SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference
Release 8.1.6






Formatting Query Results, 6 of 6

Creating Web Reports

You can output SQL*Plus HyperText Markup Language (HTML) encoded reports to a file using the SET MARKUP and SPOOL commands, or with the SQLPLUS -MARKUP command. The report content is written inside a HTML <PRE> tag so that it displays in a web browser exactly as it appears in SQL*Plus. See the SQLPLUS -MARKUP command in the "Starting SQL*Plus Using the SQLPLUS Command" section of Chapter 7 and the SET MARKUP command in the "SET" section of Chapter 8 for more information about these commands.

Creating Web Reports Interactively

You use the SET MARKUP command interactively during a SQL*Plus session to write HTML to a spool file. The output can be viewed with a web browser. The SQL*Plus screen display is unchanged as HTML encoding is only written to the spool file.

SET MARKUP only specifies that SQL*Plus output will be HTML encoded, it does not create or begin writing to an output file. You use the SQL*Plus SPOOL command to create and name a spool file, and to begin writing output to it. If you use SET MARKUP HTML ON SPOOL ON to enable HTML encoded output and to enable the spooling of HTML output, then the output written to the spool file is HTML encoded.

When creating a HTML encoded file, it is important and convenient to specify a .html file extension which is the standard file extension for HTML files. This allows you to easily identify the type of your output files, and also allows web browsers to identify and correctly display your HTML files. If no extension is specified, the default SQL*Plus file extension, .lst, is used.

You use SPOOL OFF, EXIT, or SPOOL filename to write the final HTML tags to the spool file and then close it. In the SPOOL filename case, a new HTML encoded spool file is created.

If you want to create a new output file which is not HTML encoded, use EXIT or SPOOL OFF to close the existing HTML spool file, and then turn off HTML output and spooling with SET MARKUP HTML OFF SPOOL OFF. The next time you use the SQL*Plus SPOOL command to create a new spool file in the current session, the output will be plain text, not HTML encoded. You can use the SET MARKUP command to enable or disable HTML output as required.

Example 4-26 Creating an HTML Report in an Interactive Session

To create HTML output in an interactive SQL*Plus session, enter the appropriate SET MARKUP command. You can include an embedded style sheet, or any other valid text in the HTML <HEAD> tag.

> type="text/css"> <!-- BODY {background: red} --> </STYLE>'


The minus sign ("-") at the end of the first line is the SQL*Plus continuation character. 

Enter the SQL*Plus SPOOL command and specify a spool file name:

SQL> SPOOL example.html

After the SPOOL command, anything entered or displayed on standard output is also written to the spool file, example.html.

SET MARKUP HTML ON SPOOL ON tells SQL*Plus to enable the HTML feature and write HTML tags to a spool file. The SPOOL command triggers the writing of the <HTML>, <HEAD>, <BODY> and <PRE> tags to the spool file. Subsequent commands and their output are then written to the spool file until you close it.

Enter a SQL query:


Enter the SPOOL OFF command:


The </PRE>, </BODY> and </HTML> tags are appended to the spool file, example.html, before it is closed.

Open example.html in your web browser. It should appear as follows:


     EMPNO ENAME                                                                
---------- ----------                                                           
      7369 SMITH                                                                
      7499 ALLEN                                                                
      7521 WARD                                                                 
      7566 JONES                                                                
      7654 MARTIN                                                               
      7698 BLAKE                                                                
      7782 CLARK                                                                
      7788 SCOTT                                                                
      7839 KING                                                                 
      7844 TURNER                                                               
      7876 ADAMS                                                                

     EMPNO ENAME                                                                
---------- ----------                                                           
      7900 JAMES                                                                
      7902 FORD                                                                 
      7934 MILLER                                                               

14 rows selected.


Open example.html in a text editor. It should appear as follows:

<TITLE> Example </TITLE> 
<STYLE type="text/css"> <!-- BODY {background: red} --> </STYLE> 
<META Name="generator" content="SQL*Plus 8.1.6">

ENAME           EMPNO 
----------  ----------
SMITH            7369
ALLEN            7499
WARD             7521
JONES            7566
MARTIN           7654
BLAKE            7698
CLARK            7782
SCOTT            7788
KING             7839
TURNER           7844
ADAMS            7876

ENAME           EMPNO 
----------  ----------
JAMES            7900
FORD             7902
MILLER           7934

14 rows selected. 

HTML Entities

Certain characters such as "<", ">" and "&" have predefined meaning in HTML. In the previous example, you may have noticed that the ">" character was replaced by &gt; as soon as you entered the SET MARKUP HTML ON command. To enable these characters to be displayed in your web browser, HTML provides character entities to use instead.

Table 4-2 Equivalent HTML Entities

Character HTML Entity Meaning


Start HTML tag label 


End HTML tag label 



The web browser displays the ">" character, but the actual text in the HTML encoded file is the HTML entity, &gt;. The SET MARKUP option, ENTMAP, controls the substitution of HTML entities. ENTMAP is set ON by default. It ensures that the characters "<", ">" and "&" are always replaced by the HTML entities representing these characters. This prevents web browsers from misinterpreting these characters when they occur in your SQL*Plus commands, or in data resulting from your query.

Creating Embedded Web Reports

The SQLPLUS -MARKUP command allows you to start a SQL*Plus session in Internet enabled mode, rather than using the SET MARKUP command interactively. This allows you to run a SQL*Plus session embedded inside a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) script or an operating system command file. A file created in this way is HTML encoded and displayed directly in a web browser. You can use any script language supported by your web server which may include UNIX shell scripts, Windows command files (batch files), Java, JavaScript or Perl files to name just some of the possibilities.

You can use this embedded approach to produce HTML reports on the Internet using existing SQL*Plus scripts, unchanged. It provides an easy way to provide dynamically-created, web-based reports.

Example 4-27 Creating a Web Based Report from a CGI Script

To create a CGI script to run SQL*Plus, producing a report from an existing SQL script, and to view the results in a web browser, you first need to create a Shell script using a text editor. Your script can be written in Perl, Java or any other language supported by your web server. A Shell script is used in this example. Add the following text to your script and edit it to suit your configuration:

echo Content-type: text/html
# Required blank line 
# Your Net8 TNSNAMES.ORA path if required for remote databases
# TNS_ADMIN=/var/opt/oracle 
export TNS_ADMIN 
export ORACLE_SID  
# SQL*Plus executable path
# and enable SQL*Plus markup feature and include Net8 service name
# and SQL script path and script name
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -M "html on" scott/tiger@connect_string @$ORACLE_


You need to carefully consider security on your server before embedding your login information in a script file as described in the above example. 

You should consider using your CGI script to prompt for login information and pass it into the SQLPLUS command using the variable substitution mechanisms of the script language you are using.

You should also consider setting initial conditions rather than assuming default values. For example, explicitly set ENTMAP ON even thought its default is ON. 

Save this script as sqlscript.sh in the cgi-bin directory of your web server.

Create a SQL*Plus script in your text editor which contains:


Save the script as employee.sql in $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus.

Start your web browser and enter the URL appropriate for your web server. It should be similar to:


The shell script sqlscript.sh runs, which in turn starts SQL*Plus and runs the employee.sql script. The query results are displayed directly in your web browser.

Your output should look something like this:

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Sep 29 16:58:18 1999 
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
Connected to: 
Oracle8I Server Release - Production 
With the distributed, parallel query and Spatial Data options 
PL/SQL Release - Production 

     EMPNO ENAME                                                                
---------- ----------                                                           
      7369 SMITH                                                                
      7499 ALLEN                                                                
      7521 WARD                                                                 
      7566 JONES                                                                
      7654 MARTIN                                                               
      7698 BLAKE                                                                
      7782 CLARK                                                                
      7788 SCOTT                                                                
      7839 KING                                                                 
      7844 TURNER                                                               
      7876 ADAMS                                                                

     EMPNO ENAME                                                                
---------- ----------                                                           
      7900 JAMES                                                                
      7902 FORD                                                                 
      7934 MILLER                                                               

14 rows selected.

Disconnected from Oracle8i Server Release - Production 
With the distributed, parallel query and Spatial Data options 
PL/SQL Release - Production

Suppressing the Display of SQL*Plus Commands in Web Reports

It is recommended that you use SILENT mode to start your SQL*Plus session to suppress the display of the SQL*Plus banner and SQL*Plus commands. This ensures that only the results of your SQL query appear in the web browser.

The SQLPLUS -SILENT option is very useful, particularly in combination with -MARKUP when generating embedded SQL*Plus reports using CGI scripts or operating system command files. SILENT suppresses the display of SQL*Plus commands and the SQL*Plus banner. Your HTML output shows only the data resulting from your SQL query.

For example, using SILENT, the output from example 4-27 should look something like this:

     EMPNO ENAME                                                                
---------- ----------                                                           
      7369 SMITH                                                                
      7499 ALLEN                                                                
      7521 WARD                                                                 
      7566 JONES                                                                
      7654 MARTIN                                                               
      7698 BLAKE                                                                
      7782 CLARK                                                                
      7788 SCOTT                                                                
      7839 KING                                                                 
      7844 TURNER                                                               
      7876 ADAMS                                                                

     EMPNO ENAME                                                                
---------- ----------                                                           
      7900 JAMES                                                                
      7902 FORD                                                                 
      7934 MILLER                                                               

14 rows selected.

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