Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89852-02
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DBMS_WM , 35 of 52

ResolveConflicts Procedure

This procedure resolves conflicts between workspaces.


   workspace     IN VARCHAR2,
   table_name    IN VARCHAR2,
   where_clause  IN VARCHAR2,
   keep          IN VARCHAR2);


Table 70-29 ResolveConflicts Procedure Parameters  
Parameter  Description 

Name of the workspace to check for conflicts with other workspaces. The name is case sensitive. 


Name of the table to check for conflicts. The name is not case sensitive. 


The WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE keyword) identifying the rows to be refreshed from the parent workspace. Example: 'department_id = 20'

Only primary key columns can be specified in the WHERE clause. The WHERE clause cannot contain a subquery. 


Workspace in favor of which to resolve conflicts: PARENT, CHILD, or BASE.

PARENT causes the parent workspace rows to be copied to the child workspace.

CHILD does not cause the child workspace rows to be copied immediately to the parent workspace. However, the conflict is considered resolved, and the child workspace rows are copied to the parent workspace when the child workspace is merged.

BASE causes the base rows to be copied to the child workspace but not to the parent workspace. However, the conflict is considered resolved; and when the child workspace is merged, the base rows are copied to the parent workspace. 

Usage Notes

This procedure checks the condition identified by table_name and where_clause, and it finds any conflicts between row values in workspace and its parent workspace. This procedure resolves conflicts by using the row values in the parent or child workspace, as specified in the keep parameter; however, the conflict resolution is not actually merged until you commit the transaction (standard database commit operation) and call the CommitResolve Procedure to end the conflict resolution session. (For more information about conflict resolution, including an overall view of the process, see Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager.)

For example, assume that for Department 20 (DEPARTMENT_ID = 20), the MANAGER_NAME in the LIVE and Workspace1 workspaces is Tom. Then the following operations occur:

  1. The manager_name for Department 20 is changed in the LIVE database workspace from Tom to Mary.

  2. The change is committed (a standard database commit operation).

  3. The manager_name for Department 20 is changed in Workspace1 from Tom to Franco.

  4. MergeWorkspace Procedure is called to merge Workspace1 changes to the LIVE workspace.

    At this point, however, a conflict exists with respect to MANAGER_NAME for Department 20 in Workspace1 (Franco, which conflicts with Mary in the LIVE workspace), and therefore the call to MergeWorkspace Procedure does not succeed.

  5. ResolveConflicts is called with the following parameters: ('Workspace1', 'department', 'department_id = 20', 'child').

    After the MergeWorkspace Procedure operation in step 7, the MANAGER_NAME value will be Franco in both the Workspace1 and LIVE workspaces.

  6. The change is committed (a standard database commit operation).

  7. MergeWorkspace Procedure is called to merge Workspace1 changes to the LIVE workspace.


The following example resolves conflicts involving rows in the DEPARTMENT table in Workspace1 where DEPARTMENT_ID is 20, and uses the values in the child workspace to resolve all such conflicts. It then merges the results of the conflict resolution by first committing the transaction (standard commit) and then calling MergeWorkspace Procedure.

EXECUTE DBMS_WM.BeginResolve ('Workspace1');
EXECUTE  DBMS_WM.ResolveConflicts ('Workspace1', 'department', 'department_id = 
20', 'child');
EXECUTE DBMS_WM.CommitResolve ('Workspace1');

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