Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide
Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) for Sun SPARC Solaris

Part Number A90215-01




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This chapter provides information about the hardware and software items required for the installation of the Oracle9i Application Server, Oracle9iAS Client, and the online documentation. The topics include:

Hardware Requirements

The following table contains the hardware requirements for Oracle9i Application Server.

Hardware Items Requirements


A SPARC Processor


128 MB

Disk Space

Minimal: 625 MB

Standard Edition: 1.40 GB

Enterprise Edition: 4.10 GB

TMP or Swap Space

800 MB

Make note of the following:

For Standard Edition Only: You will need an additional 430 MB disk space on your Oracle9i Application Server machine to install the Oracle Enterprise Java Engine database. The database files do not have to be installed on the same disk as the Oracle9i Application Server Oracle home.

Software Requirements

The following table contains the software requirements for Oracle9i Application Server. The patches can be downloaded from For the latest information, refer to OracleMetaLink at:

Software Items Version

Operating System

Solaris 2.6

  • Linker patch: 107733-08 or higher

  • /usr/lib/ patch: 105568-18 or higher

  • libaio, libc, watchmalloc patch: 105210-32 or higher

  • X Input & Output Method patch: 106040-14 or higher

  • Linker patch: 105490-07 or higher

  • OpenWindows 3.6: Xsun patch: 105633-48 or higher1

  • Fixes the Chinese TrueType fonts: 106409-01 or higher2

  • SunOS 5.6: ssJDK1.2.1_03 fails with fatal errors in ISO8859-01 Locales: 108091-03 or higher3

  • CDE 1.2: libDtSvc patch (recommended): 105669-10 or higher

  • Motif 1.2.7: Runtime library patch (recommended): 105284-37 or higher

  • SunOS 5.6: Kernel update patch (recommended): 105181-23 or higher

Solaris 2.7

  • Libthread patch: 106980-13 or higher

  • Kernal update patch: 106541-12 or higher4

  • /kernal/fs/sockfs patch: 109104-04 or higher4

  • /usr/lib/fs/fsck patch: 107544-03 or higher4

  • Motif Runtime library patch: 107081-22 or higher

  • X Input & Output Method patch: 107636-05 or higher

  • OpenWindows 3.6.1 Xsun patch: 108376-12 or higher1

Solaris 2.8: Additional patches not required at this time.

1 This patch is required for asian locales.
2 This patch is required to display Traditional Chinese characters in Swing applications.
3 This patch (108091-03 or higher) is required for any locale which uses the ISO8859-1 or ISO8859-15 character encoding.
4 This patch is a pre-requisite for 106980-13.

Certified Software

Installation of the Oracle9i Application Server requires an Oracle database. A complete list of certified software, including databases, for Oracle9i Application Server can be found at OracleMetaLink:

Oracle9iAS Client Requirements

The following table contains the requirements for the installation of Oracle9iAS Client.

See Also:

Appendix B, "Installing Oracle9i Application Server Administrative and Development Client CD-ROM" 

Hardware Items Required

Operating System

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, with Service Pack 5.0 or higher

Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 1. Some components might malfunction if Service Pack 1 is not available.


Pentium 266


At least 64 MB RAM for running both the Oracle9iAS Wireless Service Designer and Web Integration Developer; at least 32 MB RAM for running the Oracle9iAS Wireless Service Designer.

Disk Space

40 MB for running both the Oracle9iAS Wireless Service Designer and Web Integration Developer; at least 20 MB for running the Oracle9iAS Wireless Service Designer.

JDK 1.2.2

The client system requires JDK 1.2.2. You can install JDK 1.2.2 for Windows NT from the client CD-ROM. Make the JDK directory the first entry in the system environment path.

Online Documentation Requirements

The following table contains the tools and disk space requirements for the installation of the Oracle9i Application Server online documentation. The documentation library can be installed on a separate machine.

See Also:

Appendix F, "Installing Documentation Library" 

Requirement Items

Online Readers

Requires any one of the following:


  • Netscape Navigator 3.0 or higher

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher


  • Acrobat Reader 3.0 or higher

  • Acrobat Reader+Search 3.0 or higher

  • Acrobat Exchange 3.0 or higher

  • PDFViewer Web browser plug-in 1.0 or higher

Disk Space

260 MB

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