Oracle9i OLAP Services Developer's Guide to the Oracle OLAP API
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A88756-01
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Understanding OLAP API Metadata, 5 of 10

MdmDimension Class

Description of an MdmDimension

An MdmDimension represents a list of elements that can organize a set of data. For example, if you have a set of sales figures for a given year and you organize them by month, the list of months is a dimension of the sales data. The values of the month dimension act as indexes for identifying each particular value in the set of sales data.

In the OLAP API, the abstract MdmDimension class represents the general concept of a list of elements that can organize data. MdmDimension has an abstract subclass called MdmHierarchicalDimension, which represents a list that has hierarchical characteristics.

The following concrete subclasses of MdmDimension represent the specific kinds of MdmDimension objects that can be used in analysis.:

Both MdmLevel and MdmHierarchy are concrete subclasses of the abstract MdmHierarchicalDimension class.

An MdmDimension can have one or more MdmAttribute objects. Each of these objects maps the elements of the MdmDimension to values representing some characteristic of the elements. To obtain the MdmAttribute objects for a given MdmDimension, call its getAttributes method.

An MdmDimension has an MdmDimensionDefinition, which represents the structure of the underlying data, and an MdmDimensionMemberType, which represents the basic nature of the elements. These two objects hold important information about the MdmDimension to which they belong. For a given MdmDimension, you use its getDefinition and getMemberType methods to obtain these related objects.

Information held by an MdmDimensionDefinition

An MdmDimensionDefinition indicates the structure of the underlying data on which the MdmDimension is based. The MdmDimensionDefinition class is abstract. Therefore, instances are always one of the following subclasses:

An MdmDimension that has an MdmUnionDimensionDefinition has regions. A region of a given MdmDimension is another MdmDimension that represents a subset of the elements of the given MdmDimension. For example, an MdmDimension for calendar year might have one region that represents quarters and another region that represents months. To obtain the regions of an MdmDimension, you call the getRegions method on its MdmUnionDimensionDefinition.

Information held by an MdmDimensionMemberType

An MdmDimensionMemberType indicates the basic nature of the elements in the MdmDimension. It holds a description for each element, and it often provides methods for finding out other information about individual elements. The MdmDimensionMemberType class is abstract. Therefore, instances are always one of the following subclasses:

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