Oracle9i Enterprise JavaBeans Developer's Guide and Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A90188-01
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XML Deployment Descriptors

To deploy your Enterprise JavaBean component into the database, you must provide the appropriate deployment descriptors. There are two possible deployment descriptors. Both deployment descriptors are written using XML notation. The format designated for all elements within each deployment descriptor are specified within a DTD file. Note that each item within the element must be specified within your deployment descriptors in the same order as it is defined in the DTD.


All values entered in either deployment descriptor are case sensitive. This includes usernames and passwords. 

The following table describes both deployment descriptors:

Deployment Descriptor  Required/

Enterprise JavaBean Deployment Descriptor 


This deployment descriptor is defined by Sun Microsystems's Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 specification. It contains information on the names and features for the bean. 

Oracle-Specific Deployment Descriptor 


The Oracle-specific deployment descriptor contains information specific to beans deployed in an Oracle9i database. It is required only if one of the following is true:

  • The names provided within the XML deployment descriptor can be logical names and not the actual names.

  • If you need to specify the <run-as> element. This was an EJB 1.0 feature that is supported within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.

  • If you use container-managed persistence for your bean, the persistence manager and container managed fields are defined within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.


This appendix briefly describes the sections within both of the deployment descriptors. For more information on the Sun Microsystems's XML deployment descriptor, see the "Deployment Descriptor" chapter in the Enterprise Javabeans 1.1 specification located at For more information on the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor, see "DTD for Oracle-Specific Deployment Descriptor".

Enterprise JavaBean Deployment Descriptor

This is the main deployment descriptor that contains most of the information about the bean: the bean identification, security roles, transaction demarcation, and any optional environment definition.


The following is the required header for all Oracle9i EJB deployment descriptors. It details the XML version and the XML DTD file, which details the syntax required for the descriptor.

XML Version Number
<?xml version="1.0"?>
DTD Filename

The following uses the DTD stored locally:

<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1
//EN" "ejb-jar.dtd">

However, you can retrieve the DTD remotely from Sun Microsystems through an HTTP URL, as shown below:

<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1
//EN" "">

When you deploy the bean and this deployment descriptor to the database, the Container will try to retrieve the DTD from the indicated website. However, the user that deploys the bean must also be granted SocketPermission in order for the session to be created between the database session and the website. For example, if the user that is deploying the bean is SCOTT, and the deployment descriptor specifies the Sun Microsystems web site for retrieving the DTD, then before you can deploy, SCOTT must be granted SocketPermission, as shown below:

call dbms_java.grant_permission('SCOTT',

If another port number is specified within the <!DOCTYPE> element, substitute that port number instead of the default 80.

JAR file

The first element to be declared is the <ejb-jar> element. Within this element, you define two sections: the <enterprise-beans> section and the <assembly-descriptor> section.

Deployment Section  Description 


This section defines each bean and each bean's environment. 


This section defines security roles and transactional attributes for the beans. If you decide to use the defaults, this section is optional. 

The overall structure for the EJB deployment descriptor follows this syntax:

<ejb-jar>                            //Start of JAR file descriptor
 <description> </description>        //Description of JAR file
 <enterprise-beans>                  //EJB Descriptor section
  . . .
 <assembly-descriptor>               //Application Descriptor section
  . . . 
 <ejb-client-jar>                    //specify output JAR file for
 ...                                 //client stubs

Enterprise JavaBeans Descriptor

The beans are described within the <enterprise-beans> section. This section contains information such as the type of bean--entity or session, the home interface name, the remote interface name, the bean class name, and the type of persistence--container-managed or bean-managed. The following shows the elements contained within the <enterprise-beans> section.

<enterprise-beans>                       //beginning of the EJB descriptor
 <entity> or <session>                   //define EJB type: entity or session
  <description> </description>           //text display description
  <ejb-name> </ejb-name>                 //logical name for the bean
  <home> </home>                         //home interface name
  <remote> </remote>                     //remote interface name
  <ejb-class> </ejb-class>               //bean class name
  <session-type> </session-type>         //For session beans: Stateful always
  <persistence-type> </persistence-type> //For entity beans: container or
  <prim-key-class> </prim-key-class>     //For entity beans: primary key class
  <reentrant> </reentrant>               //Reentrant boolean: True or False
  <cmp-field> </cmp-field>               //Container-managed
                                         //fields for entity beans
  <primkey-field> </prim-key-field>       //For entity beans: primary key field
  <transaction-type> </transaction-type> //transaction information for bean
  <env-entry> </env-entry>               //bean environment definition
  <ejb-ref> </ejb-ref>                   //EJB environment definition
  <security-role-ref> </security-role-ref>  //security role for bean
  <resource-ref> </resource-ref>         //resource environment 
 </session> or </entity>

Each element is described in the following sections:

Type of Bean

The first item you must define is whether the bean is a session or an entity bean. You do this with the <entity> or <session> element.

Bean Names

There are four names necessary to define the bean within the descriptor:

Example A-1 Purchase Order Bean Descriptor

The following defines the purchase order bean as an entity bean with the following components:

Session Bean Elements

One element pertains only to session beans: the <session-type> element. Since only stateful beans are supported, this element should always be defined as Stateful. In fact, it defaults to Stateful, so you do not need to specify this element.


Entity Bean Elements

Certain elements define items that pertain only to entity beans. These are as follows:

Example A-2 CMP Entity Bean

In this example, the customer bean is a CMP entity bean with a customer number as its primary key and two persistent fields: customer name and address.

Example A-3 CMP Entity Bean with Complex Primary Key

In this example, the customer bean is a CMP entity bean with a complex primary key defined within its own serializable class. In addition, the CMP bean declares two persistent fields: customer name and address.

Bean Services

The transaction, security, and reentrancy for the bean is defined by the following elements:

Example A-4 Reentrancy, Transaction Demarcation, and Security Role

The following example defines a customer bean that is not reentrant, uses bean-demarcated transactions, and uses the "CustRole" logical name within the bean implementation when referring to its security role. This role name is mapped to SCOTT.


Environment Elements

You can create three types of environment elements that are accessible to your bean during runtime: environment variables, EJB references, and resource managers (JDBC DataSource). These environment elements are static and can not be changed by the bean.

ISVs typically develop EJBs that are independent from the EJB container. In order to distance the bean implementation from the container specifics, you can create environment elements that map to one of the following: defined variables, entity beans, or resource managers. This indirection enables the bean developer to refer to existing variables, EJBs, and a JDBC DataSource without specifying the actual name. These names are defined in the deployment descriptor and are linked to the actual names within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.

Environment variables

you can create environment variables that your bean can access through a lookup on the InitialContext. These variables are defined within an <env-entry> element and can be of the following types: String, Integer, Boolean, Double, Byte, Short, Long, and Float. The name of the environment variable is defined within <env-entry-name>, the type is defined in <env-entry-type>, and its initialized value is defined in <env-entry-value>. The <env-entry-name> is relative to the "java:comp/env" context.

For example, the following two environment variables are declared within the XML deployment descriptor for java:comp/env/minBalance and java:comp/env/maxCreditBalance.


Within the bean's code, you would access these environment variables through the InitialContext, as follows:

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
Integer min = (Integer)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/minBalance");
Integer max = (Integer) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/maxCreditBalance"));

Notice that to retrieve the values of the environment variables, you prefix each environment element with "java:comp/env/", which is the location that the container stored the environment variable.

Environment References To Other Enterprise JavaBeans

You can define an environment reference to an EJB within the deployment descriptor. If your bean calls out to another bean, you can enable your bean to invoke the second bean using a reference defined within the deployment descriptors. You create a logical name within the EJB deployment descriptor, which is mapped to the real name of the bean within the Oracle deployment descriptor.

The deployejb tool binds the EJB reference defined in the EJB deployment descriptor to the bean's home interface. This enables the target bean to be retrieved without the originating bean needing to know the exact JNDI name for the target. Either way, you use JNDI to retrieve the target bean's home interface. Once retrieved, the bean referenced by the returned EJB reference is instantiated in the same session.

Declaring the target bean as an environment reference provides a level of indirection: the originating bean can refer to the target bean with a logical name. This is useful when the target bean's JNDI name within the name space may be different depending on the operating environment.

To define an EJB within the environment, you provide the following:

  1. Name--provide a logical name for the target bean. This name is what the bean uses within the JNDI URL for accessing the target bean. The name should begin with "ejb/", such as "ejb/myEmployee", and will be available within the "java:comp/env/ejb" context.

  2. Type--define whether the bean is a session or an entity bean. Value should be either "Session" or "Entity".

  3. Home--provide the fully qualified home interface name.

  4. Remote--provide the fully qualified remote interface name.

  5. LinkÞ--provide a name that links this EJB reference with the actual JNDI URL.

    As shown in Figure A-1, the logical name for the bean is mapped to the JNDI name by providing the same link name, "HelloWorldBean", in both the <ejb-link> in the EJB deployment descriptor and the <ejb-name> within the <ejb-mapping> element in the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.


    Using the <ejb-link> field to map a logical name to a JNDI URL defined within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor is a different implementation than stated within the Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 specification. 

Figure A-1 EJB Reference Mapping

Text description of xmla.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xmla.gif

Example A-5 Defining an EJB Reference Within the Environment

The following example defines a reference to the Hello bean, as follows:

  1. The logical name used for the target bean within the originating bean is "java:comp/env/ejb/HelloWorld".

  2. The target bean is a session bean.

  3. Its home interface is hello.HelloHome; its remote interface is hello.Hello.

  4. The link to the JNDI URL for this bean is defined in the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor under the "HelloWorldBean" name.

    Text description of xml4.gif follows
    Text description of the illustration xml4.gif

As shown in Figure A-1, the <ejb-link> is mapped to <ejb-name> within the <ejb-mapping> element in the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor by providing the same logical name in both elements. The Oracle-specific deployment descriptor would have the following definition to map the logical bean name of "java:comp/env/ejb/HelloWorld" to the JNDI URL "/test/myHello".

Text description of xml5.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml5.gif


For more information on the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor, see "Oracle-Specific Deployment Descriptor"

To invoke this bean from within your implementation, you use the <ejb-ref-name> defined in the deployment descriptor. You prefix this name with "java:comp/env/ejb/", which is where the container places the EJB references defined in the deployment descriptor.

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
HelloHome hh = (HelloHome)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/HelloWorld");
Environment References To Resource Manager Connection Factory References

The resource manager connection factory references can include resource managers such as JMS, Java mail, URL, and JDBC DataSource objects. In this release, there are three resource manager connection factories that Oracle9i supports: JDBC DataSource, mail Session, and URL. Similar to the EJB references, you can access these objects from JNDI by creating an environment element for each object reference. However, these references can only be used for retrieving the object within the bean that defines these references. Each is fully described in the following sections:

JDBC DataSource

You can access a database through JDBC either using the traditional method or by creating an environment element for a JDBC DataSource. In order to create an environment element for your JDBC DataSource, you must do the following:

  1. Bind your JDBC DataSource within the JNDI name space using the bindds tool. Refer to the Oracle9i Java Tools Reference for full details on this tool.

  2. Create a logical name within the <res-ref-name> element in the EJB deployment descriptor. This name should always start with "jdbc". In the bean code, the lookup of this reference is always prefaced by "java:comp/env/jdbc".

  3. Map the logical name within the EJB deployment descriptor to the JNDI name, created in step 1, within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.

  4. Lookup the object reference within the bean with the "java:comp/env/jdbc" preface and the logical name defined in the EJB deployment descriptor.

As shown in Figure A-2, the JDBC DataSource was bound to the JNDI name "test/OrderDataSource". The logical name that the bean knows this resource as is "jdbc/OrderDB". These names are mapped together within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor. Thus, within the bean's implementation, the bean can retrieve the connection to OrderDataSource by using the "java:comp/env/jdbc/OrderDB" environment element.

Figure A-2 JDBC Resource Manager Mapping

Text description of xml3.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml3.gif

The JDBC DataSource environment element is defined with the following information:

Element  Description 


The logical name of the JDBC DataSource to be used within the originating bean. The name should be prefixed with "jdbc/". In our example, the logical name for our ordering database is "jdbc/OrderDB". 


The Java type of the resource. For JDBC, this is javax.sql.DataSource


Define who is responsible for signing on to the database. At this time, the only value supported is "Application". The application provides the authentication information for the database by providing the username and password within the DataSource. 

Example A-6 Defining an environment element for JDBC Connection

The environment element is defined within the EJB deployment descriptor by providing the logical name, "jdbc/OrderDB", its type of javax.sql.DataSource, and the authenticator of "Application".

Text description of xml6.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml6.gif

The environment element of "jdbc/OrderDB" is mapped to the JNDI bound name for the connection, "test/OrderDataSource" within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.

Text description of xml7.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml7.gif

Once deployed, the bean can retrieve the JDBC DataSource as follows:

javax.sql.DataSource db;
java.sql.Connection conn;
db = (javax.sql.DataSource) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/OrderDB");
conn = db.getConnection();
Mail Session

You can create an environment element for a Java mail Session object through the following:

  1. Bind the javax.mail.Session reference within the JNDI name space using the bindms tool. Refer to the Oracle9i Java Tools Reference for full details on this tool.

  2. Create a logical name within the <res-ref-name> element in the EJB deployment descriptor. This name should always start with "mail". In the bean code, the lookup of this reference is always prefaced by "java:comp/env/mail".

  3. Map the logical name within the EJB deployment descriptor to the JNDI name, created in step 1, within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.

  4. Lookup the object reference within the bean with the "java:comp/env/mail" preface and the logical name defined in the EJB deployment descriptor.

As shown in Figure A-3, the Session object was bound to the JNDI name "test/myMailSession". The logical name that the bean knows this resource as is "mail/testMailSession". These names are mapped together within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor. Thus, within the bean's implementation, the bean can retrieve the connection to the bound Session object by using the "java:comp/env/mail/testMailSession" environment element.

Figure A-3 Session Resource Manager Mapping

Text description of xml9.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml9.gif

This environment element is defined with the following information:

Element  Description 


The logical name of the Session object to be used within the originating bean. The name should be prefixed with "mail/". In our example, the logical name for our ordering database is "mail/testMailSession". 


The Java type of the resource. For the Java mail Session object, this is javax.mail.Session


Define who is responsible for signing on to the database. At this time, the only value supported is "Application". The application provides the authentication information. 

Example A-7 Defining an environment element for Java mail Session

The environment element is defined within the EJB deployment descriptor by providing the logical name, "mail/testMailSession", its type of javax.mail.Session, and the authenticator of "Application".

Text description of xml10.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml10.gif

The environment element of "mail/testMailSession" is mapped to the JNDI bound name for the connection, "test/myMailSession" within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.

Text description of xml11.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml11.gif

Once deployed, the bean can retrieve the Session object reference as follows:

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
Session session = (Session) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/mail/testMailSession");

//The following uses the mail session object
//Create a message object
MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);

//Construct an address array
String mailTo = "";
InternetAddress addr = new InternetAddress(mailto);
InternetAddress addrs[] = new InternetAddress[1];
addrs[0] = addr;

//set the message parameters
msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addrs);
msg.setSubject("testSend()" + new Date());
msg.setContent(msgText, "text/plain");

//send the mail message

You can create an environment element for a Java URL object through the following:

  1. Bind the reference within the JNDI name space using the bindurl tool. Refer to the Oracle9i Java Tools Reference for full details on this tool.

  2. Create a logical name within the <res-ref-name> element in the EJB deployment descriptor. This name should always start with "url". In the bean code, the lookup of this reference is always prefaced by "java:comp/env/url".

  3. Map the logical name within the EJB deployment descriptor to the JNDI name, created in step 1, within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.

  4. Lookup the object reference within the bean with the "java:comp/env/url" preface and the logical name defined in the EJB deployment descriptor.

As shown in Figure A-4, the URL object was bound to the JNDI name "test/myURL". The logical name that the bean knows this resource as is "url/testURL". These names are mapped together within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor. Thus, within the bean's implementation, the bean can retrieve the connection to the bound Session object by using the "java:comp/env/url/testURL" environment element.

Figure A-4 URL Resource Manager Mapping

Text description of xml12.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml12.gif

This environment element is defined with the following information:

Element  Description 


The logical name of the URL object to be used within the originating bean. The name should be prefixed with "url/". In our example, the logical name for our ordering database is "url/testURL". 


The Java type of the resource. For the Java URL object, this is


Define who is responsible for signing on to the database. At this time, the only value supported is "Application". The application provides the authentication information. 

Example A-8 Defining an environment element for JDBC Connection

The environment element is defined within the EJB deployment descriptor by providing the logical name, "url/testURL", its type of, and the authenticator of "Application".

Text description of xml13.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml13.gif

The environment element of "url/testURL" is mapped to the JNDI bound name for the connection, "test/myURL" within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.

Text description of xml14.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml14.gif

Once deployed, the bean can retrieve the URL object reference as follows:

InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
URL url = (URL) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/url/testURL");

//The following uses the URL object
URLConection conn = url.openConnection();

Application Assembler Section

The application assembler adds generic information about all of the beans in this descriptor in the <assembly-descriptor> section. This section has the following structure:

 <security-role> </security-role>
 <method-permission> </method-permission>
 <container-transaction>  </container-transaction>

These sections describe the security and transaction attributes.

Defining Security

You can manage some of your security for the user and method permissions from within the deployment descriptor. If you do not specify any method permissions, the default is that no users are allowed access.

In addition, as shown in Figure A-5, you can use a logical name for a role within your bean implementation, and map this logical name to the correct database role or user. The mapping of the logical name to a database role is specified in the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor. See "Security Role" for more information.

Figure A-5 Security Mapping

Text description of xml2.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml2.gif

If you use a logical name for a database role within your bean implementation for methods such as isCallerInRole, you can map the logical name to an actual database role by doing the following:

  1. Declare the logical name within the <enterprise-beans> section <security-role-ref> element. For example, to define a role used within the purchase order example, you may have checked, within the bean's implementation, to see if the caller had authorization to sign a purchase order. Thus, the caller would have to be signed in under a correct role. In order for the bean to not need to be aware of database roles, you can check isCallerInRole on a logical name, such as POMgr, since only purchase order managers can sign off on the order. Thus, you would define the logical security role, POMgr within the <security-role-ref><role-name> element within the <enterprise-beans> section, as follows:


    The <role-link> element within the <security-role-ref> element can be the actual database role, which is defined further within the <assembly-descriptor> section. Alternatively, it can be another logical name, which is still defined more in the <assembly-descriptor> section and is mapped to an actual database role within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.

  2. Define the role and the methods that it applies to. In the purchase order example, any method executed within the PurchaseOrder bean must have authorized itself as SCOTT. Note that PurchaseOrder is the name declared in the <entity | session><ejb-name> element.

    Thus, the following defines the role as SCOTT, the EJB as PurchaseOrder, and all methods by denoting the '*' symbol.


    SCOTT is the same as the <role-link> element within the <enterprise-beans> section. This ties the logical name of POMgr to the SCOTT definition. 

      <description>Role needed purchase order authorization</description>

After performing both steps, you can refer to POMgr within the bean's implementation and the container translates POMgr to SCOTT.


If you define different roles within the <method-permission> element for methods in the same EJB, the resulting permission is a union of all the method permissions defined for the methods of this bean. 

The <method> element is used to define one or more methods within an interface or implementation. According to the EJB specification, this definition can be of one of the following forms:

  1. Defining all methods within a bean by specifying the bean name and using the '*' character to denote all methods within the bean, as follows:

  2. Defining a specific method that is uniquely identified within the bean. Use the appropriate interface name and method name, as follows:



    If there are multiple methods with the same overloaded name, the element of this style refers to all the methods with the overloaded name. 

  3. Defining a method with a specific signature among many overloaded versions, as follows:

    <method-params> <method>

    The parameters are the fully-qualified Java types of the method's input parameters. If the method has no input arguments, the <method-params> element contains no elements. Arrays are specified by the array element's type, followed by one or more pair of square brackets, such as int[][].

  4. Defining a specific method name that is defined in two or more interfaces. You could have the same method name defined both in the bean implementation and within either the remote or home interface. In this case, you must specify which method you are defining by using the <method-intf> element, as follows:


    Defining the remote interface in the <method-intf> element differentiates the create(String, String) method defined in the remote interface from the create(String, String) method defined in the home interface, which would be defined as follows:



    The <method-intf> element must be defined before the <method-name> element. 

Defining Transactions

Entity beans can only use container-managed transactions; session beans can use either bean-managed or container-managed transactions. If you have a session bean, you define whether it uses bean or container-managed transactions within the <enterprise-beans> section with the <transaction-type> element. Values should be either "Bean" or "Container". For example, the following defines a session bean as a bean-managed transactional bean:

  . . .

For container-managed beans, you define the how the container maintains the transactions for the bean through transaction attributes. The transaction attributes define in what situations to start a new transaction, to continue an existing transaction, and others. If you have a bean-managed bean, you do not define any of these attributes for the bean. However, if your bean-managed bean invokes another bean, the target bean can be either bean or container-managed. All container-managed transactional beans must have this attributed defined.


If your session bean is defined as Bean-Managed Transactional and yet you specify a <trans-attribute>, an error is thrown with the following message:

<ejbname> is declared with BEAN_MANAGED transaction-type 

The transaction attributes are specified in the <trans-attribute> element and are detailed in Table A-1.

Table A-1 Transaction Attributes

Transaction Attribute  Description 


The bean is not involved in a transaction. If the client calls the bean while involved in a transaction, the client's transaction is suspended, the bean executes, and when the bean returns to the client, the client's transaction is resumed. 


The bean must be involved in a transaction. If the client is involved in a transaction, the bean uses the client's transaction. If the client is not involved in a transaction, the container starts a new transaction for the bean. 


Whatever transactional state that the client is involved in is used for the bean. If the client has begun a transaction, the client's transaction context is used by the bean. If the client is not involved in a transaction, neither is the bean. 


Whether the client is involved in a transaction or not, this bean requires a new transaction that exists only for itself. If the client calls while involved in a transaction, the client's transaction is suspended until the bean completes. 


The client must be involved in a transaction before invoking this bean. The bean uses the client's transaction context. 


The bean is not involved in a transaction. Furthermore, the client cannot be involved in a transaction when calling the bean. If the client is involved in a transaction, a RemoteException is thrown. 

You can define the transaction attributes on a whole bean or on an individual method within the bean. Each definition is contained within the <container-transaction> element. If you are defining an attribute for the entire bean, you supply the bean name (the <ejb-name> defined within the <session> or <entity> element) within the <container-transaction> <method> <ejb-name> element.

The following example defines the following:

Finally, there are some Oracle-specific features that you need to specify for your transaction, such as whether default enlistment should occur, whether two-phase commit is configured, and whether transaction branches are allowed. See "Defining Oracle-Specific Elements for Transactions" for more information.

EJB Client JAR Section

One of the tasks that the deployejb tool performs is to create a JAR file with the required stubs and skeletons, which is used by the client at execution time. Unless this JAR file name is specified in the <ejb-client-jar> element in the XML deployment descriptor, the default name for this JAR file is
<input_JARname>_generated.jar. This JAR file must be included in the CLASSPATH for client execution.

The following defines that deployejb should create the client's stubs and skeletons in myClient.jar:


Oracle-Specific Deployment Descriptor

The Oracle-specific deployment descriptor is used for the following:

This deployment descriptor has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE oracle-descriptor PUBLIC "-//Oracle Corporation//DTD Enterprise 
JavaBeans 1.1//EN" "oracle-ejb-jar.dtd">
    <ejb-mapping> </ejb-mapping>
    <resource-ref-mapping> </resource-ref-mapping>
  <run-as> </run-as>
  <persistence-provider> </persistence-provider>
  <persistence-descriptor> </persistence-descriptor>


The entire DTD is listed "DTD for Oracle-Specific Deployment Descriptor"


The following is the required header for all Oracle9i EJB deployment descriptors. It details the XML version and the XML DTD file.

XML Version Number
<?xml version="1.0"?>
DTD Filename
<!DOCTYPE oracle-descriptor PUBLIC "-//Oracle Corporation.//DTD Oracle 1.1//EN"

Specifying Multiple Beans in Deployment JAR File

Each bean is further specified within its own <oracle-descriptor> element. The bean name is identified within the <ejb-name> element right after the <oracle-descriptor> element. This is only necessary if there is more than one bean in the deployed JAR file. If no <ejb-name> element is supplied, all values specified within the <oracle-descriptor> apply to all beans within the JAR. If there is only a single bean in the JAR, all values are applied to that single bean.

To define multiple beans, each bean specifies its values within its own <oracle-descriptor> element. The following example defines values for a JAR file that contains two beans: PurchaseOrder and CustomerInfo.

Example A-9 EJB Name

The following defines the logical name for beans: PurchaseOrder and CustomerInfo within the EJB deployment descriptor.

         <description>no description</description>
         <description>no description</description>

Both of these beans are further specified within the Oracle deployment descriptor, as follows:

  . . .
 . . .
    . . .
 . . .

Defining Mappings

You can map logical names used within the EJB deployment descriptor to actual names used within the Oracle9i database. The different names that can be mapped are as follows:

EJB Logical Name  Description 

Bean name defined in <session | entity>

If a logical name was used within the <ejb-name> element instead of the JNDI name, this name should be mapped to the actual JNDI name.  

EJB reference environment elements 

If you provided a logical name for the target bean within <ejb-ref>, you must map this to the actual JNDI name for the EJB. 

JDBC DataSource environment element 

If you defined a JDBC DataSource as an environment element, you must map the <res-ref-name> to the actual JNDI name. 

Security roles 

If you used a logical name within the <security-role><role-name> element within the <assembly-descriptor>, this logical name must be mapped to the actual user name used within the database.  

Transaction Manager 

If you are using a two phase commit engine for your global transaction, specify the JNDI name for the OracleJTADataSource object that represents this database. 

Bean Name

As described in "Bean Names", the bean name can be either a logical name or a JNDI name. If you defined a logical name, as demonstrated in the following example, you must map this name to the actual JNDI name within the <mappings> section.

Example A-10 EJB Name

The following defines a logical name of PurchaseOrder for the bean with in the EJB deployment descriptor.

         <description>no description</description>

The PurchaseOrder logical name is mapped to its JNDI name within the <mappings> section within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor. The following example shows how the bean name is defined in the <ejb-name> element of the <ejb-mapping> element and the corresponding JNDI name is defined in the <jndi-name> element.

. . .

EJB Reference

The EJB reference mapping is described in "Environment References To Other Enterprise JavaBeans". The structure of the mapping is the same as the bean name, demonstrated in "Bean Name".

JDBC DataSource

The JDBC DataSource connection mapping is described in "Environment References To Resource Manager Connection Factory References". You map the JDBC DataSource to the bound JNDI name with the <resource-ref-mapping> element, as follows:


The <res-ref-name> element contains the JDBC DataSource defined in the EJB deployment descriptor. The <jndi-name> element contains the JNDI name bound to the JDBC DataSource within the name space. This example maps the "jdbc:comp/env/jdbc/EmployeeAppDB" environment name to the JNDI name "jdbc/OracleDataSource".

Security Role

If you defined a logical name for the <role-name> within the <assembly-descriptor>, this logical name must be mapped to an actual database role or user within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.

For example, you define a logical role of POMGR for the role necessary for purchase order authorization within the <assembly-descriptor>. The actual database role that is allowed to make this authorization is SCOTT. The following would be the necessary mapping definition within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor:

     <description>POMGR role mapping</description>

As shown in Figure A-6, the <role-name> of POMGR defined in the <assembly-descriptor><security-role><role-name> is mapped to SCOTT within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor in the <security-role-mapping> element.

Figure A-6 Security Mapping

Text description of xml8.gif follows
Text description of the illustration xml8.gif

Defining Oracle-Specific Elements for Transactions

There are three elements that you can further specify for your global transaction.

The following shows the elements necessary for these elements, which are contained within the <transaction-manager> element in the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor.


Defining Local Resource Enlistment for Transactions

The local resource can be an Oracle9i database or an Oracle9i Application Server middle-tier cache. Within a global transaction, you do want the Oracle9i database to be enlisted; you do not want the Oracle9i Application Server cache enlisted.

The Oracle9i Application Server cache is read-only. If it is enlisted in the global transaction, the transaction manager assumes that a two-phase commit is necessary. Since the default for this element is FALSE, you only need to specify the <default-enlist> element to TRUE in each Oracle9i database.


Defining Two-Phase Commit Engine

If you are using two-phase commit for your global transaction, you must provide the UserTransaction object's JNDI name to the <transaction-manager> element within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor. The following example specifies the UserTransaction object "/test/myUTFor2pc":


Enabling Branches Within the Transaction

According to the X/Open XA protocol, if you want to apply two or more updates to a single database, the transaction manager monitors each update--known as a unit-of-work--through branches.

The <create-branches> element defines whether more than one unit of work can be performed on a single database. That is, if several separate updates are to be applied to a single database, this element must be set to true. If false, only a single unit of work is allowed per database within the global transaction.

You can specify that branches are allowed within the global transaction by specifying the <create-branches> element to TRUE, as follows:


Defining Run-As Identity

The <run-as> element is an EJB 1.0 element that Oracle still supports within the Oracle-specific deployment descriptor. You can define that a particular EJB will run under the specified identity with the <run-as> element. There are three types of identity that you can specify for your bean. They are as follows:

Run-As Identity  Description 


The bean runs under the client's identity. This is the default.  


The bean runs under the SYSTEM identity. This is specific to the type of environment the bean is running on. For example, on an Oracle9i database, the SYSTEM identity is equivalent to SYS. 


You can specify a specific identity or role that the bean runs as when invoked. This identity is specified within the <security-role> element. 

The <method> element specifies the methods that the <run-as> definition applies to. It takes in the following definitions:

For example, the following defines that the price method, which requires two String parameters, in the PurchaseOrder EJB will always run as SCOTT when invoked.

    <description>no description</description>


Specify the <security-role> element only for the SPECIFIED_IDENTITY value. The <security-role> element is ignored for both CLIENT_IDENTITY and SYSTEM_IDENTITY values. 

Defining Container-Managed Persistence

If you have chosen to have the container manage the persistent variables for your entity bean, you need to provide the name of the persistence provider--you map each persistence provider to the container-managed persistent bean. This version supports the Oracle Persistence Service Interface Reference Implementation (PSI-RI) persistence manager. Using this manager requires that you must define the mappings of the persistent fields to the database.

Persistence Provider

The persistence provider controls the management of all container-managed fields. It defines how to map the fields within the bean to corresponding persistent storage. It also defines how to save and update these fields from the bean to the storage.

You define the Oracle PSI-RI persistence provider is defined within the <persistence-provider> element. The following elements describe the persistence provider:

Persistence Provider Elements  Description


Gives a description of the provider. 


Defines a logical name for the provider. In this release, only Oracle PSI-RI is supported.  


Provides the Java class used for the persistence maintenance. This class is called by Oracle's container when persistence is required. 


Defines the database URL (JTA DataSource) where the persistence fields are saved. This element is only specified if the persistent fields are stored in another database--other than the local database.  

The following defines the Oracle PSI-RI persistence provider, which uses the local database--the default--for storing the persistence fields. The logical name is defined as "PSI-RI" and the class called for persistence management is oracle.aurora.ejb.persistence.ocmp.OcmpEntityDeployer.

  <description> specifies a type of persistence manager </description>
</persistence-deployer> </persistence-provider>

The following defines the same persistence provider that uses a remote database to store the persistence fields. The "/test/empDatabase" JTA DataSource is defined in the following example as the remote persistence storage. This DataSource was bound by bindds with the -type jta option.

  <description> specifies a type of persistence manager </description>
</persistence-deployer> <persistence-datasource>/test/empDatabase</persistence-datasource> </persistence-provider>

Persistence Fields

The persistent fields were defined in the EJB deployment descriptor in the <cmp-field> elements. Each of these <cmp-field> elements need to be persistently managed by your provider. You define a single provider for all <cmp-field> elements within a single bean through the <persistence-descriptor> element. You define the provider for the bean through the combination of the logical names for the bean and for the provider within the <persistence-descriptor>. These fields are as follows:

Persistence Elements  Description 


Provides a text description of the persistence elements. 


The EJB that contains the persistent fields. This would be the same <ejb-name> for the entity bean that defined the <cmp-field> elements. 


The logical name of the persistence provider defined within the <persistence-provider> <persistence-name> element.  

For example, to define that Oracle PSI-RI manages all persistent fields within the purchase order bean, you specify the logical bean name, PurchaseOrder, and the logical persistence provider name, Oracle PSI-RI, within the following fields:

  . . . 

The Oracle PSI-RI maps the persistent data types to database rows. It uses SQL to update the persistent fields between the bean and the database. Each persistent data type is mapped to the Oracle SQLJ data types documented in the Oracle9i SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference. The data type mapping is documented fully on Table 5-1, "Type Mappings for Supported Host Expression Types" on page 5-2. The only restrictions is that the following data types are not supported:

Table A-2 Unsupported Java Types for Persistent Variables  
  Java Type  Oracle Types Definition  Oracle Datatype 

SQLJ stream classes 

  • sqlj.runtime.BinaryStream



  • sqlj.runtime.AsciiStream


  • LONG

  • sqlj.runtime.UnicodeStream


  • LONG


Oracle extensions 

  • oracle.sql.ROWID



  • oracle.sql.BLOB

  • BLOB

  • BLOB

  • oracle.sql.CLOB

  • CLOB

  • CLOB


Query result objects 

  • java.sql.ResultSet



  • SQLJ iterator objects




If you decide to use PSI-RI, you must define the following within the <psi-ri> element, which exists within the <persistence-descriptor>.

Persistence Elements  Description 


Define the schema where the database table resides. 


Define the table where the persistent fields are saved. 


Specifies if all values are case-sensitive. True for case-sensitivity. 


Define each container-managed field and its corresponding table row within this element. 


Define the container-managed field name as defined within the bean. 


Define the database row where the <field-name> is saved. 


Before you can deploy this bean, the table and its appropriate rows must exist within the schema. 

For example, the following <psi-ri> maps the customer bean persistence 
fields--primary key, customer name, and address--to the customers table within 
SCOTT's schema

If the persistent fields that you define are objects, you can ask Oracle PSI-RI to serialize some or all fields defined as persistent into a single database column. This column must be defined as either long Raw or Raw.


There is a limitation of 4 KB for any Raw columns.  

You define the fields and the destination column within the <serialize-mapping> element. The persistent fields are mapped either within the <attr-mapping> or the <serialize-mapping> elements, but not in both.

The following example serializes the customer bean persistent fields--customer name, and address--and save them into the custinfo column. Normally, you would do this if you wanted to serialize an object.


There is one restriction: you cannot include the primary key within the <serialize-mapping> element. It hinders finding an object through findByPrimaryKey


Example A-11 Container-Managed Persistence

The following is the full example for defining container-managed persistence for the customer example.

  <description>use the simple CMP provider</description>
</persistence-deployer> </persistence-provider> <persistence-descriptor> <ejb-name>customerbean</ejb-name> <persistence-name>psi-ri</persistence-name> <psi-ri> <schema>SCOTT</schema> <table>customers</table> <attr-mapping> <field-name>custid</field-name> <column-name>cust_id</column-name> </attr-mapping> <attr-mapping> <field-name>name</field-name> <column-name>cust_name</column-name> </attr-mapping> <attr-mapping> <field-name>addr</field-name> <column-name>cust_addr</column-name> </attr-mapping> </psi-ri> </persistence-descriptor> </oracle-descriptor>

DTD for Oracle-Specific Deployment Descriptor

This is the XML DTD for the Oracle Specific EJB deployment descriptor
-->The oracle-ejb-jar element is the root element of the Oracle-specific
deployment descriptor. It contains at least one oracle-descriptor. -->
<!ELEMENT oracle-ejb-jar (oracle-descriptor+)
Each oracle-descriptor element defines a single bean within the EJB JAR file.
You must have an oracle-descriptor for each bean. This element contains the EJB 
name for the bean, an optional description, optional structural information 
about logical name mappings, optional definitions for run-as beans and/or 
methods, and definitions of container-managed persistence. -->
<!ELEMENT oracle-descriptor (ejb-name?, mappings*, run-as*, 
persistence-provider*, persistence-descriptor*)>
The ejb-name element defines the logical name for the bean that was used in the 
XML deployment descriptor -->
<!ELEMENT ejb-name (#PCDATA)>
The mappings section enables you to map logical names defined in the XML 
deployment descriptor to actual names. Bean logical names are mapped to JNDI
names; security logical names are mapped to database roles or users. -->
<!ELEMENT mappings (ejb-mapping*, security-role-mapping*,
resource-ref-mapping*, transaction-manager*)>
The ejb-mapping element maps an EJB to its bound JNDI name -->
<!ELEMENT ejb-mapping (ejb-name, jndi-name)>
The security-role-mapping element maps security logical names to a database
role or user -->
<!ELEMENT security-role-mapping (security-role, oracle-role)>
The resource-ref-mapping element maps any environment variable defined in the
XML deployment descriptor to the JNDI name for the target object -->
<!ELEMENT resource-ref-mapping (res-ref-name, jndi-name)>
The transaction manager defines the UserTransaction JNDI name that manages
the global transaction. This is only required for transactions that use 
two-phase commit -->
<!ELEMENT transaction-manager (description?, jndi-name?, default-enlist?, 
create-branches?)> <!-- The jndi-name element specifies a JNDI name for a bound object --> <!ELEMENT jndi-name (#PCDATA)> <!-- The default-enlist element defines whether a local resource is automatically enlisted in the global transaction. If TRUE, the resource is enlisted. The default is FALSE, which is useful in an iAS Cache environment. <!ELEMENT default-enlist (#PCDATA)> <!-- The create-branches element defines whether branches are enabled in the global transaction <!ELEMENT create-branches (#PCDATA)> <!-- The run-as element enables you to specify a bean or certain methods within a bean to run with an identity other than its own. The modes allowed are CLIENT_IDENTITY (default), SYSTEM_IDENTITY, and SPECIFIED_IDENTITY. With the SPECIFIED_IDENTITY mode, you must provide the identity within the <security-role> element. --> <!ELEMENT run-as (description?, mode, security-role, method)> <!-- The mode element specifies the type of <run-as> identity. The values can be one of the following:SYSTEM_IDENTITY, SPECIFIED_IDENTITY, CLIENT_IDENTITY if mode is SPECIFIED_IDENTITY, security-role must be specified if mode is SYSTEM_IDENTITY or CLIENT_IDENTITY and security-role is specified, security-role is ignored --> <!ELEMENT mode (#PCDATA)> <!-- The security-role element specifies a database role --> <!ELEMENT security-role (description?, role-name)> <!-- The role-name element specifies a database role or user --> <!ELEMENT role-name (#PCDATA)> <!-- The method element defines a method by the bean's logical name, optionally adding the interface name, the method name, and if overloading is present for this method, the parameters of the method you are indicating. --> <!ELEMENT method (description?, ejb-name, method-intf?, method-name, method-params?)> <!--The method interface defines where the method is specified--> <!ELEMENT method-intf (#PCDATA)> <!-- The method name element takes in the actual name of a method defined. --> <!ELEMENT method-name (#PCDATA)> <!-- The method-params element specifies one or more parameters for a method. --> <!ELEMENT method-params (method-param*)> <!-- The method-param defines a single parameter for a method by its class type--> <!ELEMENT method-param (#PCDATA)> <!-- The oracle-role element specifies a database role or user --> <!ELEMENT oracle-role (#PCDATA)> <!-- The ejb-ref-name is the logical name for the EJB reference specified in the XML deployment descriptor --> <!ELEMENT ejb-ref-name (#PCDATA)> <!-- The res-ref-name element is the logical name for the resource reference specified in the XML deployment descriptor --> <!ELEMENT res-ref-name (#PCDATA)> <!--- persistence-provider describes the container managed persistence --> <!-- The persistence-provider element specifies the CMP provider that you are using. At this time, only Oracle9i PSI-RI is supported. --> <!ELEMENT persistence-provider (description?, persistence-name, persistence-deployer, persistence-datasource?)> <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)> <!-- The persistence-name element defines the name of the provider. For Oracle9i, this should be psi-ri --> <!ELEMENT persistence-name (#PCDATA)> <!-- The persistence-deployer is the class of the CMP provider. This should be oracle.aurora.ejb.persistence.ocmp.OcmpEntityDeployer. --> <!ELEMENT persistence-deployer (#PCDATA)> <!-- The JTA DataSource URL where the persistent information is written. -- The default is the local (KPRB) database. --> <!ELEMENT persistence-datasource (#PCDATA)> <!-- The persistence-descriptor element defines the persistence fields in the bean that must be managed by the CMP provider --> <!ELEMENT persistence-descriptor (description?, ejb-name, persistence-name, persistence-param*, psi-ri*)> <!ELEMENT persistence-param (#PCDATA)> <!-- The psi-ri element defines how the persistence fields int he beans are mapped to database tables and columns. --> <!ELEMENT psi-ri (schema, table, keepcase?, attr-mapping+, serialize-mapping?)> <!-- The schema element specifies the schema where the table exists --> <!ELEMENT schema (#PCDATA)> <!-- The table element specifies the table where to store the persistent fields --> <!ELEMENT table (#PCDATA)> <!-- The attr-mapping element specifies how each persistent field is mapped to a corresponding column in the table --> <!ELEMENT attr-mapping (field-name, column-name, keepcase?)> <!-- The keepcase element specifies whether all values specified within the parent element are case-sensitive. If true, all values are case-sensitive. If false, all values are upper-cased. Default is false. --> <!ELEMENT keepcase (#PCDATA)> <!-- If you serialize all persistent fields into a single column, use the serialize-mapping element --> <!ELEMENT serialize-mapping (field-name+, column-name)> <!-- The field-name element specifies the persistent variable in the bean --> <!ELEMENT field-name (#PCDATA)> <!-- The column-name element specifies the column for a single persistent field --> <!ELEMENT column-name (#PCDATA)>

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