Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs)
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A88879-01
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External LOBs (BFILEs), 41 of 41

Deleting the Row of a Table Containing a BFILE

Figure 12-37 Use Case Diagram: Deleting the Row of a Table Containing a BFILE

Text description of adl12bf5.gif follows This link takes you back to the External LOBs (BFILES) main diagram.
Text description of the illustration adl12bf5.gif

See Also:

"Use Case Model: External LOBs (BFILEs)" for all basic operations of External LOBs (BFILES). 


This procedure describes how to DELETE the row of a table containing a BFILE.

Usage Notes

Unlike internal persistent LOBs, the LOB value in a BFILE does not get deleted by using SQL DDL or SQL DML commands -- only the BFILE locator is deleted. Deletion of a record containing a BFILE column amounts to de-linking that record from an existing file, not deleting the physical operating system file itself. An SQL DELETE statement on a particular row deletes the BFILE locator for the particular row, thereby removing the reference to the operating system file.


See the following syntax reference:


The following DELETE, DROP TABLE, or TRUNCATE TABLE statements delete the row, and hence the BFILE locator that refers to Image1.gif, but leave the operating system file undeleted in the filesystem.


The following examples are provided in SQL and apply to all programmatic environments:

SQL: Deleting a Row from a Table


DELETE FROM Multimedia_tab 
   WHERE Clip_ID = 3;


DROP TABLE Multimedia_tab;


TRUNCATE TABLE Multimedia_tab;

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