Oracle9i Data Warehousing Guide
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A90237-01
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Change Data Capture

Oracle Change Data Capture efficiently identifies and captures data that has been added to, updated, or removed from, Oracle relational tables, and makes the change data available for use by applications. Change Data Capture is provided as an Oracle database server component with Oracle9i.

This chapter introduces Change Data Capture in the following sections:

About Oracle Change Data Capture

Oftentimes, data warehousing involves the extraction and transportation of relational data from one or more source databases into the data warehouse for analysis. Oracle Change Data Capture quickly identifies and processes only the data that has changed, not entire tables, and makes the change data available for further use.

Without Change Data Capture, database extraction is a cumbersome process in which you move the entire contents of tables into flat files, and then load the files into the data warehouse. This ad hoc approach is expensive in a number of ways.

Change Data Capture does not depend on intermediate flat files to stage the data outside of the relational database. It captures the change data resulting from INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations made to user tables. The change data is then stored in a database object called a change table, and the change data is made available to applications in a controlled way.

Table 15-1 describes the advantages of performing database extraction with Change Data Capture.

Table 15-1  Database Extraction With and Without Change Data Capture
Database Extraction . . . .  
  With Change Data Capture  Without Change Data Capture 


Database extraction from INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations occurs immediately, at the same time the changes occur to the source tables. 

Database extraction is marginal at best for INSERT operations, and problematic for UPDATE and DELETE operations, because the data is no longer in the table. 


Stages data directly to relational tables; there is no need to use flat files. 

The entire contents of tables are moved into flat files. 


Provides an easy-to-use publish and subscribe interface using DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_PUBLISH and DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE packages.  

Error prone and manpower intensive to administer. 


Supplied with the Oracle9i (and later) database server. Reduces overhead cost by simplifying the extraction of change data. 

Expensive because you must write and maintain the capture software yourself, or purchase it from a third-party vendors. 

A Change Data Capture system is based on the interaction of a publisher and subscribers to capture and distribute change data, as described in the next section.

Publish and Subscribe Model

Most Change Data Capture systems have one publisher that captures and publishes change data for any number of Oracle source tables. There can be multiple subscribers accessing the change data. Change Data Capture provides PL/SQL packages to accomplish the publish and subscribe tasks.


The publisher is usually a database administrator (DBA) who is in charge of creating and maintaining schema objects that make up the Change Data Capture system. The publisher performs these tasks:


The subscribers, usually applications, are consumers of the published change data. Subscribers subscribe to one or more sets of columns in source tables. Subscribers perform the following tasks:

Example of a Change Data Capture System

The Change Data Capture system captures the effects of DML statements, including INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE, when they are performed on the source table. As these operations are performed, the change data is captured and published to corresponding change tables.

To capture change data, the publisher creates and administers change tables, which are special database tables that capture change data from a source table.

For example, for each source table for which you want to capture data, the publisher creates a corresponding change table. Change Data Capture ensures that none of the updates are missed or duplicated.

Each subscriber has its own view of the change data. This makes it possible for multiple subscribers to simultaneously subscribe to the same change table without interfering with one another.

Figure 15-1 shows the publish and subscribe model in a Change Data Capture system.

Figure 15-1 Publish and Subscribe Model in a Change Data Capture System

Text description of syncfig1.gif follows
Text description of the illustration syncfig1.gif

For example, assume that the change tables in Figure 15-1 contains all of the changes that occurred between Monday and Friday, and also assume that:

Subscribers 1 and 2 each have a unique subscription window that contains a block of transactions. Oracle Change Data Capture manages the subscription window for each subscriber by creating a subscriber view that returns a range of transactions of interest to that subscriber. The subscriber accesses the change data by performing SELECT statements on the subscriber view that was generated by Change Data Capture.

When a subscriber needs to read additional change data, the subscriber makes procedure calls to extend the window and to create a new subscriber view. Each subscriber can walk through the data at its own pace, while Oracle Change Data Capture manages the data storage. As each subscriber finishes processing the data in its subscription window, it calls procedures to drop the subscriber view and purge the contents of the subscription window. Extending and purging windows is necessary to prevent the change table from growing indefinitely, and to prevent the subscriber from seeing the same data again.

Thus, Oracle Change Data Capture provides the following benefits for subscribers:

Components and Terminology for Synchronous Change Data Capture

This section describes the Change Data Capture components shown in Figure 15-2. The publisher is responsible for all of the components shown in Figure 15-2, except for the subscriber views. The publisher creates and maintains all of the schema objects that make up the Change Data Capture system, and publishes change data so that subscribers can use it.

Subscribers are the consumers of change data and are granted controlled access to the change data by the publisher. Subscribers subscribe to one or more columns in source tables.

With synchronous data capture, the change data is generated as data manipulation language (DML) operations are made to the source table. Every time a DML operation occurs on a source table, a record of that operation is written to the change table.

Figure 15-2 Components in a Synchronous Change Data Capture System

Text description of synccomp.gif follows
Text description of the illustration synccomp.gif

The following subsections describe Change Data Capture components in more detail.

Source System

A source system is a production database that contains source tables for which Change Data Capture will capture changes.

Source Table

A source table is a database table that resides on the source system that contains the data you want to capture. Changes made to the source table are immediately reflected in the change table.

Change Source

A change source represents a source system. There is a system-generated change source named SYNC_SOURCE.

Change Set

A change set represents the collection of change tables. There is a system-generated change set named SYNC_SET.

Change Table

A change table contains the change data resulting from DML statements made to a single source table. A change table consists of two things: the change data itself, which is stored in a database table, and the system metadata necessary to maintain the change table. A given change table can capture changes from only one source table. In addition to published columns, the change table contains control columns that are managed by Change Data Capture. See the "Columns in a Change Table" section for more information.


A publication provides a way for publishers to publish multiple change tables on the same source table, and control subscriber access to the published change data. For example, Publication A consists of a change table that contains all the columns from the EMPLOYEE source table, while Publication B contains all the columns except the salary column from the EMPLOYEE source table. Because each change table is a separate publication, the publisher can implement security on the salary column by allowing only selected subscribers to access Publication A.

Subscriber View

A subscriber view is a view created by Change Data Capture that returns all of the rows in the subscription window. In Figure 15-2, the subscribers have created two views: one on columns 7 and 8 of Source Table 3 and one on columns 4, 6, and 8 of Source Table 4 The columns included in the view are based on the actual columns that the subscribers subscribed to in the source table.

Subscription Window

A subscription window defines the time range of change rows that the subscriber can currently see. The oldest row in the window is the low watermark; the newest row in the window is the high watermark. Each subscriber has a subscription window.

Installation and Implementation

Oracle Change Data Capture comes pre-packaged with the appropriate Oracle9i drivers already installed with which you can implement synchronous data capture.

In addition, note that Oracle Change Data Capture uses Java. Therefore, when you install the Oracle9i database server, ensure that Java is enabled.


You grant privileges for a change table separately from the privileges you grant for a source table. For example, a subscriber that has privileges to perform a SELECT operation on a source table might not have privileges to perform a SELECT operation on a change table.

The publisher controls subscribers' access to change data by using the SQL GRANT and REVOKE statements to grant and revoke the SELECT privilege on change tables for users and roles. The publisher must grant the SELECT privilege before a user or application can subscribe to the change table.

The publisher must not grant any DML access (using either the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements) to the subscribers on the change tables because of the risk that a subscriber might inadvertently change the data in the change table, making it inconsistent with its source. Furthermore, the publisher should avoid creating change tables in schemas to which users have DML access.

Columns in a Change Table

A change table contains the change data resulting from DML statements. A change table consists of two things: the change data itself, which is stored in a database table and the system metadata necessary to maintain the change table.

The change table contains control columns that are managed by Change Data Capture. Table 15-2 describes the contents of a change table.

Table 15-2  Control Columns for a Change Table
Column  Datatype  Null-able?  Description 



Unique row sequence ID.  





UO or UU





Update old value

Update new value

Update LOB




Commit SCN. 



Commit time of this transaction. 



Bit mask of updated columns; source table relative (optional column). 



Bit mask of updated columns; change table relative (optional column). 



Name of the user who caused the operation (optional column).  



Time when the operation occurred in the source table (optional column). 



Row ID of affected row in source table (optional column). 



Object ID (optional column). 


Information about the Change Data Capture environment is provided in the views described in Table 15-3.


See also the Oracle9i Database Reference for complete information about views. 

Table 15-3  View Names for Oracle Change Data Capture
View Name  Description  


Allows a publisher to see existing change sources. 


Allows a publisher to see existing change sets. 


Allows a publisher to see existing change tables. 


Allows a publisher to see all of the existing (published) source tables. 


Allows subscribers to see all of the published source tables for which the subscribers have privileges to subscribe. 


Allows the user to see all of the published source tables for which this user has privileges to subscribe. 


Allows a publisher to see all of the existing (published) source table columns. 


Allows a subscriber to see all of the published source table columns for which the subscriber has privileges. 


Allows a user to see all of the published source table columns for which the user has privileges. 


Allows a publisher to see all of the subscriptions. 


Allows a subscriber to see all of their current subscriptions. 


Allows a publisher to see all of the published tables to which subscribers have subscribed. 


Allows a subscriber to see all of the published tables to which the subscriber has subscribed. 


Allows a publisher to see all of the columns of published tables to which subscribers have subscribed. 


Allows a publisher to see all of the columns of published tables to which the subscriber has subscribed. 

Synchronous Mode of Data Capture

Synchronous data capture provides up-to-the-second accuracy because the changes are being captured continuously and in real time on the production system. The change tables are populated after DML operations occur on the source table.

While synchronous mode data capture adds overhead to the system at capture time, it can reduce cost by simplifying the extraction of change data.

Publishing Change Data

This section provides step-by-step instructions for setting up an Oracle Change Data Capture system to capture and publish data from one or more Oracle relational source tables. Change Data Capture captures and publishes only committed data.


To use the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_PUBLISH package, you must have the EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE privilege, and you must have the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE privilege to look at all of the views. Also, you must be able to GRANT SELECT in the change tables to subscribers. 

Step 1 Decide which Oracle instance will be the source system that will provide the change data.

The publisher needs to gather requirements from the subscribers and determine which source system contains the relevant source tables.

Step 2 Create the change tables that will contain the changes to individual source tables.

Use the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_PUBLISH.CREATE_CHANGE_TABLE procedure to create change tables.


For synchronous data capture, Change Data Capture automatically generates a change source, called SYNC_SOURCE, and a change set called SYNC_SET. Change tables are contained in the predefined SYNC_SET change set. 

Create a change table for each source table to be published, and decide which columns should be included. For update operations, decide whether to capture old values, new values, or both.

The publisher can set the options_string field of the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_PUBLISH.CREATE_CHANGE_TABLE procedure to have more control over the physical properties and tablespace properties of the change tables. The options_string field can contain any option available on the CREATE TABLE DDL statement.

Example 1 Creating a Change Table

The following example creates a change table that captures changes that happen to a source table. The example uses the sample table SCOTT.EMP.


CHANGE_TABLE_NAME => 'emp_ct', \
SOURCE_SCHEMA => 'scott', \
SOURCE_TABLE => 'emp',\
COLUMN_TYPE_LIST =. 'empno number, ename varchar2(10), job varchar2(9), mgr     
number, hiredate date, deptno number', \
CAPTURE_VALUES => 'both', \
RS_ID => 'y' \
ROW_ID => 'n', \
USER_ID => 'n', \
TIMESTAMP => 'n', \
OBJECT_ID => 'n', \

This statement creates a change table named emp_ct within the change set SYNC_SET. The column_type_list parameter identifies the columns captured by the change table. The source_schema and source_table parameters identify the schema and source table that reside on the production system.

The capture_values setting in the example indicates that for UPDATE operations, the change data will contain two separate rows for each row that changed: one row will contain the row values before the update occurred, and the other row will contain the row values after the update occurred.

Subscribing to Change Data

The subscribers, typically applications, register their interest in one or more source tables, and obtain subscriptions to these tables. Assuming sufficient access privileges, the subscribers may subscribe to any source tables that the publisher has published.

Steps Required to Subscribe to Change Data

The primary role of the subscriber is to access and use the change data. To do this, the subscriber must first determine which source tables are of interest, and then call the procedures in the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE package to access them.

Step 1 Find the source tables for which the subscriber has access privileges.

Query the ALL_SOURCE_TABLES view to see all of the published source tables for which the subscriber has access privileges.

Step 2 Obtain a subscription handle.

Call the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.GET_SUBSCRIPTION_HANDLE procedure to create a subscription.

The following example shows how the subscriber first names the change set of interest (SYNC_SET), and then returns a unique subscription handle that will be used throughout the session.


DESCRIPTION => 'Change data for emp',\
Step 3 Subscribe to a source table and columns in the source table.

Use the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.SUBSCRIBE procedure to specify which columns of the source tables are of interest to the subscriber and are to be captured.

The subscriber identifies the columns of the source table that are of interest. A subscription can contain one source table or multiple tables from the same change set. To see all of the published source table columns for which the subscriber has privileges, query the ALL_PUBLISHED_COLUMNS view.

In the following example, the subscriber wants to see only one source table.


SUBSCRIPTION_HANDLE => :subhandle, \
SOURCE_SCHEMA => 'scott', \
SOURCE_TABLE => 'emp', \
COLUMN_LIST => 'empno, ename, hiredate');
Step 4 Activate the subscription.

Use the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION procedure to activate the subscription.

Subscribers call this procedure when they are finished subscribing to source tables, and are ready to receive change data. Whether subscribing to one or multiple source tables, the subscriber needs to call the ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION procedure only once.

In the following example, the ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION procedure sets the subscription window to empty. At this point, no additional source tables can be added to the subscription.


Step 5 Set the boundaries to see new data.

Call the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.EXTEND_WINDOW procedure to set the upper boundary (called a high-water mark) for a subscription window.

For example:



At this point, the subscriber has created a new window that begins where the previous window ends. The new window contains any data that was added to the change table. If no new data has been added, the EXTEND_WINDOW procedure has no effect. To access the new change data, the subscriber must call the CREATE_SUBSCRIBER_VIEW procedure, and select from the new subscriber view that is generated by Change Data Capture.

Step 6 Prepare a subscriber view.

Use the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.PREPARE_SUBSCRIBER_VIEW procedure to create and prepare a subscriber view. (You must do this for each change table in the subscription.)

Subscribers do not access data directly from a change table; subscribers see the change data through subscriber views and perform SELECT operations against them. The reason for this is because Change Data Capture generates a view that restricts the data to only the columns to which the application has subscribed, and returns only the rows that the application has not viewed previously. The contents of the subscriber view will not change.

The following example shows how to prepare a subscriber view:


SUBSCRIPTION_HANDLE => :subhandle, \
SOURCE_SCHEMA => 'scott',\
SOURCE_TABLE => 'emp', \
VIEW_NAME => :viewname);
Step 7 Read and query the contents of the change tables.

Use the SQL SELECT statement on the subscriber view to read and query the contents of change tables (within the boundaries of the subscription window). You must do this for each change table in the subscription. For example:


The subscriber view name, CDC#CV$119490, is a generated name.

Step 8 Drop the subscriber view.

Use the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.DROP_SUBSCRIBER_VIEW procedure to drop the subscriber views.

Change Data Capture guarantees not to change the subscriber view, even if new data has been added. Subscribers continue to have access to a subscriber view until calling the DROP_SUBSCRIBER_VIEW procedure, which indicates the subscriber is finished using the view. For example:

SUBSCRIPTION_HANDLE => :subhandle, \
SOURCE_SCHEMA => 'scott', \
SOURCE_TABLE => 'emp');
Step 9 Empty the old data from the subscription window.

Use the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.PURGE_WINDOW procedure to let the Change Data Capture software know that the subscriber no longer needs the data in the current subscription window.

For example:


Step 10 Repeat steps 5 through 9.

Repeat steps 5 though 9 as long as you are interested in additional change data.

Step 11 End the subscription.

Use the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE.DROP_SUBSCRIPTION procedure to end the subscription. This is necessary to prevent the change tables from growing without bound. For example:


What Happens to Subscriptions When the Publisher Makes Changes

The Change Data Capture environment is dynamic in nature. The publisher can add and drop change tables at any time. The publisher can also add to and drop columns from existing change tables at any time. The following list describes how changes to the Change Data Capture environment affect subscriptions:

Export and Import Considerations

When exporting or importing change tables for Change Data Capture, consider the following information:

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