Oracle8i SQL Reference
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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To specify or modify any of the conditions or parameters that affect your connection to the database. The statement stays in effect until you disconnect from the database.


To enable and disable the SQL trace facility, you must have ALTER SESSION system privilege.

You do not need any privileges to perform the other operations of this statement unless otherwise indicated.

Keywords and Parameters


sends advice to a remote database to force a distributed transaction. The advice appears in the ADVICE column of the DBA_2PC_PENDING view on the remote database (the value 'C' for COMMIT, 'R' for ROLLBACK, and ' ' for NOTHING). If the transaction becomes in doubt, the administrator of that database can use this advice to decide whether to commit or roll back the transaction.

You can send different advice to different remote databases by issuing multiple ALTER SESSION statements with the ADVISE clause in a single transaction. Each such statement sends advice to the databases referenced in the following statements in the transaction until another such statement is issued. For more information on distributed transactions and how to decide whether to commit or roll back in-doubt distributed transactions, see Oracle8i Distributed Database Systems


closes the database link dblink. When you issue a statement that uses a database link, Oracle creates a session for you on the remote database using that link. The connection remains open until you end your local session or until the number of database links for your session exceeds the value of the initialization parameter OPEN_LINKS. If you want to reduce the network overhead associated with keeping the link open, use this clause to close the link explicitly if you do not plan to use it again in your session. You must first close all cursors that use the link and then end your current transaction if it uses the link. 


Procedures and stored functions written in PL/SQL can issue COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements. If your application would be disrupted by a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement not issued directly by the application itself, use the DISABLE form of this clause to prevent procedures and stored functions called during your session from issuing these statements.

You can subsequently allow procedures and stored functions to issue COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements in your session by issuing the ENABLE form of this clause.

Some applications (such as SQL*Forms) automatically prohibit COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements in procedures and stored functions. Refer to your application documentation. 


Note: This statement does not apply to database triggers. Triggers can never issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements.  


specifies whether all subsequent DML, DDL, or query statements in the session will be considered for parallel execution. This clause enables you to override the degree of parallelism of tables during the current session without changing the tables themselves. You can execute this clause for DML only between committed transactions. Uncommitted transactions must either be committed or rolled back prior to executing this clause for DML. 



executes subsequent statements in the session in parallel. This is the default for DDL and query statements. 



  • DML: executes the session's DML statements in parallel mode if a parallel hint or a parallel clause is specified.

  • DDL: executes the session's DDL statements in parallel mode if a parallel clause is specified.

  • QUERY: executes the session's queries in parallel mode if a parallel hint or a parallel clause is specified

Restriction: You cannot specify the optional PARALLEL integer with ENABLE



specifies that subsequent statements will be executed serially. This is the default for DML statements. 



  • DML: executes the session's DML statements serially.

  • DDL: executes the session's DDL statements serially.

  • QUERY: executes the session's queries serially.

Restriction: You cannot specify the optional PARALLEL integer with DISABLE



forces parallel execution of subsequent statements in the session. If no parallel clause or hint is specified, then a default degree of parallelism is used. This clause overrides any parallel_clause specified in subsequent statements in the session, but is overridden by a parallel hint. 



  • DML: provided no parallel DML restrictions are violated, executes subsequent DML statements in the session with the default degree of parallelism, unless a specific degree is specified in this clause.

  • DDL: executes subsequent DDL statements in the session with the default degree of parallelism, unless a specific degree is specified in this clause. Resulting database objects will have associated with them the prevailing degree of parallelism.

    Using FORCE DDL automatically causes all tables created in this session to be created with a default level of parallelism. The effect is the same as if you had specified the parallel_clause (with default degree) with the CREATE TABLE statement.

  • QUERY: executes subsequent queries with the default degree of parallelism, unless a specific degree is specified in this clause.




  • PARALLEL integer: explicitly specifies a degree of parallelism

    - For force DDL, the degree overrides any parallel clause in subsequent DDL statments.

    - For force DML and QUERY, the degree overrides the degree currently stored for the table in the data dictionary.

    - A degree specified in a statement through a hint will override the degree being forced.



The following types of DML operations are not parallelized regardless of this clause:

  • Operations on clustered tables

  • Operations with embedded functions that either write or read database or package states

  • Operations on tables with triggers that could fire

  • Operations on tables or schema objects containing object types, or LONG or LOB datatypes.



For a detailed description of parallel DML features and hints, see Oracle8i Designing and Tuning for Performance. 


sets the session parameters that follow. You can set values for multiple parameters in the same set_clause


CAUTION: Unless otherwise indicated, the parameters described here are initialization parameters, and the descriptions indicate only the general nature of the parameters. Before changing the values of initialization parameters, please refer to their full description in Oracle8i Reference or Oracle8i National Language Support Guide. 



determines when conditions specified by a deferrable constraint are enforced. CONSTRAINT{S} is a session parameter only, not an initialization parameter. 


  • IMMEDIATE indicates that the conditions specified by the deferrable constraint are checked immediately after each DML statement. This setting is equivalent to issuing the SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE statement at the beginning of each transaction in your session. See the IMMEDIATE parameter of "SET CONSTRAINT(S)".



  • DEFERRED indicates that the conditions specified by the deferrable constraint are checked when the transaction is committed. This setting is equivalent to issuing the SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED statement at the beginning of each transaction in your session. See the DEFERRED parameter of "SET CONSTRAINT(S)".

  • DEFAULT restores all constraints at the beginning of each transaction to their initial state of DEFERRED or IMMEDIATE.


CREATE_STORED_OUTLINES = { TRUE | FALSE | 'category_name' }  


determines whether Oracle should automatically create and store an outline for each query submitted during the session. CREATE_STORED_OUTLINES is not an initialization parameter. 


  • TRUE enables automatic outline creation for subsequent queries in the same session. These outlines receive a unique system-generated name and are stored in the DEFAULT category. If a particular query already has an outline defined for it in the DEFAULT category, that outline will remain and a new outline will not be created.

  • FALSE disables automatic outline creation during the session. This is the default.

  • category_name has the same behavior as TRUE except that any outline created during the session is stored in the category_name category.




changes the current schema of the session to the specified schema. Subsequent unqualified references to schema objects during the session will resolve to objects in the specified schema. The setting persists for the duration of the session or until you issue another ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA statement. CURRENT_SCHEMA is a session parameter only, not an initialization parameter. 


This setting offers a convenient way to perform operations on objects in a schema other than that of the current user without having to qualify the objects with the schema name. This setting changes the current schema, but it does not change the session user or the current user, nor does it give you any additional system or object privileges for the session. For more information on this parameter, see Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals. 



determines what kind of SQL statements can share the same cursors.

  • EXACT causes only identical SQL statements to share a cursor.

  • FORCE forces statements that may differ in some literals, but are otherwise identical, to share a cursor, unless the literals affect the meaning of the statement.

See Also: Oracle8i Designing and Tuning for Performance for information on setting this parameter in these and other environments. 



controls whether data block checking is done. The default is FALSE.  



specifies with integer the maximum number of blocks read in one I/O operation during a sequential scan. The default is 8. 



specifies the target number of I/Os (reads and writes) to and from buffer cache that Oracle should perform upon crash or instance recovery. Oracle continuously calculates the actual number of I/Os that would be needed for recovery and compares that number against the target. If the actual number is greater than the target, Oracle attempts to write additional dirty buffers to advance the checkpoint, while minimizing the affect on performance.

For information on how to tune this parameter, see Oracle8i Designing and Tuning for Performance



specifies FIPS flagging, which causes an error message to be generated when a SQL statement issued is an extension of ANSI SQL92. FLAGGER is a session parameter only, not an initialization parameter.

In Oracle, there is currently no difference between Entry, Intermediate, or Full level flagging. Once flagging is set in a session, a subsequent ALTER SESSION SET FLAGGER statement will work, but generates the message, ORA-00097. This allows FIPS flagging to be altered without disconnecting the session. OFF turns off flagging. 



When you start an instance, Oracle determines whether to enforce global name resolution for remote objects accessed in SQL statements based on the value of the initialization parameter GLOBAL_NAMES. This parameter enables or disables global name resolution for the duration of the session. TRUE enables the enforcement of global names. FALSE disables the enforcement of global names. You can also enable or disable global name resolution for your instance with the GLOBAL_NAMES parameter of the ALTER SYSTEM statement.

Oracle recommends that you enable global name resolution if you use or plan to use distributed processing. For more information on global name resolution and how Oracle enforces it, see "Referring to Objects in Remote Databases" and Oracle8i Distributed Database Systems

HASH_AREA_SIZE = integer  


specifies in bytes the amount of memory to use for hash join operations. The default is twice the value of the SORT_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter. 



enables or disables the use of the hash join operation in queries. The default is TRUE, which enables hash joins. 



specifies the number of data blocks to read and write during a hash join operation. The value multiplied by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter should not exceed 64 K. The default value for this parameter is 1. If the multi-threaded server is used, the value is always 1, and any value specified here is ignored. 

INSTANCE = integer  


in a parallel server, accesses database files as if the session were connected to the instance specified by integer. INSTANCE is a session parameter only, not an initialization parameter. For optimum performance, each instance of a parallel server uses its own private rollback segments, freelist groups, and so on. In a parallel server, you normally connect to a particular instance and access data that is partitioned primarily for your use. If you must connect to another instance, the data partitioning can be lost. Setting this parameter lets you access an instance as if you were connected to your own instance. 



specifies how transactions containing database modifications are handled. ISOLATION_LEVEL is a session parameter only, not an initialization parameter. 


  • SERIALIZABLE indicates that transactions in the session use the serializable transaction isolation mode as specified in SQL92. That is, if a serializable transaction attempts to execute a DML statement that updates rows currently being updated by another uncommitted transaction at the start of the serializable transaction, then the DML statement fails. A serializable transaction can see its own updates.

  • READ COMMITTED indicates that transactions in the session will use the default Oracle transaction behavior. Thus, if the transaction contains DML that requires row locks held by another transaction, then the DML statement will wait until the row locks are released.


LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n = {null_string

| {LOCATION=local_pathname | SERVICE=tnsnames_service}



specifies up to five session-specific valid operating system pathnames or Oracle service names (plus other related options) as destinations for archive redo log file groups (n = integers 1 through 5). For a description of the options, refer to Oracle8i Reference. 


Restrictions: If you set a value for this parameter,

  • You cannot have definitions for the parameters LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST in your initialization parameter file, nor can you set values for those parameters with the ALTER SYSTEM statement.

  • You cannot start archiving to a specific location using the ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG TO location statement.




specifies the session-specific state associated with the corresponding LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter.

  • ENABLE specifies that any associated valid destination can be used for archiving. This is the default.

  • DEFER specifies that Oracle will not consider for archiving any destination associated with the corresponding LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter.




specifies the session-specific minimum number of destinations that must succeed in order for the online log file to be available for reuse. 



specifies the upper limit of trace dump file size. Specify the maximum size as either a nonnegative integer that represents the number of blocks, or as UNLIMITED. If you specify UNLIMITED, no upper limit is imposed. 

NLS parameters: When you start an instance, Oracle establishes support based on the values of initialization parameters that begin with "NLS". You can query the dynamic performance table V$NLS_PARAMETERS to see the current NLS attributes for your session. For more information about NLS parameters, see Oracle8i National Language Support Guide

NLS_CALENDAR = 'text'  


explicitly specifies a new calendar type. 

NLS_COMP = 'text'  


specifies that linguistic comparison is to be used according to the NLS_SORT parameter. This parameter obviates the need to specify NLS_SORT in SQL statements. 

NLS_CURRENCY = 'text'  


explicitly specifies a new value for the L number format element (the local currency symbol). The symbol cannot exceed 10 characters. 



explicitly specifies a new default date format. The 'fmt' value must be a date format model as specified in the section "Date Format Elements".  

NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = language  


explicitly changes the language for names and abbreviations of days and months, and for spelled-out values of other date format elements.  



explicitly specifies a new "Euro" (or other) dual currency symbol. The value of text is returned by the number format element U (see "Number Format Elements"); text cannot exceed 10 characters. 

NLS_ISO_CURRENCY = territory  


explicitly specifies the territory whose ISO currency symbol should be used. That territory's currency symbol then becomes the value of the C number format element. 

NLS_LANGUAGE = language  


changes the language in which Oracle returns errors and other messages. This parameter also implicitly specifies new values for these items:  


  • Language for day and month names and abbreviations and spelled values of other elements

  • Linguistic sort sequences or binary sorts

  • B.C. and A.D. indicators

  • A.M. and P.M. meridian indicators




explicitly specifies a new decimal character and group separator. The 'text' value must have this form:


where: d is the new decimal character, and g is the new group separator. 


The decimal character and the group separator must be two different single-byte characters, and cannot be a numeric value or any of the following characters: plus sign ("+"), minus sign or hyphen ("-" ), less-than sign ("<"), or greater-than sign (">"). 


If the decimal character is not a period (.), you must use single quotation marks to enclose all number values that appear in expressions in your SQL statements. When not using a period for the decimal point, use the TO_NUMBER function to ensure that a valid number is retrieved. 

NLS_SORT = { sort | BINARY}  


changes the sequence into which Oracle sorts character values. sort specifies the name of a linguistic sort sequence. BINARY specifies a binary sort. The default is BINARY.  

NLS_TERRITORY = territory  


implicitly specifies new values for these items:  


  • Default date format

  • Decimal character and group separators

  • Local currency symbol

  • ISO currency symbol

  • First day of the week for D date format element




specifies the percentage of the optimal cache size that the session object cache can grow beyond the optimal size. The default is 10. 



specifies (in kilobytes) the size to which the session object cache is reduced when it exceeds maximum size. The default is 100. 



lets you tune the optimizer to favor nested loops joins and IN-list iterators. The value of integer indicates the percentage of the index blocks assumed to be in the cache. 



let you tune optimizer behavior for access path selection to make the optimizer more likely to select an index access path than a full table scan. The value of integer is a percentage indicating the importance the optimizer attaches to the index path compared with "normal". The default is 100 (indicating 100%), which makes the optimizer cost index access paths at the regular cost. 



lets you limit the amount of work the optimizer expends on optimizing queries with large joins. The value of integer is the number of permutations of the tables the optimizer will consider with large joins. 



specifies the approach and mode of the optimizer for your session. For information on how to choose a goal for the cost-based approach based on the characteristics of your application, see Oracle8i Concepts and Oracle8i Designing and Tuning for Performance


  • ALL_ROWS specifies the cost-based approach and optimizes for best throughput.

  • FIRST_ROWS specifies the cost-based approach and optimizes for best response time.

  • RULE specifies the rule-based approach. (The rule-based optimizer does not use function-based indexes.)

  • CHOOSE causes the optimizer to choose an optimization approach based on the presence of statistics in the data dictionary.




specifies the amount of parallelism the optimizer uses in its cost functions. The default is 0 (no parallelism). 



lets you enhance performance during hash and merge joins. 



identifies the parallel instance group to be used for spawning parallel query slaves. The default is all active instances. Set this parameter only if you are running Oracle Parallel Server in parallel mode. 



specifies the minimum percent of threads required for parallel query. The default is 0 (no parallelism). 



When set to TRUE, this parameter causes the optimizer to skip unnecessary table accesses in a partition view.  


Note: For important information on partition views, see "Partition Views"



if TRUE, modifies the compile-time behavior of PL/SQL programs to allow language constructs that are illegal in Oracle8 and Oracle8i (PL/SQL V3), but were legal in Oracle7 (PL/SQL V2). FALSE disallows illegal Oracle7 PL/SQL V2 constructs. This is the default.

See the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference and Oracle8i Reference for more information about this session parameter.  



enables or disables query rewrite on all materialized views that have not been explicitly disabled. Query rewrite is disabled by default. It is also disabled by rule-based optimization (that is, if the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter is set to RULE). For more information on query rewrite, see Oracle8i Data Warehousing Guide


This parameter has the following additional effect on the use of function-based indexes:

  • If this parameter is set to TRUE, Oracle will use function-based indexes to derive values of SQL expressions. If in addition the QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY parameter is set to any value other than ENFORCED, Oracle will derive such values even if the index is based on a user-defined (rather than SQL) function.



  • If this parameter is set to FALSE, Oracle will not use function-based indexes to derive values of SQL expressions, but it will use such indexes to obtain values of real columns in the index.



Enabling or disabling query rewrite does not affect descending indexes.

A setting of TRUE has no effect on materialized views that cannot be created with the ENABLE QUERY REWRITE clause, such as materialized views created totally or in part from a view. 



sets the minimum consistency level for query rewrite. The following values are permitted: 


  • ENFORCED is the safest level. It relies only on system-enforced relationships so that data integrity and correctness can be guaranteed. This level ensures that query rewrite will not use any function-based index or any materialized view that includes a call to a user-defined function.

    In addition, this level ensures that query rewrite will not use any dimensional information or any constraints enabled with the RELY keyword.

  • TRUSTED specifies that materialized views created with the ON PREBUILT TABLE clause are supported, and trusted but unenforced join relationships are accepted. Query rewrite uses join information from dimensions and enables unenforced constraints with the RELY keyword.

  • STALE_TOLERATED specifies that any stale, usable materialized view may be used.

This parameter does not affect descending indexes.

For more information on query rewrite integrity level, see Oracle8i Data Warehousing Guide. For information on dimensions, see "CREATE DIMENSION". For information on constraints enabled with the RELY keyword, see "constraint_clause"



specifies how dependencies of remote stored procedures are handled by the session. For more information, refer to Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals. 



specifies the number of frequently used cursors that can be retained in the cache. The cursors can be open or closed, which is particularly useful for Oracle tools that close all session cursors associated with a form when switching to another form. In such cases, frequently used cursors do not have to be reparsed. A least recently used algorithm ages out entries in the cache to make room for new entries when needed. For more information on session cursor caching, see Oracle8i Designing and Tuning for Performance



controls the use and reporting of tables with unusable indexes or index partitions. SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES is a session parameter only, not an initialization parameter. 


  • TRUE disables error reporting of indexes and index partitions marked UNUSABLE. Allows all operations (inserts, deletes, updates, and selects) to tables with unusable indexes or index partitions.



    Note: Statements that would normally use the unusable indexes or index partitions may be compiled with suboptimal optimizer plans, occasionally resulting in major degradation in response time and resource utilization.



  • FALSE enables error reporting of indexes marked UNUSABLE. Does not allow inserts, deletes, and updates to tables with unusable indexes or index partitions. This is the default.




specifies (in bytes) the maximum amount of memory that each sort operation will retain after the first fetch is done, until the cursor ends. If you do not explicitly set this parameter in the initialization parameter file or dynamically, Oracle uses the value of the SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter. 

SORT_AREA_SIZE = integer  


specifies (in bytes) the maximum amount of memory to use for each sort operation. The default is OS-dependent. 



specifies the number of database blocks to read each time a sort performs a read from temporary segments. The default is 2. 



The SQL trace facility generates performance statistics for the processing of SQL statements. When you begin a session, Oracle enables or disables the SQL trace facility based on the value of this parameter. You can subsequently enable or disable the SQL trace facility for your own session with the SQL_TRACE parameter of the ALTER SESSION statement. TRUE enables the SQL trace facility. FALSE disables it. 


SQL_TRACE is an initialization parameter. However, when you change its value with an ALTER SESSION statement, the results are not reflected in the V$PARAMETER view. Therefore, in this context it is considered a session parameter only.

See Also: Oracle8i Designing and Tuning for Performance for more information on the SQL trace facility, including how to format and interpret its output. 



determines whether a cost-based query transformation will be applied to star queries. The default is FALSE



specifies whether the server requests the time from the operating system when generating time-related statistics. The default is FALSE

USE_STORED_OUTLINES = { TRUE | FALSE | 'category_name' }  


determines whether the optimizer will use stored outlines to generate execution plans. USE_STORED_OUTLINES is not an initialization parameter. 


  • TRUE causes the optimizer to use outlines stored in the DEFAULT category when compiling requests.

  • FALSE specifies that the optimizer should not use stored outlines. This is the default.

  • category_name causes the optimizer to use outlines stored in the category_name category when compiling requests.




Issue the following statement to enable parallel DML mode for the current session:

ADVISE Example

The following transaction inserts an employee record into the EMP table on the database identified by the database link SITE1 and deletes an employee record from the EMP table on the database identified by SITE2:


INSERT INTO emp@site1
   VALUES (8002, 'FERNANDEZ', 'ANALYST', 7566,
   TO_DATE('04-OCT-1992', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 3000, NULL, 20); 


DELETE FROM emp@site2
   WHERE empno = 8002; 


This transaction has two ALTER SESSION statements with the ADVISE clause. If the transaction becomes in doubt, SITE1 is sent the advice 'COMMIT' by virtue of the first ALTER SESSION statement and SITE2 is sent the advice 'ROLLBACK' by virtue of the second.


This statement updates the employee table on the SALES database using a database link, commits the transaction, and explicitly closes the database link:

UPDATE emp@sales 
   SET sal = sal + 200
   WHERE empno = 9001;


Date Format Example

The following statement dynamically changes the default date format for your session to 'YYYY MM DD-HH24:MI:SS':


Oracle uses the new default date format:


1997 08 12 14:25:56 
Date Language Example

The following statement changes the language for date format elements to French:



Mardi    28 Février   1997
ISO Currency Example

The following statement dynamically changes the ISO currency symbol to the ISO currency symbol for the territory America:


SELECT TO_CHAR( SUM(sal), 'C999G999D99') Total
   FROM emp; 

Decimal Character and Group Separator Example

The following statement dynamically changes the decimal character to comma (,) and the group separator to period (.):


Oracle returns these new characters when you use their number format elements:

SELECT TO_CHAR( SUM(sal), 'L999G999D99') Total FROM emp ;

NLS Currency Example

The following statement dynamically changes the local currency symbol to 'DM':


SELECT TO_CHAR( SUM(sal), 'L999G999D99') Total
   FROM emp; 

NLS Language Example

The following statement dynamically changes to French the language in which error messages are displayed:



ORA-00942: Table ou vue inexistante
Linguistic Sort Example

The following statement dynamically changes the linguistic sort sequence to Spanish:

   SET NLS_SORT = XSpanish; 

Oracle sorts character values based on their position in the Spanish linguistic sort sequence.

SQL Trace Example

To enable the SQL trace facility for your session, issue the following statement:

Query Rewrite Example

This statement enables query rewrite in the current session for all materialized views that have not been explicitly disabled:


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