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PL/SQL Syntax

procedure Listen

    (p_agent_name in varchar2);


Monitors an agent for inbound event messages and dequeues messages using the agent's queue handler.

When an event is dequeued, the Event Manager searches for and executes any active subscriptions by the local system to that event with a source type of External, and also any active subscriptions by the local system to the Any event with a source type of External. If no active subscriptions exist for the event that was received (apart from subscriptions to the Any event), then Oracle Workflow executes any active subscriptions by the local system to the Unexpected event with a source type of External.

The Listen procedure exits after all event messages on the agent's queue have been dequeued.

Note: You can use the Check Setup web page to schedule Listen procedures for all active inbound and error queues. See: Scheduling Listeners for Local Inbound Agents.

Arguments (input)

p_agent_name The name of the inbound agent.

See Also

Workflow Listen Process Concurrent Program

Any Event

Unexpected Event


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