewing Migration Checklist

G Migration and Compatibility for Replication Environments

Migration Overview for Replication
Migrating All Sites at Once
Incremental Migration
Preparing Oracle7 Master Sites for Incremental Migration
Incremental Migration of Snapshot Sites
Incremental Migration of Master Sites
Migration Using Export/ Import
Upgrading to Primary Key Snapshots
Primary Key Snapshots Conversion at Master Sites
Primary Key Snapshot Conversion at Snapshot Sites
Features Requiring Migration to Oracle Version 8
Obsolete Procedures


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