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Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide
Version 9.0.2

Part Number A90881-02
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Load Wizard: Step 4 dialog

Use this dialog to configure the joins and additional objects that are generated when data is loaded into the business area.

For more information, see:

"What is the Load Wizard?"

"How to create a business area using the Load Wizard"

Do you want to create joins?

If you choose the option to Create Joins by Matching Column Names, Discoverer needs to check every column name of every object being loaded with every other column name. As the number of columns being loaded increases this obviously increases the processing required. As a side effect of this method, any joins that are created will need to be checked after the load to ensure they are valid. The master-detail relationship needs to be verified that it is the correct way round, and the join condition itself needs to be verified that it is valid (i.e. not created accidentally by two completely different columns having the same name.)

Yes, create joins from:

Use this check box to create joins on items in the business area.

What additional objects do you want to generate?

Summaries based on folders that are created

Use this check box to use automated summary management (ASM) to create summaries after the load process, based on folders that are created.

ASM attempts to create a set of suitable summaries after analyzing the table structure. Selecting this option may slightly increase duration of the bulk load, but should give your users improved query performance.

Note: Do not select this option if you are going to run Automated Summary Management, or if your database space is low.

Date hierarchies, using

Use this check box to automatically create date hierarchies for date items. Select a hierarchy from the list of default date hierarchy formats provided in the drop down menu. The date hierarchy is applied to all date columns in the business area. Creating a date hierarchy enables users to drill up/down through date items. For example, from years to quarters or from months to days.

Automatically generating date hierarchies inserts additional (calculated) items into the folder. That is, an extra item is created for every date item in each node in the date hierarchy. For example a date hierarchy containing year|quarter|month|day applied to a table with three date columns generates an additional 12 items in the folder. For more information, see Chapter 13, "Creating and maintaining hierarchies".

Default aggregate on data points

Use this check box to specify a default aggregate for numeric items. Then choose an aggregate from the drop down list below. The default is SUM.

List of values for items of type

Use this check box to generate lists of values based on the types you select. This option automatically creates lists of values for each axis item of each type specified, except character items longer than 40 characters. The values are derived from the values in the database column.


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