Oracle9i Net Services Administrator's Guide
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A90154-01
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Establishing a Connection and Testing the Network

Once you have completed configuring the network, you should make a connection and test each component to ensure that the network is functioning properly. Oracle Net Services provide a variety of tools to help you start, test, and control an Oracle Names server, listener, and Oracle Connection Manager.

This chapter outlines procedures to make a connection and test network components. This chapter contains these topics:

Connecting to a Database

Connecting to a database involves starting network components and entering a connect string with a net service name, such as the following:

CONNECT username/password@connect_identifier

This section contains these topics:

Starting Oracle Net Services Components

Client workstations and other servers connect to a listener with a net service name when logging onto an Oracle database server.

After installing and configuring all the network components, you need to start them to make the network functional. Following is an outline of the tasks you should perform to start the network components.

Task 1: Start Oracle Names Servers

Start Oracle Names servers using either Oracle Net Manager or Oracle Names Control utility on the computers where Oracle Names server software is installed and configured. To start Oracle Names servers, use either Oracle Net Manager or Oracle Names Control utility:

Use Oracle Net Manager...  Use Oracle Names Control utility... 
  1. Start Oracle Net Manager.

    See Also: "Starting Oracle Net Manager"

  2. In the navigator pane, expand the Oracle Names server folder.

  3. Select the Oracle Names server.

  4. From the list in the right pane, select Manage Server from the list box.

  5. Choose the Control tab.

  6. Choose the Start radio button from the Server Operations field.

  7. Choose Apply.


From the command line, enter:



The START command of the Oracle Names Control utility loads the Oracle Names server into memory and tells it to begin executing. At startup, the Oracle Names server loads its configuration and data. 

On Windows NT, an Oracle Names server can also be started through the Control Panel:

  1. Double-click the Services icon in the Control Panel window.

  2. Select the Oraclehome_nameNamesonames_server service.

  3. Choose Start to start the service.

  4. In the Services window, choose Close.

Task 2: Start Oracle Names Client Cache

To avoid clients looking up address information in an Oracle Names server each time, create a client cache of the information.

See Also:

"Task 5: (Optional) Configure Client Caches" for more information about client caches 

To create a client cache:

  1. Ensure discovery of Oracle Names servers has been performed, as described in "Task 4: Configure Clients and Database Servers To Use Oracle Names Servers". The information gathered during discovery is used for a client's cache.

  2. Create and start the client cache on the client:


On Windows NT, the client cache can also be started through the Control Panel:

  1. Double-click the Services icon in the Control Panel window.

  2. Select the Oraclehome_nameClientCache service.

  3. Choose Start to start the service.

  4. In the Services window, choose Close.

Task 3: Start the Listener

For Oracle Net to accept connections on the database server, start the listener with the Listener Control utility on the server:

  1. Determine the status of the listener. From the command line, enter:

    LSNRCTL> STATUS [listener_name]

    where listener_name is the name of the listener defined in the listener.ora file. It is not necessary to identify the listener if you are using the default listener, named LISTENER.

    If the STATUS command indicates that the listener is running, go to Step 2. If the listener is not running, go to Step 3.

    Even if the listener is running, stop the listener, and start it again before proceeding to Step 2. To stop the listener, enter:

    LSNRCTL> STOP [listener_name]

    SET PASSWORD is only required if the password is set in the listener.ora file. The password defaults to ORACLE.

  2. Start the listener. Enter:

    LSNRCTL> START [listener_name]

    The Listener Control utility will display a status message indicating that the listener has started successfully. Check that all expected services for that listener are listed in the services summary in the status message.

  3. Exit from the Listener Control utility. Enter:


On Windows NT, the listener can also be started through the Control Panel:

  1. Double-click the Services icon in the Control Panel window.

  2. Select the Oraclehome_nameTNSListener service--the service name if you are using the default listener name LISTENER--or Oraclehome_nameTNSListenerlsnr, where lsnr is the nondefault listener name.

  3. Choose Start to start the service.

  4. In the Services window, choose Close.

Task 4: Start the Database

Use the tool of choice, such as SQL*Plus, to start the database:

  1. Start SQL*Plus without connecting to the database:

    sqlplus /nolog
  2. Connect to Oracle as SYSDBA:

    SQL> CONNECT username/password as sysdba
  3. When you enter a STARTUP command, specify the database name and full path of the parameter file:

    SQL> STARTUP database_name pfile=file

    If you do not specify the PFILE option, the Oracle database uses the standard initialization parameter file located in the $ORACLE_BASE/admin/db_name/pfile/sid directory on UNIX platforms, and ORACLE_BASE\admin\db_name\pfile\sid directory on Windows NT. If you do not specify a database name, then the database uses the value of the DB_NAME parameter specified in the initialization parameter file.

    See Also:

    Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide for further information about starting the database 

Task 5: Start Oracle Connection Manager

If Oracle Connection Manager is installed and configured, start it with the Oracle Connection Manager Control utility, entering commands in the following order:

  1. From the command line, enter:

    CMCTL> START cman

    Oracle Connection Manager displays a status message indicating that Oracle Connection Manager has started successfully.

  2. Exit from the Oracle Connection Manager Control utility. Enter:


On Windows NT, the listener may also be started through the Control Panel:

  1. Double-click the Services icon in the Control Panel window.

  2. If you are using Oracle Names, select the Oraclehome_nameCMAdminService to acquire information about available Oracle Names Servers, then click Start. If you are not using Oracle Names, do not start this service.

    The service starts.

  3. Select the Oraclehome_nameCManService to start the Oracle Connection Manager, and click Start.

    The service starts.

  4. In the Services window, click Close.

Entering a Connect String

After the network components are started, as described in "Connecting to a Database", you should be able to make a connection across the network. How you make a connection depends upon the naming method you configured in Chapter 9, "Configuring Naming Methods", and the tool used for the connection.

The connect strings takes the following basic form:

CONNECT username/password@connect_identifier

On most operating systems, you can define a default connect identifier that is resolved by a Oracle Net naming method. This way, a connect identifier does not need to be specified in the connect string. To define a default connect identifier, use the TWO_TASK environment variable on UNIX platforms and the LOCAL environment variable or registry entry on Windows NT.

For example, if the TWO_TASK environment variable is set to sales, you connect to a database from SQL*Plus with the following syntax:

CONNECT username/password

Oracle Net checks if TWO_TASK is set and uses the value sales as the connect identifier.

See Also:

Operating system documentation for instructions on setting TWO_TASK and LOCAL 

Further information about connect string format is provided in the following topics:

Connect Identifier and Connect Descriptor Syntax Characteristics

Connect identifiers and connect descriptors used in a connect string cannot contain spaces, unless enclosed within single quotes (') or double quotes ("). In the following examples, a connect identifier and a connect descriptor that contain spaces are enclosed within single quotes:

CONNECT scott/tiger@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales-server) 

CONNECT scott/tiger@'cn=sales, cn=OracleContext, dc=us, dc=acme, dc=com'

Single quotes (') are required if a double quote (") is used in a connect identifier. For example:

CONNECT scott/tiger@'sales@Good"Fast"' 

Likewise, double quotes (") are required if a single quote (') is used in a connect identifier. For example:

CONNECT scott/tiger@"cn=sales, cn=OracleContext, ou=Mary's Dept, o=acme"

Absolute Name Specification for Directory Naming


JDBC OCI drivers support absolute naming. JDBC Thin drivers support absolute naming only when the complete DN is used. See the Oracle9i JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference for further information. 

This section describes how to configure absolute names for the following namespaces:

Absolute Names for X.500 Namespaces

For X.500 namespaces, the default directory entry defined for the client must be in one of the following formats:



where [ou] represents an optional organizationalUnitName.

The absolute name the client uses as the connect identifier must be in one of the following formats:



where [cn] represents the Oracle Net entry.

For example, consider a client that has been configured with a default directory entry of ou=acctg,o=acme,c=us.

The directory contains an entry for a database called sales with a DN of (dn:cn=sales,cn=OracleContext,ou=mktg,o=acme,c=uk). In this scenario, the client requires a connect identifier of (cn.ou.o.c). Figure 16-1 depicts this example.

Figure 16-1 Absolute Name for X.500 Namespaces

Text description of net81054.gif follows
Text description of the illustration net81054.gif
Absolute Names for Domain Component Namespaces

For domain component namespaces, the default directory entry defined for the client must be in one of the following formats:



where [dc] represents an optional domain component and [...] represents additional domain component entries.

The absolute name the client must use in the connect identifier must be in one of the following formats:



where [cn] represents the Oracle Net entry.

Example 1

Consider a client that has been configured with a default directory entry of dc=us,dc=acme,dc=com.

The directory server contains an entry for a database called sales with a DN of (dn:cn=sales,cn=OracleContext,dc=uk,dc=acme,dc=com). In this scenario, the client requires a connect identifier of (cn.dc.dc.dc). Figure 16-2 depicts this example.

Example 2

Consider the same default directory entry as Example 1. The directory server contains an entry for a database called sales with a DN of (dn:cn=sales,cn=OracleContext,ou=mktg,dc=uk,dc=acme,dc=com). Notice ou=mktg. Because domain components must be separated from organization units, the client requires a connect identifier of (cn.ou@dc.dc.dc). Figure 16-2 depicts this example.

Figure 16-2 Absolute Name for Domain Component Namespaces

Text description of net81055.gif follows
Text description of the illustration net81055.gif

Initiating Connections

There are a number of ways to initiate a connection to an Oracle server. Commonly used methods are described in these topics:

The specifics of use are slightly different in each case. Each of the general methods listed is briefly covered here. To identify the method used in a specific tool, refer to the user guide for the tool.

Connecting from the Operating System to Test a Client

The general form of connecting an application to a database server from the command line is:

tool username/password@net_service_name

For example:

SQLPLUS system/password@sales

To prevent the password from displaying during a logon, you can leave out the password parameter on the command line. For example:

SQLPLUS system@sales

You will be prompted to enter your password without it showing on screen.

Most Oracle tools can use the operating system command line to connect; some provide alternatives.

Connecting from the Tool Logon Screen to Test a Client

Some tools provide a logon screen as an alternative form of logon. A user can log on to a database server by identifying both the user name and net service name (username@net_service_name) in the user name field of the tool logon screen, and entering the password as usual in the password field.

Connecting from 3GL to Test a Client

In applications written using 3GL, the program must establish a connection to a server using the following syntax:

exec sql connect :username identified by :password 

In this connection request, :username and :password are 3GL variables that can be set within the program either statically or by prompting the user. When connecting to a database server, the value of the :username variable is in the form:


The :password variable contains the password for the database account to which you are connecting.

Connecting Using Special Commands Within Tools

Some Oracle tools have commands for database connection, once the tool has been started, to allow an alternative username to be specified without leaving the tool. SQL*Plus allows the CONNECT command using the following syntax:

SQL> CONNECT username/password@net_service_name 

For example:

SQL> CONNECT scott/tiger@serverx 

This is very similar to the operating system command line method, except that it is entered in response to the tool prompt instead of the operating system prompt.

Other Oracle tools use slightly different methods specific to their function or interface. For example, Oracle CDE tools use logon buttons and a pop-up window with the username, password, and remote database ID field.

Testing the Network

The preferred sequence for testing the network is as follows:

  1. Start and test each Oracle Names server (if included in your network layout).

  2. Start and test each listener.

  3. Start and test each Oracle Connection Manager (if included in your network layout).

  4. Test the server with a loopback test.

  5. Test client with a connection.

This section contains these topics:

Testing a Listener

To test a listener, initiate a connection from a client to any active database controlled by that listener, as described in "Testing Configuration on the Database Server".

Testing Oracle Connection Manager

To test Oracle Connection Manager, initiate a connection from a client to any active database for which a source route address has been created.

Testing Configuration on the Database Server

Once you have configured the network, test the configuration by performing a loopback test on the database server.

A loopback test uses Oracle Net to go from the database server back to itself, bypassing the Interprocess Communication (IPC). Performing a successful loopback verifies that Oracle Net is functioning on the database server.

To perform the loopback test, use Oracle Net Manager:

  1. Start Oracle Net Manager.

    See Also:

    "Starting Oracle Net Manager" 

  2. In the navigator, expand Directory or Local > Service Naming.

  3. Select the net service name or database service.

  4. Choose Command > Test Net Service.

    Testing assumes the database and listener are running. If they are not, see "Starting Oracle Net Services Components" to start components.

    During testing, a Connection Test dialog box appears, providing status and test results. A successful test results in the following message:

    The connection test was successful.

    If the test was successful, proceed to Step 5.

    If the test was not successful:

    1. Ensure that the database and listener are running, and then choose Test.

    1. Choose Change Login to change the user name and password for the connection, and then choose Test.

  5. Choose Close to dismiss the Connect Test dialog box.

Testing Network Connectivity from the Client

To test several different clients in your network, initiate a connection to a database server from each of them by following the instructions in "Entering a Connect String".

Oracle Net also provides the following tools to help evaluate network connectivity:


The TNSPING utility determines whether or not a service (for example, an Oracle database, an Oracle Names server, or any other Oracle service) on a Oracle Net network can be successfully reached.

If you can connect successfully from a client to a server (or a server to another server) using the TNSPING utility, it displays an estimate of the round trip time (in milliseconds) it takes to reach the Oracle Net service.

If it fails, it displays a message describing the error that occurred. This enables you to see the network error that is occurring without the overhead of a database connection.


To invoke the TNSPING utility, enter the following:

tnsping net_service_name [count]


Different platforms may have different interfaces, but the program accepts the same arguments. Invoke TNSPING for the display of the proper interface requirements. 

If the net service name specified is a database name, TNSPING attempts to contact the corresponding listener. It does not actually determine whether or not the database itself is running. Use SQL*Plus to attempt a connection to the database.

Following are some examples of TNSPING.

Example: Reaching a Database with TNSPING

To connect to a database using a net service name of spotdb, the following is entered:

TNSPING spotdb

This produces the following message:

TNS Ping Utility for SunOS: 
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998.  All rights reserved.
Attempting to contact 
OK (50msec)

To determine whether a connection can be made to the stprd database, and to specify that TNSPING try to connect 10 times and then give up, use the following command:

tnsping stprd 10

This command produces the following message:

TNS Ping Utility for SunOS: 
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998. All rights reserved. 
Attempting to contact (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=spot)(PORT=1521))
OK (290 msec)
OK (100 msec)
OK (70 msec)
OK (70 msec)
OK (60 msec)
OK (70 msec)
OK (70 msec)
OK (80 msec)
OK (180 msec
OK (340 msec)
Example: Invalid Net Service Name with TNSPING

Below is an example of TNSPING attempting to connect to an invalid net service name:

tnsping bad_db

This attempt produces the following message:

TNS Ping Utility for SunOS:
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998.  All rights reserved.
TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name
Example: Valid Net Service Name with TNSPING

Following is an example of using TNSPING to connect to a name that is valid, but that resolves to an address where no listener is located (for example, the listener may not be started):

tnsping testing

The following message is returned:

TNS Ping Utility for SunOS:
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998.  All rights reserved.
Attempting to contact (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=spot)(PORT=1521))
TNS-12541: TNS:no listener 
Example: Reaching an Oracle Names Server with TNSPING

To check whether a Oracle Names server can be reached, use a command using the Oracle Net address as in the following:

tnsping (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=fido)(PORT=1575))

A message similar to the following will be returned to the user:

TNS Ping Utility for SunOS: 
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998. All rights reserved. 
Attempting to contact (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=fido)(PORT=1575))
OK (70 msec) 


The Trace Route Utility (TRCROUTE) enables administrators to discover the path or route a connection is taking from a client to a server. If TRCROUTE encounters a problem, it returns an error stack to the client instead of a single error. These additional error messages make troubleshooting easier.

TRCROUTE is different from TNSPING in that it travels as a special type of connect packet, and is routed as such. As it travels toward its destination, the TRCROUTE connect packet collects the TNS addresses of every node it travels through. If an error occurs, TRCROUTE collects error information that shows where the error occurred. The Trace Route Utility displays the information collected on the client screen. You can redirect the TRCROUTE output to a file, and print it if you wish.

Effect on Performance

The Trace Route Utility uses minimal resources. It gathers information in the connect data of a special connect packet; standard connect packets are not affected.

The server is not affected by TRCROUTE. The listener receives and processes the TRCROUTE connect packet. It returns the information to the client by putting it into a refuse packet. The server does not need to start up any new processes or deal with dummy connections.


To invoke TRCROUTE, enter the following from the command line:

trcroute net_service_name

The following are two examples of trace route output.

Example: Successful Trace Route

The following example shows a successful Trace Route packet that traveled from a client to a listener.

trcroute tcp_direct
Trace Route Utility for Solaris:
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998.  All rights reserved.

Route of TRCROUTE:------------------
Node: Client            Time and address of entry into node:
01-DEC-98 13:26:36 ADDRESS= PROTOCOL=TCP  Host=shining-sun  Port=1581
Node: Server            Time and address of entry into node:
01-DEC-98 13:27:20 ADDRESS= PROTOCOL=TCP  Host=setting-sun  Port=1521

Example: Trace Route with Error

The following examples shows an unsuccessful Trace Route packet that could not reach the listener because the listener was not up.

trcroute tcp_direct
Trace Route Utility for SVR4:
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998.  All rights reserved.

Route of TRCROUTE:------------------
Node: Client            Time and address of entry into node:
01-DEC-98 11:12:34 ADDRESS= PROTOCOL=TCP  Host=shining-sun  Port=1581
TNS-12224: TNS:no listener
TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-03601: Failed in route information collection

Oracle Net Manager

To verify connectivity for a client computer, use Oracle Net Manager:

  1. Start Oracle Net Manager.

    See Also:

    "Starting Oracle Net Manager" 

  2. In the navigator, expand Directory or Local > Service Naming.

  3. Select the net service name or database service.

  4. Choose Command > Test Net Service.

    Testing assumes that the database and listener are running. If they are not, see "Starting Oracle Net Services Components" to start components.

    During testing, a Connection Test dialog box appears, providing status and test results. A successful test results in the following message:

    The connection test was successful.

    If the test was successful, proceed to Step 5.

    If the test was not successful:

    1. Ensure that the database and listener are running, and then choose Test.

    1. Choose Change Login to change the user name and password for the connection, and then choose Test.

  5. Choose Close to dismiss the Connect Test dialog box.

Testing an Oracle Names Server

To test an Oracle Names server, use the Oracle Names Control utility PING command. Following are two ways to PING the Oracle Names server labrador in the us.acme domain.

From the Oracle Names Control utility prompt, enter:


You can test several Oracle Names servers with the same PING command. For example:


PING responds with the time it takes to contact the Oracle Names server and return an acknowledgment. If PING fails, make sure the Oracle Names server is started or double-check the configured address of the Oracle Names server.

Testing Network Objects with Oracle Net Manager or Oracle Names Control Utility

The information stored in an Oracle Names server can be queried to verify registration with the QUERY command.

To use the QUERY command, use either Oracle Net Manager or Oracle Names Control utility:

Use Oracle Net Manager...  Use Oracle Names Control utility... 
  1. Start Oracle Net Manager.

    See Also: "Starting Oracle Net Manager"

  2. Double-click the Oracle Names server folder.

  3. Select an Oracle Names server.

  4. Choose Manage Data from the drop-down list box.

  5. Choose the Advanced tab.

  6. Select Query.

  7. Enter the name of the object to query in the Name field.

  8. Optionally, enter the record type of the object in the Name field:

    A.SMD: Network address

    -CNAME.SMD: Alias

    -DL.RDBMS.OMD: Global database link

    -DLCR.RDBMS.OMD: Link qualifier

    -NS.SMD: Oracle Names server. System data used to communicate between Oracle Names servers

    -V1ADD.NPO.OMD: SQL*Net Version 1 connect descriptor

  9. Choose Execute.

  10. Choose File > Save Network Configuration.


For a Oracle Names server in the administrative region, create and register an alias with the Oracle Names server:

To display all data:

NAMESCTL> query name *

The record type of an object may also be requested. Common record types include:

-A.SMD: Network address


-DL.RDBMS.OMD: Global database link

-DLCR.RDBMS.OMD: Link qualifier

-NS.SMD: Oracle Names server. System data used to communicate between Oracle Names servers

-V1ADD.NPO.OMD: SQL*Net Version 1 connect descriptor

To display the database address for a net service name:

NAMESCTL> query name a.smd

The following example shows a query of the net service name SALES:

NAMESCTL> query sales a.smd

The QUERY command returns the amount of time the transaction took and information about the network object. 

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