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Oracle9iAS Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web
Release 2 (9.0.2)

Part Number A92102-01
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Managing and Monitoring Oracle9iAS Reports Services

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), included with Oracle9iAS, provides managing and monitoring services to Oracle9iAS Reports Services.

Use OEM to:

Oracle9iAS installation automatically identifies Reports Servers and registers them with OEM. All you do is start OEM and start managing. If you add Reports Servers to your environment after you have installed Oracle9iAS, you must manually add the new Reports Server(s) to OEM's targets.xml file.

This chapter describes the managing and monitoring capabilities of OEM as they relate to Oracle9iAS Reports Services and tells you how to add a Reports Server to OEM's targets.xml file. It includes the following main sections:

13.1 Navigating to Reports Services Information in OEM

To navigate to Reports Services Information in OEM:


Before you launch the Enterprise Manager Console, you must first install and configure a management server. For instructions on how to do this, see Chapter 3 of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide, available on the Oracle9iAS documentation CD and on the Oracle Technology Network (

  1. Launch the Enterprise Manager Console. For more information on how to launch the console, refer to your Enterprise Manager documentation.

  2. In the Console, click the Oracle9iAS node.

  3. On the Oracle9iAS home page, click a Reports Server node to open its OEM main page.

13.2 Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Reports Servers

Once a Reports Server is registered in OEM, you can go through OEM to stop, start, and restart a given server.


Reports Servers are automatically registered with OEM during installation of Oracle9iAS. If you add any Reports Servers after installing Oracle9iAS, you must register the new server(s) manually in OEM's targets.xml file. For more information, see Section 13.7, "Adding a Reports Server to OEM".

To start, stop, or restart a Reports Server:

  1. In OEM, navigate to the Reports Server you want to manage.

  2. On the Reports Server's main OEM page:

    • Click the Start button to start the server.

    • Click the Stop button to stop the server.

    • Click the Restart button to restart the server.

    These buttons appear on a Reports Server's main OEM page according to the server's current state:

    • When the server is down, the Start and Stop buttons display.

    • When the server is up, the Restart and Stop buttons display.

13.3 Viewing and Managing Reports Job Queues

OEM provides a page for viewing and managing Reports job queues. Each queue, Current, Scheduled, Failed, and Finished Jobs, has its own page. With some of the information, you can drill down to a greater level of detail. For example, on the Finished Jobs page, you can drill down to trace information or a Web view of report output (obtained from the Reports Server cache).

The following sections describe:

13.3.1 Viewing and Managing the Current Jobs Queue

The Reports Current Jobs queue lists all jobs currently running on a particular Reports Server.

Use OEM for: Viewing a Report Server's Current Jobs Queue

To view a Current Jobs Queue:

  1. In OEM, navigate to the Reports Server you want to manage.

  2. On the Reports Server's main page, scroll down to the Response and Load section and click the number next to Current Jobs.

    If there are no current jobs in the Current Jobs Queue, there will be no link, and you will not be able to view the empty queue.

Table 13-1 lists and describes information provided in the Current Jobs Queue.

Table 13-1 Information provided in the Current Jobs Queue
Item Description


Use this radio button to select a particular job. On the Current Jobs Queue page, this function is most useful when you wish to cancel a job. Click the Select radio button next to a job you wish to cancel, then click the Cancel button near the top of the page.


This displays a unique job identifier assigned to this job by the Reports Server. This number is strictly under the server's control and cannot be reset by a user.

Job Name

If you specified a job name in the command line you used to run this job, that name is listed here; otherwise, it is the name of the job provided for the "report=" or "module=" parameter of the job request.


This displays the user ID under which this job is running.

Output Type

Lists the destination type (destype) specified for this job at runtime.

Output Format

Lists the output format (desformat) specified for this job at runtime.

Queued At

Lists the date and time this request was placed in the job queue.

Started At

Lists the data and time this job started running. Cancelling a Current Job

To cancel a current job:

  1. On the Current Jobs Queue page, click the Select radio button next to the job you want to cancel.

  2. Click the Cancel Job button.

    This button does not display in OEM if there are no currently running jobs.

If you wish to rerun the job, you can do so from the Finished Jobs queue.

13.3.2 Viewing and Managing the Scheduled Jobs Queue

The Reports Scheduled Jobs Queue lists all jobs scheduled to run on a particular Reports Server.

Use OEM for: Viewing a Report Server's Scheduled Jobs Queue

To view a Scheduled Jobs Queue:

  1. In OEM, navigate to the Reports Server you want to manage.

  2. On the Reports Server's main page, scroll down to the Response and Load section and click the number next to Scheduled Jobs.

    If there are no scheduled jobs in the Scheduled Jobs Queue, there will be no link, and you will not be able to view the empty queue.

Table 13-2 lists and describes information provided in the Scheduled Jobs Queue.

Table 13-2 Information provided in the Scheduled Jobs Queue
Item Description


Use this radio button to select a particular job. On the Scheduled Job Queue page, this function is most useful when you wish to cancel a job. Click the Select radio button next to a job you wish to cancel, then click the Cancel button near the top of the page.


This displays a unique job identifier assigned to this job by the Reports Server. This number is strictly under the server's control and cannot be reset by a user.

Job Name

If you specified a job name in the command line you used to run this job, that name is listed here; otherwise, it is the name of the job provided for the "report=" or "module=" parameter of the job request.


This displays the user ID under which this job is scheduled to run.

Output Type

Lists the destination type (destype) specified for this job.

Output Format

Lists the output format (desformat) specified for this job.

Queued At

Lists the date and time this request was placed in the job queue.


The frequency at which the job will be run, for example, daily, monthly, and so on. Cancelling a Scheduled Job

To cancel a scheduled job:

  1. On the Scheduled Job Queue page, click the Select radio button next to the job you want to cancel.

  2. Click the Cancel Job button.

    This button does not display in OEM if there are no scheduled jobs.

If you wish to rerun the job, you can do so from the Finished Jobs queue.

13.3.3 Viewing and Managing the Finished Jobs Queue

The Reports Finished Jobs queue lists all successfully completed jobs on a particular Reports Server.

Use OEM for: Viewing a Report Server's Finished Jobs Queue

To view a Finished Jobs Queue:

  1. In OEM, navigate to the Reports Server you want to manage.

  2. On the Reports Server's main page, scroll down to the Response and Load section and click the number next to Finished Jobs.

    If there are no finished jobs in the Finished Jobs Queue, there will be no link, and you will not be able to view the empty queue.

Table 13-3 lists and describes information provided in the Finished Jobs Queue.

Table 13-3 Information provided in the Finished Jobs Queue
Item Description


Use this radio button to select a particular job. On the Finished Job Queue page, this function is most useful for selecting a job and:

  • Viewing its output

    Click the Select radio button next to a job you want to view, then click the View Result button near the top of the page.

  • Viewing its trace results, provided that you included a trace command in the runtime command.

    Click the Select radio button next to a job with trace results you want to view, then click the View Trace button near the top of the page.

  • Rerunning it

    Click the Select radio button next to a job you want to rerun, then click the Rerun Report button near the top of the page.


This displays a unique job identifier assigned to this job by the Reports Server. This number is strictly under the server's control and cannot be reset by a user.

Job Name

If you specified a job name in the command line you used to run this job, that name is listed here; otherwise, it is the name of the job provided for the "report=" or "module=" parameter of the job request.


This displays the user ID under which this job was run.

Output Type

Lists the destination type (destype) specified for this job.

Output Format

Lists the output format (desformat) specified for this job.

Queued At

Lists the date and time this request was placed in the job queue.

Started At

Lists the date and time this job started running.

Finished At

Displays the date and time this job completed.


Displays the finished status of the job. In the Finished Jobs Queue, status is always Finished Successfully. Viewing a Job's Trace File

To view a job's trace file:

  1. In the Select column on a Finished Jobs Queue page, click the radio button next to the finished job whose trace file you want to view.

  2. Click the View Trace button near the top of the page. Viewing a Result from Cache

To view a job result from the Report Server cache:

  1. In the Select column on a Finished Jobs Queue page, click the radio button next to the finished job you want to view.

  2. Click the View Result button near the top of the page.

    The result opens in a second browser window. Rerunning a Finished Job

To rerun a job:

  1. In the Select column on a Finished Jobs Queue page, click the radio button next to the finished job you want to rerun.

  2. Click the Rerun Report button near the top of the page.

13.3.4 Viewing and Managing the Failed Jobs Queue

The Reports Failed Jobs queue lists all jobs that were cancelled or terminated with error on a particular Reports Server.

Use OEM for: Viewing a Report Server's Failed Jobs Queue

To view a Failed Jobs Queue:

  1. In OEM, navigate to the Reports Server you want to manage.

  2. On the Reports Server's main page, scroll down to the Response and Load section and click the number next to Failed Jobs.

    If there are no failed jobs in the Failed Jobs Queue, there will be no link, and you will not be able to view the empty queue.

Table 13-4 lists and describes information provided in the Failed Jobs Queue.

Table 13-4 Information provided in the Failed Jobs Queue
Item Description


Use this radio button to select a particular job. On the Failed Jobs Queue page, this function is most useful for selecting a job and:

  • Viewing its trace results, provided that you included a trace command in the runtime command.

    Click the Select radio button next to a job with trace results you want to view, then click the View Trace button near the top of the page.

  • Rerunning it

    Click the Select radio button next to a job you want to rerun, then click the Rerun Report button near the top of the page.


This displays a unique job identifier assigned to this job by the Reports Server. This number is strictly under the server's control and cannot be reset by a user.

Job Name

If you specified a job name in the command line you used to run this job, that name is listed here; otherwise, it is the name of the job provided for the "report=" or "module=" parameter of the job request.


This displays the user ID under which this job was run.

Output Type

Lists the destination type (destype) specified for this job.

Output Format

Lists the output format (desformat) specified for this job.

Queued At

Lists the date and time this request was placed in the job queue.

Started At

Lists the date and time this job started running.

Finished At

Displays the date and time this job was cancelled or terminated with error.


Displays the finished status of the job. It informs you whether a job was cancelled by the user or terminated with error. In instances where a job was terminated with error, a brief error message is provided to indicate the cause of termination. Viewing a Failed Job's Trace File

To view a failed job's trace file:

  1. In the Select column on a Failed Jobs Queue page, click the radio button next to the failed job whose trace file you want to view.

  2. Click the View Trace button near the top of the page. Rerunning a Failed Job

To rerun a failed job:

  1. In the Select column on a Failed Jobs Queue page, click the radio button next to the failed job you want to rerun.

  2. Click the Rerun Report button near the top of the page.

13.4 Monitoring Server Performance

Each Reports Server registered in OEM has its own home page that summarizes general information about the server's status and performance. The sections that provide information about performance are Reports Server, Performance, and Administration:

13.5 Viewing and Changing Reports Server Configuration Files

To view and change a Reports Server's configuration file through OEM:

  1. On a selected Reports Server's home page, click the Server Configuration link under the Administration heading.

  2. Make your changes in the display window.

  3. Click the Check Syntax button to check your XML syntax.


    Clicking this button does not validate the values you enter for configuration elements. For example, if an element requires that you specify a directory path, syntax checking does not validate the accuracy of your path. It just validates the XML syntax.

  4. Click the Save Changes button to save your changes.

    Changes take effect after the next server startup or restart.


    For detailed information on the attributes and values in the Reports Server configuration file, see Chapter 3, "Configuring Oracle9iAS Reports Services".

13.6 Viewing and Linking to Server Cluster Members

When you cluster Reports Servers together, it's reflected on each cluster member's home page in OEM under the Other Servers Running in This Cluster heading. Each listed cluster member links to the home page for that member.

Table 13-5 lists and describes the information the Other Servers ... section provides for each cluster member:

Table 13-5 Information under the Other Servers Running in this Cluster Heading
Row Description

Server Name

Lists the names of each of the other Reports Servers that are members of the same cluster that the selected Reports Server belongs to. Click a server name to hyperlink to the cluster member's home page in OEM.

Finished Jobs

Provides the total number of finished jobs currently in the listed Reports Server's Job Queue.

Current Jobs

Provides the total number of currently running jobs in the listed Reports Server's Job Queue.

Scheduled Jobs

Provides the total number of scheduled jobs currently in the listed Reports Server's Job Queue.

Failed Jobs

Provides the total number of jobs for the listed Reports Server that were stopped before completion. This includes jobs that were user-terminated or terminated with error.

Average Response Time

Lists the average number of milliseconds it takes for the listed Reports Server to process a request from the client.

13.7 Adding a Reports Server to OEM

During Oracle9iAS installation, Reports Servers are automatically registered with OEM. If you add a Reports Server after you have installed Oracle9iAS, you must manually register the server with OEM if you want OEM to manage it. This section describes how to edit the targets.xml file that contains registration information for OEM targets.


A target in OEM is a component that OEM manages. For example, a Reports Server that is registered in OEM is considered an OEM target.

To register a target with OEM:

  1. Open the targets.xml file in your XML editor of choice.

    You'll find targets.xml in the following directory path on both Windows and UNIX:

  2. Using the following syntax, enter information for the Reports Server you are adding:

    <target type="oracle_repserv" name="Reports_Server_name"
    <property name="password" value="password_value" encrypted="false"/>
    <property name="server" value="Reports_Server_name"/>
    <property name="servlet" value="http_URL_to_Reports_Servlet/rwservlet"/>
    <property name="userName" value="default_userid"/>
    <property name="oracleHome" value="ORACLE_HOME"/>
    <property name="host" value="domain_of_host_machine"/>
    <memberOf type="oracle_ias" name="ias-1" association="null"/>

    For example:

    <target type="oracle_repserv" name="rep_disun1813"
    <property name="password" value="tiger" encrypted="false"/>
    <property name="server" value="rep_disun1813"/>
    <property name="servlet" 
    <property name="userName" value="scott"/>
    <property name="oracleHome" value="d:\ora11"/>
    <property name="host" value=""/>
    <memberOf type="oracle_ias" name="ias-1" association="null"/>


    The user name and password are for the Reports Services administrator account. In a non-secure environment, the user name and password correspond to the <identifier> element in the Reports Server configuration file, <server_name>.conf. In a secure environment, they correspond to the Reports Services administrator account created in Oracle9iAS Portal or Oracle Internet Directory (OID), which belongs to the RW_ADMINISTRATOR group.

    Initially, the password entry in the targets.xml file should be set to encrypted="false". OEM will encrypt the value and reset encrypted to "true".

  3. Save the targets.xml file, and restart OEM to make your changes take effect.

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