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Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide
Version 9.0.2

Part Number A90881-02
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Predicting query performance

Predicting query performance

This chapter explains how to use query prediction in Discoverer Administrator and contains the following topics:

About predicting query performance

Discoverer includes functionality to predict the time required to retrieve the information in a Discoverer query. The query prediction appears before the query begins, enabling Discoverer users to decide whether or not to run the query. This is a powerful facility that enables Discoverer users to control how long they wait for large reports.

Query Prediction uses the Cost-Based Optimizer (CBO) in the Oracle RDBMS. Therefore query prediction is not available when running against other databases.

How does query prediction work in Discoverer Plus?

Discoverer end users can specify that they be informed when a query is predicted to take longer than a defined time. A dialog displays the query prediction details and the option to cancel the query.

Text description of qp.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration qp.gif

If the user chooses to cancel the query they can schedule the workbook for Discoverer to run the query later, for example, overnight so that the user can open the worksheet the next morning (for more information about scheduling workbooks in Discoverer Plus, see the Oracle 9iAS Discoverer Plus User's Guide). For more information about enabling end users to schedule workbooks using Discoverer Administrator, see Chapter 8, "Scheduling workbooks".

Why might query prediction not be available?

Discoverer end users might find that query prediction is not available when running a worksheet. To see possible reasons (in Discoverer Administrator), choose Help | Database Information to display the "Database Information dialog". Query prediction might not be available for any of the following reasons:

Table 20-1 Reasons query prediction might not be available, and solutions

Reason  Solution 

Connection to a database that does not support query prediction (e.g. Oracle 7.1.x) 

Upgrade the database. 

Views required for query prediction are not available. 

Refer to "How to make the necessary database views available for query prediction" 

The timed-statistics parameter in init<sid>.ora is set to FALSE (the default value). 

Refer to "How to verify and change the timed_statistics parameter for query prediction" 

Data tables have not been analyzed. 

Refer to "How to analyze data tables" 

The optimizer mode parameter in init<sid>.ora is set to RULE instead of CHOOSE 

Refer to "How to verify and change the optimizer_mode parameter for query prediction" 

About improving the speed and accuracy of query prediction

When users have confidence in the speed and accuracy of query prediction, they will be more likely to schedule long-running queries to run later. With accurate query prediction, the load placed on the server is typically reduced and query performance is improved for all users.

To implement query prediction effectively:

How to make the necessary database views available for query prediction

Various database views must have the SELECT privilege granted to the public user before query prediction is enabled in Discoverer. For more information, see the Oracle9i documentation.

To make the necessary views available for query prediction, for Oracle9i databases:

  1. Log on to SQL*Plus as the database administrator.

  2. Execute the following SQL statement at the command prompt:

    SQL> CONNECT username/password@database AS SYSDBA;

    The username must have sufficient privileges to complete the following grants.

  3. Grant SELECT access on the views necessary for query prediction by typing the following at the command prompt:

    SQL> grant select on v_$session to public;
    SQL> grant select on v_$sesstat to public; 
    SQL> grant select on v_$parameter to public; 

    Note: To grant SELECT ON V_$PARAMETER you must be logged in as the SYS user. If you are unsure about the SYS user name and password, see your database administrator.


To make the necessary views available for query prediction, for Oracle databases earlier than Oracle9i:

  1. From NT choose Start | Run.

  2. Type in one of the following:

    • SVRMGRL (for Oracle 8.0)

    • SVRMGR (for Oracle8i Personal Edition)

  3. When in the DBA facility, type connect internal

  4. Grant SELECT access on the views necessary for query prediction by typing the following at the command prompt:

    SQLDBA> grant select on v_$session to public;
    SQLDBA> grant select on v_$sesstat to public; 
    SQLDBA> grant select on v_$parameter to public; 

    Note: To grant SELECT ON V_$PARAMETER you must be logged in as the SYS user. If you are unsure about the SYS user name and password, see your database administrator.

How to verify and change the timed_statistics parameter for query prediction

The timed_statistics parameter found in the database view v_$parameter must be set to TRUE to enable query prediction in Discoverer.

To verify that timed_statistics is set to TRUE:

  1. Start SQL*Plus (if it is not already running) and connect as the DBA user.

    For example, if SQL*Plus is already running, you might type the following at the command prompt:

    SQL> connect dba_user/dba_password@database

    Where dba_user is the username and dba_password is the password of the DBA user and database is the name of the database that holds the data to be queried.

  2. Type the following query:

    SQL> select value from v$parameter where name = 'timed_statistics';

    If the query returns the value TRUE, timed_statistics is set correctly for query prediction. If the query returns the value FALSE, query prediction will not be available unless you change the value of the timed_statistics parameter in the init<sid>.ora file.

To edit the init<sid>.ora file:

  1. Locate the INIT<SID>.ORA file.

    The INIT<SID>.ORA file is held in <ORACLE_HOME>\database. The default name of the file is INITORCL.ORA, where ORCL is the <SID> name.

  2. Edit the file to include the following line:

    timed_statistics = TRUE

  3. For the change to take effect, shut down and restart the database.

How to analyze data tables

Discoverer uses the results of data table analysis for query prediction. Data table analysis generates information about the database tables (e.g. the size of a table). For more information, see the Oracle9i database documentation.

To analyze data tables:

  1. Start SQL*Plus (if it is not already running) and connect as the owner of the data tables you want to analyze.

    For example, if SQL*Plus is already running, you might type the following at the command prompt:

    SQL> connect tabowner/tabpass@database

    Where tabowner is the username, tabpass is the password of the data table owner and database is the name of the database that holds the data to be queried.

  2. Type the following query:

    • For Oracle 8.0 (and later) databases:

      SQL> analyze table <tabowner.tablename> compute statistics for all 


If you expect the table contents to change significantly over time, analyze the data tables at regular intervals.

If your end users find that query prediction itself takes a long time (i.e. > 10 seconds) this suggests that the tables have not been analyzed. For example, if it takes 25 seconds or so for Discoverer to display the query prediction but the query runs in less than 2 seconds.

How to verify and change the optimizer_mode parameter for query prediction

To verify that the optimizer_mode parameter is set to CHOOSE:

  1. Start SQL*Plus (if it is not already running) and connect as the DBA user.

    For example, if SQL*Plus is already running, you might type the following at the command prompt:

    SQL> connect dba_user/dba_password@database

    Where dba_user is the username and /dba_password is the password of the DBA user and database is the name of the database that holds the data to be queried.

  2. Type the following query at the command prompt:

    SQL> select value from v$parameter where name = 'optimizer_mode'; 

If the query returns the value CHOOSE, optimizer_mode is set correctly for query prediction. The system will use the Cost Based Optimizer if the tables have been analyzed, and the Rule Based Optimizer if the tables have not.

If the query returns the values FIRSTROWS or ALLROWS, optimizer_mode is also set correctly for query prediction

Both FIRSTROWS and ALLROWS force the use of the Cost Based Optimizer, even if the tables have not been analyzed.

If the query returns the value RULE, query prediction will not be available unless you change the value of the optimizer_mode parameter in the init<sid>.ora file.

To edit the init<sid>.ora file:

  1. Locate INIT<SID>.ORA.

    The INIT<SID>.ORA file is held in <ORACLE_HOME>\database. The default name of the file is INITORCL.ORA, where ORCL is the <SID> name.

  2. Edit the file to include the following line:

    optimizer_mode = CHOOSE

  3. For the change to take effect, shut down and restart the database.

How to reduce long query prediction times

Discoverer uses the Cost-Based Optimizer within the query prediction process. Note that the Cost-Based Optimizer only parses the query statements, and that query execution is usually governed by the server's default optimizer mode.

In a large schema environment (e.g. Oracle Applications), the database can take a long time to parse a statement using the Cost-Based Optimizer. The query prediction process might therefore take several minutes to complete.

If users are having to wait a long time before the query prediction process is complete, consider the following three solutions:

How to use query prediction with secure views

Discoverer's query prediction feature uses the EXPLAIN PLAN statement to analyze queries. However, EXPLAIN PLAN cannot analyze queries against secure views, with the result that query prediction is not normally able to work in these environments. To work around this limitation, grant your users access to the system view V$SQL.

To grant your users access to the system view V$SQL, for Oracle9i databases:

  1. Log on to SQL*Plus as the database administrator.

  2. Execute the following SQL statement at the command prompt:

    SQL> CONNECT username/password@database AS SYSDBA;
  3. Grant SELECT access on the views necessary for query prediction by typing the following at the command prompt:

    SQL> grant select on v_$sql to public;

To grant your users access to the system view V$SQL, for Oracle databases earlier than Oracle9i:

  1. From NT choose Start | Run.

  2. Type in one of the following:

    • SVRMGRL (for Oracle 8.0)

    • SVRMGR (for Oracle8i Personal Edition)

  3. When in the DBA facility, type connect internal

  4. Grant SELECT access on the views necessary for query prediction by typing the following at the command prompt:

    SQLDBA> grant select on v_$sql to public;


You can also grant your users access to the system view V$SQL by running the following script in SQL*Plus:


You must know the SYSTEM password to use this script.

How to delete old query prediction statistics

Query prediction statistics can become obsolete for many reasons. You can delete all query prediction statistics that were created before a specified date.

To delete old query prediction statistics from the database:

  1. Start SQL*Plus (if it is not already running) and connect as the EUL owner.

    For example, if SQL*Plus is already running, you might type the following at the command prompt:

    SQL> connect jchan/tiger

    Where jchan is the EUL owner's username and tiger is the EUL owner's password.

  2. Run the SQL file EULstdel.sql

    For example you might type the following at the command prompt:

    SQL> start d:\<ORACLE_ HOME>\discv902\sql\EULstdel.sql

    Where <ORACLE_HOME> is where Discoverer Administrator is installed.

    A summary of the query statistics stored in the database is displayed. You are given the option to delete query statistics older than a specified number of days.

  3. (optional) Enter the number of days after which query statistics will be deleted (or leave it blank if you do not want to delete any statistics).

    If you do not specify a number of days, no query statistics are deleted.

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