Class SimpleXmlRenderer






All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleXmlRenderer
extends XmlRenderer

The SimpleXMLRenderer provides a convenient mapping between LibraryObjects and XML. For a full description of the mapping see xmlrenderer spec .

simplexmlrenderer also uses the options hashtable for configuration.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String LOCALIZE_NUMBERS
          The hashtable key for specifying whether number attributes (including id references to other LibaryObjects) should be localized or should be presented in the default format.
static java.lang.String RENDER_FALSE_PERMISSIONS
          The hashtable key for specifying whether the false permission bits on an acl should be renderered, or just the true bits.
static java.lang.String RENDER_NULL_ATTRIBUTES
          The hashtable key for specifying whether attributes with null values should have tags in the XML document or whether they should be omitted.
Fields inherited from class oracle.ifs.server.renderers.XmlRenderer
Constructor Summary
SimpleXmlRenderer(S_LibrarySession session)
          Constructs a SimpleXMLRenderer
Method Summary
protected  oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument createTree(S_LibraryObject slo, java.util.Hashtable options)
          Creates a DOM tree representing the S_LibraryObject passed in.
Methods inherited from class oracle.ifs.server.renderers.XmlRenderer
renderAsReader, renderAsStream, renderAsString

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String RENDER_NULL_ATTRIBUTES
The hashtable key for specifying whether attributes with null values should have tags in the XML document or whether they should be omitted. The default is to omit null attributes.


public static final java.lang.String RENDER_FALSE_PERMISSIONS
The hashtable key for specifying whether the false permission bits on an acl should be renderered, or just the true bits. By default, this renderer only includes the true permission bits.


public static final java.lang.String LOCALIZE_NUMBERS
The hashtable key for specifying whether number attributes (including id references to other LibaryObjects) should be localized or should be presented in the default format. The default is for no localization.
Constructor Detail


public SimpleXmlRenderer(S_LibrarySession session)
                  throws IfsException
Constructs a SimpleXMLRenderer
session - The S_LibrarySession constructing this SimpleXMLRenderer
IfsException - if the operation fails
Method Detail


protected oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument createTree(S_LibraryObject slo,
                                                      java.util.Hashtable options)
                                               throws IfsException
Creates a DOM tree representing the S_LibraryObject passed in.

The options available are:

(from XMLRenderer) Sets the character encoding for this document
Boolean which if true causes attributes with null values to be rendered as empty tags.
Boolean which if true causes numerical attributes to be formatted using the session Locale's NumberFormat class.
createTree in class XmlRenderer
slo - the object to be rendered
options - the options table- see method description
the XMLDocument to render
IfsException - thrown if an error occured during this operation