Oracle Applications InterConnect Installation Guide
Release 4.1 for Windows NT/2000 and UNIX

Part Number A90327-01




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This chapter provides information about installing Oracle Applications InterConnect.


The Installation topics include:

To install Oracle Applications InterConnect and its dependent components, install the listed products in the order shown.


Be sure to install the products in the order listed. Do not attempt to install two products at the same time. 

Hub Database Installation

The database must be Oracle 8i (Release 2 - 8.1.6 or Release 3 - 8.1.7) or Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition. This database will be known as the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub database. It is recommended that you install the database on the hub machine.

Refer to the appropriate Oracle Database install guide for details.

Oracle9i Application Server Installation

If you will be using Oracle9i Application Server, Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) you should install it now. The Oracle9i Application Server installation will create a new Oracle Home. The backend database refers to the database created in the Hub Database Installation. It is recommended that you install Oracle9i Application Server on the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub machine. It must be in a separate Oracle Home from the database created in the Hub Database Installation.

Refer to the Oracle9i Application Server install guide for details.

Oracle Workflow Installation

This section describes the following:

Installing Oracle Workflow

If you will be using Oracle Workflow with Oracle Applications InterConnect, you should install Oracle Workflow 2.6 now.

It is recommended that you install Workflow on the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub machine in the Oracle9i Application Server Oracle Home created in the Oracle9i Application Server Installation. If you are not installing Oracle9i Application Server, then it is recommended that you install Oracle Workflow in the Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Oracle Home created in the Hub Database Installation . Workflow's database should be the hub database created in the Hub Database Installation.

In order to use Oracle Workflow with Oracle Applications InterConnect, refer to the Oracle Workflow Server Install Notes and make sure you have successfully completed Steps 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.

You must install Oracle Workflow Client (Workflow Builder) in the same Oracle Home that will contain iStudio.

Follow the Oracle Workflow Client and Server install guides for details.

Performing the Workflow Post-Installation Steps

After installing Oracle Workflow Server from the CD, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate your web browser to your Oracle Workflow home page. Under Global Workflow Preferences, change System Status to Enabled.

  2. Under Check Setup, Listeners for local inbound agents - schedule listeners for Agents WF_IN and WF_ERROR. Setting the listener to run every 10 seconds is recommended. If you would like faster response times, schedule additional listeners rather than lowering the interval between runs. Refer to "Scheduling Listeners for Local Inbound Agents" in the Oracle Workflow Documentation for details.

  3. Under Event Subscriptions, add 3 new subscriptions for the following events:




    For each subscription, specify these values:

    Field  Value 



    Source Type 


    Event Filter 

      the event you are creating the subscription for (one of the three listed above)




    Rule Data 


    Rule Function 



    Oracle Applications InterConnect Subscription 

    Refer to "To Define an Event Subscription" in the Oracle Workflow Documentation for details.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation

If you wish to use Oracle Enterprise Manager to manage the Oracle Applications InterConnect components, Oracle Management Server 2.2 and Oracle Enterprise Manager Console 2.2 must be installed.

If you have installed Oracle9i Application Server, Oracle Management Server will be installed in the Oracle Home created in the Oracle9i Application Server Installation, so you can skip this step. Otherwise, if your hub database is Oracle 8.1.7 then you will have the proper OMS installed in the Oracle Home created in the Hub Database Installation (if you performed a typical install.) Otherwise, use the Oracle 8.1.7 Enterprise Edition CD to install Oracle Management Server 2.2 in another Oracle Home.

Use the Oracle 8.1.7 Client (Administrator) install to install Enterprise Manager Console 2.2 in whichever Oracle Home you would like if it is not already installed.

Refer to the Enterprise Manager install guide for details.

Oracle Applications InterConnect Component Installations

This section describes the following:

Installing Multiple Oracle Applications InterConnect Component on One Computer

The installer does not allow you to install more than one of the same Oracle Applications InterConnect Component per Oracle Home (it will deinstall the first instance and then install the second one.) For example, it will not allow you to install more than one repository in one Oracle Home. However, you can have multiple Oracle Homes on a computer and install the component in each Oracle Home. You can create an Oracle Home by installing the Oracle 8.1.7 Client (Administrator) in different locations. When you install a component the second time, choose a different Oracle Home than the one where you first installed it.

Installing Oracle Applications InterConnect Components

Perform the following steps to install Oracle Applications InterConnect components:

  1. Insert the CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.

  2. Double-click on setup.exe on Windows NT


    Run Installer on UNIX.

    The Welcome window appears.

  3. Select Next.

    The File Locations window appears.

  4. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 


    The default value appears. Do not change it. 


    Select an existing Oracle Home name and directory path. 

    (Each component below will describe which Oracle home to choose.)

  5. Select Next.

    The Available Product Components window appears.

  6. Choose the Oracle Applications InterConnect components that you will be installing.

  7. Select Next.

    The Welcome to the Oracle Applications InterConnect Installation window appears.

  8. Select Next.

    The OAI Hub (Database Configuration) window appears if this is the first time you are performing an Oracle Applications InterConnect installation in this Oracle Home. If it does not appear, you can skip the rest of this section. Specific questions will be asked for the different Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Refer to the appropriate sections below for details.

  9. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 

    Host Name 

    The host name of the machine where the hub database created in the Hub Database Installation  

    Listener Port Number 

    The hub database's TNS listener port. 


    The hub database's SID. 

  10. Select Next.

    The OAI Hub (Database User Configuration) window appears.

  11. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 

    User Name 

      The hub database user name. If you are installing the repository now, the user name you provide here will be hub database user that is created during the repository post-installation steps to create the hub schema. You should remember the user name that you provide as it will be asked again when you install Oracle Applications InterConnect components on separate machines or in separate Oracle Homes.



    .The password for the hub database user described above. 

    Confirm Password 

    Enter the password again. 

  12. Select Next.

    The OAI Hub (Repository Configuration) window appears.

  13. Enter the following:
    Field  Value 

    Repository Name 

      The name of your repository. If you are installing the repository now, this is the name that your new repository will have. It can be any name you wish less than 10 characters and without white space. It is used to identify your repository. You should remember the repository name as you will need to identify your repository when you install Oracle Applications InterConnect components on separate machines or in separate Oracle Homes. If you have already installed your repository, enter its name now.


  14. Select Next.

Specific questions will be asked for the different Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Refer to the appropriate sections below for details.

Repository Installation

This section describes the following:

Overview of the Repository Architecture

The repository architecture consists of the following components:

The Oracle Applications InterConnect components communicate to the Java layer and not directly to the database.

The database instance used for the repository is the backend hub database installed in the Hub Database Installation . The repository post-installation steps create the hub user and its schema is contained within that user in the database.

The repository is used to store integration information as metadata. The iStudio product connects to the repository at design time and pushes the modeled mapping information into the repository. At runtime, the adapters access the repository and use the metadata as runtime instructions for performing transformations and other functions.

Installing the Repository

It is recommended that you install the repository on the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub machine in the Oracle9i Application Server Oracle Home created in the Oracle9i Application Server Installation . If you are not installing Oracle9i Application Server, then it is recommended that you install the repository in the Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Oracle Home created in the Hub Database Installation if the database is Oracle 8.1.7. If not, or you would like to install the repository in a different Oracle Home or on a different machine, the Oracle Home must contain an Oracle 8.1.7 Client (Administrator) installation.

To use the same database for multiple repositories, make sure you use different user names when the installation asks for the hub database user name.

Perform the following steps to install the repository:

  1. In the Available Product Components window, make sure OAI Repository 4.1.0 is selected.

  2. Select Next.

    Refer to the Overview for details about questions common to all Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Specifically, if this is the first Oracle Applications InterConnect installation in this Oracle Home, you will be asked for information about your Oracle Applications InterConnect hub.

    For the repository installation, the OAI Repository (Repository Configuration) window appears.

  3. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 


      The tablespace the repository (hub) schema will use. You can use the default (USERS) or enter a different tablespace.


    Metadata Owner 

    A two- to four-letter acronym of the company name on which the metadata is installed. This entry is used for strict metadata versioning. Metadata built by one owner cannot be modified by another. For more information about metadata versioning, see the user guide.The password for the hub database user described above. 

  4. Select Next

    Answer questions about any other components that you selected for installation. When finished, the Summary window will appear.

  5. Select Install.

    The install will proceed to install the repository on your machine.

    On Windows NT, the repository is installed at


    On UNIX, the repository is installed at


  6. Proceed to the next section to perform the repository post-installation steps.

Performing the Repository Post-Installation Steps

After the installation is complete, the installer gives you a set of post-installation steps. These steps are also copied to post-installation.txt in the repository's directory. Execute the following to create the hub schema:

  1. Go to the directory in which the repository is installed.

  2. execute:

    hubschema -create system/[password] [tnsname]
    Field  Value 


      your system user's password.



    tnsname for the hub database. 

iStudio Installation

This section describes the following:

iStudio Overview

iStudio is the visual tool used to model integrations. iStudio stores the information about your integration as metadata in the repository created in the Oracle Workflow Installation . Refer to the user guide for Oracle Applications InterConnect User Guide for iStudio details.

Installing iStudio

iStudio can be installed on any Windows NT machine. The Oracle Home that you install iStudio on must contain an Oracle 8.1.7 Client (Administrator) installation.

Perform the following steps to install iStudio:

  1. In the Available Product Components window, make sure Oracle Applications InterConnect iStudio 4.1.0 is selected.

  2. Select Next.

    Refer to the Overview for details about questions common to all Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Specifically, if this is the first Oracle Applications InterConnect installation in this Oracle Home, you will be asked for information about your Oracle Applications InterConnect hub.

  3. Select Next

    Answer questions about any other components that you selected for installation. When finished, the Summary window will appear.

  4. Select Install.

    The install will proceed to install iStudio on your machine.

    iStudio is installed at:


  5. Proceed to the next section to perform the iStudio post-installation steps.

Performing the iStudio Post-Installation Steps

Follow these steps if you will be using iStudio with SAP. These steps may be skipped if you will not be using iStudio to connect to an SAP system.

Oracle Applications InterConnect relies on SAP's RFC library in order to communicate with SAP. This library is not included with the iStudio installation. You must install SAP's RFC library from the most recent SAP client CD. This installs a library called librfc and all of its dependencies.

After installing SAP's RFC library, copy the library (librfc) into the following directory to make sure it is in iStudio's path:

On Windows NT:


Creating or Installing Integration Metadata

All integration logic is captured in metadata modeled through iStudio. Perform the following steps to create or install integration metadata:

  1. Use pre-packaged metadata.


    Use iStudio to create metadata from scratch.

    Oracle has pre-packaged metadata packs for certain applications. These metadata packs come with their own installation instructions. For example, if you are integrating Oracle Internet Procurement with SAP, see the Implementation Guide for Oracle Internet Procurement Interconnect for SAP R/3.

    If there is no pre-packaged metadata for your application, create the metadata using iStudio. (For information about using iStudio to create metadata, see the Oracle Applications InterConnect User Guide.)

  2. Write down the values of the application names you see on the left side of the main navigation window under Applications. You will need the names when you install the adapters.

Adapter Installations

This section describes the following:

Overview of Adapters

Adapters are components that are attached to applications to Oracle Applications InterConnect enable them. The adapters differ from each other because of how they communicate with an application. For example, the SAP Adapter utilizes the SAP Remote Function Call(RFC) proprietary protocol to talk to SAP, but the AQ Adapter picks up messages (and puts messages in) AQs and can understand the XML format.

The following adapters are packaged with Oracle Applications InterConnect:

Using the Application Parameter

Adapters do not have integration logic. The adapter has a generic transformation engine that processes metadata from the repository as runtime instructions to do transformations. The application defines for an adapter what its capabilities are. For example, it can define what messages it can publish, what messages it can subscribe to, and what are the transformations to perform. The application parameter allows the adapter to become smart in the context of the application to which it is connected. It allows the adapter to retrieve from the repository only that metadata that is relevant to the application. The application parameter must match the corresponding application that will be defined in iStudio under the Applications folder.

If you are using pre-packaged metadata, after importing the pre-packaged metadata into the repository, start up iStudio to find the corresponding application (under the Applications folder in iStudio) to use as the application for the adapter you are installing (unless the pack you are using provides directions for what the application should be).

Installing the AQ Adapter

It is recommended that you install the AQ Adapter on the same machine that contains the Oracle Database which your AQ application is using (a spoke database). This is not the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub database (though it can be if your application wishes to use the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub database for its AQs). It is recommended that you install the AQ Adapter in the same Oracle Home that contains the spoke database if the spoke database is Oracle 8.1.7. If not, or you would like to install the AQ Adapterin a different Oracle Home or on a different machine, the Oracle Home must contain an Oracle 8.1.7 Client (Administrator) installation.

Perform the following steps to install the AQ Adapter:

  1. In the Available Product Components window, make sure OAI AQ Adapter 4.1.0 is selected.

  2. Select Next.

    Refer to "Installing Oracle Applications InterConnect Components" steps 7-14 for details about questions common to all Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Specifically, if this is the first Oracle Applications InterConnect installation in this Oracle Home, you will be asked for information about your Oracle Applications InterConnect hub.

    For the AQ Adapter installation, the OAI AQ Adapter (Application Configuration) window appears.

  3. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 




    Leave blank. 

  4. Select next.

    The OAI AQ Adapter (Database Configuration) window appears.

  5. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 

    Host Name 

      The computer name on which the database is installed.


    Listener Port Number 

    The database TNS listener port. 


    The SID for the application database. 

    The information on this window is the AQ database on the application side (the spoke database) from which the adapter will put or get messages.

    This is not the information for the hub database.

  6. Select Next.

    The OAI AQ Adapter (Database User Configuration) window appears.

  7. Enter the following:
    Field  Value 

    User Name 

      The name the adapter uses to connect to the database (same database as in 5 above).



    The password for the user name. 

    Confirm Password 

    Enter the password again. 

    Consumer Name 

      If the AQs that the adapter will connect to on the application database side are single consumer queues, leave this field blank. However, if any of the AQs are multi-consumer queues, specify a consumer name. The application that writes to the AQ uses a consumer name to indicate that Oracle Applications InterConnect should pick up a message. Alternatively, the AQ may have a subscriber configured that the AQ Adapter corresponds to. Use one of the following methods to determine the consumer name you should use:

      • If the code that will write the message to the AQ is already written, look at the code or the documentation that comes with it to determine the consumer name. For example, for iProcurement to SAP integration, the consumer name can be found in the iProcurement to SAP documentation.

      • If the code that will write the message to the AQ is not written, enter a string as the consumer name. When the code is built, ensure that the consumer names match; alternatively, if the AQ has a subscriber configured, you can use the database's AQ APIs to figure out the name.


  8. Select Next

    Answer questions about any other components that you selected for installation. When finished, the Summary window will appear.

  9. Select Install.

    The install will proceed to install the AQ Adapter on your machine.

    On Windows NT, the AQ Adapter is installed in:

    $ORACLE_HOME\oai\4.1\adapters\ [Application][Partition]

    On UNIX, the AQ Adapter is installed in:


Installing the Database Adapter

It is recommended that you install the Database Adapter on the same machine that contains the Oracle Database which your application is using (a spoke database). This is not the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub database (though it can be if your application wishes to use the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub database). It is recommended that you install the Database Adapter in the same Oracle Home that contains the spoke database if the spoke database is Oracle 8.1.7. If not, or you would like to install the Database Adapter in a different Oracle Home or on a different machine, the Oracle Home must contain an Oracle 8.1.7 Client (Administrator) installation.

Perform the following steps to install the Database Adapter:

  1. In the Available Product Components window, make sure OAI Database Adapter 4.1.0 is selected.

  2. Select Next.

    Refer to the Overview for details about questions common to all Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Specifically, if this is the first Oracle Applications InterConnect installation in this Oracle Home, you will be asked for information about your Oracle Applications InterConnect hub.

    For the Database Adapter installation, the OAI Database Adapter (Application Configuration) window appears.

  3. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 




    Leave blank. 

  4. Select next.

    The OAI Database Adapter (Database Configuration) window appears

  5. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 

    Host Name 

      The computer name on which the database is installed.


    Listener Port Number 

    The database TNS listener port. 


    The SID for the application database. 

    The information on this database is the database application side (the spoke database). This is not the information for the hub database.

  6. Select Next.

    The OAI Database Adapter (Database User Configuration) window appears.

  7. Enter the following:
    Field  Value 

    User Name 

      The name the adapter uses to connect to the database (same database as in 5 above). This is the user name where the PL/SQL code generated by iStudio will be installed.



    The password for the user name. 

    Confirm Password 

    Enter the password again. 

  8. Select Next

    Answer questions about any other components that you selected for installation. When finished, the Summary window will appear.

  9. Select Install.

    The install will proceed to install the Database Adapter on your machine.

    On Windows NT, the Database Adapter is installed in


    On UNIX, the Database Adapter is installed in


  10. Proceed to the next section to perform the Database Adapter post-installation steps.

Performing the Database Adapter Post-Installation Steps

After the installation is complete, the installer gives you a set of post-installation steps. These steps are also copied to post-installation.txt in the Database Adapter'sdirectory. Note, the default sys password is change_on_install unless you have changed it. Execute the following to create the schema used by the Database Adapter:

  1. Go to the directory in which the Database Adapter is installed.

  2. execute:

    oaischema -create sys/[password] [tnsname]


    oaischema -create -pre8i sys/[password] [tnsname]

    if using a spoke Oracle database version earlier than Oracle 8i)

    Field  Value 


      your system user's password.



    tnsname for the spoke database. 

Installing the HTTP Adapter

The HTTP Adapter is the AQ Adapter with additions for communicating with remote Web applications using XML messages. Installing the HTTP Adapter is the same as installing the AQ Adapter with post-installation steps. Refer to "Installing the AQ Adapter" for details. Select Oracle Applications InterConnect HTTP Adapter 4.1.0 instead of Oracle Applications InterConnect AQ Adapter 4.1.0 on the Available Product Components Window. When the install is finished, proceed to the next section to perform the HTTP Adapter post-installation steps.

On Windows NT, the HTTP Adapter is installed in $ORACLE_HOME\oai\4.1\adapters\[Application][Partition]

On UNIX, the HTTP Adapter is installed in $ORACLE_HOME/oai/4.1/adapters/[Application][Partition]

Performing the HTTP Adapter Post-Installation Steps

After the installation is complete, the installer gives you a set of post-installation steps in the README.txt file in your HTTP Adapter's directory. Execute these steps to enable your Web/Application Server for use with the HTTP Adapter.

Installing the SAP Adapter

It is recommended that you install the SAP Adapter on the same machine that contains SAP. You must install the SAP Adapter in an Oracle Home that contains an Oracle 8.1.7 Client (Administrator) installation.

Perform the following steps to install the SAP Adapter:

  1. In the Available Product Components window, make sure OAI SAP Adapter 4.1.0 is selected.

  2. Select Next.

    Refer to the Overview for details about questions common to all Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Specifically, if this is the first Oracle Applications InterConnect installation in this Oracle Home, you will be asked for information about your Oracle Applications InterConnect hub.

    For the SAP Adapter installation, the OAI SAP Adapter (Application Configuration) window appears.

  3. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 




    Leave blank. 

  4. Select next.

    The OAI SAP Adapter (SAP Configuration) window appears.

  5. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 

    Application Server 

      The computer name (host name) where SAP is installed. If you are able to connect to SAP using the SAP front end, it is the same as the Application Server field that SAP asks for as part of the connection information.


    System Number 

      The SAP system number. If you are able to connect to SAP using the SAP front end, it is the same as the System Number field that SAP asks for as part of the connection information.


  6. Select next.

    The OAI SAP Adapter (SAP User Configuration) window appears.

  7. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 

    Client Number 

      Enter the SAP client number. If you are able to connect to SAP using the SAP front end, it is the same as the Client Number field that SAP asks for as part of the connection information.



      The user you use to connect to SAP. If you are able to connect to SAP using the SAP front end, it is the same as the User field.



      The password you use to connect to SAP. If you are able to connect to SAP using the SAP front end, it is the same as the Password field.


    Confirm Password 

      Enter the password again.


  8. Select next.

    The OAI SAP Adapter (Integration Methods) window appears.

  9. Select one or more of the Integration Methods that you will use for integrating with SAP. If you are unsure which to select, select all. For iProcurement to SAP, select the following:

    • BAPIs

    • IDocs outbound from SAP

    • IDocs inbound into SAP

    Following is a description of the integration methods:

    • ABAP Function Modules: ABAP/4 Function Modules. Choose this if the function modules are not exposed as BAPIs.

    • BAPIs: BAPIs are SAP Business APIs. They are synchronous calls and the values which the BAPIs return can be sent as a reply if needed. Select this option if there is a message that the SAP Adapter will receive that will result in the SAP Adapter calling a BAPI.

    • IDocs outbound from SAP: IDocs are intermediate documents sent to and from SAP. They are processed asynchronously. Select this option if there is a message that the SAP Adapter will publish when it receives an IDoc from SAP. (SAP will be sending IDocs).

    • IDocs inbound into SAP: Select this option if there is a message that the SAP Adapter will receive that should result in the SAP Adapter giving an IDoc to SAP. (SAP will be receiving IDocs.)

    • IBPs: IBPs are custom Java methods that you can write to perform complicated business logic using SAP BAPIs. Select this option if there is a message that the SAP Adapter will receive that will result in the SAP Adapter calling an IBP.

  10. Select Next.

    Depending upon what you select, the windows listed in Steps 11 to 15 appear.

    If the OAI SAP Adapter will be sending or receiving IDocs, the OAI SAP Adapter (RFC Destination Configuration) window appears.

  11. Enter the program ID of a valid RFC destination in SAP that SAP will use either to send IDocs to the SAP Adapter or to receive IDocs from the SAP Adapter.

    (See SAP Setup for the SAP Adapter on page for details on how to configure a valid RFC destination in SAP.)

  12. Select Next.

    If the OAI SAP Adapter will be sending IDocs into SAP, the OAI SAP Adapter (Sender Partner Configuration) window appears.

  13. Configure the information about the partner which is sending the IDocs into SAP.

  14. Select Next.

    If the SAP Adapter will be sending IDocs into SAP, the OAI SAP Adapter (Recipient Partner Configuration) window appears.

  15. Configure the information about the partner in SAP which is receiving the IDocs.

  16. Select Next.

    Answer questions about any other components that you selected for installation. When finished, the Summary window will appear.

  17. Select Install.

    The install will proceed to install the SAP Adapter on your machine.

    On Windows NT, the SAP Adapter is installed in:


    On UNIX, the SAP Adapter is installed in:

  18. Proceed to the next section to perform the SAP Adapter post-installation steps.

Performing the SAP Adapter Post-Installation Steps

Oracle Applications InterConnect relies on SAP's RFC library in order to communicate with SAP. This library is not included with the SAP Adapter installation. You must install SAP's RFC library from the most recent SAP client CD. This installs a library called librfc and all of its dependencies.

After installing SAP's RFC library, copy the library (librfc) into the following directory to make sure it is in the SAP Adapter's path (library path on Unix):

Workflow Communication Infrastructure Installation

This section describes the following:

Installing the Workflow Communication Infrastructure

If you will be using Oracle Workflow with Oracle Applications InterConnect, you must install the Oracle Applications InterConnect Workflow Communication Infrastructure.

It is recommended that you install the Workflow Communication Infrastructure on the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub machine in the Oracle9i Application Server Oracle Home created in the Oracle9i Application Server Installation . If you are not installing Oracle9i Application Server, then it is recommended that you install the Workflow Communication Infrastructure in the Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Oracle Home created in the Hub Database Installation if the database is Oracle 8.1.7. If not, or you would like to install the Workflow Communication Infrastructure in a different Oracle Home or on a different machine, the Oracle Home must contain an Oracle 8.1.7 Client (Administrator) installation.

Perform the following steps to install the Workflow Communication Infrastructure:

  1. In the Available Product Components window, make sure OAI Workflow Communication Infrastructure 4.1.0 is selected.

  2. Select Next.

    Refer to the Overview for details about questions common to all Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Specifically, if this is the first Oracle Applications InterConnect installation in this Oracle Home, you will be asked for information about your Oracle Applications InterConnect hub.

    For the Workflow Communication Infrastructure installation, the OAI Workflow Communication Infrastructure (Database Configuration) window appears.

  3. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 

    Host Name 

      The computer name on which the database is installed.


    Listener Port Number 

      The database TNS listener port.



      The SID for the application database.

    Host Name: d

    The information on the Database Configuration window is the Workflow database (refer to Oracle Workflow Installation )

  4. Select Next.

    The OAI Workflow Communication Infrastructure (Database User Configuration) window appears.

  5. Enter the following:

    Field  Value 

    User Name 

      The Workflow user name (default is owf_mgr).



      The password for the user name.


    Confirm Password 

      Enter the password again.


  6. Select Next

    Answer questions about any other components that you selected for installation. When finished, the Summary window will appear.

  7. Select Install.

    The install will proceed to install the Workflow Communication Infrastructure on your machine.

    On Windows NT, the Workflow Communication Infrastructure is installed in:


    On UNIX, the Workflow Communication Infrastructure is installed in:


Management Infrastructure (Server) Installation

This section describes the following:

Installing the Management Infrastructure (Server)

If you will be using Enterprise Manager to manage,Oracle Applications InterConnect components, you must install the Oracle Applications InterConnect Management Infrastructure (Server).

The Management Infrastructure (Server) must be installed in the same Oracle Home as the Oracle Management Server 2.2 (refer to Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation )

Perform the following steps to install the Management Infrastructure (Server):

  1. Make sure that the Oracle Management Server is stopped.

  2. In the Available Product Components window, make sure OAI Management Infrastructure (Server) 4.1.0 is selected.

  3. Select Next.

    Refer to the Overview for details about questions common to all Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Specifically, if this is the first Oracle Applications InterConnect installation in this Oracle Home, you will be asked for information about your Oracle Applications InterConnect hub.

  4. Answer questions about any other components that you selected for installation. When finished, the Summary window will appear.

  5. Select Install.

    The install will proceed to install the Management Infrastructure (Server) on your machine.

  6. Proceed to the next section to perform Management Infrastructure (Server) post-installation steps.

Performing the Management Infrastructure (Server) Post-Installation Steps

After the installation is complete, the installer gives you a set of post-installation steps. These steps are also copied to:

Execute the following to finish the install:

  1. cd to:

    On Windows NT:



  2. execute:

    post_install_server [oms_repo_user]/[password]@tnsname

    Field  Value 


    your Oracle Management Server database user name.


      password for the Oracle Management Server database user.



      tnsname for the hub database.


Management Infrastructure (Client) Installation

This section describes the following:

Installing the Management Infrastructure (Client)

If you will be Enterprise Manager, you must install the Oracle Applications InterConnect Management Infrastructure (Client).

The Management Infrastructure (Client) must be installed in the same Oracle Home as the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console 2.2 (refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Installation )

Perform the following steps to install the Management Infrastructure (Client):

  1. In the Available Product Components window, make sure OAI Management Infrastructure (Client) 4.1.0 is selected.

  2. Select Next.

    Refer to the Overview for details about questions common to all Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Specifically, if this is the first Oracle Applications InterConnect installation in this Oracle Home, you will be asked for information about your Oracle Applications InterConnect hub.

  3. Answer questions about any other components that you selected for installation. When finished, the Summary window will appear.

  4. Select Install.

    The install will proceed to install the Management Infrastructure (Client) on your machine.

  5. Proceed to the next section to perform the Management Infrastructure (Client) post-installation steps.

Performing the Management Infrastructure (Client) Post-Installation Steps

After the installation is complete, the installer gives you a set of post-installation steps. These steps are also copied to:

Execute the following to finish the install:

Windows NT directions

  1. edit the $ORACLE_HOME\bin\oemapp.bat file

  2. after the line that starts "SET XMLCLASSES=" add the following line:

  3. on the line that starts "SET CLASSPATHADD=" add the following:


Unix directions

  1. edit the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oemapp file

  2. after the line that starts "XMLCLASSES=" add the following line: OAIXMLCLASSES=$ORACLE_HOME/lib/xmlparserv2.jar:$ORACLE_HOME/lib/xmlcomp.jar;$ORACLE_HOME/oai/4.1/lib/oai.jar

  3. on the line that starts "CLASSPATHADD=" add the following:


SDK Installation

This section describes the following:

Installing the SDK

If you will be writing your own custom Oracle Applications InterConnect Adapter, you must install the SDK. It must be installed in any Oracle Home which contains an Oracle 8.1.7 Client (Administrator) installation. The machine must have JDK 1.1.8 installed.

Perform the following steps to install the SDK:

  1. In the Available Product Components window, make sure OAI SDK 4.1.0 is selected.

  2. Select Next.

    Refer to the Overview for details about questions common to all Oracle Applications InterConnect components. Specifically, if this is the first Oracle Applications InterConnect installation in this Oracle Home, you will be asked for information about your Oracle Applications InterConnect hub.

  3. Answer questions about any other components that you selected for installation. When finished, the Summary window will appear.

  4. Select Install.

    The install will proceed to install the SDK on your machine.

    In Windows NT, the SDK is installed in:


    On UNIX, the SDK is installed in:


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