Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A88767-02
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This chapter introduces the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console and provides an overview of its components. The following topics are discussed in this chapter.

What's New in this Release?

Enterprise Manager Release 9.0.1 introduces many technical and usability enhancements that increase ease-of-use and utility.

Enterprise Manager Framework

Improved Console Design

Provides more tightly integrated administrative functionality, better navigation, and improved display of management information through a two-pane, master/detail view of the Administrator's global environment. The "master" left pane displays the Navigator tree while the "detail" right pane shows property sheets or other related information for objects that are selected within the Navigator.

Ability to Create and Publish Enterprise Reports to a Website

Provides a consistent user interface and the underlying "framework" for customizing, scheduling, and publishing reports to the Web. This new functionality - central to all Enterprise Manager applications - allows Administrators to create user-defined reports to satisfy unique business needs; publish reports to a central web site for general viewing, and to specify whether published reports should be generated on demand for constant access to up-to-date information or on a specific schedule to run time-consuming and/or CPU-intensive reports during non-peak hours.

Business impact reporting

Provides a rich set of pre-defined reports out-of-the-box for enabling users to quickly view and analyze information about their managed systems. Pre-defined reports, such as Availability by Service and Outstanding Alerts, identify the current status of the environment. Other pre-defined reports, such as Events in Library and Database Instance Configuration, detail the setup and configuration of the environment. These reports are accessible from a single location in the Console or from the central reporting website.

With a Diagnostics Pack license, administrators also have access to Application Health Assessment reports, which show performance in real time, performance history, and project trends into the future. These additional reports are generated from Diagnostics Pack applications, which post reports directly to the Enterprise Manager reporting website.

Scalability improvements
  • Restricted access to target discovery: Provides better security of managed systems by allowing only Super Administrators to discover, refresh, and remove targets from the Enterprise Manager Console. This new functionality prevents regular administrators from adding or deleting managed targets for which they are not responsible.

  • Customizable Console Navigator: Allows Super Administrators to control and customize the list of managed targets displayed in the Console of regular administrators using Enterprise Manager. This feature improves the security of managed environments by allowing Administrators who are actually responsible for specific targets to view and manage only those targets for which they are responsible.

  • Management Regions: Support for fully centralized management of distributed, global deployments: customers managing systems that are geographically dispersed can now use Enterprise Manager to manage those systems from a central repository with the same level of performance that they would get from local management.

Reconnect to a Management Server from within the Console

Allows Administrators to easily reconnect to a Management Server from Console should the Management Server to which the Console was originally connected become unavailable. Administrators are now prompted to specify a new Management Server directly from the error message dialog that indicates the original Management Server is no longer available.

Dynamic Events & Jobs Modification

For events, administrators can dynamically change parameters of a registered event such as adding and/or removing targets, changing some attributes, then applying the changes to all the targets of that event. Certain restrictions apply for targets running pre-9i versions of the Intelligent Agent.

For jobs, administrators can dynamically add and/or remove targets for submitted jobs.

Event Schedules

Provides more flexibility in scheduling the evaluation of an event: At specified intervals, on specified day of the week, or on a specified day of the month. It also allows administrators to specify when the first event evaluation starts, a feature which is useful for scheduling resource intensive jobs during off-peak periods.

User-Defined Events

Allows administrators to specify custom operating system scripts as new event tests that will be included as part of the Enterprise Manager Event system. This expands the breadth and flexibility of the Events system by allowing users to write and incorporate custom scripts that are particular to their environment. Also, administrators can now integrate their existing monitoring scripts into the Events system, and thus take advantage of the services provided by the Enterprise Manager: paging/email notifications for events that go in alarm, collaborative administration of targets, etc.

Enhancements to Database Monitoring

Enhances the Enterprise Manager Event system by adding new database event tests based on metrics that are currently instrumented by the data gathering services of the Intelligent Agent. These metrics can be monitored by both the real-time Performance Manager charts, as well as in a lights out environment via the Events system.

Event Handler Enhancements

The event handler is a production feature in 9i and is now fully integrated with the Oracle Management Server as an internal service. This allows the event handler to be automatically started/shutdown along with the Management Server. Thus the current manual steps necessary to start/stop the event handler will no longer be necessary.

Blackout periods

A command line utility that allows users to suspend activity of a subsystem (jobs/events/collections/all) for a specified target (host/database/listener, etc.). This utility will provide options to start and stop blackout periods and show a list of existing blackout periods. Blackout periods can be set indefinitely until stopped, or a user can specify a duration (days:hours:minutes) for a blackout period. The same utility will be used to start, stop and show status of the Intelligent Agent.

Database Management

In addition to framework enhancements, numerous improvements have been made to Enterprise Manager's database management functionality:

Complete integration into the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console

All database management (formerly DBA Studio) is now fully integrated into a common management framework, the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console, providing a one stop solution for all database administration tasks such as instance, schema, users, storage, backup/recovery, replication management and much more.

Replication Enhancements

The new version of replication management introduces support for single master quiesce for snapshots along with improved "Templates" Wizard to help in setting up snapshot sites more easily. In addition, replication management adds the capability to generate and save comprehensive HTML reports on the replication environment status.

OLAP Management

Business decision makers need fast access to data, powerful computational, analytical capabilities and flexible viewing capabilities of analysis-based decision-oriented systems. These systems are called OLAP systems. Oracle 9i release seamlessly integrates OLAP capabilities with the database server, using source and aggregated data from the relational source (ROLAP). Oracle now becomes a single platform for the OLTP, Warehousing and OLAP needs. Oracle Enterprise Manager provides the graphical user interface that guides the user to define and manage metadata objects, generate pre-computed data elements of the OLAP model using the Oracle Summary Management and produce comprehensive HTML reports on these.

Real Applications Cluster Improved Support

The Real Applications Clusters feature is supported in Oracle Enterprise Manager similar to the management of single instance databases. In addition, cluster instances configuration and specific metrics, such as sessions, can be managed independently, per instance.

Diagnostics and Performance Charts

With the new version capabilities provided by performance management tools and capacity planning tools are fully integrated into Enterprise Manager. If the Oracle Diagnostics Pack is installed a "Performance" node appears under each managed database which contains a list of important charts: Overview, Top Sessions, Top SQL and Lock Manager. The user can select these charts, view the details and has the option to launch the diagnostics tools from the property page displayed.

DB Search Capabilities

A commonly used and very helpful facility previously available only with the Diagnostics Pack, is now available from Enterprise Manager Console: database search. It allows a user to search for any object in a database given a flexible set of criteria.

Additional HTML Reports

Enterprise Manager 9i includes additional pre-defined HTML reports to help in day to day database administration. Among them are schema specific reports, users (security) and object space usage reports.

Support for 9i New Features
Support for 8.x database features

Enterprise Manager Console

The Console is the primary interface used for all Oracle Enterprise Manager operations. It provides menus, toolbars, and the framework to access Oracle tools and utilities in addition to those available through other vendors. The graphical configuration of the Console and the tools available are determined by the optional products installed and user preferences. See Figure 1-1, "Console Window" for an illustration of a Console screen.


The Console uses a master/detail configuration to provide an integrated, consistent, and efficient way of managing your enterprise environment. When an object in the Navigator (master) is selected, the appropriate interface is displayed on the right-hand side of the Console (the detail pane). Information displayed on the right-hand side of the Console can be a multi-column list, property sheet, or overview page.


The Navigator displays a hierarchical list of all the targets in a network, providing a direct view of targets such as databases, groups, listeners, and nodes, plus the objects that they contain. The Navigator shows all the network targets with their relationships to other objects. Objects within the Navigator can be managed via context-sensitive menus. For example, you can also perform many administration tasks from the Navigator, such as creating, editing, or dropping tablespaces. See Chapter 2, "Navigator" for information.

Detail Pane

The Detail pane displays information or functionality relevant to whatever object is selected in the Navigator. Some elements that can be displayed are multi-column lists summarizing attributes or contents of an object, property sheets providing object information and any functionality relating to the object, or comprehensive overview pages with links to related Quick Tours or functional overviews.

Figure 1-1 Console Window

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Text description of the illustration console2.gif

Console Menus

The Console menu bar provides access to the following menus:

Figure 1-2 Console Main Menu

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Text description of the illustration menu.gif

The File, Object, Tools, Configuration, and Help menus are described in this section.

When using the Console menus, note the following:

Context-Sensitive Menus

You can click the right mouse button on objects in the Navigator or some windows of the Console to display a context-sensitive. This menu usually contains a subset of the options that are available through a menu in the main menu bar, or functions that are specific to a selected object in the Navigator. For example, if you click the right mouse button on a group in the Navigator, a menu appears with the menu options from the Object menu. Dialogs and property sheets displaying objects in general use the context-sensitive menus for most, if not all operations that can be performed on an individual object.

File Menu

The File menu items allow you to exit the system.

Object Menu

The Object menu provides object-specific functionality for an object selected in the Console Navigator. Though menu options change depending on the object, five base menu options always appear.


Displays the Create Object dialog allowing you to create Navigator objects such as jobs, events, database objects, and report definitions.

Create like

Displays the object's Create/Edit property sheet allowing you to create a new object based on the original object's parameter settings.

View/Edit Details

Displays the object's Edit property sheet allowing you to modify the selected object's parameters.


Deletes the selected object from the Navigator.

View Published Reports

Displays the Enterprise Manager reporting home page.

Configuration Menu

The Configuration menu provides options to set up administrator and system configurations.


Displays the Edit Administrator Preferences property sheet, which allows the current administrator to change preferences, including access levels and login credentials. See "Changing Administrator Preferences" on page 1-19 for more information.

Add Services to tnsnames.ora

Updates the local network configuration file (tnsnames.ora) with discovered services information.

Font Settings

Changes the font settings for the Console as well as any applications launched from the Console.

Font settings in pop-up menus will not change even if you have specified to change the font settings.

Report Data Purge Options

Displays the Report Data Purge Options dialog. This dialog allows you to set the purge policy for the report data log. The report data log contains information that is collected over time and used in service level reports and enterprise reports. The report data log is stored in one or more tables within the Enterprise Manager repository. All event occurrences and service level response time tasks are logged to the report data log.

SQL Logging

Allows you to log SQL in a permanent log file. SQL Logging allows you to specify the SQL logging file information and options. When you are connected to the Management Server, you can query the log (View SQL Log).

View SQL Log

Available only when you are connected to a Management Server, this menu item displays the SQL Log Viewer, which allows you to view and purge contents of the log.

Configure Paging/Email

Allows you to set up enhanced notification (paging/email) systems for administrators. This menu option is only available to super administrators.

Manage Administrators

Displays the Administrator Manager Accounts property sheet for adding, modifying, and removing administrators. This option is only available to Super Administrators. See "Managing Enterprise Manager Administrators" on page 1-14 for more information.

Grant Access to Targets

Displays the Access to Targets dialog, which allows super administrators to customize Navigator views for all regular administrators. See "Granting Access to Targets" on page 1-17 for more information.

Set Paging/Email Blackout

Displays the Paging/Email Blackout dialog. Paging/Email Blackout allows an administrator with super administrator privileges to suspend paging and email notifications for specified targets and/or services that have been previously discovered in the Navigator. See "Paging/Email Blackout" on page 1-49 for more information.

View Reporting Website Configuration

Displays the current Reporting webserver configuration. An error message is displayed if no webserver has been configured.

Define Management Regions

Displays the Management Regions property sheet. The Management Regions feature allows super administrators to partition the targets of a particular repository and assign them to a subset of the available Management Servers.

Tools Menu

The Tools menu allows you to execute database applications and other utilities that have been installed on your system. The menu options in the Tools menu depend on your installed Oracle Enterprise Manager configuration. The standard complement of options includes:

Other optional applications may also be available from this menu.

Help Menu

From the Help menu, you can access the Enterprise Manager online help system. You can also access Enterprise Manager's Quick Tours. Enterprise Manager comes with a variety of Quick Tours, each providing a comprehensive overview for Enterprise Manager and specific integrated applications. Enterprise Manager version information is also available.

Toolbars/Tool Drawers

The Console toolbar, located along the upper-left side of the Console, allows you to access basic manipulation functions for objects in the Navigator and the Console in general. Some functions of the toolbar will be unavailable depending on the object selected in the Navigator. Object functionality are (top to bottom):

Figure 1-3 Console Toolbar and Tool Drawers

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Text description of the illustration ch_cons3.gif

The Console tool drawers, located below the toolbar, provides quick and easy access to a wide variety of integrated applications. Placing the cursor over any drawer, or content of that drawer displays the application name.

Managing Enterprise Manager Administrators

Enterprise Manager is a multi-administrator system: every person who is administering systems using Enterprise Manager has their own administrator account which they use to log into the Console or stand-alone application.

Types of Enterprise Manager Administrators

The installation of Enterprise Manager creates a single super administrator named sysman. The super administrator sysman creates administrators using the Manage Administrators option in the Console Configuration menu. In addition to an administrator name and password, each account can be tagged as a "Super Administrator" account or an account to which the administrator has access to only jobs and/or events. Differences between the two types of accounts are as follows:

Typically, all administrators share a single Enterprise Manager repository, which allows administrators to share information. Although you can set up multiple repositories, administrators using different repositories will not have access to each other's information; there is no sharing of data between repositories. Administrative data stored in the repository is filtered based on administrator permissions.

Preferred Credentials must be set up for each administrator account. When an administrator connects through the Navigator or stand-alone application, the preferred credentials used are those defined explicitly for that administrator.

Managing Administrator Accounts

Enterprise Manager administrators are created, edited, and deleted with the Manage Administrators option of the Console Configuration menu. The Manage Administrators option displays the Manage Administrator Accounts dialog (Figure 1-4, "Manage Administrator Accounts"). The Manage Administrators option is only available to Super Administrators. Super Administrators have full privileges for all objects and can create, edit, and delete other administrators. The Super Administrator sets up the administrator name and initial password and determines whether an administrator is a Super Administrator or regular administrator. The Super Administrator also determines whether the administrator has access to the job and event systems.

In this dialog, you can:

Figure 1-4 Manage Administrator Accounts

Text description of addadmin.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration addadmin.gif

Creating or Editing an Administrator Account

To add a new administrator, click Add in the Manage Administrator Accounts dialog to display the Create Administrators dialog.

In the Create Administrators dialog, enter a unique administrator name and password for the Enterprise Manager administrator. Note that the administrator name is not the same as a database username.

Figure 1-5 Create Administrator Account

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Text description of the illustration ctreadmn.gif

Check the access available to the administrator:

Super Administrator

Allows the administrator to add other administrators, as well as access to all created objects, e.g., jobs, events, and groups.

Access to Job System

Allows the administrator access to the Job system, but does not automatically give access privileges for specific jobs.

Access to Event System

Allows the administrator access to the Event system.

After an administrator has been created, the administrator can log in to the Enterprise Manager Console and set up administrator preferences.

If you click the Edit button, the Edit Administrator Preferences window displays. You can then edit the preferences for the selected administrator.

Granting Access to Targets

Enterprise Manager Super Administrators can control what regular administrators see in the Console Navigator through the Access to Targets dialog. This dialog can be displayed by either choosing Grant Access to Targets from the Console's Configuration menu, or clicking Grant Access to Targets from the Manage Administrator Accounts dialog. See "Managing Administrator Accounts" on page 1-15.

Figure 1-6 Access to Targets Dialog

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Text description of the illustration accessta.gif

The ability to control what targets and services appear to different users helps simplify maintaining your enterprise. For example, if you are managing 100 targets in your enterprise, and Administrator A's responsibilities require that he manage a only 10 targets, the Super Administrator can specify that only the 10 managed targets appear in the Navigator when Administrator A logs into the Enterprise Manager Console. Again, only Super Administrators can customize Navigator views.

To customize the Navigator for regular administrators:

  1. From the Console's Configuration menu, choose Manage Administrators. The Manage Administrators Accounts dialog appears.

  2. Click Grant Access to Targets. The Access to Targets dialog appears. The Targets column can be expanded to display lower level objects in the Navigator.

  3. Under each administrator, click all checkboxes that correspond to the objects you want to appear in the Console Navigator when that user logs in.

  4. Click OK when finished to close the dialog.

  5. Click Close to close the Manage Administrator Accounts dialog.

Reassigning Object Ownership

If you attempt to delete an administrator who owns any object, the Object Ownership Management dialog appears. See Figure 1-7, "Object Ownership Management". The dialog allows you to reassign the objects to another Enterprise Manager administrator. If you do not reassign the objects, the objects are deleted along with the administrator.

Figure 1-7 Object Ownership Management

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Text description of the illustration objowner.gif

Changing Administrator Preferences

The Edit Administrator Preferences property sheet is displayed with the Preferences option of the Configuration menu and allows you to modify the administrator preferences of the user who is currently logged into the Console. The pages in the property sheet are:


The General Preferences page allows a Super Administrator to change an administrator's password and access privileges.

Figure 1-8 Administrator General Preferences

Text description of genprefs.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration genprefs.gif


The Notification page allows you to set up paging and email notification methods for the administrator. This page consists of a hierarchical tree list and a right-side modal area that changes according to the object selected in the navigator. The tree list consists of three top-level objects:

Figure 1-9 Administrator Notification Preferences

Text description of notipref.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration notipref.gif


Notification filters allow each administrator to specify when to send an email notification as opposed to a page notification as a result of a job or event status change.

Job Notification Filter

The Job Notification Filter allows you to filter email/pages sent to an administrator according to job status. As with the Event Notification Filter, filtering is set at the user level by checking or unchecking the desired option. Selecting all job statuses provides no filtering.


This page allows you to specify notification parameters for email.

Figure 1-10 Administrator Notification Preferences: Email

Text description of notemail.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration notemail.gif

Email Subject

This page allows you to select the content and format of the email subject line. By default, Type, Name, and Status are selected. You use the left/right arrows to move items back and forth between the Available and Selected lists.

Once an item has been selected, you can control the order in which the item appears by selecting it in the list and using the up/down arrows (located to the immediate right of the Selected list) to reposition the item within the list.


The following information also applies to inserting content into the Email/Paging message body. 

Table 1-1 Target Type Abbreviations
Abbreviation  Target 






Table 1-2 Status Type Abbreviations
Abbreviation  Status 












Node Unreachable 


Assignee Changed 

Timestamp Format

This option is available if Timestamp is chosen from the Selected list. You use the pull-down menu to select one of the pre-defined formats.

Do not include titles

When selected, classification titles such as Status, Service Name, and Timestamp are omitted from the message.


This page allows you to specify notification parameters for paging.

Figure 1-11 Administrator Notification Preferences: Paging

Text description of notpage.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration notpage.gif

Paging Status Codes for Numeric Pages

Numeric pages need to be interpreted as follows:

For job notifications, you will receive a 3 digit number which indicates the job status.

For event notifications you will receive the a 3 or 4 digit number indicating the event status.

The event status and job status codes are listed as follows:

100 = Job Started

200 = Job Completed

300 = Job Failed

400 = Job Deleted

500 = Event Cleared

600 = Event Warning

700 = Event Critical

800 = Event Node Down

900 = Event Unknown

1000 = Event Assignee Changed

Email/Paging Message Body Definition

This page allows you to select the content and format for the body of the email or page message. By default, Name, and Status are selected. You use the left/right arrows to move items back and forth between the Available and Selected lists.

Figure 1-12 Administrator Notification Preferences: Email/Paging Body

Text description of empgbody.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration empgbody.gif

Expanding the Message Body object in the navigator and selecting per Test allows you to use a subset of the following option settings on a per test basis. See "Email Subject" on page 1-23 for more information on manipulating message content.

Timestamp Format

This option is available if Timestamp is chosen from the Selected list. You use the pull-down menu to select one of the pre-defined formats.

Do not include titles

When selected, classification titles such as Status, Service Name, and Timestamp are omitted from the message.

Append job output

When selected job output is appended to the end of the notification. For instances where job output is large, you may want to specify a limit to the message length. If the job output pushes the notification length past the specified limit, then the job output will be truncated, not the message itself.


Use this property sheet page to indicate when you want to be paged and/or e-mailed. Determine the day, hour, and the method of notification. You will receive notifications only on the objects you have permission to access.

Figure 1-13 Administrator Notification Schedule

Text description of schdpref.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration schdpref.gif

An administrator can be notified by email, paging, or both email and paging. Paging is recommended for urgent jobs, events, or critical systems.

To determine notifications:

  1. Select in the appropriate day/hour to set the notification method for that time period.

  2. Click No Notification, Pager, Email, or Pager and Email at the bottom of the dialog to set the notification type for

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each notification method.

If you want to set the same notification an entire day or an hour of the day, click on the heading for that row or column. For example, if you want to set up paging notification for Saturday, click on the Sat heading after you have selected Pager at the bottom of the screen. You can also drag the cursor to "paint" across multiple cells.


Use this property sheet page to determine the default permissions you want to assign to other administrators for the objects you create. This allows other Enterprise Manager administrators to share objects, such as events and jobs, that you have created. If you work on a team, this page lets you assign access privileges to all the members of the team at one time. When an object is created by an administrator, that administrator is the owner and automatically has full permissions. The owner's permissions cannot be modified.

Figure 1-14 Administrator Default Permissions

Text description of defperms.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration defperms.gif

Access-control permissions apply to event, group, and job objects. When these objects are created, the default permissions are assigned to other Enterprise Manager administrators according to the selections in this page. These initial permissions can be overridden with the Permissions page of the object's property sheet.

For more information, see the following sections:


Changing your default access level does not retroactively change access levels on existing objects. 

The levels of access that you can assign to an Enterprise Manager administrator are shown in Table 1-3, "Administrator Access Levels".

Table 1-3 Administrator Access Levels
Permission Level  Description 


This access does not allow the administrator to view this object anywhere. 


This access allows the administrator to view the object, inspect object properties, view job/event status and outputs, and receive notifications if the object is an event. 


This access allows the administrator to edit the object's properties except those reserved for Full permission. 


This access allows the administrator to delete the object, modify permissions for other administrators, and change the ownership of the object. 

Preferred Credentials

The Administrator Preferred Credentials property sheet page displays a list of targets in the network, along with the target type and the administrator name for accessing the target. The property sheet page is accessed with the Administrator Preferences option of the Configuration menu. Each row in the list of the property sheet includes:

You can click on a column heading to sort on that column. See Figure 1-15, "Administrator Preferred Credentials"for an illustration of the property sheet.


Individual instances of an Oracle 9i Real Application Cluster are listed. Oracle recommends that all instances of a Oracle 9i Real Application Cluster use the same preferred credentials as the Oracle 9i Real Application Cluster. 

Also, the Intelligent Agent authenticates the user name and password for all jobs and many events that it runs. These credentials are used when you access a network service in the Navigator or Group, and when running jobs and registering events. If you do not set the preferred credentials correctly, jobs and events may fail. See "Job Credentials" on page 4-4 and "Registering Events" on page 5-6 for more information.


Changes to the Preferred Credentials will not be automatically propagated to previously registered jobs and events. In order to update these jobs and events with the new preferred credentials, you must de-register and subsequently re-register the jobs and events. 

Oracle recommends that if some services of a particular type require the same credentials, use the <DEFAULT> credentials selection for that service type to have those credentials used by all services of that type.

For example, if Administrator_1 has a username and password of foo/bar on all the databases that he manages, the administrator needs to enter foo/bar as his credentials in the <DEFAULT> database entry. All database administration tasks will use these <DEFAULT> credentials.

Furthermore, if the administrator has just one database which requires different credentials from foo/bar, he can enter different credentials for that database by selecting that specific database.

For NT users, you must set the preferred credentials for the node (where the NT Intelligent Agent resides) to be the same as the user that is set up to "Logon as a batch job."

Figure 1-15 Administrator Preferred Credentials

Text description of prefcred.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration prefcred.gif

Setting Administrator Credentials

Select any row to update the credential fields for the object identified in the row.


Enter the username. This field is required if a password needs to be entered.


Enter the password associated with the username.

Confirm Password

Confirm the password.

Role (Database only)

Select the role from the pull-down list. You need to login with the SYSDBA or SYSOPER role to start up or shut down a database.

Changes to the credentials are recorded when you move to another line. When you are finished, save all your updates by clicking the OK button at the bottom of the property sheet.

Saving Logon Information as a Preferred Credential

Another convenient way to specify Preferred Credentials for discovered services is to select the Save as Preferred Credential option when manually connecting to a service from the Console or integrated application. For example, you attempt to access a newly discovered database from the Console Navigator. Enterprise Manager displays the Connect Information dialog so that you can log in to the database. You type in the requisite information and check the Save as Preferred Credential option. Click OK to log on to the database and save the logon information as a Preferred Credential for this service.

Saving the Contents of a List

Save list allows you to extract information from a multi-column list (such as the Job or Event History panes) and save it in a variety of formats (text, HTML, or Comma-Separated-Values). For example, you can select one or more entries in the Event History pane. By selecting the Save List from the Object menu, you can save the list information (Event, Target, Target Type, Severity, Date/Time, Assigned To, Owner) to an HTML file. The dialog consists of the following elements:

File Name

The name and directory to which you want to save the file information.


Displays the File Save to dialog. Choose the desire location and file name.


Select HTML (table), Text row, or comma-separated-values (used by spreadsheets or other applications).


Active only when HTML is selected as the file format, allows you to view the generated HTML table through the default browser for your system.


Configuring Enhanced Notifications (Paging/Email)

Enhanced notifications allows Enterprise Manager administrators to be notified either via email or pager. Email configuration allows you to specify the mail service information for your system. Paging configuration allows you to define paging servers, specify pager numbers, and specific paging parameters.

Configuring Email

To configure email services:

  1. From the Console Configuration menu, choose Configure Paging/Email. The Configure Paging/Email dialog appears. By default, the Email Configuration is already selected.

  2. Enter the node on which the SMTP mail gateway resides in the SMTP Mail Gateway entry field. For example,

  3. Enter the name you want to use to identify as the sender of the email in the Sender's SMTP Mail Address entry field.

  4. After you have completed the SMTP mail setups, the Notification Preferences for the administrators should be set up and tested. See "Managing Enterprise Manager Administrators".

Configuring and Starting the Paging Service

If you want to be notified via paging in Oracle Enterprise Manager, you must explicitly install the Oracle Enterprise Manager Paging Server. This paging server is installed with the Oracle Server installation or middle tier installation (Oracle Management Server).


The Paging Server is only available on Windows NT or Windows 2000, but the ability to configure it is available on both Unix and Windows platforms. 

Only one paging server installation is required if you wish to utilize paging for notification purposes within Oracle Enterprise Manager.

The paging service supports either numeric or alphanumeric pagers and utilizes the following paging service protocols (for alphanumeric pagers only).

To use alphanumeric paging, you need a phone number to call for the modem at the paging service provider and the pin number for your pager. Contact your paging service provider for the phone number to call. It is the number for the modem for sending pages.

Your paging provider may also have a feature for sending email to your pager. If you have that feature, you can configure an administrator's preferences for notification to use email, and specify your pager as the email receiver. This method will also work with many providers for sending notification to a cell phone.

Configuration of the paging service is not automatic. Follow the steps below to configure paging.

Setting Up Paging

On the machine from which you want to run the paging service, follow these instructions:

  1. Install a modem.


You must have a modem installed on the Windows NT or Windows 2000 machine that you are running the paging service. 

  1. Specify modem settings.

    1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Modems. (Windows NT)

    2. Specify how your calls are dialed by clicking Dialing Properties from the Modems Properties page and then setting the following parameters:

      • From what area code you are dialing

      • From what country you are dialing

      • How you access an outside line. If you are not required to dial a number to access an outside line, leave this field blank.

    3. Set the Maximum Speed parameter by clicking Properties from the Modems Properties page. Oracle recommends setting this parameter to 9600K Baud; however, you should find the baud rate setting optimal for your system.


    A baud rate higher than 9600 may result in the loss of data with the paging service carrier. The baud rate of 9600 for your modem is only a recommendation. You must find the baud rate setting which is optimal for your system. 

    1. Install the Oracle Enterprise Manager Paging Server.

    2. Start the Paging Service.

      1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services.

      2. Select the Oracle<ORACLE_HOME_NAME>PagingService and click Start.

      You can also start the paging service by typing the following at a command prompt

      oemctl start paging

    Adding a Paging Server


    Only Super Administrators can add a paging server; this functionality is not available to regular administrators. 

    To add a paging server to an Enterprise Manager client, perform the following operations:

    1. From the Console Configuration menu, choose Configure Paging/Email. The Configure Paging/Email property sheet appears.

    2. Click Paging Configuration in the tree list to display current paging server information.

    3. Right click on Paging Configuration to display the context-sensitive menu and choose Add Server. You can also click the Add Server icon in the detail view. The Add Paging Server dialog appears.

    4. Enter the name of the machine on which the paging server runs. For example, smpqa-pc.

    5. Click OK.

    If the Console is unable to find the paging server with the given hostname, an error appears, saying "VD-4362: Could not add paging server, as paging server <hostname> could not be reached."

    If the paging server is found, a new paging server object is added under the "Paging Configuration" object in the tree list. The new paging server will have no paging carrier. You must add at least one paging carrier in order for paging to function.

    Adding a Paging Carrier


    Only Super Administrators can add a new paging carrier; the functionality is not available to regular administrators. 

    1. From the Console Configuration menu, choose Configure Paging/Email. The Configure Paging/Email property sheet appears.

    2. Expand the Paging Configuration object in the tree list. Right-click on one of the paging servers you added previously and choose Add Server from the context-sensitive menu. You can also click the Add Carrier icon in the detail view to the right. The Add Paging Carrier dialog appears.

    3. Enter the requisite information in the text entry fields. Once the paging carrier is defined, you can view the paging carriers by expanding the appropriate paging server and carrier objects in the Configure Paging/Email tree list. See Figure 1-16, "Add Paging Carrier Dialog"

    4. Click OK.

    Figure 1-16 Add Paging Carrier Dialog

    Text description of addcarri.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration addcarri.gif
    • Name

      Paging carrier name. Field accepts alphanumeric characters and underscores.

    • Type

      Type of paging carrier. Enterprise Manager supports alphanumeric or numeric.

    • Protocol

      TAP, FLEXTD, or GSM. Protocol selection is only available if the carrier type is Alphanumeric.

    • Connection Properties

      • Country Code: The country code used to dial the pager if the call is international.

      • Area Code: Area code used the by country in which the pager is located.

      • Number: Local dialing number of the pager.

      • Suffix: Permits identification of voice messages from a paging carrier and allows the person being paged to choose from several options when using a touch tone phone. For example, commas can be used as pauses. The Suffix field accepts the following characters: integers, commas, pound sign, and the star (asterisk).


    This option is only available if the paging carrier type is set to Numeric. 

      • Dialing Properties

        • Timeout (in seconds): Maximum dialing time allowed for a successful page.

        • Delay (in seconds): Time delay before dialing.

    Specifying Paging Notification Preferences

    All administrators who want page notifications must specify their own notification preferences using the following procedure:

    1. Log on to the Console and define your paging preferences.

      1. From the Console Configuration menu, choose Preferences. The Edit Administrator Preferences property sheet appears.

      2. Click on the Notification tab.

      3. Click on Paging in the tree list to view Paging Preferences.

      4. Select a paging service carrier from the drop down list.

      5. Enter the Pin number for your alphanumeric pager. If you have a numeric pager, leave this field blank.

      6. Test the paging notification by clicking the Test button.

    2. Set your notification schedule. If you neglect to do so, you will not receive page notifications.

      1. From the Edit Administrator Preferences property sheet, click on the Schedule tab.

      2. Choose when you want to be notified by paging. If you do not select any days/hours to be notified by paging, you will never receive a page. See "Schedule" on page 1-28 for information on setting the notification schedule.

    Removing a Paging Server


    Only Super Administrators can remove a paging server; the functionality is not available to regular administrators. 

    1. From the Console Configuration menu, choose Configure Paging/Email.

    2. In the tree list, click on Paging Configuration to display a list of all available paging servers.

    3. Select a paging server in the multi-column list and click on the Remove Server icon located below the list. A message is displayed asking if you want to remove the paging server and its carriers.

    4. Choose Yes. The Console will check if anyone is currently using any carrier belonging to the paging server. If not, all paging carriers will be removed, and the paging server will be removed as well. A paging server cannot be removed if any paging carrier is currently in use.

    Viewing Information on a Paging Server


    Only Super Administrators can view information on a paging server; the functionality is not available to regular administrators. 

    To view a list of defined paging servers:

    1. Choose Configure Paging/Email from the Console's Configuration menu.

    2. Click on Paging Configuration in the tree list. The detail view to the right displays a list of all paging servers and whether or not they are in use.

    To view detailed information on a particular paging server:

    1. Choose Configure Paging/Email from the Console's Configuration menu.

    2. Expand the Paging Configuration object in the tree list and select the desired paging server. The detail view displays all paging carriers associated with the server, type of carrier, protocol, and whether or not the carrier is in use.

      Expanding individual paging servers in the tree list displays all associated paging carriers. You can select an individual carrier to display and/or edit the carrier information.

    Pinging a Paging Server


    Only Super Administrators can ping a paging server; the functionality is not available to regular administrators. 

    To check the status of the paging server:

    1. Choose Configure Paging/Email from the Console's Configuration menu.

    2. Click on Paging Configuration in the tree list. The detail view to the right displays a list of all paging servers and whether or not they are in use.

    3. Select the a paging server in the multi-column list and click on the Ping Server icon located immediately below the list.

      You can also select a paging server in the tree list and choose Ping Server from the context-sensitive menu.

    Checking the Status of a Paging Server

    To check the paging status:

    1. Choose Configure Paging/Email from the Console's Configuration menu.

    2. Click on Paging Configuration in the tree list. The detail view to the right displays a list of all paging servers and whether or not they are in use.

    Stopping the Paging Service

    Stop the paging server from the Windows NT or Windows 2000 Services Control Panel.

    You can also stop the paging server by typing the following at a command line.

    oemctl stop paging

    Removing a Paging Carrier


    Only Super Administrators can remove a paging carrier; the functionality is not available to regular administrators. 

    To view remove a paging carrier:

    1. Choose Configure Paging/Email from the Console's Configuration menu.

    2. Expand the Paging Configuration object in the tree list and select the desired paging server. The detail view displays all paging carriers associated with the server, type of carrier, protocol, and whether or not the carrier is in use.

    3. Select a paging carrier from the multi-column list.

    4. Click on the Remove Carrier icon. A message displays asking if you want to remove the carrier.

    5. Click Yes. The Console checks if anyone is currently using the carrier. If not, it will be removed.

    Editing/Viewing Paging Carrier Configuration Settings


    Only Super Administrators can edit a paging carrier; the functionality is not available to regular administrators. 

    To view edit paging carrier configuration settings:

    1. Choose Configure Paging/Email from the Console's Configuration menu.

    2. In the tree list, expand the Paging Configuration object and then expand the desired paging server object to view all associated paging carriers.

    3. Select a paging carrier from the tree list. The carrier's configuration information is displayed in the detail view.

    4. If necessary, modify the desired configuration information and click OK.

      The Console will validate all the carrier information, update the notification tree. All administrators who have selected to use this carrier will automatically inherit the new changes.

      If the validation fails, an error dialog appears stating which entry failed to validate and what type of input is expected. When you click the OK button in the error dialog, all the paging carrier's entries are set back to their original values.

    Testing a Paging Carrier

    To test a paging carrier:

    1. Choose Configure Paging/Email from the Console's Configuration menu.

    2. In the tree list, expand the Paging Configuration object and then expand the desired paging server object to view its associated paging carriers.

    3. Select a paging carrier from the tree list. The carrier's configuration information is displayed in the detail view.

    4. Click the Test Carrier button. A dialog appears, asking for the PIN.

    5. Enter the PIN if your pager is an alphanumeric pager and click OK to continue. If it is a numeric pager, leave this field blank.

    Management Regions

    A management region is a subset of the managed nodes and a subset of management servers. The same Enterprise Manager repository can contain multiple management regions, but a particular node is a member of one and only one management region. You can only assign the Management Server to be in one and only one management region.

    The management regions feature allows you to partition the nodes of a particular repository and assign them to a subset of the available Management Servers.

    Once this partitioning is performed, the failover and load-balancing operations guarantee that cross-regional traffic is eliminated. The Management Servers that belong in the same partition distribute the management load amongst themselves.

    For example, if you have a large, global deployment of Enterprise Manager, or have Enterprise Manager deployed across a mixture of LANs and WANs, using management regions can greatly improve performance over slow networks by allowing you to assign a subset of Management Servers and a subset of discovered nodes to a management region, thus eliminating cross-regional/cross-network communication. Additionally, the ability to segregate a large network makes the use of management regions ideal for mapping firewall boundaries.

    If no Management Server is available to service a particular management region, even though Management Servers exist and are serving other regions, you can log on using a Management Server from a different region. The Oracle Enterprise Manager Console will not experience any disruption from an unmonitored management region. You can connect to a Management Server in any Management Region and you will be able to see all nodes in all Management Regions.

    Defining a New Management Region

    There are two ways to define a Management Region:

    • Using the Console

    • Using Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant

    By default, Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant creates the initial "default" Management Region. Under this configuration, all Management Servers that use the existing Repository, as well as all discovered nodes within the Repository, are placed within this DEFAULT Management Region. This single, default management region is sufficient for most situations. However, in order to take advantage of the management region functionality, you must create additional management regions and specify a subset of discovered nodes with a subset of Management Servers within each management region.

    To create a new Management Region using the Enterprise Manager Console:

    1. Logon as a super administrator to any of the Management Servers working in DEFAULT region.

    2. Select Define Management Regions from the Console Configuration menu to access the Management Regions property sheet.

    3. Select the Regions tab from the Management Regions property sheet. The Regions page appears.

    4. Click the Add Regions button on the Regions page. The Add Management Regions dialog appears.

    5. Create a new region by typing the its name into the Management Region Name field and clicking the OK button.

    Alternatively, you can use Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant to create new Management Regions by editing an Oracle Management Server configuration and pointing it to a new repository.

    Adding a Management Server to a Region

    In this example, we are assuming that there are two already existing Management Servers (OMS1 and OMS2) using the same Repository. In this example, both OMS1 and OMS2 are running.

    1. Logon as a super administrator to any of the Management Servers working in DEFAULT region.

    2. Select Configure Management Regions from the Console Configuration menu to access the Management Regions property sheet.

    3. Select the Regions tab from the Management Regions property sheet. The Regions page appears.

    4. Click the Add Regions button on the Regions page. The Add Management Regions dialog appears.

    5. Create a new region by typing its name (R1 for this example) into the Management Region Name field and clicking the OK button.

    6. Select the Assign Management Servers tab on the Management Regions property sheet. The Assign Management Servers page appears. Assign OMS1 to R1.

    7. Select the Assign Nodes tab from the Management Regions property sheet. The Assign Nodes page appears. Assign the required nodes to R1. Important: To assign nodes to R1, the Management Server for R1 must be running. Click OK.

    Adding Discovered Nodes to a Management Region

    1. Logon as a super administrator.

    2. Select Define Management Regions from the Console Configuration menu to access the Management Regions property sheet.

    3. Select the Regions tab from the Management Regions property sheet. The Regions page appears.

    4. Click the Add Region button on the Regions page. The Add Management Regions dialog appears.

    5. Create a new region. For example, R3, by typing the name into the Management Region Name field and clicking the OK button.

    6. Install Management Server or Management Servers.

      Install the Management Server in a new ORACLE_HOME.

      If you are installing from the database CD, choose the install type: Oracle9i Management and Integration>Oracle Management Server.

      If you are installing from the separately licensable packs CD, choose the install type: Oracle Enterprise Manager Packs and Management Infrastructure> Custom>Oracle Management Server.

      Refer to the installation guide provided with the database release or the installation guide provided with the separately licensable packs.

    7. Configure this Management Server (or Management Servers) to be in the new region, R3, using the Enterprise Management Configuration Assistant.

    8. Bring up this Management Server (or Management Servers). At this point there will be two regions available: DEFAULT and R3.

    9. Log on as a super administrator using one of the new Management Servers in R3.

    Discover all the nodes you need to add. They will automatically be placed in the R3 region.

    Removing a Management Region

    A Management Region must be empty before attempting to remove it. First, ensure that there are no nodes in the region. Second, ensure there are no Management Servers in the region.

    1. Logon as a super administrator.

    2. Select Define Management Regions from the Console Configuration menu to access the Management Regions property sheet.

    3. Select the Regions tab from the Management Regions property sheet. The Regions page appears.

    4. Select the region you wish to remove.

    5. Click the Delete Region button. You are asked if you wish to continue.

    6. Click Yes.

    Managing HTTP Servers

    HTTP server management allows you to discover, start up, shut down, and monitor the server's operational status via the Event system. Additional functionality (extra job tasks and event tests) are available when the e-Business Management Tools (part of the Diagnostics Pack) are installed.

    Discovering HTTP Servers

    You discover a web server as you would any other managed target from the Enterprise Manager Console. See "Discovering Targets" on page 2-6. The discovery process does not require the web server to be running. Once discovered, you set the server access authorization through the Enterprise Manager Preferred Credentials (Node). See "Preferred Credentials" on page 1-31.


      When running on UNIX, if the web server is listening on a port number less than 1024, the administrator must have root privileges in order to submit startup or shutdown jobs to the server.  

    Starting Up or Shutting Down a HTTP Server

    Once an HTTP server appears as a managed object within the Console Navigator, you can select Startup from the context-sensitive menu. HTTP server management utilizes the Enterprise Manager Job system to perform the actual startup operation. For this reason, you can also start the HTTP server by selecting Create Job from the Console Job menu, selecting Web Server as the Target Type, and selecting the Startup job task. After the startup job task is submitted, a dialog displays indicating the task has been submitted to the Job system. Status messages pertaining to this task appear in the Console's Job Pane.

    To stop an HTTP server, select the desired HTTP server from the Console Navigator and select Shutdown from the context-sensitive menu. As with web server startup, you can also shut down the server from the Edit Web Server General page, or use the Enterprise Manager Job system directly.

    Alternatively, you can select Edit to display the Edit Web Server General Page. The current web server state is selected (Shut Down or Started). To start the web server, select Started and click OK.

    Determining the Status of HTTP Servers

    Select a discovered HTTP server from the Console Navigator. HTTP server status and configuration information displays in the detail view. Information displayed pertaining to the selected web server includes:

    • Server Name: Server's Internet host name. Example: If this machine does not have a registered DNS name, an IP address will appear.

    • Port: The network port to which the web server listens.

    • Version: Apache server version number.

    • Server Root Directory: The top-level directory where all web server-related files (configuration, error, and log files) are stored.

    • Configuration File Location: Location of the web server configuration file.

    • Status URL: The location of the Apache-generated HTML page that provides the current server statistics in an easily readable form.

    Paging/Email Blackout

    Paging/Email Blackout allows an administrator with super administrator privileges to suspend paging and email notifications for specified targets and/or services that have been previously discovered in the Navigator. Paging/email blackouts deactivate enhanced notification (email/paging), thus preventing Enterprise Manager administrators from being flooded with emails and pages if a managed target/service is brought down. For example, if a target is brought down on a regular basis for scheduled maintenance, a super administrator can schedule a paging/email blackout for that target to prevent enhanced notification during the maintenance period.

    Specifying Total Paging/Email Blackout

    Total paging/email blackout specifies that a blackout be started immediately with an indefinite duration. The super administrator must manually turn off Total Paging/Email before any new blackout schedules can take effect or existing blackout schedules resume. To specify a total paging/email blackout:

    1. Choose Set Paging/Email Blackout from the Console's Configuration menu.

    2. Check Total Paging/Email Blackout

    3. Click OK.


    You can also access Total Paging/Email Blackout menu item from a target's context-sensitive menu in the Enterprise Manager Navigator. 

    Defining a Paging/Email Blackout

    To define a paging/email blackout for a specific node:

    1. Select a target from the Navigator and then choose Set Paging/Email Blackout from the Console's Configuration menu. Optionally, you can select an object in the Navigator and access Set Paging/Email Blackout through the context-sensitive menu.

    2. Click Create. The requisite naming and scheduling UI are displayed. Important: Be sure that Total Paging/Email Blackout is not checked for either the specific service or its parent target.

    3. Specify a Blackout Name. All Blackout names for this node/service must be unique. Note: the Target name reflects the node/service selected in the Navigator and is not editable from this dialog.

    4. Select an Occurrence

      Select the frequency that you want the paging/email blackout to occur. The choices are Once, On Interval, On Day(s) of Week, and On Date(s) of Month.

      • Once--schedules the blackout only one time beginning and ending on the dates and times you choose.

      • On Interval--allows you to schedule a specific time interval between paging/email blackout periods. The interval can be a combination of hours and minutes, or number of days. Select the value you want to change and click on the scroll buttons. You can also type in a new value. Select an Effective Period in which your blackout schedule will be valid.

      • On Day(s) of Week--allows you to schedule the blackout on one or multiple days (Sunday, Monday, etc.) of the week. Click on the days of the week to select the days you want the blackout period scheduled and set a start time or duration. Select an Effective Period in which your blackout schedule will be valid.

      • On Day(s) of Month--allows you to schedule the blackout on one or multiple days (1 - 31) of the month. Click on the dates of the month to select the dates you want the blackout period scheduled and set a start time or duration. Select an Effective Period in which your blackout schedule will be valid.

    5. Click OK.


    When selecting On Day(s) of Month or On Day(s) of Week, be aware that each day terminates at 12:00 A.M. This is important when scheduling paging/email blackout periods that span the day change (12:00 A.M.).

    For example, if you wish to schedule a blackout that begins on Tuesday at 10:00 P.M and lasts for six hours, you must define two blackout periods:

    • Tuesday from 10:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M.

    • Wednesday from 12:00 A.M. to 4:00 A.M.


    Making a Copy of an Existing Blackout Schedule

    To schedule a paging/email blackout schedule for a node that is identical to that of another managed node:

    1. Choose Paging/Email Blackout from the Console's Configuration menu. Optionally, you can select an object in the Navigator and access Paging/Email Blackout through the context-sensitive menu.

    2. Select a Blackout Schedule entry from the Blackout Name list.

    3. Click Create Like. A new entry is created in the list prefixed by "Copy of."

    4. Modify the blackout period parameters (such as Blackout Name) as desired and click OK.

    Turning Blackout Schedules On and Off

    Once you have defined one or more paging/email blackout periods for a node/service, they persist in the Blackout Name list associated with the node/service until deleted. You can turn paging/email blackout on or off by checking the box located to the left of the individual blackout name. You can edit the Occurrence parameters to reflect the present date and time. Paging/email blackouts are set ON by default.

    Deleting Paging/Email Blackout Periods

    1. Choose Paging/Email Blackout from the Console's Configuration menu. Optionally, you can select an object in the Navigator and access Paging/Email Blackout through the context-sensitive menu.

    2. Select the desired Blackout Name.

    3. Click Delete.

    Viewing Blackout Periods

    Once you have defined blackout periods on multiple nodes, you can view them by selecting the desired target in the Console Navigator and choosing Paging/Email Blackout from the Navigator menu. If you select a high-level folder from the Navigator, such as Databases, Groups, or Nodes, rather that an individual target, all blackout periods defined in the container type are displayed.

    Target-level Blackouts

    Target-level Blackouts allow Enterprise Manager users to suspend any or all management and/or data collection activity on one or more managed targets. This capability permits maintenance or emergency operations to be performed. Target-level Blackouts must be set on the target running a 9i version of the Intelligent Agent and cannot be set from the Console. See the Intelligent Agent User's Guide for more information.

    Specifically, blackouts can suspend:

    • Events: All events registered on a target will not be evaluated or triggered for the duration of the blackout.

    • Jobs: All jobs submitted to a target will not be scheduled or run for the duration of the blackout.

    • Data Collections: All current historical data collection activities for a target are stopped. However, loading of data collected for a target prior to the blackout will continue as long as the database is up. New collections can be submitted but will not proceed unless the blackout ends.

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