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Oracle9iAS Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web
Release 2 (9.0.2)

Part Number A92102-01
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Reports-Related Environment Variables

Environment variables are parameters that configure the environment that hosts Oracle9iAS Reports Services. The Oracle9iAS installer automatically defines default values for relevant environment variables. If you want something other than the default environment, you can edit the environment variable settings:

Table B-1 lists and describes the environment variables that pertain to Oracle9iAS Reports Services.


For more information on all NLS environment variables, see the Oracle9i Globalization Support Guide on the Oracle Technology Network (

Table B-1 Environment variables relevant to Oracle9iAS Reports Services
Variable Description


The language for the Oracle9iDS Reports Builder. Chapter 12, "NLS and Bidirectional Support" contains additional detailed information about this environment variable, including a table of valid values.


The calendar system used.


The string used to indicate a positive monetary value.


The local currency symbol.


The default format mask used for dates.


The default language used for dates.


The string used to indicate a negative memory value.


The ISO currency symbol.


The language settings used by Oracle9iAS Reports Services. Chapter 12, "NLS and Bidirectional Support" contains additional detailed information about this environment variable, including a table of valid values.


The character used to separate items in a list.


The decimal character and thousands separator for monetary values.


The decimal character and grouping separator for numeric values.


The type of sort used for character data.


(rwcgi only) Determines the expire time of the cookie in minutes. The default value is 30.

Cookies save encrypted user names and passwords on the client-side when users log on to a secured Oracle9iAS Reports Server to run report requests. When users successfully log on, their browser is sent an encrypted cookie. When a cookie expires, users must re-authenticate to run subsequent requests.


(rwcgi only) Specifies the database authentication template to be used for logging on to the database. The default value is dbauth.htm.


(rwcgi only) Specifies the encryption key used to encrypt the user name and password for the cookie. The encryption key can be any character string. The default value is reports9.0.


(rwcgi only) For the Oracle9iAS Reports CGI. Specifies HTML tags that are inserted as a <BODY...> tag in the RWCGI diagnostic and debugging output. For example, you might want to use this environment variable to set up text and background color or image.

Reports CGI is maintained for backward compatibility only.


(rwcgi only) For the Oracle9iAS Reports CGI. Specifies HTML tags to insert between <HEAD> ...</HEAD> tags in the RWCGI diagnostic and debugging output. For example, you might want to use this environment variable to set up <TITLE> or <META> tags.

Reports CGI is maintained for backward compatibility only.


(rwcgi only) For the Oracle9iAS Reports CGI. Defines URL and URI of the RWCGI help file that should display when RWCGI is invoked with the following empty request:


For example, setting it to goes to that URL; setting it to myhelpfile.htm displays the following file:


If this parameter is not defined, then a default help screen is displayed.

Reports CGI is maintained for backward compatibility only.


(rwcgi only) For the Oracle9iAS Reports CGI. Defines fully qualified file name and location of the RWCGI map file if map file configuration is used. For example:


Reports CGI is maintained for backward compatibility only.


(rwcgi only) Set to YES or NO. For the Oracle9iAS Reports CGI. When defined, disables all debugging and diagnostic output, such as help and showmap, from RWCGI.

For example, the following request does not work when REPORTS_CGINODIAG is defined:


Reports CGI is maintained for backward compatibility only.


Specifies the directories in which Reports components will automatically search for any files they require. Separate directories with semicolons or colons, depending upon the platform.

If you specify a path for the sourceDir attribute of the engine element in the Reports Server configuration file (<server_name>.conf), the sourceDir value will override the values you set here.


(rwcgi only) Specifies the default Oracle9iAS Reports Server.

When this environment variable is set, you can omit the SERVER command line argument in report requests if you want to process them with the default server. Conversely, you can include the SERVER command line argument to override the default you specify here.


(rwcgi only) If you are using SSL and you want to use a port number other than 443, then you can use this variable to set a different port number.The default value is 443.


(rwcgi only) Specifies the authentication template for displaying the user name and password request dialog when users run report request to a restricted Oracle9iAS Reports Server.


Specifies the temporary directory where Reports development- and server-related temporary files will automatically (and temporarily) be stored.


Specifies the reports-specific directory within the Oracle Home. For example:

Windows: RW=d:\ORACLE_HOME\reports



The language for the Oracle9iAS Reports Runtime component. Chapter 12, "NLS and Bidirectional Support" contains additional detailed information about this environment variable, including a table of valid values.

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