Oracle9i Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A90153-01
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LDAP Command-Line Tools

LDAP protocol operations are divided into three categories: authentication, interrogation, and update and control. The LDAP C-API provides a number of simple command-line tools that together cover all three categories.

The appendix covers the following topics:

LDAP Command-Line Tools

This section introduces six popular command-line tools. The section "Optional Arguments for Command-Line Tools", immediately following, defines the optional arguments used in the command descriptions and examples.

These are the six commands:


Use the command-line tool ldapbind to authenticate to a directory server. You can also use ldapbind to find out if the server is running.


ldapbind [options]


ldapbind -h myhost -p 389 -D "cn=orcladmin" -w welcome

This command authenticates user orcladmin to the directory server myhost located at port 389, using the password welcome.


Use the command-line tool ldapsearch to search for specific entries in a directory. ldapsearch opens a connection to a directory, authenticates the user performing the operation, searches for the specified entry, and prints the result in a format that the user specifies.


ldapsearch  [options]  filter  [attributes]


ldapsearch -h myhost -p 389 -s base -b "ou=people,dc=acme,dc=com" \ 

This command searches the directory server myhost, located at port 389. The scope of the search (-s) is base, and the part of the directory searched is the base DN (-b) designated. The search filter "objectclass=*" means that values for all of the entry's object classes are returned. No attributes are returned because they have not been requested. The example assumes anonymous authentication because authentication options are not specified.


Use the command-line tool ldapadd to add entries to the directory. ldapadd opens a connection to the directory and authenticates the user. Then it opens the LDIF file supplied as an argument and adds, in succession, each entry in the file.


ldapadd [options] [-f LDIF-filename]


ldapadd -h myhost -p 389 -D "cn=orcladmin" -w welcome -f jhay.ldif

Using this command, user orcladmin authenticates to the directory myhost, located at port 389. The command then opens the file jhay.ldif and adds its contents to the directory. The file might, for example, add the entry uid=jhay,cn=Human Resources,cn=acme,dc=com and its object classes and attributes.

See Also:

"LDIF" for details about LDIF file syntax 


Use the command-line tool ldapdelete to remove leaf entries from a directory. ldapdelete opens a connection to a directory server and authenticates the user. Then it deletes specified entries.


ldapdelete [options] "entry DN"


ldapdelete -h myhost -p 389 -D "cn=orcladmin" -w welcome \

This command authenticates user orcladmin to the directory myhost, using the password welcome. Then it deletes the entry uid=hricard,ou=sales,ou=people,dc=acme,dc=com.


Use the command-line tool ldapmodify to modify existing entries. ldapmodify opens a connection to the directory and authenticates the user. Then it opens the LDIF file supplied as an argument and modifies the LDAP entries specified by the file.

ldapmodify uses a modified form of an LDIF file. Within the file itself, you use the attribute changetype to specify the type of change. An example is changetype: add.

Four types of changes are possible:


ldapmodify [options] [-f LDIF-filename]


ldapmodify -h myhost -p 389 -D "cn=orcladmin" -w welcome -f hricard.ldif

Using this command, user orcladmin authenticates to the directory myhost, located at port 389. The command then opens the file hricard.ldif and modifies the directory entries specified by the file. The file might, for example, change the telephone number attribute of entry uid=hricard,cn=sales,cn=acme,dc=com.


You can use ldapmodify instead of ldapadd and ldapdelete to add or delete entries. 


Use the command-line tool ldapmoddn to:


ldapmoddn [options] -b "current DN" -R "new RDN" -N "new Parent"


ldapmoddn -h myhost -p 389 -D "cn=orcladmin" -w welcome \
-b "uid=oball,ou=sales,ou=people,dc=acme,dc=com" \
-N "ou=marketing,ou=people,dc=acme,dc=com"

This command authenticates user orcladmin to the directory myhost, using the password welcome. Then it assigns to the entry uid=oball,ou=sales,ou=people,dc=acme,dc=com a new parent entry, ou=marketing,ou=people,dc=acme,dc=com.

Optional Arguments for Command-Line Tools

Table 5-3 defines the optional arguments used in the command descriptions and examples.

Table 5-3 Commonly Used Command-Line Options
Option  Description 


The host name of the directory server 


The port number of the directory server 


The bind DN--that is, the user authenticating to the directory  


The bind password in simple authentication 


Wallet location for one- or two-way SSL authentication 


Wallet password 


SSL authentication mode:

  • 1 for no authentication

  • 2 for one-way authentication

  • 3 for two-way authentication


-bFoot 1 

The base DN for a search: 

-sFoot 2 

Search scope:

  • base--the entry requested

  • one--the entries just below the requested entry

  • sub--the entire subtree



The LDIF file containing additions, deletions, or modifications 


New RDN 


New parent for an entry or subtree that is moved 

1 Mandatory for ldapsearch
2 Mandatory for ldapsearch

See Also:

Chapter 5, "Command-Line Tools Syntax" in Oracle Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide 

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