Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89852-02
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This chapter describes how to use the DBMS_WM package, the programming interface to Oracle Database Workspace Manager (often referred to as Workspace Manager) to work with long transactions.

Workspace management refers to the ability of the database to hold different versions of the same record (that is, row) in one or more workspaces. Users of the database can then change these versions independently. For detailed conceptual and usage information about Workspace Manager, including descriptions of the types of procedures, see Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager. That manual also includes the detailed reference information found in this chapter.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Summary of DBMS_WM Subprograms

Table 70-1 DBMS_WM Subprograms  
Subprogram  Description 

"AlterSavepoint Procedure" 

Modifies the description of a savepoint. 

"AlterWorkspace Procedure" 

Modifies the description of a workspace. 

"BeginResolve Procedure" 

Starts a conflict resolution session. 

"CommitResolve Procedure" 

Ends a conflict resolution session and saves (makes permanent) any changes in the workspace since BeginResolve was executed. 

"CompressWorkspace Procedure" 

Deletes explicit savepoints in a workspace and minimizes the Workspace Manager metadata structures for the workspace. 

"CompressWorkspaceTree Procedure" 

Deletes explicit savepoints in a workspace and all its descendant workspaces. It also minimizes the Workspace Manager metadata structures for the affected workspaces, and eliminates any redundant data that might arise from the deletion of the savepoints. 

"CopyForUpdate Procedure" 

Allows LOB columns (BLOB or CLOB) in version-enabled tables to be modified.  

"CreateSavepoint Procedure" 

Creates a savepoint for the current version. 

"CreateWorkspace Procedure" 

Creates a new workspace in the database. 

"DeleteSavepoint Procedure" 

Deletes a savepoint. 

"DisableVersioning Procedure" 

Deletes all support structures that were created to enable the table to support versioned rows. 

"EnableVersioning Procedure" 

Creates the necessary structures to enable the table to support multiple versions of rows. 

"FreezeWorkspace Procedure" 

Disables changes in a workspace and prevents subsequent sessions from entering the workspace. 

"GetConflictWorkspace Function" 

Returns the name of the workspace on which the session has performed the SetConflictWorkspace procedure. 

"GetDiffVersions Function" 

Returns the names of the (workspace, savepoint) pairs on which the session has performed the SetDiffVersions operation. 

"GetLockMode Function" 

Returns the locking mode, which determines whether or not access is enabled to versioned rows and corresponding rows in the parent workspace. 

"GetMultiWorkspaces Function" 

Returns the names of workspaces visible in the multiworkspace views for version-enabled tables. 

"GetOpContext Function" 

Returns the context of the current operation. 

"GetPrivs Function" 

Returns a comma-separated list of all privileges that the current user has for the specified workspace. 

"GetWorkspace Function" 

Returns the current workspace for the session. 

"GotoDate Procedure" 

Goes to a point at or near the specified date and time in the current workspace. 

"GotoSavepoint Procedure" 

Goes to the specified savepoint in the current workspace. 

"GotoWorkspace Procedure" 

Moves the current session to the specified workspace. 

"GrantSystemPriv Procedure" 

Grants system-level privileges (not restricted to a particular workspace) to users and roles. The grant_option parameter enables the grantee to then grant the specified privileges to other users and roles. 

"GrantWorkspacePriv Procedure" 

Grants workspace-level privileges to users and roles. The grant_option parameter enables the grantee to then grant the specified privileges to other users and roles. 

"IsWorkspaceOccupied Function" 

Checks whether or not a workspace has any active sessions. 

"LockRows Procedure" 

Controls access to versioned rows in a specified table and to corresponding rows in the parent workspace. 

"MergeTable Procedure" 

Applies changes to a table (all rows or as specified in the WHERE clause) in a workspace to its parent workspace. 

"MergeWorkspace Procedure" 

Applies all changes in a workspace to its parent workspace, and optionally removes the workspace. 

"RefreshTable Procedure" 

Applies to a workspace all changes made to a table (all rows or as specified in the WHERE clause) in its parent workspace. 

"RefreshWorkspace Procedure" 

Applies to a workspace all changes made in its parent workspace. 

"RemoveWorkspace Procedure" 

Rolls back the data in the workspace and removes all support structures created for the workspace. The workspace ceases to exist. 

"RemoveWorkspaceTree Procedure" 

Removes the specified workspace and all its descendant workspaces. The data in the workspaces is rolled back and the workspace structure is removed. 

"ResolveConflicts Procedure" 

Resolves conflicts between workspaces. 

"RevokeSystemPriv Procedure" 

Revokes (removes) system-level privileges from users and roles. 

"RevokeWorkspacePriv Procedure" 

Revokes (removes) workspace-level privileges from users and roles for a specified workspace. 

"RollbackResolve Procedure" 

Quits a conflict resolution session and discards all changes in the workspace since BeginResolve was executed. 

"RollbackTable Procedure" 

Discards all changes made in the workspace to a specified table (all rows or as specified in the WHERE clause). 

"RollbackToSP Procedure" 

Discards all changes made after a specified savepoint in the workspace to all tables. 

"RollbackWorkspace Procedure" 

Discards all changes made in the workspace to all tables. 

"SetConflictWorkspace Procedure" 

Determine whether or not conflicts exist between a workspace and its parent. 

"SetDiffVersions Procedure" 

Finds differences in values in version-enabled tables for two savepoints and their common ancestor (base). It creates rows in the differences views describing these differences. 

"SetLockingOFF Procedure" 

Enables access to versioned rows and to corresponding rows in the parent workspace. 

"SetLockingON Procedure" 

Controls access to versioned rows and to corresponding rows in the previous version. 

"SetMultiWorkspaces Procedure" 

Makes the specified workspace or workspaces visible in the multiworkspace views for version-enabled tables. 

"SetWoOverwriteOFF Procedure" 

Disables the VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE history option that had been enabled by the EnableVersioning or SetWoOverwriteON procedure, changing the option to VIEW_W_OVERWRITE (with overwrite). 

"SetWoOverwriteON Procedure" 

Enables the VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE history option that had been disabled by the SetWoOverwriteOFF procedure. 

"SetWorkspaceLockModeOFF Procedure" 

Enables access to versioned rows in the specified workspace and to corresponding rows in the parent workspace. 

"SetWorkspaceLockModeON Procedure" 

Sets the default mode for the row-level locking in the workspace. 

"UnfreezeWorkspace Procedure" 

Enables changes to a workspace, reversing the effect of FreezeWorkspace. 

"UnlockRows Procedure" 

Enables access to versioned rows in a specified table and to corresponding rows in the parent workspace. 


Most Workspace Manager subprograms are procedures, but a few are functions. Most functions have names starting with Get (such as GetConflictWorkspace Function and GetWorkspace Function).

In this chapter, the term procedures is often used to refer generally to both procedures and functions. 

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