Oracle8i Replication Management API Reference
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Security Options, 2 of 3

Security Setup for Multimaster Replication

Nearly all users should find it easiest to use the Replication Manager Setup Wizard when configuring multimaster replication security. However, for certain cases you may need to use the replication management API to perform these setup operations.

To configure a replication environment, the database administrator must connect with DBA privileges to grant the necessary privileges to the replication administrator.

First set up user accounts at each master site with the appropriate privileges to configure and maintain the replication environment and to propagate and apply replicated changes. You must also define links for users at each master site.

In addition to the end users who access replicated objects, there are three special categories of "users" in a replication environment:

Typically, a single user acts as administrator, propagator, and receiver. However, you can have separate users perform each of these functions. You can choose to have a single, global replication administrator or, if your replication groups do not span schema boundaries, you may prefer to have separate replication administrators for different schemas. Note, however, that you can have only one registered propagator for each database.

Table A-1 describes the necessary privileges that must be assigned to these specialized accounts. Most privileges needed by these users are granted to them through calls to the replication management API. You also must grant certain privileges directly, such as CONNECT and RESOURCE privileges.

Trusted vs. Untrusted Security

In addition to the different users, you also need to determine which type of security model you will implement: trusted or untrusted. With a trusted security model, the receiver has access to all local master groups. Because the receiver performs database activities at the local master site on behalf of the propagator at the remote site, the propagator also has access to all master groups at the receiver's site. Remember that a single receiver is used for all incoming transactions.

For example, consider the scenario in Figure A-1. Even though only Master Groups A and C exist at Master Site B, the propagator has access to Master Groups A, B, C, and D at Master Site A because the trusted security model has been used. While this greatly increases the flexibility of database administration, due to the mobility of remote database administration, it also increases the chances of a malicious user at a remote site viewing or corrupting data at the master site.

Regardless of the security model used, Oracle8i automatically grants the appropriate privileges for objects as they are added to or removed from a replicated environment.

Figure A-1 Trusted Security: Multimaster Replication

Untrusted security assigns only the privileges to the receiver that are required to work with specified master groups. The propagator, therefore, can only access the specified master groups that are local to the receiver. Figure A-2 illustrates an untrusted security model. Because Master Site B contains only Master Groups A and C, the receiver at Master Site A has been granted privileges for Master Groups A and C only, thereby limiting the propagator's access at Master Site A.

Figure A-2 Untrusted Security: Multimaster Replication

Typically, master sites are considered trusted and therefore the trusted security model is used. If, however, your remote master sites are untrusted, you may want to use the untrusted model and assign your receiver limited privileges. A site might be considered untrusted, for example, if a consulting shop performs work for multiple customers. Use the appropriate API call listed for the receiver in Table A-1 to assign the different users the appropriate privileges.

Table A-1 Required User Accounts
User  Privileges 

global replication


schema-level replication administrator 







privilege => 'receiver'
list_of_gnames => NULL


privilege => 'receiver'
list_of_gnames => 'mastergroupname'

After you have created these accounts and assigned the appropriate privileges, create the following private database links, including username and password between each site:

Assuming you have designated a single user account to act as replication administrator, propagator, and receiver, you must create N(N-1) links, where N is the number of master sites in your replication environment.

After creating these links, you must call DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_PUSH and DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_PURGE, at each location, to define how frequently you want to propagate your deferred transaction queue to each remote location, and how frequently you wish to purge this queue. You must call DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_PUSH multiple times at each site, once for each remote location.

A sample script for setting up multimaster replication between HQ.WORLD and SALES.WORLD is shown below:

/*--- Create global replication administrator at HQ ---*/
connect system/
create user repadmin identified by repadmin
execute dbms_repcat_admin.grant_admin_any_schema(username => 'repadmin')

/*--- Create global replication administrator at Sales ---*/
connect system/
create user repadmin identified by repadmin
execute dbms_repcat_admin.grant_admin_any_schema(username => 'repadmin')

/*--- Create single user to act as both propagator and receiver at HQ ---*/
connect system/
create user prop_rec identified by prop_rec
/*--- Grant privileges necessary to act as propagator ---*/
execute dbms_defer_sys.register_propagator(username => 'prop_rec')
/*--- Grant privileges necessary to act as receiver ---*/
execute dbms_repcat_admin.register_user_repgroup(
        username => 'prop_rec',
        privilege_type => 'receiver',
        list_of_gnames => NULL)

/*--- Create single user to act as both propagator and receiver at Sales ---*/
connect system/
create user prop_rec identified by prop_rec
/*--- Grant privileges necessary to act as propagator ---*/execute
dbms_defer_sys.register_propagator(username => 'prop_rec')
/*--- Grant privileges necessary to act as receiver ---*/
execute dbms_repcat_admin.register_user_repgroup(
        username => 'prop_rec',
        privilege_type => 'receiver',
        list_of_gnames => NULL)

/*--- Create public link from HQ to Sales with necessary USING clause ---*/
connect system/
create public database link using

/*--- Create private repadmin to repadmin link ---*/
connect repadmin/
create database link connect to repadmin identified by repadmin

/*--- Schedule replication from HQ to Sales ---*/
execute dbms_defer_sys.schedule_push(
     destination => '',
     interval => 'sysdate + 1/24',
     next_date => sysdate,
     stop_on_error => FALSE,
     parallelism => 1)

/*--- Schedule purge of def tran queue at HQ ---*/
execute dbms_defer_sys.schedule_purge(
     next_date => sysdate,
     interval => 'sysdate + 1',
     delay_seconds => 0,
     rollback_segment => '')

/*--- Create link from propagator to receiver for scheduled push ---*/
connect prop_rec/
create database link connect to prop_rec identified by prop_rec

/*--- Create public link from Sales to HQ with necessary USING clause ---*/
connect system/
create public database link using

/*--- Create private repadmin to repadmin link ---*/
connect repadmin/
create database link connect to repadmin identified by repadmin

/*--- Schedule replication from Sales to HQ ---*/
execute dbms_defer_sys.schedule_push(
     destination => '',
     interval => 'sysdate + 1/24',
     next_date => sysdate,
     stop_on_error => FALSE,
     parallelism => 1)

/*--- Schedule purge of def tran queue at Sales ---*/
execute dbms_defer_sys.schedule_purge(
     next_date => sysdate,
     interval => 'sysdate + 1',
     delay_seconds => 0,
     rollback_segment =>'')

/*--- Create link from propagator to receiver for scheduled push ---*/
connect prop_rec/
create database link connect to prop_rec identified by prop_rec

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