Oracle Unified Messaging Installation Guide
Release 2.1.2 for Sun SPARC Solaris 2.6


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Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging

This chapter describes Unified Messaging installation and configuration procedures for both new installations and upgrades. Topics covered include:

Installing Unified Messaging

Mounting the Product CD-ROM Manually

The Oracle Product Installation CD-ROM is in RockRidge format. If you are using the Solaris Volume Management software (installed by default on Sun SPARC Solaris 2.x), the CD-ROM is mounted automatically when you put it into the disk drive. If you are not using the Solaris Volume Management software, use the following procedure to mount the CD-ROM manually. You must have root privileges to mount or unmount the CD-ROM manually. Be sure to unmount the CD-ROM before removing it from the drive.

  1. Place the Product Installation CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Log in as the root user:

    $ su root
  3. Create a CD-ROM mount point directory:

    # mkdir mount_point_directory
  4. Mount the CD-ROM drive on the mount point directory and exit the root account:

    # mount options device_name mount_point_directory 
    # exit

Running the Oracle Universal Installer

  1. Log in as the user who installed oracle products on this machine and change to the installation directory on the CD-ROM:

    $ cd /cdrom/cdrom0
  2. Make sure the DISPLAY environment variable is set to your display address.

    C Shell:

    % setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0

    Bourne or Korn Shell:

    $ DISPLAY=<hostname>:0.0;export DISPLAY
  3. Make sure xhost, while physically located on the host machine, is set to enable access to the X server on your machine. Use the following command:

    % /usr/openwin/bin/xhost +

    See the UNIX man pages for more information on xhost.

  4. From the install directory on the CD-ROM, type the following command:

    $ ./runInstaller

The ./runInstaller command launches the Oracle Universal Installer and the Welcome dialog box displays.

Oracle Universal Installer Screen Buttons

This table gives you information about the Oracle Universal Installer screen buttons.

Screen Button  What it Does 

Deinstall Products 

Takes you to the Deinstall screen.  

About Oracle Universal Installer 

Gives you the version number. 


Exits you out of the install session.  

Installed Products 

Shows you what Oracle products you have installed. 


Takes you back to the previous screen.  


Takes you to the next screen. 


Enables you to cancel the installation process. 

Entering File Locations

  1. At the Welcome screen, click Next. The File Locations screen displays.

Enter the location of the source and destination. The Source is where the Unified Messaging stage is located. The Destination is where the ORACLE_HOME is located and where Unified Messaging will be installed.

  1. Type in or use the Browse button to select the Source and Destination directories for your installation.

  2. Click Next. The Installation Types screen displays.

Select your installation type.

Installation Type  What it Does 

Database Node 

Installs the database components and creates UM database objects. 

Web Node 

Installs the web components only. 

Click Next. The Summary screen appears.

Verifying Your Installation Settings

The Summary screen enables you to verify your installation settings. These settings include the source and destinations locations you specified; the installation type you selected; the product language; the space requirement for installation and the space currently available; and the Unified Messaging products that will be installed.

To change your source or destination location, or installation type, click Previous to return to the appropriate screen. Otherwise, click Install to begin installation. The progress screen displays.

This screen shows the progress of your installation. To stop installation, click Cancel.

The products are installed in the specified location. When installation is complete, the Configuration Tools screen appears.

If installation was successful, the UM 2.1.2 Configuration Assistant launches.

Starting the Configuration Assistant Manually

  1. Define the ORACLE _HOME environment variable in the .login file (for the C shell) or the.profile file (for the Bourne or Korn Shell):

    login (C shell) 

    setenv ORACLE_HOME <directoryName> 

    profile (Bourne or Korn shells) 

    export ORACLE_HOME

  1. Run the .profile or .login file.

  2. Set your JAVA_HOME directory as shown:

    ksh/bsh -- export JAVA_HOME=<jre install directory>
    csh -- setenv JAVA_HOME <jre install directory>
  3. At the Solaris prompt, enter the command:


Configuration Assistant Screen Buttons

This table gives you information about the Configuration Assistant screen buttons. Click Next to proceed through the steps to configure Oracle Unified Messaging 2.1.2.

Screen Button  What it Does 


Exits you out of the Configuration Assistant. 


Takes you to the next screen. 


The ORACLE_HOME for Oracle UM 2.1.2 screen appears.

Specifying File Locations

On this screen you must specify the location of your Oracle Home, where Unified Messaging is to be installed.

Enter the directory path of the ORACLE_HOME where Unified Messaging is installed and click Next. The ORACLE_SIDs for UM 2.1.2 screen displays.

On this screen you must enter the Oracle SID and connect string for Unified Messaging, as well as the Unified Messaging tablespace name.

Entering Passwords

In this screen, you must enter three Unified Messaging database passwords.

Database Passwords  What it Is 

UM User Password 

UM database password for the UM user. All Unified Messaging objects are owned by the UM user.

This user is created in the installation process, and the password you enter here is the user's new password. 

Sys User Password 

UM database password specified for the sys user. The password already exists from the database installation. It should be entered here. 

System User Password 

UM database password specified for the system user.The password already exists from the database installation. It should be entered here. 

Enter the passwords in the corresponding fields and click Next. The ES Parameters screen displays.

Specifying Oracle eMail Server Parameters

In this screen, you must specify Oracle eMail Server parameters.

IM Parameters  What it Is 

ES Hostname 

Hostname and machine where ES is installed. 

DNS Domain 

DNS domain where ES is installed. 

ES Node Name 

Node name of the ES node. 

ES Domain Name 

Fully qualified domain name for Unified Messaging installation. 

Specifying Oracle eMail Server Passwords

In this screen, you must specify passwords for your Oracle eMail Server installation.

ES User Passwords  What it Is 

oo pwd for ES instance 

oo user password for the ES database instance. All Oracle eMail Server objects are owned by the database user oo. 

admin pwd for oomgr 

Admin user password for oomgr.

When you installed Unified Messaging, you were prompted to enter a password for the ADMIN account. The ADMIN account is the system administrator's account (or superuser account) from which you manage objects on a given node. In addition, the ADMIN user can grant administrative privileges to other users, so that they can administer the Unified Messaging system. The ADMIN account cannot be deleted and always retains superuser privileges. 

Enter the passwords and click Next. The LDAP Servers screen displays.

Entering LDAP Information

In this screen you must specify your LDAP Servers Parameters.

PAB - Private Address Book

GSM - Global System for Mobile

LDAP Parameters  What it Is 

PAB Server 

Name of the LDAP server that will be used with UM. All UM's directory information will be stored within this server. 

PAB Port 

Port number of the LDAP server specified in PAB server. Defaults to 389. 

GSM Server 

Name of the LDAP server to use for General Directory searching capability in UM.  

GSM Server 

Port number of the LDAP server specified in GSM Server. Defaults to 389. 

LDAP Type 

The type of LDAP server being used. Must be "oracle" for an Oracle Internet Directory. 

Enter the parameters and click Next. The LDAP Domains screen displays.

In this screen you must specify your LDAP domains.

LDAP Domains  What it Is 

PAB Domain 

Name of the root of the LDAP domain where UM will store it's information. 

GSM Domain 

Name of the root of the GSM LDAP server from where all the search functions will start. 

Enter the LDAP domains and click Next. The last screen displays.

Exiting the Configuration Assistant

Click Finish to exit the Configuration Assistant.

Once you have completed installation, you must now complete the post-installation tasks. See "Post Installation Tasks" to begin post-installation tasks.

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