Oracle9i OLAP Services Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A86720-01
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Writing Reports, 3 of 12

Creating Report Rows

Producing a simple row of data

The ROW command is used for producing each row of data in a report. In its simplest form, the syntax of the ROW command is as follows.

row expression

ROW followed by a data expression creates a row of output that contains the value of the expression.

Example: Showing a numeric value in a row

You can specify a numeric value as the expression argument to ROW. Suppose your application issues the following command.

row 100

The command produces the following output.


When you use the ROW command to produce a row of numeric data, each data value is right-justified in a column by default. "Creating Report Columns" explains the default column format.

Example: Showing a literal text value in a row

If the expression argument to ROW is literal text, then you must enclose the text in single quotes. Suppose your application issues the following command.

row 'District'

The command produces the following output.


By default, text values are left-justified in a column.

Example: Showing a variable value in a row

You can specify a variable as the expression argument to ROW. Suppose your application issues the following command.

row units

The command produces a data value that corresponds to the first dimension values in status for UNITS.


Example: Showing a dimension value in a row

The expression argument to ROW can be a dimension. Suppose your application issues the following command.

row month

The command shows the current value of MONTH.


Example: Showing a calculated value in a row

The expression argument to ROW can be a calculation. Suppose your application issues the following command.

row sales / units

The command produces output such as the following.


Example: Showing multiple values in a row

You can show more than one expression in a row by specifying each expression in a ROW command. Suppose your application issues the following command.

row district units sales

The command produces a row of output such as the following.

BOSTON                200  32,153.52

Creating blank lines

You can leave a blank line in a report by using the ROW command with no arguments. The following command produces one blank line.


Alternatively, you can use the BLANK command to leave a blank line. The following command also produces one blank line.


To leave more than one blank line, you can provide a numeric argument to BLANK that indicates the number of blank lines you want to leave. The argument can be any integer expression with a value of zero or greater. If the argument is zero, then no blank lines are generated.

For example, to leave a series of three blank lines in a report, use the following command.

blank 3

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