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Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide
Version 9.0.2

Part Number A90881-02
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Creating and maintaining End User Layers

Creating and maintaining End User Layers

This chapter explains how you create and maintain End User Layers using Discoverer Administrator, and contains the following topics:

What is an End User Layer?

The End User Layer (EUL) is the metadata (i.e. data about the actual data in a database) that is simple and easy for Discoverer end users to understand. You use Discoverer Administrator to create, customize, and maintain this view for your users so they can easily access data in Discoverer. You must have access to at least one EUL in order to use Discoverer. Access is granted using the Privileges dialog, described in Chapter 7, "Controlling access to information".

Why is the End User Layer useful?

The EUL insulates Discoverer end users from the complexity usually associated with databases. It provides an intuitive, business-focused view of the database using terms that Discoverer end users are familiar with and can easily understand. This enables Discoverer end users to focus on business issues instead of data access issues.

Note: The EUL preserves the database's data integrity. Nothing that you or the Discoverer end user does with Discoverer affects the application data in the database; Discoverer only affects the metadata held in the EUL. There are however, certain PL/SQL functions that can affect the data in the database (for more information, see your database administrator).

What are End User Layer owners?

An End User Layer owner is the database user that an EUL is created for.

A database user can only own one EUL. If you are connected to your own EUL and you attempt to create a new one, Discoverer Administrator prompts you to delete your existing EUL. If you create a EUL for a database user that already owns an EUL, Discoverer Administrator prompts you to delete the existing EUL before creating the new one.

The EUL owner maintains and modifies their own EUL and can grant access to the EUL to other users. Depending on the privileges given to the other users, those users can use and make changes to the EUL.

When you create an EUL, you specify who has access to it, as follows:

To change access to an existing EUL, you must be logged in as the owner of the EUL or as a user who has the following Discoverer task privileges:

For more information, see Chapter 7, "Controlling access to information".

What privileges do you need to create an End User Layer in an Oracle database?

To create an End User Layer in an Oracle database, the database user that the EUL is being created in must have the following database privileges:

The database user must also have the following specified:

If you are running Discoverer against an Oracle 8.1.6 and later database, the database user requires further privileges to make use of Discoverer's manual summary management and Automated Summary Management (ASM) functionality. For more information, see:

The EUL Manager dialog enables you to:

If you create an EUL for a new Oracle database user, Discoverer grants the necessary privileges and sets the default tablespace and quota.

What privileges do you need to create an End User Layer in a non-Oracle database?

To create an End User Layer for a non-Oracle database user, the database user must have the following database privileges:

Discoverer Administrator does not enable you to create new users for non-Oracle databases.

What privileges do you need to maintain an End User Layer?

You can maintain EULs in Discoverer Administrator if your database user has the Administration privilege.

To apply the Administration privilege to a database user, see Chapter 7, "How to specify a user or role (responsibility) to perform a specific task".

What is the EUL Gateway?

The EUL Gateway provides a way for Discoverer to populate an EUL with metadata from another source, such as Oracle Designer. The EUL Gateway allows metadata defined in another tool or application to be loaded directly into the EUL.

To set up an EUL Gateway see the document eulgatew.doc located in the <ORACLE_HOME>\discv902\kits directory.

For information about loading a business area from the EUL Gateway see Chapter 4, "How to create a business area using the Load Wizard".

How to create an End User Layer for an existing database user

To create an EUL for an existing database user:

  1. Choose Tools | EUL Manager to display the "EUL Manager dialog".

    Figure 3-1 EUL Manager dialog

    Text description of eulmgr.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration eulmgr.gif
  2. Click Create an EUL to display the "Create EUL Wizard dialog".

    Figure 3-2 Create EUL Wizard Step 1

    Text description of eulwiz.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration eulwiz.gif
  3. Select the Select an existing user radio button.

  4. Select or clear the Grant access to PUBLIC check box as required:

    • select this check box to enable all users in the current database to access the new EUL

    • clear this check box to enable only the EUL owner to view data through the new EUL

  5. Select or clear the New EUL is for use by Oracle Applications users ONLY check box as required:

  6. Select the database user that you want to own the new EUL from the User drop down list.

  7. If you specified a database user other than the current user to be the EUL owner, you need to specify the database user's password.

  8. Click Finish.

    Discoverer Administrator displays the Commit Status progress bar and creates a new EUL for the specified database user.

    When the new EUL has been created, Discoverer gives you the option to install the Discoverer tutorial in the new EUL. For more information, see the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Tutorial.

How to create an End User Layer in a new database user

Note: This feature is not available with non-Oracle databases. If you are using a non-Oracle database, ask your database administrator to create the necessary user IDs on the database.

For more information about the privileges required to create an EUL in a new database user, see "What privileges do you need to create an End User Layer in an Oracle database?".

To create an EUL in a new database user:

  1. Choose Tools | EUL Manager to display the "EUL Manager dialog".

  2. Click Create an EUL to display the "Create EUL Wizard dialog".

  3. Select the Create a new user radio button.

    If the Create a new user radio button is unavailable, contact your database administrator to grant the CREATE USER privilege.

  4. Select or clear the Grant access to PUBLIC check box as follows:

    • select this check box to enable all users in the current database to access the new EUL

    • clear this check box to enable only the EUL owner to view data through the new EUL

  5. Select or clear the New EUL is for use by Oracle Applications users ONLY check box as follows:

    • select the check box to restrict the new EUL to Oracle Applications users only (for more information about Applications Mode EULs, see Chapter 17, "What are Oracle Applications?")

    • clear the check box to create a standard EUL

  6. Specify a name for the new database user in the User field.

  7. Specify a password for the new database user in the Password field.

  8. Specify the new database user's password again in the Confirm Password field.

  9. Click Next to display the "Create EUL Wizard: Step 2 dialog".

    Figure 3-3 Create EUL Wizard Step 2

    Text description of eulwztb.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration eulwztb.gif
  10. Specify the default and temporary tablespaces for the new database user.

    If you are unsure which to choose, see your database administrator. For more information, see the "Create EUL Wizard: Step 2 dialog".

  11. Click Finish.

    Discoverer Administrator displays the Commit Status progress bar and creates a new database user and new EUL in that database user.

    When the new database user and EUL have been created, Discoverer gives you the option to install the Discoverer tutorial in the new EUL. For more information, see the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Tutorial.

How to delete an End User Layer

You might want to delete an EUL for a number of reasons. For example, it might be an old or a test EUL.

Note: You must connect as the owner of the EUL that you want to delete.

To delete an EUL:

  1. Choose File | Connect to display the "Connect dialog".

  2. Specify the username, password, and connect string for the owner of the EUL that you want to delete, and click Connect to display the "Load Wizard: Step 1 dialog".

  3. Click Cancel to close the Load Wizard.

  4. Choose Tools | EUL Manager.

  5. Click Delete an EUL to display the "Delete EUL dialog".

    Discoverer prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the current EUL.

  6. Make sure that the EUL specified in the EUL field is the one you want to delete and click OK.

    If the EUL name displayed is incorrect, go back to Step 2 and use the correct connect string to connect as the EUL owner.

    When you click OK, Discoverer prompts you to confirm that you want to delete all EUL tables, all EUL information and workbooks in the database and all summary data and information.

  7. Click Yes to continue.

  8. Click OK to delete the EUL.

    Discoverer deletes the EUL objects for the current database user.

How to view or change the default End User Layer

You can view or change which EUL is the default EUL for the current database user (i.e. the EUL used when the current database user connects to Discoverer Administrator).

Note: You can only select an alternative EUL if the database user has access to more than one EUL.

To view or change the default EUL:

  1. Choose Tools | Options | Default EUL tab to display the "Options dialog: Default EUL tab".

  2. (optional) Click the EUL that you want to use next time you connect as the current database user and click OK.

About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing

Typically, you will want to:

There are a number of different ways to copy EULs and EUL objects, depending on whether you want to:

In all these cases, you perform an export operation followed by an import operation. For more information, see "Which export/import method do you use?".

If you use Discoverer Administrator to export EULs or EUL objects, you will create a Discoverer EUL export file (with an .EEX suffix). Having created an .EEX file, you can then use Discoverer Administrator to import the .EEX file.

Note that you can import .EEX files:

Which export/import method do you use?

To copy EUL objects between EULs you first export the EUL objects to a file, then import them into a new EUL or new database.

You copy EUL objects between EULs using

About using the Discoverer Export Wizard and Import Wizard

You use the Discoverer Export Wizard to export EUL objects to an EUL export file (with a suffix .EEX). Having exported the objects, you can then import the .EEX file using the Discoverer Import Wizard.

The EUL objects that you export (to an .EEX file) include business areas, folders, item hierarchies, date hierarchies, item classes, workbook definitions (created in Discoverer Desktop and Discoverer Plus), PL/SQL function registration information, summary folders, and the automated summary management (ASM) policy.

Refer to the following topics to find out how to export or import EUL objects using the Discoverer user interface:


The Export Wizard does not export the database, EUL tables, or database objects referenced by the EUL. To export these objects, you must follow the steps in "How to export an EUL using the standard database export utility".

About using the Discoverer command line interface to export/import EUL objects

You use the Discoverer command line interface to export/import EUL objects without using the Discoverer user interface. For more information about the Discoverer command line inteface, see Chapter 21, "What is the Discoverer command line interface?".

Refer to the following topics to find out how to export and import EUL objects using the Discoverer command line interface:

Note: The Discoverer command line interface export facility does not export the database, EUL tables, or database objects referenced by the EUL definitions. To export these objects, you must follow the steps in "How to import an EUL using the standard database import utility".

About using the standard database export/import commands to export/import EUL owners

You use standard database export/import commands to export/import the database, EUL tables, and database objects referenced by the EUL definitions.

Use the following tasks to export/import EUL objects between databases:

How you export or import an EUL depends on:

We recommend that the version of the Oracle database and the version of the Oracle database client software installed on your machine are the same. If the versions are not the same (e.g. if the EUL is on an Oracle8i database and Oracle9i client software is installed on your machine), you might not be able to follow the instructions below. If you are unable to export the EUL, contact your database administrator and ask them to export the EUL for you.

How to export the entire EUL using the Export Wizard

Use this option to export an entire EUL to a file when you want to copy objects from the EUL into a new EUL or to create a backup.

To export the entire EUL using the Export Wizard:

  1. Choose File | Export to display the "Export Wizard Step 1 dialog".

    Figure 3-4 Export Wizard: Step 1 dialog

    Text description of exwz1eul.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration exwz1eul.gif
  2. Select the The entire End User Layer radio button and click Next to display the "Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog".

    Figure 3-5 Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog

    Text description of exwz2eul.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration exwz2eul.gif

    You use the above dialog to specify a name and location for the export file.

  1. Click Browse to display the Save As dialog.

    This enables you to browse for a location to save the EUL export file.

  2. Enter a suitable name for the exported EUL.

  3. (optional) Select the Export selected workbooks as XML check box to save any workbook definitions in XML format.

    This enables you to view workbook definitions in an XML browser.

    Note: The export file (*.eex) is always in XML format but workbooks by default are saved inside it as a binary to save space and time. Select this check box to save the workbook definitions additionally as XML inside the export file.

  4. (optional) Select the Save export commands to a text file (*.txt) check box to save the export commands that created this export to a text file.

    This creates an additional file containing the commands used to create this export and applies the file extension .txt. This file can then be used in conjunction with the command line interface (for further information about the command line interface, see Chapter 21, "Discoverer command line interface").

  5. Click Finish to create the export file (and any additional files selected) in the specified location and display the Export Log.

    Figure 3-6 Export Log dialog

    Text description of exlog.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration exlog.gif

The Export Log displays information about what has been exported.

  1. (optional) Click Save to specify a name and location to save the Log file.

  2. Click Close to finish.

How to export selected business areas using the Export Wizard

Use this option when you want to use the export file to update an existing EUL with selected business areas.

To export the selected business areas using the Export Wizard:

  1. Choose File | Export to display the "Export Wizard Step 1 dialog".

    Figure 3-7 Export Wizard Step 1 dialog

    Text description of exwz1ba.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration exwz1ba.gif
  2. Select the Selected business areas radio button and click Next to display the "Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog".

  3. Move the business areas that you want to export from the Available list to the Selected list.

    You can select more than one business area at a time by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking another business area.

  4. Click Next to display the "Export Wizard: Step 3 dialog".

  5. Click Browse to display the Save As dialog.

    This enables you to browse for a location to save the business area export file.

  6. Enter a suitable name for the exported business area.

  7. (optional) Select the Save export commands as a text file (*.txt) check box to save the export commands that created this export to a text file.

    This creates an additional text file containing the commands used to create this export and applies the file extension .txt. This file can then be used in conjunction with the command line interface (for further information about the command line interface, see Chapter 21, "Discoverer command line interface").

  8. Click Finish to create the export file (and any additional files selected) in the specified location and display the Export Log.

    Figure 3-8 Export Log dialog

    Text description of exlog.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration exlog.gif

    The Export Log displays information about what has been exported.

  1. (optional) Click Save to specify a name and location to save the Log file.

  2. Click Close to finish.

    Note: If you are copying business areas between EULs, continue with step 2 of the following task, see Chapter 4, "How to copy business areas between EULs".

How to export selected EUL objects using the Export Wizard

Use this option when you want to use the export file to update an existing EUL with selected EUL objects. For example, when applying a minor change to a production business area.

To export the selected objects using the Export Wizard:

  1. Choose File | Export to display the "Export Wizard Step 1 dialog".

  2. Select the Selected Objects in the End User Layer option and click Next to display the"Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog".

    Figure 3-9 Export Wizard: Step 2 dialog

    Text description of exwz2com.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration exwz2com.gif

  1. Use the Which objects do you want to export? drop down list to display the objects (EUL objects) that you want to export to a file.

    For example, folders, item classes and item hierarchies.

    Note: If you select a business area above, Discoverer exports just the definition of the business area and not its folders and items. To export business area folders and items you need to select them explicitly.

  2. Move the object that you want to export from the Available list to the Selected list.

    You can select more than one object at a time by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking another object.

  3. Click Next to display the "Export Wizard: Step 3 dialog".

  4. Click Browse to display the Save As dialog.

    This enables you to browse for a location to save the export file.

  5. Enter a suitable name for the exported objects.

  6. (optional) Select the Export selected workbooks as XML check box to save any workbooks in XML format.

    Note: The export file (*.eex) is always in XML format but workbooks by default are saved inside it as a binary to save space and time. Select this check box to save the workbook definitions additionally as XML inside the export file.

  7. (optional) Select the Save export commands as a text file (*.txt) check box to save the export commands that created this export to a text file.

    This creates an additional text file containing the commands used to create this export and applies the extension .txt. This file can then be used in conjunction with the command line interface (for further information about the command line interface, see Chapter 21, "Discoverer command line interface").

  8. Click Finish to create the export file (and any additional files selected) in the specified location and display the Export Log.

    Figure 3-10 Export Log dialog

    Text description of exlog.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration exlog.gif

The Export Log displays information about what has been exported.

  1. (optional) Click Save to specify a name and location to save the Log file.

  2. Click Close to finish.

How to export End User Layer objects (to import to another database) using the Discoverer command line interface

You can copy EUL objects from one database to another by exporting them to a Discoverer export file (.EEX) and then importing the .EEX file to another database using the command line interface. This is the first of two tasks that enable you to copy EUL objects from one database to another. You must complete this export task before you can import the EUL objects into another database.

To export EUL objects from a database using the Discoverer command line interface:

  1. Use the Discoverer command line interface /export option to export the required EUL objects to a Discoverer export file (.EEX).

    For example, to export the Video Store Tutorial business area and two workbooks ("Vistr4 - Video Tutorial Workbook" and "Vidaf4 - Analytic Function Examples") to the Vidstr.eex file, you might type the following:

    D:\orant\Discv902\Dis5adm.exe /connect eulowner/ /export 
    "D:\Vidstr.eex" "Video Store Tutorial" /workbook "Vistr4 - Video Tutorial 
    Workbook" /workbook "Vidaf4 - Analytic Function Examples"

    For more information about exporting EUL objects using the Discoverer command line interface, see Chapter 21, "/export (EUL objects)".


To copy the EUL objects to another database, see "How to import End User Layer objects to a database (after export from another database) using the Discoverer command line interface".

How to import End User Layer objects to a database (after export from another database) using the Discoverer command line interface

You can import EUL objects into a new database. Before you can complete this task you must export the EUL objects to a Discoverer export file (.EEX) (for more information, see "How to export End User Layer objects (to import to another database) using the Discoverer command line interface"). This is the second of two tasks enabling you to copy EUL objects from one database to another.

To import End User Layer objects into a database using the Discoverer command line interface:

  1. Use the Discoverer command line interface /import option to import the EUL objects into the new EUL owner on the new database.

    For example, to import the Vidstr.eex file, created above you might type the following:

    D:\orant\Discv902\Dis5adm.exe /connect eulowner/ /import 

    For more information about importing EUL objects using the Discoverer command line interface, see Chapter 21, "/import (EUL objects)".

How to export an EUL using the standard database export utility

This moves all business areas, EUL tables and saved workbooks to a .dmp file.

To export an EUL using the standard database export utility (assuming the EUL resides on an Oracle9i database and you are using a machine on which you have installed Oracle9iDS):

  1. Display a command line window (e.g. by choosing Command Prompt from the Windows Start menu).

  2. Navigate to the <ORACLE_HOME>\discv902 directory.

    For example, if the <ORACLE_HOME> directory is D:\ORACLE9i and the MS-DOS window currently displays C: , you would:

    • type D: and press [Return]

    • type cd \ORACLE9i\discv902 and press [Return]

  3. Type the following command:

    exp <eulowner>/<password>@<dbname> file=<filename.dmp> owner=<eulowner>

    For example, to export an EUL owned by a database user hrmgr to a file hreul.dmp, you would type the following:

    exp hrmgr/hrpswrd@HRDB file=hreul.dmp owner=hrmgr

    The EUL tables (and associated synonyms, views, and other definitions) are exported to the specified .dmp file in the <ORACLE_HOME>\discv902 directory.

    When the export is complete, the following message is displayed:

    Export terminated successfully without warnings.

  1. Close the command line window.

Having backed up the EUL, you are now ready to import it into a new database user.

How to import an EUL using the standard database import utility

This imports the EUL business areas, EUL tables and saved workbooks from a database dump file (.DMP) into a new EUL owner on the new database.

Note: It is recommended that this database user owns no other tables.

To import an EUL using the standard database import utility (assuming the EUL resides on an Oracle9i database and you are using a machine on which you have installed Oracle9iDS):

  1. Display a command line window (e.g. by choosing Command Prompt from the Windows Start menu).

  2. Navigate to the <ORACLE_HOME>\discv902 directory.

    For example, if the <ORACLE_HOME> directory is D:\ORACLE9i and the MS-DOS window currently displays C: , you would:

    • type D: and press [Return]

    • type cd \ORACLE9i\discv902 and press [Return]

  3. Type the following command:

    imp <eulowner>/<password>@<dbname> file=<filename.dmp> fromuser=<old_eul_owner> 

    For example, to import an EUL owned by a database user hrmgr from a file hreul.dmp into a new user hrmgr2, you would type the following:

    imp hrmgr2/hrpswrd@HRDB file=hreul.dmp fromuser=hrmgr touser=hrmgr2

    The EUL tables (and associated synonyms, views, and other definitions) are imported to the specified .dmp file in the <ORACLE_HOME>\discv902 directory.

    When the import is complete, the following message is displayed:

    Import terminated successfully without warnings.

  4. Close the command line window.


    • Information in the EUL identifies the owner of summary tables. When you export an EUL containing summary tables from one database user and import it into a different database user, the second database user will become the owner the summary tables. Therefore, you will need to update the EUL summary table ownership information.

    • To update summary table ownership information, run the eulsown.sql script located in the <ORACLE_HOME>\discv902\sql directory. When you run the script, you will be prompted for the name of the previous summary table owner and the name of the new summary table owner.

    How to import EUL objects from a file using the Import Wizard

    You use the Import Wizard to import EUL objects (e.g. business areas, folders, hierarchies, calculations) from one EUL in order to re-use them in another EUL. You use an export file (.EEX) to update an existing EUL with selected EUL objects. For example, when applying a change to a production business area. For more information about exporting EUL objects, see "About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing".

    To import EUL objects from a file using the Import Wizard:

    1. Choose File | Import to display the "Import Wizard: Step 1 dialog".

      Figure 3-11 Import Wizard: Step 1 dialog

      Text description of iw1.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration iw1.gif
    2. Click Add to display the Open dialog.

    3. Locate and select one or more import files and click Open to return to the "Import Wizard: Step 1 dialog".

      Selected files appear in the Import File list.

    4. Click Next to display the "Import Wizard: Step 2 dialog".

      Figure 3-12 Import Wizard: Step 2 dialog

      Text description of iw2.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration iw2.gif

    This dialog enables you to specify how Discoverer Administrator processes conceptually identical objects from another EUL. For more information about conceptually identical objects, see "What are identifiers?".

  1. Specify what action should occur if two objects match.

    An object means any EUL object, for example, folder, item, calculated item.

  2. Specify whether to preserve display related properties (only available if the Refresh the object radio button is selected).

  3. Specify how you would like objects to be matched up.

  4. Specify whether the current user should take ownership of imported workbooks.

  5. Click Next to display the "Import Wizard: Step 3 dialog".

    This dialog enables you to start the import and monitor its status as each EUL object is processed.

  6. Click Start to begin the import.

    Figure 3-13 Import Wizard: Step 3 dialog

    Text description of iw3.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration iw3.gif

  1. (optional) After a completed import, click Save log... to save the status information to a text file in a specified location.

  2. (optional) Click Cancel to abort the import.

    This option might be necessary if there are warning messages in the Import Log.

  3. Click Finish to close the "Import Wizard: Step 3 dialog".


Notes about EUL creation and maintenance

What are identifiers?

Identifiers are unique names that Discoverer Administrator uses to identify unique EUL objects (and Workbook objects in Discoverer Plus and Discoverer Viewer).

Discoverer Administrator uses identifiers to recognize when an object (imported from another EUL) refers to the same business object (known as a conceptually identical object) in the EUL you are importing into. This enables customized (or patched) EUL objects to be preserved. For example, a folder named Sales in EUL A may refer to the same folder named Sales Figures in EUL B. Both folders have the same identifier and can therefore be recognized as referring to the same EUL object.

Identifiers are visible in Discoverer Administrator but are hidden from Discoverer Plus users.

Note: To locate the identifier of a workbook/worksheet in Discoverer Plus, see the Oracle9iAS Discoverer Plus User's Guide.

What are the space requirements and storage parameters for a typical EUL?

The minimum default tablespace of 3MB suggested in the "Create EUL Wizard: Step 2 dialog" is based upon storage parameters that the EUL specifies when creating database objects for the EUL. If you install the tutorial, the figure of 3MB will be exceeded.

A newly created EUL has the following space requirements:

The amount of space that is actually used will depend on other factors, including the block size specified for the tablespace in which the EUL is created.

As an approximate guide, adding a typical business area to an EUL will increase the size of the EUL by 1MB. The more complicated the business area (e.g. the more summary folders and complex items it contains), the more space the business area will require.

A default tablespace of 10-20MB will be adequate under normal conditions, but the amount of default tablespace required is determined by the amount of metadata that defines your EUL. Therefore, the default tablespace required could be larger, or smaller than the amount available in the tablespace that you select.

The database table storage parameters for EUL tables are as follows:

The database index storage parameters for EUL indexes are as follows:

There are two factors that might cause the EUL to use up more space:

What are the EUL data migration scenarios with analytic functions?

When you migrate EUL data using Discoverer Administrator's import and export facilities, you need to be aware of the following restrictions that relate to analytic functions (for more information about analytic functions, see the Oracle 9iAS Discoverer Plus User's Guide):

Note that there are also issues to be aware of when upgrading EULs that contain analytic functions from one Discoverer release to another (e.g. when upgrading from Discoverer Release 4.1 to Version 9.0.2). For more information, see Chapter 24, "Notes about upgrading EULs that contain analytic functions".

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