Net8 Getting Started
Release 8.0.6 for Windows NT and Windows 95/98






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Understanding Post Installation Tasks

This chapter describes what happens during the installation of Net8 and what tasks must be performed after installation for basic operation.

Specific topics discussed are:

Typical Installation Results

If a Typical Installation is performed, the following Net8 products are installed:

Oracle8 Database  Oracle8 Client 

Net8 Server and Net8 Client 

Net8 Client 

Oracle Protocol Adapter(s):

  • TCP/IP

  • SPX

  • Named Pipes

Note: Installation of adapters is dependent on protocol stacks on the system. 

Oracle Protocol Adapter(s):

  • TCP/IP

  • SPX

  • Named Pipes

Note: Installation of adapters is dependent on protocol stacks on the system. 

Oracle Names Server 


Installation of some Oracle Protocol Adapters (TCP/IP, SPX and Named Pipes) is done based on automatic detection of protocol stacks. LU6.2 must be installed separately through the Oracle Installer's Custom Installation option.

Additional Information:

See the CD-ROM insert for more information about the Oracle Installer and its options. 

When you install Net8, Oracle services are created and displayed in the Services dialog box. Note that some service names include a HOME_NAME. You can now have multiple active Oracle homes usable concurrently on a single computer. Each Oracle home has a unique HOME_NAME to distinguish it from all other Oracle homes active on your computer. This HOME_NAME is reflected in the names of the services. HOME_NAME is null for the first Oracle home. See Chapter 5, "Using Net8 with Multiple Oracle Homes", for more information about HOME_NAME.

The following Net8 Windows NT services are installed:

Oracle Service  Description  Server  Client 


Service to enable client caching.

Not started, and set up as Manual Startup. 




Service associated with the Oracle Names Servers.

Not started, and set up as Manual Startup. 




Service associated with the network listener.

Started, and set up as Automatic Startup.1 



1 The network listener is set to Automatic Startup mode if no other network listener is started on the system or set up as Automatic Startup mode. Otherwise, the network listener is setup in Manual Startup mode.

Custom Connection Manager Installation

When Connection Manager is installed through the Custom Installation option, the following NT services are installed. After configuration, you must start service(s) you need:

Oracle Service  Description 


Service associated with the Connection Manager's administrative process. This service registers the Connection Manager with the Names Servers and acquires information about the Names Servers.

Not started, and set up as Manual Startup. 


Service associated with the Connection Manager's main process.

Not started, and set up as Manual Startup. 

Verifying Installation and Setup

To verify installation:

  1. Start the Oracle Installer:

    From the taskbar, select Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT or Windows 95/98 - HOME_NAME > Oracle Installer.

    The Software Asset Manager window appears with the currently installed products listed in the list box on the right side of the window.


    Third-party network protocol stacks must also be installed and tested prior to installing Oracle8.  

  2. Click Exit to exit the Oracle Installer.

    A dialog box appears, asking you if you want exit the Oracle Installer.

  3. Choose Yes.

    Oracle Installer exits.

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