Oracle8i Error Messages
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Spatial Data Option Messages (SDO)

For information about the Spatial Data option, refer to the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference.

SDO-00000 successful completion

Cause: An operation has completed normally, having met no exceptions.

Action: No action required.

SDO-00002 too many errors in 'string' - aborting

Cause: The maximum number of errors allowed has been reached.

Action: Fix errors and retry or increase the maximum number of errors allowed.

SDO-00200 could not allocate memory for initialization of internal heap manager

Cause: Could not allocate the essential memory.

Action: Increase amount of memory available or wait until more memory becomes available.

SDO-00201 failed to initialize message handler

Cause: Possibly could not allocate the essential memory.

Action: Increase the amount of memory available or wait until more memory becomes available.

SDO-00202 out of memory while performing essential allocations

Cause: Could not allocate the essential memory.

Action: Increase the amount of memory available or wait until more memory becomes available.

SDO-00203 invalid maximum bind array size

Cause: The space allocated to do the necessary processing was not enough.

Action: Increase the value of the bind size.

SDO-00250 unable to open 'string' for processing

Cause: Could not open the named file for processing.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00251 cannot close 'string'

Cause: Could not close the named file.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00252 unable to read 'string'

Cause: Could not read the named file for processing.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00253 unable to write to 'string'

Cause: Could not write to the named file.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00254 unable to seek in 'string'

Cause: Could not seek the named file for processing.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00255 unable to write to log file

Cause: Could not write to log file.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00256 unable to delete 'string'

Cause: Could not delete the named file.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00257 unable to rename 'string'

Cause: Could not rename the named file.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00258 unable to open a temporary file for processing

Cause: Could not open the named file for processing.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00259 cannot close a temporary file

Cause: Could not close the named file.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00260 unable to read from a temporary file

Cause: Could not read the named file for processing.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00261 unable to write to a temporary file

Cause: Could not write to the named file.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00262 unable to seek in a temporary file

Cause: Could not seek the named file for processing.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00263 unable to create a unique temporary file name

Cause: Could not create a unique file name.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00264 unable to delete a temporary file

Cause: Could not delete a temporary file.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00265 unable to rename a temporary file

Cause: Could not rename a temporary file.

Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.

SDO-00267 failed to translate environment variable in path

Cause: The environment variable is invalid or not defined.

Action: Verify that the environment variable is correct.

SDO-00269 failed to fork process (errno = string)

Cause: The daemon could not be forked because of the specified operating system error.

Action: Correct the operating system error.

SDO-00270 failed to detach daemon process (errno = string)

Cause: The daemon could not detach from the controlling terminal.

Action: Correct the specified operating system error.

SDO-01000 invalid keyword or value for argument number string

Cause: Incorrect spelling of keyword, keyword is not valid, or incorrect type for argument's value.

Action: Check the command syntax and your spelling, then retry.

SDO-01001 mandatory keyword is missing

Cause: Keyword was left out on the command line.

Action: Place mandatory keyword on command line.

SDO-01002 argument for the keyword 'string' is invalid

Cause: Argument is either missing or out of bounds.

Action: Verify argument is correct for the specified keyword.

SDO-01003 'string' is not a valid keyword or missing value for the keyword

Cause: Incorrect spelling of keyword, keyword is not valid, or value of the keyword is missing.

Action: Check the command syntax and your spelling, then retry.

SDO-01004 invalid combination on command line

Cause: A keyword was used that could not be combined with a previous keyword on the command line.

Action: Check the command line syntax.

SDO-01005 error detected on the command line

Cause: A command line parameter is improperly defined.

Action: Verify that all command line parameters are properly specified.

SDO-01006 a userid was not specified on the command line

Cause: A USERID was specified on the command line.

Action: A USERID must be specified on the command line (for example, USERID=sims/sims).

SDO-01007 failed to parse connect string

Cause: The connect string specified could not be properly parsed.

Action: Verify that the connect string is valid. If it is, document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

SDO-01008 a null userid was specified

Cause: A null USERID was specified.

Action: A USERID must be entered.

SDO-01009 a null password was specified

Cause: A null password was specified.

Action: A password must be entered.

SDO-01200 internal error: [string]

Cause: An error occurred during an internal match manipulation.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

SDO-01201 internal error: [string]

Cause: An error occurred during an internal substring manipulation.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

SDO-01202 internal error: [string]

Cause: An error occurred during an internal increment manipulation.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

SDO-01203 internal error: [string]

Cause: An error occurred during an internal set ID manipulation.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

SDO-01204 internal error: [string]

Cause: An error occurred during an internal get ID manipulation.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

SDO-01500 invalid username/password; logon denied

Cause: An invalid username or password was entered in an attempt to log on to Oracle.

Action: Enter a valid username/password combination in the correct format.

SDO-01501 failed to log onto Oracle

Cause: Log onto Oracle failed.

Action: Verify that the Oracle connect string is valid.

SDO-01502 failed to connect as MDSYS

Cause: The connection to the Oracle MDSYS account failed.

Action: Verify that this account exists and was set up correctly.

SDO-01503 partition is locked

Cause: Partition is currently being used.

Action: Wait until the partition is free.

SDO-01507 partition is locked with an unknown status

Cause: Status of partition is not a known status.

Action: Verify that the Spatial Data Option data dictionary is correct.

SDO-01508 inserted a partition record after someone else did

Cause: Multiple concurrent loads created same partition (only one wins).

Action: Re-run the load process.

SDO-01600 failed to create table

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to create a table.

SDO-01601 failed to create temporary table

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to create a table.

SDO-01602 failed to drop table

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to drop a table.

SDO-01603 failed to drop a temporary table

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to drop a table.

SDO-01604 failed to truncate table

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to truncate a table.

SDO-01605 failed to truncate temporary table

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to truncate a table.

SDO-01607 HHCODE column has no spatial information

Cause: The spatial information for the HHCODE column was not found.

Action: Verify that the spatial information is correct.

SDO-01608 HHCODE column is missing spatial information in 'string'

Cause: No spatial information was entered.

Action: Verify that the spatial information is correct.

SDO-01609 spatial table name does not exist for specified owner

Cause: Either the spatial table name is misspelled or it does not exist.

Action: Verify that table exists and check spelling.

SDO-01610 null was passed in not null field 'string'

Cause: Null flag was set for a column that was set as a not null field.

Action: Set flag for not null setting.

SDO-01611 spatial value for 'string' is out of bounds

Cause: The spatial value is not in the range of the lower and upper bound of the dimension.

Action: Verify that the data is correct or if the lower and upper bound of the dimension is correct.

SDO-01612 the column 'string' has an unsupported data type

Cause: The column is defined with an unsupported data type.

Action: Use another data type for this column.

SDO-01613 'string' was not found as a non-partitioned spatial table

Cause: Specified table does not exist or is not a non-partitioned.

Action: Verify that specified table exists and is a non-partitioned.

SDO-01614 failed to find dimension information from temporary table

Cause: Table may not exist.

Action: Verify that table exists and is working properly.

SDO-01615 failed to find HHCODE column info. from temporary column table

Cause: Temporary table is incorrect.

Action: Verify that table exists and is working properly.

SDO-01616 the spatial table contains no HHCODE columns

Cause: No HHCODE columns exist in the specified spatial table.

Action: Verify that the HHCODE column exists in the specified spatial table.

SDO-01617 there is no partition key column for the specified table

Cause: There was no HHCODE column specified as the partition key.

Action: Alter the spatial table to have a partition key.

SDO-01618 spatial information was not found for HHCODE column

Cause: Spatial information does not exist for HHCODE column.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary for the corresponding spatial table.

SDO-01619 past the maximum level of subdivision

Cause: The high water mark is being exceeded on a partition at the maximum subdivision point.

Action: Alter the spatial table with a higher high water mark.

SDO-01620 failed to assign a transaction to specified rollback segment

Cause: The specified rollback segment is invalid.

Action: Verify that the rollback segment is correct.

SDO-01621 failed to create temporary view

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to create a view.

SDO-01622 failed to drop a temporary view

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to drop a view.

SDO-01700 failed to create base trigger on partition

Cause: Failed to create trigger.

Action: Check the Oracle message accompanying this message.

SDO-01701 failed to enable base trigger on partition

Cause: Failed to enable trigger.

Action: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

SDO-01702 failed to select from table

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to select from a table.

SDO-01703 failed to select from temporary table

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to select from a table.

SDO-01704 failed to select information from view user_users

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to select from this view.

SDO-01705 failed to select from temporary column table

Cause: Table may not exist.

Action: Verify that table exists and is working properly.

SDO-01706 failed to select from temporary table

Cause: Table may not exist.

Action: Verify that table exists and is working properly.

SDO-01707 failed to insert into temporary table

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that you are able to insert into a table.

SDO-01708 failed to select information from view all_tables

Cause: Either the view does not exist or you do not have access.

Action: Verify that you have access to the view and it is working properly.

SDO-01800 failed to select from sys.col$

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from SYS.COL$.

SDO-01801 failed to select from sys.obj$

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from SYS.OBJ$.

SDO-01802 failed to select from sys.ts$

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from SYS.TS$.

SDO-01803 failed to select from$

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from SYS.TAB$.

SDO-01804 failed to select from sys.dba_tables

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from SYS.DBA_TABLES.

SDO-01805 failed to select information from sys.dba_users

Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.

Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from SYS.DBA_USERS.

SDO-01850 invalid HHCODE column name in 'string'

Cause: HHCODE column name was not found for the specified spatial table.

Action: Verify HHCODE column exist in the specified spatial table.

SDO-01851 no column information was found in view all_md_columns

Cause: No non-HHCODE columns were found in the specified spatial table.

Action: Verify that the view ALL_MD_COLUMNS is correct.

SDO-01852 no class information was found in view all_md_tables

Cause: The class information for the spatial table was not found.

Action: Verify that the view ALL_MD_TABLES is correct.

SDO-01853 failed to select information from view all_md_tables

Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01854 HHCODE column name 'string' was not found for spatial table

Cause: HHCODE column name was not found for specified spatial table.

Action: Verify HHCODE column exists in specified spatial table.

SDO-01855 dimension name 'string' was not found for specified HHCODE column

Cause: Either the dimension name does not exist in the specified spatial table or name is incorrectly spelled.

Action: Verify that given dimension name is correct or verify that it exists in specified spatial table for the specified HHCODE column.

SDO-01856 column name 'string' was not found for specified spatial table

Cause: Either the column name does not exist in the specified spatial table or the name is incorrectly spelled.

Action: Verify that the given column name is correct and exists in the specified spatial table.

SDO-01857 dimension name 'string' was not found for partition key column

Cause: Either the dimension name does not exist in the specified spatial table or the name is incorrectly spelled.

Action: Verify that the given dimension name is correct or verify that it exists in the specified spatial table for the specified partition key column.

SDO-01858 not null field in 'string' not passed

Cause: A column value was not passed that was set as a not null field.

Action: Pass this column with a value other than null.

SDO-01859 data type for 'string' is invalid

Cause: The COL structure data type description does not correspond to the data type describing the spatial table.

Action: Verify that the data type describing the data is correct or the column in the spatial table has the correct data type.

SDO-01860 partition name sequence overflow

Cause: All possible values of the sequence have been exhausted.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

SDO-01900 failed to select information from table md$col

Cause: Either the table does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01901 failed to select information from table md$dim

Cause: Either the table does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01902 failed to select information from table md$ptab

Cause: Either the table does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01903 failed to select information from view mdv$tab

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01904 failed to select information from view mdv$col

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01905 failed to select information from view mdv$dim

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01906 failed to select information from view all_md_dimensions

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01907 failed to select information from view all_md_columns

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01908 failed to select information from view all_tab_columns

Cause: Either the view does not exist or you do not have access to it.

Action: Verify that you have access to the view and it is working properly.

SDO-01909 failed to find dimension information from view all_md_dimensions

Cause: The view may not exist.

Action: Verify that the view exists and is working properly.

SDO-01910 failed to find column information from view all_md_columns

Cause: The view may not exist.

Action: Verify that the view exists and is working properly.

SDO-01911 failed to select information from table md$ler

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01912 failed to select information from table md$pts

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01913 failed to select information from table md$tab

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01914 failed to insert information from table md$exc

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01915 failed to insert information from table md$ler

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01916 failed to insert information from table md$ptab

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01917 failed to delete information from table md$exc

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01918 failed to delete information from table md$ler

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01919 failed to delete information from table md$ptab

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01920 failed to update information in table md$ptab

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01921 failed to update information from table md$ler

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01922 failed to update information from table md$pts

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01923 failed to update information from table md$tab

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01924 failed to select information from view dba_md_columns

Cause: Eitherthe view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-01925 failed to select information from view dba_md_dimensions

Cause: Either the view does not exist or is inconsistent.

Action: Verify the Spatial Data Option data dictionary.

SDO-05000 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The SLF file is built for either a partitioned spatial table or a non-partitioned spatial table. The SLF file is being loaded into the wrong class.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05001 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The total number of HHCODE columns in the SLF file does not match the total in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05002 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The total number of dimensions for each HHCODE column in the SLF file does not match the total in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05003 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The total number of non-HHCODE columns in the SLF file does not match the total in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05004 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The HHCODE column name in the SLF file does not match the name in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05005 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The number of dimensions of HHCODE column in the SLF file does not match the number in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05006 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The maximum level of dimensions of HHCODE column in the SLF file does not match the maximum level in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05007 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The size of the HHCODE column in the SLF file does not match the size in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05008 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The null field of the HHCODE column in the SLF file does not match the null field in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05009 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The dimension name of the HHCODE column in the SLF file does not match the name in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05010 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The dimension number of the HHCODE column in the SLF file does not match the number in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05011 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The dimension level of the HHCODE column in the SLF file does not match the level in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05012 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The dimension lower bound of the HHCODE column in the SLF file does not match the lower bound in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05013 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The dimension upper bound of the HHCODE column in the SLF file does not match the upper bound inthe spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05014 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The column name in the SLF file does not match the name in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05015 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The null field of the column in the SLF file does not match the null field in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05016 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The column type in the SLF file does not match the type in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05017 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The precision field of the column in the SLF file does not match the precision field in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05018 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The scale field of the column in the SLF file does not match the scale field in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05019 SLF header: string does not match spatial data dictionary: string

Cause: The size of the column in the SLF file does not match the size in the spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.

Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.

SDO-05020 no data found in SLF file (just header information)

Cause: During the conversion process, the writing SLF record process died.

Action: Re-create the SLF file verifying that the SLF data is written.

SDO-05200 line in 'string' was too complex to parse

Cause: Data in the control file exceeded maximum field limits.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

SDO-05201 insufficient number of fields in 'string'

Cause: There were fewer than 3 fields in the control file.

Action: Check the control file for accuracy.

SDO-05202 did not find the expected line or keyword in 'string'

Cause: Expected keyword or line was not found.

Action: Verify that the specified keywords are in the correct order.

SDO-05203 an invalid number of partition key columns was specified in 'string'

Cause: More than one partition key was specified in the named control file.

Action: Verify only one HHCODE is specified as the partition key in the named control file.

SDO-05204 HHCODE column is missing a dimension sequence in 'string'

Cause: When entering the spatial information into the named control file, a spatial sequence was left out.

Action: Verify that the sequence values for the dimensions are correct.

SDO-05205 file type keyword not found in 'string'

Cause: The required file type keyword in the named file is missing.

Action: Verify that the control file has the correct information.

SDO-05206 unexpected keyword or value found in 'string'

Cause: There was more than 1 field found in the control file.

Action: Check the control file for accuracy.

SDO-05207 'string' is an invalid file type specified in control file

Cause: The file type was spelled incorrectly. The only valid file types are BINARY and ASCII.

Action: Verify that the file type specified in the control file is correct.

SDO-05208 format keyword not found in 'string'

Cause: The required format keyword in named file is missing.

Action: Verify that the control file has the correct information.

SDO-05209 unexpected keyword or value found in 'string'

Cause: There were more than 2 fields found in the control file.

Action: Check the control file for accuracy.

SDO-05210 'string' is an invalid keyword specified in control file

Cause: The keyword FIXED was not found in control file.

Action: Verify that the keyword specified in the control file is correct.

SDO-05211 'string' is an invalid record length specified for the data file

Cause: Record length specified is invalid for given data file.

Action: Verify that the record length specified is correct.

SDO-05212 'string' is an invalid keyword specified in control file

Cause: The only valid keywords are DIMENSION and COLUMN.

Action: Verify that the file type specified in the control file is correct.

SDO-05213 'string' is an invalid keyword specified in control file

Cause: The missing keyword POSITION was not found in the control file.

Action: Verify that the keyword specified in the control file is correct.

SDO-05214 invalid position value specified in 'string'

Cause: Field position was incorrectly specified.

Action: Verify that the field positions specified are correct.

SDO-05215 'string' is an invalid data type specified in control file

Cause: Data type specified was spelled incorrectly. The only valid data types are INTEGER, SMALLINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BYTEINT, DATE, RAW, and CHAR.

Action: Verify that the data type specified is correct.

SDO-05216 specified position length is not compatible with 'string'

Cause: Field position value was incorrectly specified.

Action: Verify that the field positions specified are correct.

SDO-05217 'string' is an invalid keyword specified in control file

Cause: The missing keyword NULLIF was not found in control file.

Action: Verify that the keyword specified in the control file is correct.

SDO-05218 'string' is an invalid null indicator in control file

Cause: Null indicator was incorrectly specified.

Action: Verify that the null indicator is correct.

SDO-05219 no spatial information was found in 'string'

Cause: Spatial information was not found in the named file.

Action: Enter the dimension information into the named file.

SDO-05220 no spatial or column information was found in 'string'

Cause: No spatial information was found in the named file.

Action: Enter the column and dimension information into the named file.

SDO-05221 'string' is not the expected value in the data file

Cause: Expected value was not found.

Action: Verify that the specified file is correct.

SDO-05222 data conversion with column 'string' failed

Cause: Either bad data was passed or incorrect format string was used.

Action: Verify that the data and format string are correct.

SDO-05500 user aborted SD*Loader

Cause: User aborted program.

Action: No action required.

SDO-05501 SQL*Loader failed to load all records to the partition

Cause: Some records were bad or rejected.

Action: Check the log file and correct any errors indicated.

SDO-05502 SQL*Loader failed

Cause: The SQL*Loader process died.

Action: Check log file and correct any errors indicated.

SDO-07506 RESTORE request failed

Cause: A RESTORE request failed.

Action: Check the log file and correct any errors indicated.

SDO-07510 bad boolean value

Cause: A bad boolean value was specified.

Action: Verify that the value is TRUE or FALSE.

SDO-07511 failed to read user input from terminal

Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to prompt the user for input from the terminal. This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

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