Package oracle.ifs.common

Interface Summary
Credential A Credential encapsulates the information presented to a CredentialManager to authenticate a user.
DirectoryObjectInterface DirectoryObjectInterface defines methods common to DirectoryObject and S_DirectoryObject.
IfsEventHandler A IfsEventHandler can take action in response to IfsEvents.
LibraryObjectInterface LibraryObjectInterface defines methods common to LibraryObject and S_LibraryObject.
LibrarySessionInterface The LibrarySessionInterface interface.
PublicObjectInterface PublicObjectInterface defines methods common to PublicObject and S_PublicObject.
SchemaObjectInterface SchemaObjectInterface defines methods common to SchemaObject and S_SchemaObject.
SystemObjectInterface SystemObjectInterface defines methods common to SystemObject and S_SystemObject.
Traceable The Traceable interface.
Transaction A Transaction is a token returned by LibrarySession.beginTransaction that can be passed to LibrarySession.completeTransaction or LibrarySession.abortTransaction.

Class Summary
AccessLevel The AccessLevel class.
AttributeValue An AttributeValue represents the value of an Attribute of a LibraryObject.
ChallengeResponseCredential A ChallengeResponseCredential encapsulates a name, challenge, and response for presentation to a CredentialManager to authenticate a user, based on the SMB authentication mechanism.
CleartextCredential A CleartextCredential encapsulates an unencrypted name and password for presentation to a CredentialManager to authenticate a user.
Collection A Collection is a set of Java objects.
ConnectOptions ConnectOptions is a bucket of parameters that govern the behavior of LibraryService.connect.
ContextTheme The class - used for encapsulating a Context Theme for a document, with its associated theme Weight.
HttpDigestCredential A HttpDigestCredential encapsulates a name, challenge, and response for presentation to a CredentialManager to authenticate a user.
IfsEvent A IfsEvent is a message indicating that a specific LibraryObject was changed in some way.
Localizer A Localizer encapsulates internationalization information.
ParameterTable This class contains a list of named parameters in a Hashtable.
SortSpecification The SortSpecification class is used to specify a sort order for operations that can be sorted, such as opening a folder.
TokenCredential A TokenCredential encapsulates a token created by an authenticated LibrarySession that may be used to create a new LibrarySession, authenticating as the same DirectoryUser as the earlier session.
TraceLogger TraceLogger is the abstract tracing superclass.

Exception Summary
IfsException A IfsException represents an iFS error condition.