Oracle9i OLAP Services Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A86720-01
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Limiting an Application's View of the Data, 2 of 11

Introducing Dimension Status

Definition: Current status list

The current status list of a dimension is an ordered list of currently accessible values for the dimension. Values that are in the current status list of a dimension are said to be "in status."

If you are familiar with relational database terminology, then you can think of the current status list of a dimension as a view of the dimension. Whether or not a dimension value is in status determines your view of the data from all of the objects that are dimensioned by it. In general, when an OLAP DML command is processed, only those values that are in status are accessed.

Whether or not a dimension value is in status merely restricts your view of the value during a given session; it does not permanently affect the values that are stored in the analytic workspace.

Definition: Default status list

When you first attach an analytic workspace, the current status list of each dimension consists of all of the dimension's values that have read permission, in the order in which the values are stored. This list of values is called the default status list for the dimension.

Changing the default status list

You can change the default status list of a dimension in the following ways:

Changing the current status list

You can change the current status list for a dimension by using:

If you are familiar with relational database concepts and terminology, then it may help you to think of using a LIMIT command to "set or change dimension status" or "limit a dimension" in an analytic workspace as similar to using the SQL SELECT statement to "select a view" in a relational database. Changing dimension status merely restricts your view of the data during a given session. No matter how you change the current status list of a dimension, the changes have no permanent effect on your analytic workspace; every dimension retains all of its values.

Identifying and retrieving status lists

You can use the following commands and functions to identify and retrieve the status of dimension values.

Command or function 


INSTAT function 

Checks whether a dimension value is in the current status list of a dimension. 

STATFIRST function 

Retrieves the first value in the current status list of a dimension. 

STATLAST function 

Retrieves the last value in the current status list of a dimension. 

STATUS command 

Sends to the current outfile the status of one or more values in a dimension, or the status of all dimensions in an analytic workspace. 

VALUES function 

Retrieves different values depending on the keyword that you specify:

  • If you specify the NOSTATUS keyword, then the function retrieves the default status list of a dimension list.

  • If you specify the STATUS keyword, then the function retrieves the current status list of a dimension.

  • Depending on whether you specify the INTEGER keyword, the function either returns a multiline text value that contains one dimension value per line or returns, as integers, the position numbers of the dimension values.


Saving and restoring dimension status

You can save the current status of a dimension in the following ways.

Contexts are the most sophisticated way to save object values for use in an analytic workspace. With contexts, you can access and update the saved object values, whereas PUSH and POP simply allow you to save and restore values. Typically, you only used the PUSH and POP commands within a program to make changes that apply only during the program's execution.

Related information

For more information, see the following table.

IF you want documentation about . . .  THEN see . . . 

storing and maintaining values in a dimension, 

"Maintaining Dimensions and Composites" 


"Preserving the Session Environment"

the entries for the commands in OLAP DML Reference 

changing the read permission of dimension values using the PERMIT or PERMITRESET commands, 

"Adding Security to an Analytic Workspace"

the topics for the commands in OLAP DML Reference 

sorting dimension values, 

the entry for the SORT command in OLAP DML Reference 

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