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Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide
Version 9.0.2

Part Number A90881-02
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Export Wizard dialog - final step - save file

Use this dialog to specify where you want to save the export file and choose (optionally) whether to:

You can subsequently import this export file into other End User Layers.

This dialog is also displayed as:

For more information, see:

"What is an End User Layer?"

"About copying EULs and EUL objects by exporting and importing"

Where do you want to save the file?

Use the "Browse" button to display the "Save As dialog", where you specify where you want to save the export file and enter a name for the export file (saved with a .eex extension).

The following objects will be exported:

Lists all of the objects that will be exported to the export file.

Generate additional XML for exported workbooks

Select this check box to save the workbooks as XML in the .eex file.

Everything except workbooks is saved inside the export file in XML format. To save workbooks in XML format you choose this option. By saving workbooks additionally in XML format you can view any included workbook definitions (as opposed to results) in an XML browser.

Save export commands as text file (*.txt)

Select this check box if you want Discoverer to create an additional text file containing the commands that were used to create this export (for more information, see Chapter 21, "About using the Discoverer command line interface").

Save As dialog

This is displayed when you use the Browse button next to the "Where do you want to save the file?" field above.


Use this button to display the Save As dialog where you specify the location to save the selected EUL objects to a file.

Save in

Use this drop down list and the navigation buttons to navigate to where you want to save the current EUL objects.

File Name

Use this field to enter a name for the export file.

It is a good idea to give a name that suggests the kind of EUL objects you are exporting. This makes it easier to locate them when you want to import to other EULs later.

Save as type

Use this drop down list to select the format in which to export the file.

By default, Discoverer business areas are saved with the EEX file extension.


Use this button to return to the Export Wizard dialog - final step - save file.


The Export option only exports the definitions for the EUL objects. It does not export the database, End User Layer Tables, or database objects referenced by the EUL object definitions. If you import an .EEX file, make sure that the EUL objects have access to the database, EUL tables, and database objects that they reference.

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