Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A86647-01


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Configuring the Oracle Tuning Pack

Oracle Tuning Pack addresses particular tuning needs and activities which help ensure that the database and applications run at peak efficiency.

Some of the applications in the Oracle Tuning Pack require configuration.

Applications  Configuration Required? 


No configuration required 

Index Tuning Wizard 

No configuration required  

SQL Analyze 

Yes, see the section, "Configuring SQL Analyze" 

Tablespace Map 

No configuration required. 

Reorg Wizard 

No configuration required 

Outline Editor 

No configuration required 

Outline Management 

No configuration required 


The Oracle Tuning Pack is a separately licensed and purchased product. 

Configuring SQL Analyze

To run SQL Analyze, you must have certain object privileges which are available to users who are granted the DBA role. If you want to assign the minimum privileges required, you can use the optional SQLADMIN role, which assigns the base set of object privileges required by a user.

The VMQROLE.SQL script is provided to help automate the process of creating the SQLADMIN role. It is located in the $ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\ADMIN directory.

  1. From the DBA Management Pack program group via the Start menu, select the SQLPLUS Worksheet icon to start the application.

  2. Use the Login Information dialog box to connect SYS to the database on which you want to run SQL Analyze.

  3. From the Worksheet menu, select Run Local Script and browse to the Oracle_Home\sysman\admin directory to run the VMQROLE.SQL script which creates the SQLADMIN role for the managed database.

  4. In the SQL*Plus Worksheet, assign the SQLADMIN role to the user by typing: Grant SQLADMIN to <user>;

  5. Exit SQL*Plus Worksheet.

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