Class DocumentDefinition








public class DocumentDefinition
extends PublicObjectDefinition

The DocumentDefinition class is used construct a Document object. This subclass of PublicObjectDefinition sets the default ClassObject to "DOCUMENT"

Document maintains Content via a reference to a ContentObject. Thus, to create Content a ContentObjectDefinition is used. This Definition has convenience methods to manipulate a ContentObjectDefinition for you; or you may access the ContentObjectDefinition directly. Note that the only way to modify the attributes of a ContentObject (for non-admin users) is to pass a ContentObjectDefinition to a DocumentDefinition and call update on a Document to which you have access. For that reason, all ContentObjectDefinition methods have been implemented as wrappers in the DocumentDefinition class, thus eliminating the need to deal with ContentObjectDefinition directly.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
DocumentDefinition(LibrarySession session)
          Constructs a DocumentDefinition explicitly capturing the session.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCharacterSet(LibrarySession sess)
          Gets the characterset for this DocumentDefinition.
 java.lang.String getContent()
          Gets the previously set String of content as set in this definition, or null if no String was specified.
 ContentObjectDefinition getContentObjectDefinition()
          Gets the currently allocated ContentObjectDefinition, whether set explicitly by setContentObjectDefinition, or allocated by one of the content convenience methods.
 java.lang.String getContentPath()
          Gets the path of the local file content, or null if no local file was specified. getContentReader()
          Gets the Reader from which this document will be loaded. getContentStream()
          Gets the InputStream from which this document will be loaded.
 Format getFormat(LibrarySession sess)
          Gets the format for this DocumentDefinition.
 java.lang.String getLanguage(LibrarySession sess)
          Gets the language for this DocumentDefinition.
 LibraryObject getReferringLibraryObject()
          Gets the referring LibraryObject through which access is granted to the shared ContentObject or null if no existing ContentObject was specified.
 ContentObject getSharedContentObject()
          Gets the existing ContentObject with which this Document will share content.
 void setCharacterSet(java.lang.String charset)
          Sets the characterset of the content.
 void setContent(java.lang.String content)
          Sets the content of the document that will be loaded/created.
 void setContentObjectDefinition(ContentObjectDefinition cod)
          Sets the ContentObjectDefinition of the document that will be used to create/update the content object associated with this document.
 void setContentPath(java.lang.String contentPath)
          Sets the path of the local file from which this document will be loaded/created.
 void setContentReader( contentReader)
          Sets the content Reader from which the document will be loaded/created.
 void setContentStream( contentStream)
          Sets the content InputStream from which the document will be loaded/created.
 void setEmptyContent()
          Creates content of zero length.
 void setFormat(Format format)
          Sets the format describing the type of content.
 void setLanguage(java.lang.String language)
          Sets the language of the content.
 void setNullContent()
          Calling this method specifies that the target document should not have content.
 void setSharedContentObject(ContentObject contentObject, LibraryObject refObj)
          Shares the content of an existing object.
Methods inherited from class oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObjectDefinition
addCategoryDefinition, getAddToFolderOption, getCategoryDefinitions, getExplicitCreateDate, getExplicitLastModifyDate, getFreeIfLastFolderReferenceOption, getKeepLastModifyDateOption, getLockForSessionOption, getSecuringPublicObject, getUnlockForSessionOption, setAddToFolderOption, setExplicitCreateDate, setExplicitLastModifyDate, setFreeIfLastFolderReferenceOption, setKeepLastModifyDateOption, setLockForSessionOption, setSecuringPublicObject, setUnlockForSessionOption
Methods inherited from class oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryObjectDefinition
clone, getAttribute, getAttributes, getClassObject, getOption, getOptionKeys, removeAttribute, removeOption, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttributeByUpperCaseName, setAttributes, setClassObject, setOption

Constructor Detail


public DocumentDefinition(LibrarySession session)
                   throws IfsException
Constructs a DocumentDefinition explicitly capturing the session.
session - current LibrarySession
IfsException - if the operation fails
Method Detail


public void setFormat(Format format)
               throws IfsException
Sets the format describing the type of content. This is a convenience method that allocates a ContentObjectDefinition (if one is not already allocated) and calls the liked named method on it.
format - the desired Format object.
IfsException - if operation fails.


public void setCharacterSet(java.lang.String charset)
                     throws IfsException
Sets the characterset of the content. This is a convenience method that allocates a ContentObjectDefinition (if one is not already allocated) and calls the liked named method on it.
charset - the java name of the desired character set
IfsException - if operation fails.


public void setLanguage(java.lang.String language)
                 throws IfsException
Sets the language of the content. This is a convenience method that allocates a ContentObjectDefinition (if one is not already allocated) and calls the liked named method on it.
language - the Oracle name of the desired language
IfsException - if operation fails.


public void setContentPath(java.lang.String contentPath)
                    throws IfsException
Sets the path of the local file from which this document will be loaded/created. This is a convenience method that allocates a ContentObjectDefinition (if one is not already allocated) and calls setContentPath on it.
contentPath - the file from which content will be loaded/created.
IfsException - if operation fails.


public void setContentStream( contentStream)
                      throws IfsException
Sets the content InputStream from which the document will be loaded/created. This is a convenience method that allocates a ContentObjectDefinition (if one is not already allocated) and calls the liked named method on it.
contentStream - an InputStream from which content will be loaded/created.
IfsException - if operation fails.


public void setContentReader( contentReader)
                      throws IfsException
Sets the content Reader from which the document will be loaded/created. This is a convenience method that allocates a ContentObjectDefinition (if one is not already allocated) and calls the liked named method on it.
contentReader - a Reader from which content will be loaded/created.
IfsException - if operation fails.


public void setContent(java.lang.String content)
                throws IfsException
Sets the content of the document that will be loaded/created. This is a convenience method that allocates a ContentObjectDefinition (if one is not already allocated) and calls the liked named method on it.
content - A String which contains the content which will be loaded into the new document.
IfsException - if operation fails.


public void setEmptyContent()
                     throws IfsException
Creates content of zero length. This is different than not having content a.k.a., setNullContent(). This is a convenience method that allocates a ContentObjectDefinition (if one is not already allocated) and calls the liked named method on it.
IfsException - if operation fails.


public void setSharedContentObject(ContentObject contentObject,
                                   LibraryObject refObj)
                            throws IfsException
Shares the content of an existing object. On the server, the content is truly shared, not copied. Note that calling this method will clear any other content settings already made (via a ContentObjectDefinition or one of the convenience wrappers).
ContentObject - An existing contentObject to which this new document will refer.
refObj - An existing object through which you are allowed access to the existing ContentObject
IfsException - if operation fails.


public void setContentObjectDefinition(ContentObjectDefinition cod)
                                throws IfsException
Sets the ContentObjectDefinition of the document that will be used to create/update the content object associated with this document. Most content convenience methods on DocumentDefinition will allocate a ContentObjectDefinition. Calling this method will replace any previously allocated definition.
cod - a ContentObjectDefinition which contains the content to be loaded into the new document.
IfsException - if operation fails.


public ContentObjectDefinition getContentObjectDefinition()
                                                   throws IfsException
Gets the currently allocated ContentObjectDefinition, whether set explicitly by setContentObjectDefinition, or allocated by one of the content convenience methods.
the ContentObjectDefinition object
IfsException - if the operation fails


public void setNullContent()
                    throws IfsException
Calling this method specifies that the target document should not have content. This method is most useful for removing content on an existing document. NOTE that this means that existing content will be deleted (irrevocably) from an existing document.
IfsException - if operation fails.


public Format getFormat(LibrarySession sess)
                 throws IfsException
Gets the format for this DocumentDefinition. This is a convenience method that calls the liked named method on the contained ContentObjectDefinition.
the Format object
IfsException - if the operation fails


public java.lang.String getCharacterSet(LibrarySession sess)
                                 throws IfsException
Gets the characterset for this DocumentDefinition. This is a convenience method that calls the liked named method on the contained ContentObjectDefinition.
the character set object
IfsException - if the operation fails


public java.lang.String getLanguage(LibrarySession sess)
                             throws IfsException
Gets the language for this DocumentDefinition. This is a convenience method that calls the liked named method on the contained ContentObjectDefinition.
the language set object
IfsException - if the operation fails


public java.lang.String getContentPath()
                                throws IfsException
Gets the path of the local file content, or null if no local file was specified. This is a convenience method that calls the liked named method on the contained ContentObjectDefinition.
the local content path
IfsException - if the operation fails


public java.lang.String getContent()
                            throws IfsException
Gets the previously set String of content as set in this definition, or null if no String was specified. This is a convenience method that calls the liked named method on the contained ContentObjectDefinition.
the content
IfsException - if the operation fails


public getContentStream()
                                     throws IfsException
Gets the InputStream from which this document will be loaded. or null if no InputStream was specified. This is a convenience method that calls the liked named method on the contained ContentObjectDefinition.
the specified content stream
IfsException - if the operation fails


public getContentReader()
                                throws IfsException
Gets the Reader from which this document will be loaded. or null if no Reader was specified. This is a convenience method that calls the liked named method on the contained ContentObjectDefinition.
the specified content reader
IfsException - if the operation fails


public ContentObject getSharedContentObject()
                                     throws IfsException
Gets the existing ContentObject with which this Document will share content. or null if no existing ContentObject was specified.
the ContentObject to be shared
IfsException - if the operation fails


public LibraryObject getReferringLibraryObject()
                                        throws IfsException
Gets the referring LibraryObject through which access is granted to the shared ContentObject or null if no existing ContentObject was specified.
the referring LibraryObject
IfsException - if the operation fails