Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89852-02
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DBMS_AQ, 17 of 24

ENQUEUE Procedure

This procedure adds a message to the specified queue.


   queue_name          IN      VARCHAR2,
   enqueue_options     IN      enqueue_options_t,
   message_properties  IN      message_properties_t,
   payload             IN      "<type_name>",
   msgid               OUT     RAW);


Table 4-14 ENQUEUE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Specifies the name of the queue to which this message should be enqueued. The queue cannot be an exception queue. 


See "Enqueue Options Type"


See "Message Properties Type"


Not interpreted by Oracle AQ.

The payload must be specified according to the specification in the associated queue table. NULL is an acceptable parameter.

For the definition of <type_name> please refer to "Type Name".  


System generated identification of the message.

This is a globally unique identifier that can be used to identify the message at dequeue time. 

Usage Notes

The sequence_deviation parameter in enqueue_options can be used to change the order of processing between two messages. The identity of the other message, if any, is specified by the enqueue_options parameter relative_msgid. The relationship is identified by the sequence_deviation parameter.

Specifying sequence_deviation for a message introduces some restrictions for the delay and priority values that can be specified for this message. The delay of this message must be less than or equal to the delay of the message before which this message is to be enqueued. The priority of this message must be greater than or equal to the priority of the message before which this message is to be enqueued.

If a message is enqueued to a multiconsumer queue with no recipient, and if the queue has no subscribers (or rule-based subscribers that match this message), then the Oracle error ORA_24033 is raised. This is a warning that the message will be discarded because there are no recipients or subscribers to whom it can be delivered.

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