Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release Notes
Release 8.0.6 for Windows NT




Oracle8 Enterprise EditionTM

Release Notes

Release 8.0.6 for Windows NT

March 14, 2000

Part No. A69516-01

These Release Notes provide important last minute information not included in the documentation set. Topics include:

Addendum to the Online Release Notes

This section contains important last minute information not included in the online Release Notes. All other sections in this printed Release Note are available in the online Release Notes. Addendum topics include:

Oracle for Windows NT Performance Monitor

Oracle for Windows NT Performance Monitor is not installed in the Typical installation option. This product cannot co-exist with Oracle Data Gatherer (a component of Oracle Intelligent Agent) on the same computer. If this product is installed using the Custom installation option, please disable the Oracle Data Gatherer service in the Windows NT service control panel.

Usage Note Regarding Similarly Named DLLs

The 805.DLLs located on the release 8.0.6 CD-ROM are functionally different from the 805.DLLs on the release 8.0.5 CD-ROM. However, these two sets of similarly named .DLLs can co-exist in the same environment as long as they do not reside in the same Oracle home.


Oracle Fail Safe release 3.0.3 and earlier does not support an environment where both Oracle8 Enterprise Edition release 8.0.5 and 8.0.6 are installed on the same computer.  

EMPMIX.EXE and False Positive Bloodhound.Unknown Virus

The 20th September 1999 virus definition update for Norton AntiVirus may categorize EMPMIX.EXE as a file infected with "Bloodhound.Unknown" virus. The executable is automatically moved into a quarantine area. This causes Oracle Installer to report that EMPMIX.EXE is not found during installation. This is an error on the part of Symantec. The Symantec AntiVirus Research Center has confirmed this is a false positive.

Oracle Corporation recommends that you contact Symantec to obtain the latest version of Norton AntiVirus to avoid this problem.

Workaround to Install Oracle SNMP Agent

The Oracle SNMP Agent is not installed if the Windows NT SNMP service is running. If the Windows NT SNMP service is running, you must stop it, configure it for manual startup, and then install Oracle SNMP Agent through the Custom installation option.

Security Precautions for the STRTORCL.ORA File

The STRTORCL.ORA file contains the Oracle8 database INTERNAL password in plain text. It is critical that the permissions on this file are set appropriately so that it can only be accessed by authorized database system administrators. This file is used to automatically start up the database when Windows NT boots, and it is possible that one of these files will exist for each database instance created on the computer.

Oracle Installer Help Is Not Customized for Windows 98

The Oracle Installer help files that are accessed from the Software Asset Manager do not specifically provide information for installation on an Windows 98 operating system. For example, the Oracle home help screen does not mention that the default directory for Windows 98 products is \ORAWIN98. Nonetheless, this product is certified for use on Windows 98 and you should follow the help instructions provided for Windows 95 users to the extent these instructions are relevant.

Online Documentation Corrections

In the online Release Notes in the section "Installing on a Cluster Drive" in the second paragraph it states, "Advanced users using Oracle on cluster drives must refer to their Oracle Fail Safe or Oracle Parallel Server documentation before attempting installation".

The above statement is incorrect regarding Oracle Fail Safe. Oracle Fail Safe does not support any installation of Oracle on a cluster drive.

Windows 2000 Support

The Oracle8 database has been tested against Windows 2000 Release Candidate 1, but because the operating system is a Beta version there may be unexpected problems. Oracle Corporation does not recommend that production databases be deployed on this operating system version.

Installation Issues

  1. Verify System Requirements. Ensure that the system requirements in the installation documentation have been met.

  2. You must have Administrative privileges to install. Before beginning installation, ensure that you are logged on as a user with Administrative privileges.

  3. Post-installation Recommendation. Oracle Corporation recommends running the UTLRP.SQL script found in the ORACLE_HOME/RDBMS80/ADMIN directory after creating, upgrading or migrating a database. This script should be run by user SYS, there should be no other DDL running on the database while it is running, and packages STANDARD and DBMS_STANDARD must already be valid. This script recompiles all PL/SQL modules that may be in an INVALID state, including packages, procedures, types, etc. This step is optional, but recommended as the cost of recompilation is incurred during the installation rather than in the future.

Installing on a Cluster Drive

Install Oracle8 Enterprise Edition or Oracle8 only on a disk that is private to and exclusively owned by the installation system (for example, the system disk). Unless you have specific reasons to do so and understand the risks involved, do not install Oracle on a disk that could be owned or mounted by more than one system.

Advanced users using Oracle on cluster drives must refer to their Oracle Fail Safe or Oracle Parallel Server documentation before attempting installation.

ORAINST.LOG Functionality

Installation events are not logged to ORACLE_HOME\ORAINST\ORAINST.LOG by default in the version of Oracle Installer that ships with release 8.0.6. Installation events are only logged to ORAINST.LOG if this option is turned on during Custom installation.

To enable logging of installation events:

  1. Select Custom Installation from the Select Installation Options dialog box.

    The Software Asset Manager window appears.

  2. Click the Options button.

    The Option dialog box appears.

  3. Select the Log Installer Actions check box and click OK.

Once Log Installer Actions is enabled, installation events are logged to ORAINST.LOG during all subsequent Custom installations until the option is explicitly turned off.

Installation events are not recorded for Typical installations.


SPAWN Command in Listener Control Utility

The SPAWN command is not supported on Windows Platforms.


In Chapter 2, "Building Pro*COBOL Applications" of Pro*COBOL Precompiler Getting Started for Windows NT and Windows 95/98 replace the sections "Fujitsu Compiler", "MERANT Micro Focus Compiler", and "The PROCOB_DFLT Configuration Parameter" with the following sections.

Also, replace the "Using Fujitsu COBOL PROGRAMMING-STAFF" section with "Using Fujitsu COBOL Project Manager" in these Release Notes.

Fujitsu Compiler

The sample directories for release 8.0.6 and release 1.8.28 contain a batch file called FJMAKEIT.BAT.

For release 8.0.6, this batch file does the following:

procob80  iname=%1.pco ireclen=132 maxliteral=160 comp5=yes
cobol32 -M %1.cbl
link %1.obj f3bicimp.lib libc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib
/out:%1.exe ORACLE_HOME\pro80\lib\sqllib80.lib

For release 1.8.28, this batch file does the following:

procob18 iname=%1.pco ireclen=132 maxliteral=160 comp5=yes
cobol32 -M %1.cbl
link %1.obj f3bicimp.lib libc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib
/out:%1.exe ORACLE_HOME\pro18\lib\sqllib80.lib

To build the sample programs, run this batch file with any sample file. Do not provide the file extension. For example:

FJMAKEIT sample1
MERANT Micro Focus Compiler

The sample directories for release 8.0.6 and release 1.8.28 contain a batch file called MAKEIT.BAT. For release 8.0.6, this batch file does the following:

procob80 iname=%1.pco ireclen=132 
cobol %1 /anim /litlink makesyn "COMP-5" = "COMP"; 
cbllink %1 /M%1 ORACLE_HOME\pro80\lib\sqllib80.lib 

For release 1.8.28, this batch file does the following:

procob18 iname=%1.pco ireclen=132
cobol %1 /ganim /litlink makesyn "COMP-5" = "COMP";
cbllink %1 /M%1 ORACLE_HOME\pro18\lib\sqllib80.lib

To build the sample programs, run this batch file with any sample file. Do not provide the file extension. For example:

MAKEIT sample1
The PROCOB_DFLT Configuration Parameter

The PROCOB_DFLT configuration parameter indicates which release of Pro*COBOL is started when you use the PROCOB command. There are two valid values: PROCOB80 and PROCOB18.

The value of PROCOB_DFLT depends upon which installation of Pro*COBOL is the most recently installed.

Using Fujitsu COBOL Project Manager

Programs generated by Pro*COBOL can be compiled and executed from within Fujitsu COBOL Project Manager.

To avoid potential inconsistencies when calling routines in the Oracle libraries, use the "COMP5=YES" option. This step is required because binary numbers for COBOL BINARY/COMP data are stored in Big Endian format. Oracle libraries expect binary numbers to be stored in Little Endian format (machine format).

To debug the application using the Interactive Debugger "WINSVD" when the COBOL application is compiled, the compiler option "TEST" must be selected.

When you click Build/Rebuild, COBOL Project Manager generates the executable and WINSVD debug information.

After building the application, you can debug the application using the Interactive Debugger "WINSVD". To start "WINSVD", choose Debug from the Tools menu of COBOL Project Manager.

Oracle Web Publishing Assistant

Using SQL*Loader

When using SQL*Loader to direct load an Index-Organized Table, you may receive an internal error if the table has an Overflow segment.

Legato Storage Manager

Specific topics discussed are:


The Legato documentation is included on the CD-ROM in the LEGATO\DOCS directory. The Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide is not included in the Oracle online documentation library. It is included in a file named README.TXT in the LEGATO\DOCS directory of the CD-ROM.

Japanese Version of LSM

In the Japanese version of LSM 5.5, the following log files are written in UTF8 format:


On a Japanese version of Windows NT running Japanese LSM 5.5, you must run the following command at the command prompt to read one of these UTF8 log files:

nsrcat -n < file_name 

Here, file_name is the appropriate pathname for the specific log file, such as:

Settings for Multiple Tape Devices

If you use Legato Storage Manager, and have more than one tape device on your system (Legato Storage Manager supports a maximum of 4), ensure that the following settings are made in the LSM Administrator GUI:

  1. Select Start > Programs > NetWorker group > NetWorker Administrator to start the LSM Administrator GUI.

  2. Click the set up server button, and set the parallelism field to the number of tape devices you have. Then, click the devices button. For each tape device listed, select it with the right mouse button, select edit, and set the target sessions field to 1.

LSM Administrator GUI

Specific topics discussed are:

Updating the LSM Administrator GUI

To update to a newer version of the LSM Administrator GUI on your Windows NT client system:

  1. Perform a complete removal of the existing LSM Administrator GUI using the procedure in "Removing the LSM Administrator GUI".

  2. Install the updated version of the LSM Administrator GUI using the procedure in "Installing the LSM Administrator GUI".

Removing the LSM Administrator GUI

To remove the LSM Administrator GUI from your Windows NT client system:

  1. Log on to the computer as a member of the Administrator's group of Windows NT.

  2. Choose Start > Programs > NetWorker Group > Uninstall NetWorker.

  3. In the "Uninstall NetWorker" window, select "Complete" as the uninstall option and click OK.

  4. When a message box appears stating that the client has been removed successfully, click OK.

Installing the LSM Administrator GUI

If you plan to use Legato Storage Manager on the server to back up to tape, and want to administer the Legato Storage Manager server from a Windows NT client system, you need to install the LSM Administrator GUI software on the Windows NT client system.


Installation of the LSM Administrator GUI is supported only on Windows NT. Also, before you install the LSM Administrator GUI, be sure that Legato Storage Manager and NetWorker software are not currently installed on your Windows NT client system. 

To install the LSM Administrator GUI on your Windows NT client system:

  1. Log on to the computer as a member of the Administrator's group of Windows NT.

  2. Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Navigate to the LEGATO folder on the CD-ROM.

  3. Double-click the SETUP.EXE icon, or run SETUP.EXE from the command line without any command options. SETUP Options appears.

  4. Select Client Only and click Next. In Choose destination directory, click Next to accept the default destination directory, C:\WIN32APP\NSR\, for the LSM Administrator GUI installation.


    Installation of the LSM Administrator GUI in a directory other than the default, C:\WIN32APP\NSR, is not supported on a Windows NT client system. 

  5. In the Authorize NetWorker Servers window, leave the field blank and click Next. A message box appears stating that the software has been installed successfully.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Verify that the Legato services have started:

    1. From the taskbar, choose Start > Settings > Control Panel.

    2. Double-click Services.

    3. Check that the Statuses of Storage Management Portmapper and NetWorker Remote Exec Service are "Started".

    For more information on using the LSM Administrator GUI, refer to the Legato Storage Manager README for Windows NT in the LEGATO\DOCS\README.TXT file.

Storing Database Files on Compressed Drives

Do not store database files on a compressed drive.

Doing this can result in write errors, as well as decreased performance.

Accessing README Files

You will find several README files included with your products. Other important or interesting information is contained in these README files.

README files may be included for products you did not purchase or license. Their presence does not mean that you can install and use those products.

At the top level of the CD-ROM directory there is a file called READMES.HTM. This file contains links to all of the READMES on the CD-ROM. This is a convenient point from which to review READMES before you install products.

Reading the Online Documentation

If you want to view the online documentation on your product CD-ROM, you can read the documentation in HTML format. Go to the \DOC directory and select the INDEX.HTM FILE or PRODUCTS.HTM file to view the online documentation. If you select the INDEX.HTM file, Oracle Information Navigator is launched along with the documentation.

The PDF (Adobe Acrobat) version of the documentation included on your product CD-ROM is compressed to save space. To view the PDF documentation, save the compressed PDF file located in the \PDFDOCS directory to a separate directory on your hard drive. Oracle Corporation recommends that you save the file in the ORACLE_HOME\PDFDOCS directory. Launch the self-extracting compressed file to extract the PDF files. You can access the individual PDF guides through the INDEX.PDF file.

If you decide to install Oracle documentation using Oracle Installer, only the HTML documentation is installed to ORACLE_HOME\DOCS.

If you have also installed the PDF documentation to ORACLE_HOME\PDFDOCS, you can access the PDF documentation from the HTML documentation libraries.

Oracle8 Assistants

  1. Oracle8 Assistants must be run from a user account that is a member of the NT Administrator's Group on that computer.

  2. When you use an Assistant, you must have read/write access to the directory where database files will be moved or created.

Display Colors

Net8 Assistant, Net8 Easy Config, and Oracle Intype File Assistant (and Oracle Database Assistant and Oracle Data Migration Assistant for servers) require monitors displaying at least 16 colors.

NTFS File System and Windows NT Registry Security

Oracle Corporation recommends that you configure Oracle8 database files, directories, and registry settings to allow only authorized database administrators to have full control. The following sections describe how to perform these tasks:

NTFS File System Security

The Oracle8 database uses files to store database data, backup data, log information, and so on. To do this, the Oracle8 database process runs under a security account. This security account (the Windows NT LocalSystem account called SYSTEM) includes the ability to create and access these files. The security account is assigned to the service that the Oracle8 database uses (in the Control Panel). This account requires full file system permissions to create, read, write, delete, and execute files.

To ensure that only authorized users have full file system permissions:

  1. Go into Windows NT Explorer.

  2. Right-click Oracle8 database files, executables, dynamic link libraries, and directories.

  3. Select Properties.

  4. Adjust the file and directory permissions to ensure that:

Windows NT Registry Security

Oracle Corporation recommends that you remove write permissions from users who are not Oracle8 database system administrators in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle key of the Windows NT registry.

To remove write permissions:

  1. Open the registry.


  3. Select Permissions from the Security main menu.

    The Registry Key Permissions dialog box appears.

  4. Remove write permissions from any users who are not Oracle8 database administrators. Note that the SYSTEM account must have Full Control, since this is the account with which the Oracle8 database runs.

  5. Ensure that user accounts that must run Oracle applications have read privileges.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Exit the registry.

NT Backup Manager and NT Recovery Manager

In release 8.0.5, NT Backup Manager and NT Recovery Manager were Oracle tools that enabled you to perform database backups to disk or tape. Both tools were automatically installed with the Oracle8 Utilities.

These tools are not available on the 8.0.6 CD-ROM. They are no longer supported. Oracle Corporation recommends that you use third-party backup and recovery tools.

ConText Workbench and interMedia Text

Your CD-ROM includes Oracle8 Context Cartridge Workbench release 2.4.5. However, in Oracle8i release 8.1.5, an improved version of ConText is included in the interMedia product. The new version is more deeply integrated in the Oracle database, providing better performance, scalability, and ease-of-use.

Oracle Corporation recommends that potential Context customers use the new interMedia Text 8.1.5 product.

In particular, the Workbench has been replaced by Oracle interMedia Text Manager, which is a Java application integrated with Oracle Enterprise Manager. Contact Oracle Client Relations to order interMedia and Oracle8i release 8.1.5.

Enabling the ConText Cartridge Demo

Once you have installed the Oracle8 database and the ConText Cartridge using either the Typical or Custom database creation option during installation, you must subsequently enable the ConText Cartridge demo using Oracle Database Assistant.

While the Custom option offers you the opportunity to enable the demo during installation, the Enable demo check box is disabled. This is a bug. The workaround is to enable the demo by using Oracle Database Assistant after you have completed installation as described below.

To enable the ConText Cartridge demo:

  1. Ensure you have installed the Oracle8 database and the ConText Cartridge.

  2. Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT - HOME_NAME > Oracle Database Assistant.

    Oracle Database Assistant appears.

  3. Select Modify a database.

  4. Select the instance of the database you want to modify and enter the internal password.

  5. Click the Configure Oracle Cartridges check box.

  6. Click the Context Cartridge check box.

  7. Click the Enable demo check box.

  8. Click the Help button on this page of the assistant for more information on enabling the ConText Cartridge demo.

Oracle Data Migration Assistant

Oracle Database Assistant

The last page of the Oracle Database Assistant does not contain a help screen. This is the correct implementation of the product.

Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access

After Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access completes migration, you should check that the migration was successful. To check that the migration was successful, look at the Summary information. You can choose to view reports describing specific migration information.

Do not use the following sequence of commands in Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access. If you do, the assistant crashes.

  1. On the Verify Migration page, Click Summary

  2. On the View Migration Reports page, Click Generate Report

  3. On the Verify Migration page, Click Summary again.

Mounting the Oracle Distribution Media on a System that Supports Long File Names

Some servers, such as Novell, do not support long file names. If the Oracle software CD-ROM is mounted on a drive of a Novell server, some of the directory paths on the CD-ROM, such as the JRE location, may not be recognized and the installation will fail. You need to mount the CD-ROM on a system that supports long file names, such as a Windows NT workstation.

Documentation Versions

Your documentation library contains guides with version numbers of 8.0.4, 8.0.5, and 8.0.6. This is because some guides did not require updating for releases subsequent to 8.0.4 (for example, the generic documentation set did not require updates since 8.0.4). Please be assured that the latest documentation is on your CD-ROM.

ORADIM80 Cannot Start or Stop Instances

In Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Getting Started for Windows NT in the chapter "Creating a Database", in the section "Using ORADIM80 to Administer the Oracle Instance" it is stated that ORADIM80 can be used to start and stop services and/or instances from the MS-DOS command prompt. This is incorrect. ORADIM80 can only be used to start and stop services from the MS-DOS command prompt. This is a fix for bugs 986272 and 986261.

Online Documentation Corrections

This section indicates any sections in the online documentation libraries that are incorrect.

  1. In Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Getting Started for Windows NT, in the chapter "Starter Database Contents", in the section "Creating Control, Data, and Log Files on Remote Computers", the following text:

    For example, to access the file SYSTEM01.DBF in the directory C:\ORACLE\ORA81\ORADATA\ORCL on the shared server ARGON, you reference the file as:


    should be corrected to:

    For example, to access the file SYSTEM01.DBF in the directory C:\ORANT\DATABASE on the shared server ARGON, you reference the file as:

  2. In Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Getting Started for Windows NT, in the appendix "Configuration Parameters and the Registry", the section "Modifying Oracle for Windows NT Performance Monitor Parameters" should not have been included in the manual because it is not applicable for 8.0.6.

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