Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89852-02
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DBMS_XMLGEN, 10 of 13

setConvertSpecialChars Procedure

This procedure sets whether or not special characters in the XML data must be converted into their escaped XML equivalent. For example, the < sign is converted to &lt;. The default is to perform conversions.


DBMS_XMLGEN.setConvertSpecialChars (

ctx  IN ctxHandle,
conv  IN boolean);


Table 71-10 shows the parameters of the setConvertSpecialChars procedure.

Table 71-10 setConvertSpecialChars Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

ctx (IN) 

The context handle to use. 

conv (IN) 

True indicates that conversion is needed. 

Usage Notes

You can use this function to speed up XML processing whenever you are sure that the input data cannot contain any special characters such as <, >, ", ', which must be escaped. It is expensive to scan the character data to replace the special characters, particularly if it involves a lot of data. In cases where the data is XML-safe, you can call this function to improve performance.

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