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Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide
Version 9.0.2

Part Number A90881-02
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Discoverer command line interface

Discoverer command line interface

This chapter explains how to use the Discoverer command line interface and contains the following topics:

What is the Discoverer command line interface?

The Discoverer command line interface is a set of text based commands that enable you to perform tasks without running the Discoverer graphical user interface (GUI). For example, using the command line interface you can:

In addition, you can create command files that contain multiple commands (much like MS-DOS batch files or Unix script files) to perform groups of administrative tasks automatically.

What is a command?

In the Discoverer command line interface, a command is an instruction that performs a particular task in Discoverer Administrator or Discoverer Desktop. For example:

Note: Commands are not case-sensitive (for more information, see also "Notes on using commands").

What is a command modifier?

A command modifier is an instruction that qualifies or refines a command. For example:

About using the Discoverer command line interface

You can run Discoverer commands in the following ways:

What privileges are required to run the command line interface?

To use the command line interface, you require the same Discoverer privileges as you do to use the Discoverer graphical user interface.

If you want to perform an operation on an EUL using the command line interface, you must have the correct privileges. If you do not have the correct privileges, the operation will fail.

When using the command line interface, you can explicitly specify an EUL using the modifier /eul (for more information, see "/eul" ) or if you do not specify an EUL, Discoverer will identify the default EUL for the database user.

Notes on using commands

When using the command line interface, the following rules apply:

What command syntax conventions does this guide use?

This guide uses the following command syntax conventions:

What is the syntax for commands?

Use this syntax for the command line interface (typed in a single line with no line breaks or carriage returns):

Text description of cm_syn2.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration cm_syn2.gif


Examples of commands

Example 1

To delete the Sales folder and Sum1 summary from the eul31 EUL you would use the following command:

Example 2

To refresh the Sales1 and Sales2 folders you would use the following command:

Example 3

What is a command file?

Command files are text files that contain one or more Discoverer commands that can be run automatically from the command line. Command files work in a similar way to MS-DOS batch files and UNIX script files.

The commands in a command file are treated as though they were entered directly on the command line. Carriage returns embedded in the text file are ignored.

A command file may in turn invoke other command files. This provides a convenient work around for the Microsoft Windows imposed limitation of restricting a command line to not more than 255 characters in length.

How to create a command file

You can create a command file using a text editor. Type the command into the text editor and save the file using the extension .txt.

How to run a command file

To run a command file, start the Discoverer Administrator executable (for example, dis5adm.exe) with the name of the command file as an argument to the /cmdfile command. For example, to run commands stored in the text file Import.txt, type:

You can also run more than one command file by repeating the /cmdfile command. For example, to run commands stored in the text file Login.txt, then commands in Import.txt, type:

Examples of command files

Command files are a convenient way to store modular commands, which can then be used in different combinations. For example, the following three command files contain the following commands:

These three files can then be run from the command line in any of the following three combinations:

Quick guide to Discoverer Administrator commands

Use the table below to find a brief description of a command.

Table 21-1 Alphabetical summary of Discoverer commands
Command   Description 


Display online help. 

"/apps_fndnam" <foundation name> 

Override connection details. 


Connect as Oracle Applications user. 

"/asm" <modifier(s)> 

Automate summary management ASM 


Run command files 

"/connect" <user-name>/<password> [@<database>] 

Connect to an EUL. 


Create an EUL. 

"/create_eul /apps_mode"  

Create an APPS EUL. 

"/delete" <modifier(s)>  

Delete EUL objects. 

"/delete_bus_area" <business area> 

Delete a business area. 


Delete an EUL. 

"/export (EUL objects)" <export file> <modifier(s)> 

Export EUL objects. 

"/import (Business Area)" <business area> 

Import a business area. 

"/import (EUL objects)" <import file(s)> <modifier(s)> 

Import EUL objects. 

"/load" <business_area> 

Load a business area. 

"/refresh_bus_area" <bus area name(s)>  

Refresh business areas. 

"/refresh_folder" <folder name(s)> 

Refresh folders. 

"/refresh_summary" <summary name(s)> <bus area name> 

Refresh summary folders. 

Use the table below to find out which command to use for a particular task.

Table 21-2 Common tasks and related commands
How to:  Use this command  

Automate summary management (ASM) 

"/asm" <modifier(s)> 

Connect as Oracle Apps user. 


Connect to an EUL. 

"/connect" <user-name>/<password> [@<database>] 

Create an EUL. 


Create an APPS EUL. 

"/create_eul /apps_mode" 

Delete a Business Area. 

"/delete_bus_area" <business area> 

Delete an EUL. 


Delete EUL objects. 

"/delete" <modifier(s)> 

Display on-line help. 


Export EUL objects. 

"/export (EUL objects)" <export file> <modifier(s)> 

Import a Business Area. 

"/import (Business Area)" <business area> 

Import EUL objects. 

"/import (EUL objects)" <import file(s)> <modifier(s)> 

Load a Business Area. 

"/load" <business_area> 

Override connection details. 

"/apps_fndnam" <foundation name> 

Refresh Business Areas. 

"/refresh_bus_area" <bus area name(s)>  

Refresh Folders. 

"/refresh_folder" <folder name(s)> 

Refresh Summaries. 

"/refresh_summary" <summary name(s)> <bus area name> 

Run command files 

"/cmdfile" <command file name(s)> 

Discoverer Administrator command reference

This section contains detailed reference information about each command in the Discoverer Administrator command line interface. Note the following:


This command displays a list of Discoverer commands and their syntax and arguments.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:



  • Restrictions:



  • Example:


Dis5adm.exe /? 


This command overrides the values for both the fields GWYUID (including Gateway User ID password) and FNDNAM in the Connection tab of the Options dialog.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/apps_fndnam <foundation name>
  • Syntax:

/apps_gwyuid <gateway user id>/<password>
  • Example:

dis5adm.exe /connect appsuser:appsresp/appspwd /apps_
fndnam apps /apps_gwyuid applsyspub/pub


This command enables you to connect to Discoverer as an Oracle Applications user.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

  • Modifiers

  • Example

dis5adm.exe /connect appsuser/appspwd /apps_user /apps_
responsibility "UK_Purchasing" /apps_security_group 


dis5adm.exe /connect appsuser:UK_Purchasing/appspwd 
/apps_user /apps_security_group "UK_Managers"


This command enables you to execute Discoverer's Automated Summary Management facility (ASM).

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/asm [/asm_space <bytes> | 
/asm_space <bytes> /asm_tablespace <tablespace name>]
  • Modifiers:

"/asm_space, /asm_tablespace"
  • Restrictions:


If you specify an /asm_tablespace argument, you must specify an asm_space argument. 

  • Example:


dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /asm /asm_space 2182 /asm_tablespace user_data 


This command enables you to run Discoverer commands stored in a text file automatically.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/cmdfile <file name>
  • Notes:


To create a command file, create a text file containing one or more Discoverer commands using a standard text editor. To run the command(s) in the text file, at the command line enter:

dis5adm.exe /cmdfile <file name>

For more information, see "What is a command file?"

  • Example:


To run command(s) stored in the text file myFile, type the following command at the command line:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /cmdfile myFile 


This command enables you to connect to an EUL without having to enter a user name and password at the "Connect dialog".

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/connect <userid>/<passwd>[@[ODBC:]<dbname>]]
  • Modifiers:

"/eul" <eul>
"/apps_responsibility" <responsibility>
/apps_gwuid <gwuid>
"/apps_fndnam" <fndnam>
"/apps_security_group" <security_group>
  • Notes:


See also Chapter 17, "Using Discoverer with Oracle Applications" 

  • Example:


dis5adm.exe /connect user/password@datatbase 


This command enables you to create a Discoverer EUL.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

  • Modifiers:

"/eul_language" <language>
  • Notes:


When using the /create_eul command, note the following:

  • Specify a user name and password for the owner of the new EUL. Not specifying a user name and password causes the ownership to default to your user ID.

  • Specify whether to overwrite any existing EUL owned by the intended owner of the new EUL.

  • Specify whether the new EUL should be public (default) or private.

For more information about the creation and deletion of End User Layers, see Chapter 3, "Creating and maintaining End User Layers" .


  • Example:


To create a private EUL for a user named, "Bob", whose password is welcome, overwriting any existing EUL and recording all log entries in a file named create.log, enter:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /create_eul /overwrite /user bob /password welcome /private /log create.log 

/create_eul /apps_mode

This command enables you to create an Oracle Applications Mode EUL using the Discoverer command line interface. This command starts Discoverer Administrator (in Oracle Applications mode), creates the Applications Mode EUL in the database, and connects you to it. The example also includes the specification of schema/password.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/create_eul /apps_mode
  • Modifiers:

  • Example


dis5adm.exe /connect system/manager /create_eul /apps_mode /apps_grant_details apps/apps 


This command enables you to remove EUL objects from the database. You can also remove an entire EUL using the "/delete_eul" command.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/delete <modifier(s)> [/identifier]
  • Modifiers:


Modifiers for configuring the deletion:

"/log" <log file name> ["/log_only"]


Modifiers for defining which EUL object(s) to delete:

/asm_policy <asm policy>
"/business_area" <business area>
"/ba_link" <business area> <folder>
"/condition" <folder>.<condition>
"/folder" <folder>
"/function" <PL/SQL function>
"/hierarchy" < hierarchy>
"/hier_node" <hierarchy>.<hierarchy_node>
"/item" <folder>.<item>
"/item_class" <item class>
"/join" <join name>
"/parameter" <folder>.<parameter>
"/summary" <summary>
"/workbook" <workbook> 

  • Notes:


You can delete one or more EUL objects at a time, (see examples below). Parameters (e.g. business areas, folders) must be named explicitly, wildcards are not allowed. 

  • Example:


To delete two Business Areas named Test BA and Final BA, residing in an EUL named eul31, and write to a log file named delba.log, enter:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /delete /business_area "Test BA, Final BA" /eul eul31 /log delba.log

To delete a Folder named "Sales", and a Summary named "Sum1", residing in an EUL named eul31, and write to a log file named del.log, enter:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /delete /folder Sales /summary Sum1 /eul eul31 /log del.log 


This command enables you to remove a Discoverer business area from the database. See also "/delete_eul" and "/delete".

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/delete_bus_area <business area>
  • Modifiers:


Modifiers for configuring the deletion:

"/log" <log file name> ["/log_only"]
  • Notes:


This command has been superceded by the "/delete" command, and is included for backwards compatibility. For more information about the /delete command, see "/delete"

  • Example:


To delete the Business Areas named Test BA and Final BA, and write to a log file named delba.log, enter:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /delete_bus_area "Test BA, Final BA" /log delba.log 


This command enables you to delete the current Discoverer EUL. You can also selectively remove individual EUL objects using the "/delete" command.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

  • Modifiers:

  • Restrictions:


You can only delete EULs for which you are the registered owner. 

  • Example:


dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /delete_eul /log "c:\my log dir\delete_eul.log" 

/export (EUL objects)

This command enables you to export EUL objects to a Discoverer export file (EEX file). You can selectively export individual EUL objects (e.g. folders, business areas, functions) or entire EULs (using the /all modifier). When you import multiple files, Discoverer automatically resolves references between the files. For example, you can export the Emp folder in fileA.eex and the Dept folder in fileB.eex. If Emp and Dept are joined, the join information will actually be in both files, but neither file contains the information for both folders. If you import both files, the join will be recreated when the second file is processed.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/export <filename> [<bus_area_name>]
/export <filename> <modifier(s)> [/identifier]
  • Modifiers:

/asm_policy <asm policy>
"/audit_info" <audit details>
"/business_area" <business area>
"/external_element" <filename> (this filename refers to an xml file, 
not the export filename)
"/folder" <folder>
"/function" <function>
"/hierarchy" <hierarchy>
"/item_class" <item_class>
"/log" <log file name> [log_only]
"/summary" <summary>
/set_created_by <creator name>
/set_updated_by <updated name>
"/workbook"  <workbook> [XML_workbook]
"/xmlworkbook" (takes no parameters)
  • Notes:


<filename> - The name of the target *.EEX file. If a directory path is not specified, the target file is created in the default Discoverer folder. To override the default target directory setting, specify a directory path for the file, for example c:\data\sales.eex . Note that the directory path must be an absolute path, not a relative path.

Wildcards are not allowed for parameters (e.g. business areas, folders) these must be named explicitly.

[<bus_area_name>] - Use this option to export an entire business area and contents. If you only want to export the business area definition and metadata for the contents, use the /business_area modifier.

When you export a business area using the /business_area modifier, Discoverer exports only business area definitions and links to the folders in the business area. Discoverer will export the folders and workbooks only when they are specified by name.

<modifiers> - When specifying parameters, you can use either their Display Name or Identifier.

To maintain data relationships, you must also export linked (or joined) objects. 

  • Example:


To export two business areas named Test BA and Final BA, residing in an EUL named eul31, into a file named export.eex, and write to a log file named export.log, enter:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword@database /export export.eex "Test BA, Final BA" /eul eul31 /log export.log 

/import (Business Area)

This command enables you to import a Discoverer business area into the database from an EEX file. For more information about selectively importing Discoverer EUL objects, see "/import (EUL objects)".

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/import <file name>
  • Modifiers:

"/log" <log file name> [log_only]
"/rename" <rename-policy>
  • Notes:


This command has been superseded by the /import (EUL objects) command, and is included for backwards compatibility. For more information about the /import command, see "/import (EUL objects)"

  • Example:


To import the business area in the file myBA.eex, and write to a log file named impba.log, enter:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /import myBA.eex /log impba.log 

/import (EUL objects)

This command enables you to import EUL objects from one or more Discoverer export files (EEX files). Discoverer export files are created using the /export command, and contain EUL objects (e.g. folders, business areas, functions, or an entire EUL).

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/import <"sourcefilename1.eex 
sourcefilename2.eex etc."> <modifier(s)> 
  • Modifiers:

"/log" <log file name> [log_only]
"/refresh" | "/rename"
  • Notes:


<source filename(s)> - the name(s) of the source *.EEX file(s). You must specify the full path name for the file (e.g. 'c:\data\sales.eex'). Note that the directory path must be an absolute path, not a relative path.

Wildcards are not allowed for parameters (e.g. business areas, folders) these must be named explicitly.

Where multiple files are being imported, all files must be encapuslated in one pair double quotes and separated by spaces (for example, see syntax above).  

  • Example


dis5adm.exe /connect <userid>/<password>@<dbalias> /import "file1.eex file2.eex"  


This enables you to bulk load data from a database into a Discoverer business area.


Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/load <bus_area>
  • Modifiers:

"/date_hierarchy" <date_hier>
"/db_link" <db_link>
"/description" <descrip>
"/eul" <eul_name>
"/join" <join_policy>
"/log"  <log_file>
"/lov" <lov>
"/object" <obj_name>
"/source" <source>
"/user" <user_id>
  • Notes:


When using the /load command, note the following:

  • Specify the source of the data (default is the current database server). If you are loading data from an EUL Gateway, the source name must exactly match the EUL Gateway name.

  • Specify an EUL in which to load the objects (default is the Discoverer manager's own EUL). If you specify the EUL, you must have access privileges to the named EUL in order for the operation to succeed. .

  • Specify an alternative database link from which to fetch the data (default is the current connection).

  • Filter the load by schema name (/user) (default is that no filter is used).

  • Filter the load by object name (default is that no filter is used).

  • Specify pre-formatting of the data with respect to capitalization, prefixes and blank spaces (default is that no pre-formatting is done).

  • Specify a date hierarchy (default is the Discoverer default date hierarchy).

  • Specify which datatypes should have an associated list of values (default is that datatypes have no associated list of values).

  • Specify the default aggregate to use on data points (default is SUM).

  • Provide a description for the new Business Area (default is NULL).

  • Specify the join policy (default is primary key) and a log file.

  • Note: When doing a bulk load from an Oracle9i database, constraints on views are also considered when Discoverer creates joins.

  • Restrictions:


/db_link & /source cannot be used in conjunction with an ODBC database. 

  • Example:


You want to bulk load into an EUL named eul31 from an Oracle Designer source on the current connection, creating a new business area named Test BA that:

  • contains tables matching the pattern test% owned by user Bob

  • pre-formats columns to remove prefixes, remove blanks, and capitalize them

  • contains no date hierarchy

  • contains lists of values for CHAR, INTEGER, and DECIMAL, using AVG as the aggregate

  • writes to a log file named load.log

To perform the above bulk load, enter:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /load "Test BA" /source "Designer 6i - bobsworkarea" /eul eul31 /user bob /object test% /capitalize /remove_prefix /replace_blanks /date_hierarchy "" /lov "CHAR, INTEGER, DECIMAL" /aggregate AVG /log load.log /description "Test BA"  


This command enables you to refresh one or more Discoverer Business Areas, by retrieving an up-to-date EUL structure from the database.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/refresh_bus_area <bus_area>
  • Modifiers:

  • Notes:


When using the /refresh_bus_area, command, note the following:

  • Specify the data source from which to refresh the named Business Area(s).

  • Specify an EUL in which to find the business area(s) to refresh. The Discoverer manager's own EUL is the default. If you specify the EUL, you must have access privileges to the named EUL in order for the operation to succeed.

  • Filter the refresh by schema name. By default, no filter is used.

  • Specify a log file.

  • Restrictions:


/db_link & /source cannot be used in conjunction with an ODBC database.  

  • Example:


To refresh two Business Areas named Test BA and Final BA that reside in an EUL named eul31, from an Oracle Designer source on the current connection that contains tables matching the pattern test% owned by user Bob, and summarize information in a log file named refba.log, enter:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /refresh_bus_area 
"Test BA, Final BA" /source "Designer 6i - 
bobsworkarea" /eul eul31 /user bob /log refba.log


This command enables you to refresh one or more Discoverer folders. The query on which the folder is based is re-run in order to retrieve up-to-date data.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/refresh_folder <folder>
  • Modifiers:

"/user" <username>
  • Notes:


When using the /refresh_folder command, note the following:

  • The Discoverer manager's own EUL is the default EUL for the search.

  • Specify a log file path (optional). A status message indicating the success or failure of the operation will be output to the specified log file path, or the default log file if one is not specified.

  • Restrictions:


This option cannot be used in conjunction with an ODBC database. 

  • Example:


To refresh two folders named Sales1 and Sales2, residing in a Business Area named Test BA, found in an EUL named eul31, and write to a log file named reffol.log, enter:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /refresh_folder 
"Sales1, Sales2" /log reffol.log


This command enables you to refresh one or more Discoverer Summary folders. The query on which the summary is based is re-run in order to retrieve up-to-date data.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/refresh_summary <summary> <bus_area>
  • Modifiers:

  • Notes:


When using the /refresh_summary command, note the following:

  • Specify in which EUL the Business Area can be found. The Discoverer manager's own EUL is the default EUL for the search. If you specify the EUL, you must have access privileges to the named EUL in order for the operation to succeed.

  • It is necessary to name at least one summary folder and explicitly name the Business Area in which the summary resides.

  • Specify a log file path (optional).

  • A status message indicating the success or failure of the operation will be output to the specified log file path, or the default log file if one was not specified.

  • Restrictions:


This command cannot be used in conjunction with an ODBC database. 

  • Example:


To refresh two summaries named Summary1 and Summary2, residing in a Business Area named Test BA, found in an EUL named eul31, and write to a log file named refsum.log, enter:

dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /refresh_summary 
"Summary1, Summary2" "Test BA" /log refsum.log /eul 

Discoverer Administrator command modifier reference

This section contains detailed reference information about optional command modifiers available in the Discoverer command line interface. Command modifiers are used to refine or qualify commands. Note the following:


The /aggregate modifier enables you to specify the default aggregate to be used by a command.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The /all modifier enables you to select every object in an EUL for import, export, or deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The modifier /apps_grant_details enables you to specify an Oracle Applications schema and password when creating an Oracle Applications mode EUL. For example, to specify the Oracle Applications foundation name and password (<fndnam>/<password>).

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/apps_grant_details <schema>/<password>


The modifier /apps_responsibility enables you to specify an Oracle Applications responsibility when connecting as an Oracle Applications database user. This can also be included immediately following a colon (:) placed after the Oracle Applications user name but before the password.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/apps_responsibility <"Oracle Applications 
responsibility name">


The /apps_security_group modifier enables you to specify an Oracle Applications security group when connecting as an Oracle Applications database user.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/apps_security_group <"Oracle Applications 
security group name">

/asm_space, /asm_tablespace

The /asm_tablespace modifier ignores any tablespace value set in the ASM policy and uses this tablespace constraint instead. The /asm_space modifier ignores any space value set in the ASM policy and uses this space constraint instead. The following are valid combinations of tablespace and space values:

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/asm [/asm_space <bytes> | 
/asm_space <bytes> /asm_tablespace <tablespace name>]


The /audit_info modifier enables you to export audit fields with every object, (Created By, Created Date, Updated By, Updated Date). You can override the Created By and Updated By fields using the additional modifiers /set_created_by and /set_updated_by.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/audit_info [:/set_created_by<name of creator>] 
[:/set_updated_by<name of updater>]


The /ba_link modifier enables you to specify a business area and folder for deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/ba_link <business area>.<folder>


The /business_area modifier enables you to specify a business area for import, export, or deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/business_area <business area>


The /capitalize modifier enables you to request that folder names have initial capital letters when they are generated from their respective column names during a bulk load.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The /condition modifier enables you to specify a condition for deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/condition <condition>


The /date_hierarchy modifier enables you to specify the date hierarchy to be used during a bulk load.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/date_hierarchy <date_hier>
  • Notes:


Any valid date hierarchy name or "". If you set <date_hier> to "", Discoverer Administrator will not create a hierarchy for dates during bulk load. 


The /db_link modifier enables you to specify the database link to be used by a command.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/db_link <db_link>
  • Notes:


<db_link> can be any valid database link. 

  • Restrictions:


This modifier cannot be used in conjunction with an ODBC database. 


The /description modifier enables you to specify a description for an object.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/description <description>
  • Notes:


<description> can be any string. 


The /eul modifier enables you to specify an EUL on which to run a command. You must have access privileges to the specified EUL. If not specified, the default EUL for the database user is used.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/eul <EUL>
  • Notes:


<EUL> must be the name of a valid EUL. 

Note that this does not change the default EUL for the user.


The /eul_language modifier used (currently by Oracle Applications) with the /create_eul command, enables you to specify a language for the EUL.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/eul_language <language>


The /external_element modifier is used only with the /export command. The external_element modifier enables you to place XML code from a specified file at the top of the export file.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/external_element <filename>
  • Notes:


To use this modifier you enter the XML (that you want to place at the top of the export file) into a separate file then include this filename as the <filename> argument.

The /external_element modifier can be used multiple times in the same export operation (see example below).

<filename> is the name of the file containing the xml that you want to include in the .eex file. 

  • Example


dis5adm.exe /connect me/mypassword /export myBA.eex bus_area1 /external_element custom1.xml /external_element custom2.xml

This places the xml from the files custom1.xml and custom2.xml into the top of the export file myBA.eex . 


The /folder modifier enables you to specify a folder for import, export, or deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/folder <folder>


The /function modifier enables you to specify a function for import, export, or deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/function <PL/SQL function>


The /hier_node modifier enables you to specify a node in a hierarchy for deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/hier_node <hierarchy>.<hierarchy node>


The /hierarchy modifier enables you to specify a hierarchy

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/hierarchy <hierarchy>


The /identifier modifier enables you to specify EUL objects by Identifier, rather than by Display Name. If not specified, the object is identified by Display Name by default.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/identifier <identifier>


The /insert_blanks modifier enables you to request that folder names have spaces instead of underscore characters when they are generated from their respective column names during a bulk load.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The /item modifier enables you to specify an item for deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/item <item>


The /item_class modifier enables you to specify an item class for import, export, or deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/item_class <item class>


The /join modifier has two applications depending on which command you use it with:


The /keep_folder modifier enables you to leave the folders in place when deleting a business area. If not specified, the folders are removed along with the business area.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The /keep_format_properties modifier enables you to keep existing format properties (e.g. display names, descriptions) on import. The default is to change format properties.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The /log modifier enables you to specify a name for the log file that stores command status messages. After each command is executed, Discoverer Administrator writes a status message indicating whether the command was successful. You can override the name and location of the log file using the /log modifier.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/log <filename> 
  • Notes:


Any valid filename (dependent on the operating system). 


The /log_only modifier enables you to simulate a command and generate a log, without changing your data. This option enables you to check for errors and exceptions before changing your data.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/log <filename> [/log_only]
  • Notes:


Any valid filename (dependent on the operating system).

The optional log_only argument enables you to simulate an import and generate a log, without importing the data. This option enables you to check for import errors before changing your data 


The /lov modifier enables you to specify the data types for which a list of values should be generated during a bulk load.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The /object modifier enables you to specify an object for bulk load, import, export, or deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/object <mask>
  • Notes:


Any valid object name. You can use wildcard characters. 


The /overwrite modifier enables you to overwrite an existing EUL owned by the intended owner. If omitted, the default is to not overwrite an existing EUL.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The /parameter modifier enables you to specify a parameter for deletion. When specifying parameters, you can use either their Display Name or Identifier.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/parameter <folder>.<parameter>


The /password modifier enables you to specify the password to be used by the operation.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/password <password>
  • Notes:


Any valid password associated with the value specified by the user. 


When you create an EUL, the /private modifier enables you to define its status as private to the Discoverer manager. If omitted, the status defaults to `public'.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The /refresh modifier enables you to merge imported objects with existing objects. By default, merged objects are matched on Display name. Use the "/identifier" modifier to match on Identifier.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The /remove_prefix modifier enables you to request that item names do not include the column name prefix when they are generated from their respective column names during a bulk load.

Information  Details  Details 
  • Syntax:


  • Example:











The /rename modifier enables you to specify which objects are renamed when importing objects that match existing objects.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/rename <NEW|OLD|NONE>
  • Notes:


NEW - rename the imported objects that match the existing objects.

OLD - rename the existing objects that match the imported objects.

NONE - abort the operation without importing the objects. 


The /schema modifier enables you to specify a schema (user) for the operation.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/schema <schema>


The /show_progress modifier enables you to monitor a command in operation.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:



The /sort_folders modifier enables you to specify that Discoverer will alphabetically sort folders during a bulk load.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/sort_folders <ON|OFF>
  • Notes:


ON is the default 


The /sort_items modifier enables you to specify that Discoverer will alphabetically sort items during a bulk load.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/sort_items <ON|OFF>
  • Notes:


OFF is the default 


The /source modifier enables you to specify the source for the operation.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/source <server|gateway>
  • Notes:


<server> is the name of a native Oracle database

<gateway> is the name of an Oracle Designer object or other gateway.
The gateway name must exactly match the gateway name displayed in the Load Wizard. In the case of Oracle Designer, specify "Designer 6i - <workarea name>" (if you are using a version of Oracle Designer prior to Oracle Designer 6i, simply specify "Oracle Designer repository"). 

  • Restrictions:


This modifier cannot be used in conjunction with an ODBC database. 


The /summary modifier enables you to specify a summary for import, export, or deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/summary <summary>


The /user modifier enables you to specify the user ID to be used for the operation.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/user <user_id>
  • Notes:


Any valid user ID. 


The /workbook modifier enables you to specify a workbook for import, export, or deletion.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/workbook <workbook>


The /xmlworkbook modifier (used with the /export command) forces all workbooks to be exported both in XML format and binary large object (BLOB) format. The /xmlworkbook modifier enables you to view exported workbooks in an XML browser.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/xmlworkbook (takes no parameters)

Discoverer Desktop command reference

This section contains detailed reference information about each command in the Discoverer Desktop command line interface. Note that commands are listed in alphabetical order.


This command displays a list of Discoverer Desktop commands.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:



  • Restrictions:



  • Example:

dis5usr.exe /?


This command enables you to run workbooks without delaying the processing of subsequent workbooks.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:


Causes the UI not to wait for end user input before continuing. This is intended to allow subsequent workbooks/sheets to be processed even if an earlier one fails. 

  • Restrictions:




This command enables you to connect directly to Discoverer Desktop without having to use the Connect dialog.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/connect <username>/<password>[@<database>]
  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:


Connects you to the database with the specified username and password. This command skips the Connect dialog provided that the username/passoword@database information is correct. 

  • Restrictions:


If the login details are insufficient to connect to the database the Desktop displays the Connect dialog with the information you specified in the command line interface.

For example if the command line interface specifies:


Discoverer displays the Connect dialog, the user field displays 'username', the database field displays 'dbname' and the password field is empty. 

  • Example:

dis5usr.exe /connect jchan/jchan@dbname


This command enables you to export the results of a workbook to a specified file.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/export <format> <export-file>
  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:


Exports the results of a workbook to the specified file(e.g. wks, sylk). 

  • Restrictions:


If the end user does not specify a sheet on the command line interface, only the active sheet is exported to the file.

If the end user specifies a sheet in the command line interface, only that sheet is exported.

If the end user specifies all sheets in the command line interface, each is exported to a separate file, named

<file> <sheet-name>.<ext>
  • Example:

dis5usr.exe /export wks worksheet2.wks 


This command enables you to open a workbook from a .dis file.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/open <file-workbook>
  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:



  • Restrictions:



  • Example:

dis5usr.exe /open workbook1.dis


This command enables you to open a workbook from the database.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/opendb <db-workbook>
  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:



  • Restrictions:



  • Example:

dis5usr.exe /opendb workbook1.dis


This command enables you to set a specified parameter to a specified value.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/parameter <parameter name> <parameter value>
  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:



  • Restrictions:


If the end user does not specify a value for a parameter in a workbook then Discoverer uses a default value. 

  • Example:

dis5usr.exe /parameter year 2001


This command enables you to print a workbook from a file to a default printer.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/p <file>
  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:


Print options are saved as part of the workbook. 

  • Restrictions:




This command enables you to print a workbook from a file to a specified printer with specified printer driver and port.

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/pt <file> <printer> <driver> <port>
  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:



  • Restrictions:




This command enables you execute a query for the specified sheet(s).

Information  Details 
  • Syntax:

/sheet {<sheet-name>|<sheet-number>|ALL}
  • Modifiers:



  • Notes:


Discoverer executes a query for :

  • the specified sheet number <sheet-number>

  • the sheet name <sheet-name>

  • all sheets (ALL).

  • Restrictions:



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