Oracle8i Distributed Database Systems
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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This manual describes implementation issues for an Oracle8i distributed database system. It also introduces the tools and utilities available to assist you in implementing and maintaining your distributed system.

Oracle8i Distributed Database Systems contains information that describes the features and functionality of the Oracle8i and the Oracle8i Enterprise Edition products. Oracle8i and Oracle8i Enterprise Edition have the same basic features, but several advanced features are available only with the Enterprise Edition, and some of these are optional.

See Also:

Getting to Know Oracle8i for information about the differences between Oracle8i and the Oracle8i Enterprise Edition. 

What's New in Oracle8i?

This section describes new features in Oracle8i.

Release 8.1.6

The following distributed database features are new in release 8.1.6:

Release 8.1.5

The following distributed database features are new in release 8.1.5:


This book contains the following parts and chapters:

Part / Chapter  Contents   


Distributed Database Systems Concepts and Administration 


Chapter 1, "Distributed Database Concepts" 

Describes the basic concepts and terminology of Oracle's distributed database architecture. It is recommended reading for anyone planning to implement or maintain a distributed database system.  


Chapter 2, "Managing a Distributed Database" 

Discusses issues of concern to the database administrator (DBA) implementing or maintaining distributed databases. 


Chapter 3, "Developing Applications for a Distributed Database System" 

Describes the special considerations that are necessary if you are designing an application to run in a distributed system. 



Distributed Transactions Concepts and Administration 


Chapter 4, "Distributed Transactions Concepts" 

Describes how Oracle maintains the integrity of distributed transactions using the two-phase commit mechanism. 


Chapter 5, "Managing Distributed Transactions" 

Explains how to administer distributed transactions. 



Heterogeneous Services Concepts and Administration 


Chapter 6, "Oracle Heterogeneous Services Concepts" 

Provides an overview of Oracle Heterogeneous Services. 


Chapter 7, "Managing Oracle Heterogeneous Services Using Transparent Gateways" 

Explains how to implement and maintain Heterogeneous Services using an Oracle Transparent Gateway. 


Chapter 8, "Managing Heterogeneous Services Using Generic Connectivity" 

Provides the information you need to connect to non-Oracle data stores through ODBC or OLE DB. 


Chapter 9, "Developing Applications with Heterogeneous Services" 

Provides the information you will need to develop applications that use Oracle Heterogeneous Services. 


Appendix A, "Heterogeneous Services Initialization Parameters" 

Lists all Heterogeneous Services-specific initialization parameters and their values.  


Appendix B, "Data Dictionary Views Available Through Heterogeneous Services" 

Lists the data dictionary views that are available through heterogeneous services mapping. 


Appendix C, "Data Dictionary Translation for Generic Connectivity" 

Lists translations for non-Oracle data dictionary information. Generic connectivity agents translate queries to the Oracle8i data dictionary table into queries that retrieve data from a non-Oracle data dictionary. 


Appendix D, "Datatype Mapping" 

Lists datatypes mapped from ODBC and OLE DB compliant data sources to supported Oracle datatypes. 


Changes to This Book

The following aspects of this manual are new in 8.1.6:


This guide is for DBAs who administer or plan to implement a distributed database system involving either Oracle to Oracle database links or Oracle to non-Oracle database links.

Knowledge Assumed of the Reader

Readers of this guide are assumed to be familiar with:

How to Use This Guide

This manual contains these basic types of information:

Information Type  Chapter 


Chapter 1, "Distributed Database Concepts"

Chapter 4, "Distributed Transactions Concepts"

Chapter 6, "Oracle Heterogeneous Services Concepts" 


Chapter 2, "Managing a Distributed Database"

Chapter 7, "Managing Oracle Heterogeneous Services Using Transparent Gateways"

Chapter 8, "Managing Heterogeneous Services Using Generic Connectivity" 

Application Development 

Chapter 3, "Developing Applications for a Distributed Database System"

Chapter 9, "Developing Applications with Heterogeneous Services" 


Appendix A, "Heterogeneous Services Initialization Parameters"

Appendix B, "Data Dictionary Views Available Through Heterogeneous Services"

Appendix C, "Data Dictionary Translation for Generic Connectivity"

Appendix D, "Datatype Mapping" 

To acquaint yourself with the basic features of distributed databases in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, read Chapter 1, "Distributed Database Concepts" and then Chapter 6, "Oracle Heterogeneous Services Concepts".

Refer to the administrative chapters to learn how to perform specific tasks related to management of distributed systems. Refer to the application development chapters if your interest is in designing application that work with distributed systems. Finally, refer to the reference chapters for information about heterogeneous services initialization parameters and generic connectivity mapping.

Conventions Used in This Guide

The following conventions are used in code fragments in this guide:



Text that must be entered exactly as shown. For example:

SQLPLUS username/password

lowercase italicized text 

Emphasized term or glossary term. It also identifies a variable for which you should substitute an appropriate value. Parentheses should be entered as shown. For example:

VARCHAR (length)

Vertical bars | 

Alternate choices. For example:


Braces { } 

The enclosed items are required, that is, you must choose one of the alternatives. For example:

{column_name | array_def}

Square brackets [ ] 

The enclosed items are optional. For example:

DECIMAL (digits [ , precision ])


A SQL operator. For example:

WHERE x <operator> x

Ellipses ... 

A repeated item. For example:

WHERE column_1 <operator> x 
AND column_2 <operator> y
[AND ...]

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