Oracle Objects for OLE
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A90173-01


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About the OO4O Automation Server

See Also

The OO4O In-Process Automation Server is a set of COM Automation Objects for connecting to Oracle database servers, executing SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks, and accessing the results.

Unlike other COM-based database connectivity APIs, such as Microsoft ADO, the OO4O Automation Server has been developed and evolved specifically for use with Oracle database servers. It provides an optimized API for accessing features that are unique to Oracle and are otherwise cumbersome or inefficient to use from ODBC or OLE DB components.

OO4O provides key features for accessing Oracle databases efficiently and easily in environments ranging from the typical two-tier client/server applications, such as those developed in Visual Basic or Excel, to application servers deployed in multi-tiered application server environments such as Web server applications in Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) or Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS).

Features include:

· Support for
Asynchronous Processing of SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks. Refer to CreateSQL and OraSqlStmt.

· Support for the
ConnectionOK property.

· Support for
Failover Notification.

· Full Support for
Oracle Object-Relational and LOB Datatypes

PL/SQL Support for execution of PL/SQL anonymous blocks and stored procedures. This includes support for Oracle datatypes allowed for input/output parameters of PL/SQL stored procedures including PL/SQL cursors.

· Support for scrollable and updatable cursors for easy and efficient access to result sets of queries. Refer to

Thread Safe objects and Connection Pool Management Facility for developing efficient Web server applications.

· Full support for
Advanced Queuing in Oracle.

· Support for array inserts and updates. Refer to
OraParameter, OraParamArray, and OraSQLStmt.

· Support for
Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS).

Copyright © 1996-2001, Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.


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