Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89852-02
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DBMS_WM , 39 of 52

RollbackTable Procedure

This procedure discards all changes made in the workspace to a specified table (all rows or as specified in the WHERE clause).


   workspace        IN VARCHAR2,
   table_id         IN VARCHAR2,
   [, sp_name       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '']
   [, where_clause  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '']
   [, remove_locks  IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE]
   [, auto_commit   IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE]);


Table 70-33 RollbackTable Procedure Parameters  
Parameter  Description 

Name of the workspace. The name is case sensitive. 


Name of the containing rows to be discarded. The name is not case sensitive. 


Name of the savepoint to which to roll back. The name is case sensitive. The default is to discard all changes (that is, ignore any savepoints). 


The WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE keyword) identifying the rows to be discarded. Example: 'department_id = 20'

Only primary key columns can be specified in the WHERE clause. The WHERE clause cannot contain a subquery.

If where_clause is not specified, all rows all rows that meet the criteria of the other parameters are discarded. 


A boolean value (TRUE or FALSE).

TRUE (the default) releases those locks on rows in the parent workspace that satisfy the condition in where_clause and that were not versioned in the child workspace. This option has no effect if the table has been rolled back to a savepoint.

FALSE does not release any locks in the parent workspace. 


A boolean value (TRUE or FALSE).

TRUE (the default) causes the operation to be executed as an autonomous regular transaction that will be committed when it finishes.

FALSE causes the operation to be executed as part of the caller's open regular transaction (if one exists). If there is no open regular transaction, the operation is executed in a new regular transaction. In either case, the caller is responsible for committing the transaction.  

Usage Notes

You cannot roll back to a savepoint if any implicit savepoints have been created since the specified savepoint, unless you first merge or remove the descendant workspaces that caused the implicit savepoints to be created

An exception is raised if one or more of the following apply:


The following example rolls back all changes made to the EMP table (in the USER3 schema) in the NEWWORKSPACE workspace since that workspace was created.

EXECUTE DBMS_WM.RollbackTable ('NEWWORKSPACE', 'user3.emp');

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