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Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide
Version 9.0.2

Part Number A90881-02
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% wildcard, 1
< > operator, 1, 2
< operator, 1, 2
<= operator, 1, 2
= operator, 1, 2
> operator, 1, 2
>= operator, 1, 2


objects to business areas, 1, 2
aggregate calculated items
about, 1
and analytic functions, 1
restrictions, 1
aggregate derived items
about, 1
examples, 1
alternative sort item class
creating, 1
alternative sorts, 1
examples, 1
ASM, 1
after bulk load using Load Wizard, 1
command line interface, 1
how does it work?, 1
operating system scheduler, 1
policy, 1
using a batch file, 1
ways to run, 1
what is ASM?, 1
assigning user IDs to databases, 1
Automated Summary Management, 1
axis items, 1


business areas, 1
about, 1
building, 1
components, 1
copying between EULs, 1
prerequisites, 1
creating and maintaining, 1
creating with the Load Wizard, 1
deleting, 1
designing, 1
exporting, 1
loading objects, 1, 2
opening, 1
properties, 1
refresh objects, 1
synchronizing with the DB, 1
business intelligence
about, 1


calculated items
about, 1
creating, 1
deleting, 1
editing, 1
editing properties, 1
cartesian products, 1
data sources, 1
mapping to summary tables
example, 1
command line interface, 1
'?' command, 1
about, 1
about command modifiers, 1
about commands, 1
apps_fndnam, 1
apps_user, 1
asm, 1
cmdfile, 1
command file examples, 1
command files, 1
command reference, 1
command syntax, 1
connect, 1
create_eul, 1
create_eul /apps_mode, 1
creating command files, 1
delete, 1
delete_bus_area, 1
delete_eul, 1
example commands, 1
export, 1
import, 1, 2
load, 1
notes on using, 1
quick guide, 1
refresh_bus_area, 1
refresh_folder, 1
refresh_summary, 1
required privileges, 1
running command files, 1
syntax conventions, 1
using, 1
command line interface modifiers
aggregate, 1
all, 1
apps_grant_details, 1
apps_responsibility, 1
apps_security_group, 1
asm_space, 1
asm_tablespace, 1
audit_info, 1
ba_link, 1
business_area, 1
capitalize, 1
condition, 1
date_hierarchy, 1
db_link, 1
description, 1
eul, 1
external_element, 1
folder, 1
function, 1
hier_node, 1
hierarchy, 1
identifier, 1
insert_blanks, 1
item_class, 1
items, 1
join, 1
keep_folder, 1
keep_format_properties, 1
log, 1
log_only, 1
lov, 1
object, 1
overwrite, 1
parameter, 1
password, 1
private, 1
refresh, 1
remove_prefix, 1
rename, 1
schema, 1
show_progress, 1
sort_folders, 1
sort_items, 1
source, 1
summary, 1
user, 1
workbook, 1
xmlworkbook, 1
about, 1
adding multiple join, 1
and outer joins, 1
categories, 1
creating complex, 1
creating row level security, 1
creating simple, 1
deleting, 1
editing, 1
editing properties, 1
examples, 1
how they work, 1
types described, 1
CONNECT BY clauses (SQL), 1
about, 1
connections page, 1
enabling user-defined, 1
how to create, 1
public, 1, 2
user defined, 1
content types
item content types, 1
cross tab worksheets
placing items, 1
custom folders
queries and, 1


retrieving, 1
data point items, 1
data sources
Oracle Designer and, 1
data types
axis items and, 1
data warehouses, 1
database links, 1
datatype mismatch
in joins, 1
date format 'RR', 1
date format masks, 1
date hierarchies, 1
date items
applying conditions, 1
applying date hierarchy templates, 1
truncating with EUL_DATE_TRUNC, 1
DBMS_JOB package, 1
DECIMAL data type, 1
default date hierarchies
changing 'RR' date format after Oracle9i upgrade, 1
derived items
about, 1
joins, 1
detail items
adding to joins, 1, 2
with no master, 1
detail to master icon, 1
about, 1
access permissions, 1
components, 1
data access requirements, 1
how does it work?, 1
implementation, 1
implementing, 1
maintenance, 1
security, 1
system requirements, 1
task privileges, 1
Discoverer 9.0.2
upgrading to, 1
Discoverer Administrator
about, 1, 2
about new features, 1
about the Tasklist, 1
about the workarea, 1
basic concepts, 1
context sensitive menus, 1
getting started, 1
online help, 1
starting, 1
workarea window, 1
Discoverer logins, 1
Discoverer manager
about the role, 1
basic concepts, 1
Discoverer registry settings, 1, 2
about, 1
drill to detail item class, 1
creating, 1
to other applications, 1
drills, 1


End User Layer
about, 1
and analytic functions, 1, 2
changing, 1
copy objects between databases
export using command line interface, 1
import using command line interface, 1
copying objects between databases, 1
creating, 1
creating and maintaining, 1
creating for a new DB user, 1
deleting, 1
exporting EUL objects, 1
exporting to a file, 1
how to export, 1
importing EUL objects, 1
importing objects, 1
in Oracle database, 1
migration, 1
owners, 1
privileges needed, 1
privileges needed in a non-Oracle DB, 1
privileges to maintain, 1
upgrading, 1
viewing, 1
why use?, 1
End User Layer (EUL), 1
equality, 1, 2
equi-joins, 1, 2
EUL Data Definition workbook, 1
EUL Gateway
about, 1
EUL status workbooks, 1
about, 1
Discoverer EUL V.5 business area, 1
installing, 1
installing APPs, 1
running, 1
uninstalling, 1
EUL upgrade
scheduled workbooks, 1
EUL objects using command line interface, 1
export file
adding XML code to, 1
Export Wizard, 1, 2
exporting EULs, 1


fan trap detection, 1
fan traps, 1
inside complex folders, 1
fetching data, 1
folders, 1, 2
about, 1
assigning to business areas, 1
assigning to multiple business areas, 1
complex, 1
creating complex, 1
creating custom, 1
creating simple, 1
custom, 1
custom folder examples, 1
custom versus simple, 1
deleting, 1
dependencies, 1
editing custom folder SQL, 1
editing properties, 1
re-ordering, 1
sharing across business areas, 1
simple, 1
sorting in a business area, 1
sorting items, 1
SQL, 1
using complex instead of DB views, 1
validating, 1


loading from, 1
generic connectivity, 1


help system
about, 1
hierarchies, 1, 2
about, 1
and performance, 1
applying templates to, 1
creating date, 1
creating item, 1
date, 1
date hierarchy templates, 1
date templates, 1, 2
default date hierarchy template, 1
deleting templates, 1
editing item, 1
editing templates, 1
item, 1
modifying, 1
optimizer, 1


locating for workbooks/worksheets in Discoverer Plus, 1
using to match objects, 1
import EUL objects, 1
Import Wizard, 1
error messages, 1
importing End User Layer objects, 1
about, 1
inequality, 1, 2
inline views
removing from SQL, 1
integers, 1
item class, 1
adding items, 1, 2
editing, 1
removing items, 1, 2
viewing items, 1
viewing list of values, 1
item classes
deleting, 1
item content types, 1
item hierarchies, 1
items, 1
about, 1
alternative sorts, 1
content types, 1
creating alternative sort item class, 1
creating LOV item class, 1
date, 1
date format masks, 1
deleting, 1
drill to detail item class, 1
drill to detail item classes, 1
editing properties, 1
item classes, 1
lists of values, 1
placing on cross tabs, 1
viewing list of values, 1


join icons, 1
about, 1
adding detail items, 1, 2
cartesian products, 1
adding multiple, 1
creating multi-item joins, 1
creating single item joins, 1
datatype mismatch in, 1
deleting, 1
description, 1
editing, 1
editing join properties, 1
fan traps, 1
many-to-many, 1
naming, 1, 2
one-to-many, 1
one-to-one, 1
single item and multi-item, 1


database to user, 1
list of values
querying, 1
using custom folders, 1
Load Wizard, 1
LOV item class
creating, 1


maintaining Discoverer, 1
mandatory conditions
optional condition vs., 1
many-to-one joins, 1
mapping columns
example, 1
master to detail icon, 1
materialized views
about, 1
Oracle Designer and, 1


joins, 1, 2
non-Oracle database support
Discoverer features implemented differently, 1
Discoverer features not supported using native ODBC drivers, 1
discoverer features partially supported, 1
software requirements, 1
using native ODBC drivers, 1, 2
using transparent gateway, 1
why Discoverer requires a list of database users, 1
non-Oracle database support using generic connectivity, 1
about generic connectivity, 1
about the advantages of generic connectivity, 1
how to set up generic connectivity, 1
NUMBER data types, 1


object names, 1
adding to business areas, 1, 2
object/schema name
checking, 1
ODBC drivers, 1
OEM, 1
using to create public connections, 1
using to enable user defined connections, 1
OLTP systems, 1
one-to-many joins
displaying, 1
one-to-one joins
creating, 1
online dictionary
loading from, 1
set, 1
optimizer, 1
optimizer hints, 1
optional conditions
mandatory condition vs., 1
Oracle Applications, 1
configuring the Connect dialog, 1
creating an EUL, 1
Discoverer differences, 1
granting task privileges, 1
prerequisites, 1
responsibilities, 1, 2
specify users/responsibilities, 1
specifying business areas, 1
specifying tasks, 1
supported features, 1
Oracle Designer
loading metadata from, 1
Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM)
creating public connections, 1
enabling user defined connections, 1
Oracle Portal, 1
about, 1, 2
adding portlets, 1
editing portlets, 1
list of database workbooks portlet, 1
portlet types available, 1
requirements, 1
Worksheet portlet, 1
worksheet portlet, 1
Oracle Reports, 1
Oracle Warehouse Builder, 1
Oracle WebCache, 1


Partially Restricted Tables option, 1
PL/SQL functions
custom, 1
registering, 1
registering automatically, 1
registering manually, 1
why use?, 1
Private Tables option, 1
public connections, 1
Public Tables option, 1
PUBLIC user, 1


fan trap detection, 1
folder definitions and subqueries, 1
optimizing, 1, 2
performance predictions, 1
summary tables and, 1
query prediction, 1
about, 1
analyzing data tables, 1
and secure views, 1
deleting old statistics, 1
improving speed and accuracy, 1
in Discoverer Plus, 1
making views available, 1
reducing long times, 1
verifying optimizer_mode parameter, 1
verifying timed_statistics parameter, 1
when not available, 1
query retrieval limits
setting, 1
query rewrite
about, 1
example, 1
Query Statistics workbook, 1


about the software requirements, 1
Discoverer support for, 1
features not supported, 1
partially supported features, 1
software requirements, 1
Rdb and non-Oracle database support, 1
reference dialogs
list of, 1
refresh options
about, 1
registry settings, 1, 2
about, 1
relational databases, 1
restricted tables, 1
result sets
complex folders and, 1
granting rights and privileges, 1
row level security
creating using conditions, 1


scheduled workbook limits
setting, 1
scheduled workbooks
about, 1, 2
and Oracle database features, 1
backwards compatibility, 1
DBMS_JOB package, 1
prerequisites, 1
results storage, 1
server frequency check, 1
specifying owner, 1
viewing and managing, 1
why use?, 1
business area access, 1
user/role business area access, 1
user/role privileges, 1
user/role to perform task, 1
SELECT statements, 1
data sources, 1
selecting tables and views, 1
set operators
example, 1
sorting options, 1
flattened SQL, 1
in SQL Inspector, 1
reformatted (flattened), 1
removing inline views, 1
SQL and execution plan
examples, 1
viewing, 1
SQL commands
SQL Inspector
SQL format, 1
SQL statements
joins and, 1
optimizing, 1
start time
setting for summary processing, 1
subqueries, 1
summary combinations
setting up, 1
summary data
why refresh?, 1
summary folders, 1
about, 1
and external summary tables, 1
and folders, 1
configuring the database, 1
creating, 1
creating based on external summary tables, 1
creating based on users queries, 1
creating with ASM, 1
deleting, 1
differences between Oracle 8.1.5 and Oracle 8.1.6, 1
editing, 1
editing database storage properties, 1
editing properties, 1
using, 1
granting necessary privileges, 1
how to display them quickly, 1
manual creation, 1
manual fresh, 1
mapping external summary tables and views, 1
prerequisites, 1
refresh after import, 1
refresh following import between Oracle databases, 1
status, 1
what happens one is refreshed, 1
summary management, 1
summary processing
setting start time, 1
summary redirection
about, 1
when it happens?, 1
summary tables
about, 1
mapping columns to
example, 1
running queries against, 1
Summary Wizard
using, 1
synonyms, 1


selecting for BA, 1
tablespace quotas
determining, 1
resetting, 1
date hierarchies, 1
transparent gateway, 1


about, 1
analytic functions in an EUL, 1
prerequisites, 1
step 1
back up release 4.1, 1
step 2
upgrade release 4.1 EUL, 1
step 3
refresh summary folders, 1
step 4
migrate users to 9.0.2, 1
step 5
remove release 4.1 EULs, 1
step 6
remove release 4.1 products from client machines, 1
to Discoverer version 9.0.2, 1
user IDs, 1
attaching to, 1
granting rights and privileges
to multiple, 1


selecting for BA, 1


wildcards, 1
context sensitive menus, 1
workbook export
XML format, 1
workbooks, 1
about, 1
worksheets, 1


adding to export file, 1
format for workbook export, 1
import format, 1

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