Class OracleConnection


public class OracleConnection

The OracleConnection class implements the JDBC Connection interface.

Field Summary
static int ASCII_TO_CHAR
static int CHAR_TO_ASCII
static int CHAR_TO_UNICODE
 oracle.jdbc.driver.DBConversion conversion
 oracle.jdbc.driver.DBAccess db_access
static boolean DEBUG
 oracle.jdbc.driver.LobDBAccessImpl lob_dbaccess
static int NONE
static int RAW_TO_ASCII
static int RAW_TO_JAVACHAR
static int RAW_TO_UNICODE
static int UNICODE_TO_CHAR
 boolean UsingXA
 boolean XA_wants_error
Constructor Summary
OracleConnection(oracle.jdbc.driver.DBAccess access, java.lang.String ur, java.lang.String us, java.lang.String p, java.lang.String db, java.util.Properties info)
          Constructor for an Oracle connection.
Method Summary
 void archive(int mode, int aseq, java.lang.String acstext)
 void assertComplete()
          Wait until all Ultra method calls to this connection have completed, either by returning or throwing an exception.
 void clearClientIdentifier(java.lang.String clientId)
          Clear the client identifier for this session.
 void clearWarnings()
 void close()
          Rollbacks the current transaction.
 void commit()
 oracle.jdbc.driver.BfileDBAccess createBfileDBAccess()
 oracle.jdbc.driver.BlobDBAccess createBlobDBAccess()
 oracle.jdbc.driver.ClobDBAccess createClobDBAccess()
 java.sql.Statement createStatement()
          createStatement just allocates a new statement object.
 java.sql.Statement createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)
          JDBC 2.0 Creates a Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency.
 java.sql.Statement createStatementWithKey(java.lang.String key)
          This is same as createStatement, except if a Statement with the given KEY exists in the Cache, then the statement is returned AS IT IS when it was closed and cached with this KEY.
 boolean getAutoClose()
          We are always in auto-close mode.
 boolean getAutoCommit()
 java.lang.String getCatalog()
          We do not support catalogs.
 java.lang.Object getClientData(java.lang.Object key)
          Obtain the client data value associated with a key.
 boolean getCreateStatementAsRefCursor()
          Retrieve the current setting of the createStatementAsRefCursor flag.
 java.lang.String getDatabaseProductVersion()
          What's the version of this database product?
 short getDbCsId()
          Obtain the Oracle identifier of the character set used in the database server.
 boolean getDefaultAutoRefetch()
          Oracle extension.
 int getDefaultExecuteBatch()
          Allows the user to retrieve the batch value for the connection.
 boolean getDefaultFixedString()
          Returns the current setObject(string) behavior for Statements created from this Connection. By default, a call to PreparedStatement.setObject() with a String will bind the string using Types.VARCHAR, which will use non blank-padded character comparison semantics.
 int getDefaultRowPrefetch()
          Allows the user to retrieve the row prefetch value for the connection.
 java.lang.Object getDescriptor(byte[] toid)
          Return the matched StructDescriptor.
 java.lang.Object getDescriptor(java.lang.String sql_name)
          Return the matched StructDescriptor.
 boolean getIncludeSynonyms()
          Returns true if DatabaseMetaData.getColumns will report information if a table synonym is passed in, and false otherwise.
 java.lang.Object getJavaObject(java.lang.String sql_name)
 short getJdbcCsId()
          Obtain the Oracle identifier of the character set used in the JDBC driver.
 java.sql.DatabaseMetaData getMetaData()
          We just return a oracle.oci8.DatabaseMetaData object.
 boolean getRemarksReporting()
          Return true if the DatabaseMetaData calls getTables and getColumns will report the REMARKS column.
 boolean getReportRemarks()
 boolean getRestrictGetTables()
          Returns true if the information returned by DatabaseMetaData.getTables is restricted, and false otherwise.
 java.lang.String getSessionTimeZone()
          Obtain Oracle session time zone region name.
 java.lang.String getSQLType(java.lang.Object obj)
 int getStmtCacheSize()
          Return the size of Statement Cache.
 short getStructAttrCsId()
          Obtain the Oracle identifier of the character set used in STRUCT attributes.
 boolean getSynchronousMode()
          Return the value of the synchronous mode switch for this connection.
 int getTransactionIsolation()
          We only support dirty reads.
 java.util.Map getTypeMap()
 java.lang.String getUserName()
 boolean getUsingXAFlag()
 short getVersionNumber()
 java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings()
          Return the current warning, if any
 boolean getXAErrorFlag()
 void holdLine(OracleStatement stmt)
 void initUserName()
 boolean isAccumulateBatchResult()
          Check the batching type of the connection
 boolean isClosed()
          As we do not keep a state in the Java struct we call native method even for isClosed.
 boolean isLogicalConnection()
          Method that returns a boolean indicating whether its a logical connection or not.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Our connections are never in read-only mode.
 java.lang.String nativeSQL(java.lang.String sql)
          This is a bogus and quickly done implementation waiting for something better
 void needLine()
 java.lang.Object openJoltConnection(java.lang.String apiName, short major, short minor)
          When used with the Ultra driver, opens a Jolt connection with the given generic api name and the highest version supported by both parties that is less than or equal to the version provided.
 int pingDatabase(int timeOut)
          ping Database and return status of connection
 java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(java.lang.String sql)
          This is similar to createStatement.
 java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(java.lang.String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)
          JDBC 2.0 Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency.
 java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCallWithKey(java.lang.String key)
          This is same as prepareCall, except if a Callable Statement with the given KEY exists in the Cache, then the statement is returned AS IT IS when it was closed and cached with this KEY.
 java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(java.lang.String sql)
          This is similar to createStatement.
 java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(java.lang.String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)
          JDBC 2.0 Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency.
 java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatementWithKey(java.lang.String key)
          This is same as prepareStatement, except if a Prepared Statement with the given KEY exists in the Cache, then the statement is returned AS IT IS when it was closed and cached with this KEY.
 void putDescriptor(byte[] toid, java.lang.Object desc)
          Store the Object Descriptor for later usage.
 void putDescriptor(java.lang.String sql_name, java.lang.Object desc)
          Store the Object Descriptor for later usage.
 void registerApiDescription(java.lang.String apiName, short major, short minor, java.lang.String className)
          When used in the Ultra driver, registers an ApiDescription for use in a Jolt connection.
 void registerCloseCallback(oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCloseCallback occ, java.lang.Object privData)
 void registerSQLType(java.lang.String sql_name, java.lang.Class java_class)
 void registerSQLType(java.lang.String sql_name, java.lang.String java_class_name)
          Map accessor methods
 void releaseLine()
 java.lang.Object removeClientData(java.lang.Object key)
          Remove the specified key and any associated client data.
 void rollback()
 void setAccumulateBatchResult(boolean val)
          Set if the batching type for the connection
 void setAutoClose(boolean autoClose)
          We are always in auto-close mode.
 void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit)
 void setCatalog(java.lang.String catalog)
          We do not support catalogs.
 java.lang.Object setClientData(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
          Store a piece client data and associate it with the specified key.
 void setClientIdentifier(java.lang.String clientId)
          Set the client identifier for this session.
 void setCreateStatementAsRefCursor(boolean value)
          When this is set to true, any new statements created from this connection will be created as a REF CURSOR.
 void setDefaultAutoRefetch(boolean autoRefetch)
          Oracle extension.
 void setDefaultExecuteBatch(int batch)
          Set the batch value for executes for all prepared statements belonging to this connection and created after the batch value was set.
 void setDefaultFixedString(boolean fixedString)
          Changes the default setObject(string) behavior for Statements created from this Connection. By default, a call to PreparedStatement.setObject() with a String will bind the string using Types.VARCHAR, which will use non blank-padded character comparison semantics.
 void setDefaultRowPrefetch(int value)
          Set the value of row prefetch for all statements associated with this connection and created after this value was set.
 void setIncludeSynonyms(boolean synonyms)
          Turn on or off retrieval of synonym information in DatabaseMetaData.
 void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
          We do not support read-only connections
 void setRemarksReporting(boolean reportRemarks)
          Turn on or off the reporting of the REMARKS columns by the getTables and getColumns calls of the DatabaseMetaData interface. The DatabaseMetaData calls getTables and getColumns are extremely slow if the REMARKS column has to be reported as this necessitates an expensive outer join so by default the JDBC driver does not report the REMARKS columns. You can turn the reporting of REMARKS on by passing a true argument to this method.
 void setRestrictGetTables(boolean restrict)
          Turn on or off the restriction of the returned data in DatabaseMetaData.
 void setSessionTimeZone(java.lang.String regionName)
          Set the session time zone.
 void setStmtCacheSize(int size)
          Set the statement cache size.
 void setStmtCacheSize(int size, boolean clearMetaData)
          Set the statement cache size.
 void setSynchronousMode(boolean isSynchronous)
          Set the value of the synchronous mode switch for this connection.
 void setTransactionIsolation(int level)
          We only support dirty reads.
 void setTypeMap(java.util.Map map)
 void setUsingXAFlag(boolean value)
 void setXAErrorFlag(boolean value)
 void shutdown(int mode)
 void startup(java.lang.String startup_str, int mode)
 void trace(java.lang.String s)

Field Detail


public static final boolean DEBUG


public oracle.jdbc.driver.DBAccess db_access


public oracle.jdbc.driver.DBConversion conversion


public oracle.jdbc.driver.LobDBAccessImpl lob_dbaccess


public boolean XA_wants_error


public boolean UsingXA


public static final int CHAR_TO_ASCII


public static final int CHAR_TO_UNICODE


public static final int RAW_TO_ASCII


public static final int RAW_TO_UNICODE


public static final int UNICODE_TO_CHAR


public static final int ASCII_TO_CHAR


public static final int NONE


public static final int JAVACHAR_TO_CHAR


public static final int RAW_TO_JAVACHAR


public static final int CHAR_TO_JAVACHAR
Constructor Detail


public OracleConnection(oracle.jdbc.driver.DBAccess access,
                        java.lang.String ur,
                        java.lang.String us,
                        java.lang.String p,
                        java.lang.String db,
                        java.util.Properties info)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
Constructor for an Oracle connection.

This method allocates a new OracleConnection. It calls the native method "connect" that does the actual work.

java.sql.SQLException - if failed to make the connection.
Method Detail


public boolean isLogicalConnection()
Method that returns a boolean indicating whether its a logical connection or not.
boolean true if this is a logical connection


public java.sql.Statement createStatement()
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
createStatement just allocates a new statement object. The statement has a pointer to the connection object.

a new OracleStatement object
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public java.sql.Statement createStatement(int resultSetType,
                                          int resultSetConcurrency)
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
JDBC 2.0 Creates a Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. This method is the same as the createStatement method above, but it allows the default result set type and result set concurrency type to be overridden.
resultSetType - a result set type; see ResultSet.TYPE_XXX
a new Statement object
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public java.sql.Statement createStatementWithKey(java.lang.String key)
                                          throws java.sql.SQLException
This is same as createStatement, except if a Statement with the given KEY exists in the Cache, then the statement is returned AS IT IS when it was closed and cached with this KEY. An object returned from the Cache based on Key will have its state set to "EXPLICIT". If no such Statement is found in the Cache, a null is returned. Key cannot be null.

key - the key with which it was closed
a Statement object or null if no entries are found in the Cache with the given Key.
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(java.lang.String sql)
                                            throws java.sql.SQLException
This is similar to createStatement. We accept both ODBC syntax and Oracle syntax for SQL statements.
sql - The query for which the cursor has to be created
a new OraclePreparedStatement object
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatementWithKey(java.lang.String key)
                                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
This is same as prepareStatement, except if a Prepared Statement with the given KEY exists in the Cache, then the statement is returned AS IT IS when it was closed and cached with this KEY. An object returned from the Cache based on Key will have its state set to "EXPLICIT". If no such Prepared Statement is found, a null is returned. Key cannot be null.
key - the key with which it was closed
a OraclePreparedStatement object
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(java.lang.String sql,
                                                   int resultSetType,
                                                   int resultSetConcurrency)
                                            throws java.sql.SQLException
JDBC 2.0 Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. This method is the same as the prepareStatement method above, but it allows the default result set type and result set concurrency type to be overridden.
sql - The query for which the cursor has to be created
resultSetType - a result set type; see ResultSet.TYPE_XXX
resultSetConcurrency - a concurrency type; see ResultSet.CONCUR_XXX
a new PreparedStatement object containing the pre-compiled SQL statement
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(java.lang.String sql)
                                       throws java.sql.SQLException
This is similar to createStatement. We accept both ODBC syntax and Oracle syntax for SQL statements.
sql - The query for which the cursor has to be created
a new oracle.jdbc.driver.CallableStatement object
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCall(java.lang.String sql,
                                              int resultSetType,
                                              int resultSetConcurrency)
                                       throws java.sql.SQLException
JDBC 2.0 Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. This method is the same as the prepareCall method above, but it allows the default result set type and result set concurrency type to be overridden.
sql - The query for which the cursor has to be created
resultSetType - a result set type; see ResultSet.TYPE_XXX
resultSetConcurrency - a concurrency type; see ResultSet.CONCUR_XXX
a new CallableStatement object containing the
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public java.sql.CallableStatement prepareCallWithKey(java.lang.String key)
                                              throws java.sql.SQLException
This is same as prepareCall, except if a Callable Statement with the given KEY exists in the Cache, then the statement is returned AS IT IS when it was closed and cached with this KEY. An object returned from the Cache based on Key will have its state set to "EXPLICIT". If no such Callable Statement is found, then null is returned. Key cannot be null.
key - the key with which it was closed
a oracle.jdbc.driver.CallableStatement object
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public java.lang.String nativeSQL(java.lang.String sql)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
This is a bogus and quickly done implementation waiting for something better


public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException


public boolean getAutoCommit()
                      throws java.sql.SQLException


public void commit()
            throws java.sql.SQLException


public void rollback()
              throws java.sql.SQLException


public void close()
           throws java.sql.SQLException
Rollbacks the current transaction. See commit for discussion of how the PreparedStatements, CallableStatement and ResultSets are closed.
See Also:
rollback(), commit()


public boolean isClosed()
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
As we do not keep a state in the Java struct we call native method even for isClosed. (The alternative is to test if c_state is 0, but this breaks the information hiding strategy.)


public java.sql.DatabaseMetaData getMetaData()
                                      throws java.sql.SQLException
We just return a oracle.oci8.DatabaseMetaData object. It has a pointer to the connection.


public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
We do not support read-only connections


public boolean isReadOnly()
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Our connections are never in read-only mode.


public void setCatalog(java.lang.String catalog)
                throws java.sql.SQLException
We do not support catalogs.


public java.lang.String getCatalog()
                            throws java.sql.SQLException
We do not support catalogs.


public void setTransactionIsolation(int level)
                             throws java.sql.SQLException
We only support dirty reads.


public int getTransactionIsolation()
                            throws java.sql.SQLException
We only support dirty reads.


public void setAutoClose(boolean autoClose)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
We are always in auto-close mode.


public boolean getAutoClose()
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
We are always in auto-close mode.


public java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings()
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
Return the current warning, if any


public void clearWarnings()
                   throws java.sql.SQLException


public void trace(java.lang.String s)


public void setDefaultRowPrefetch(int value)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Set the value of row prefetch for all statements associated with this connection and created after this value was set.

If this value is not set by the user, only 1 row will be fetched at a time.

All statements created before this API was called will have a row prefetch of 1.

Row prefetching allows the JDBC driver to "fetch" multiple rows in one round-trip to the database. If this value is not set by the user, only 1 row will be fetched at a time.

To use the setDefaultRowPrefetch entrypoint you have to cast the Statement object to the type oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.

The user can override the row prefetch value set by this oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection entrypoint for individual statements, by calling OracleStatement.setRowPrefetch for those statements.

The row_prefetch will be turned back to 1 automatically by the driver if any of the select-column types is streaming (long data or long raw data). This is overrides any value the user might set. Also, this will be done regardless of wether the streaming columns are read or not.

To use the setDefaultRowPrefetch entrypoint you have to cast the Connection object to the type oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.

See Also:
OracleStatement.setRowPrefetch, getDefaultRowPrefetch


public int getDefaultRowPrefetch()
Allows the user to retrieve the row prefetch value for the connection.

The row prefetch from the connection is used for all statements associated with this connection. However, the user can also define a different row prefetch value for each statement. This can be done using Oraclestatement.setRowPrefetch, which will override the default value provided from the connection. Therefore, the row prefetch value returned by this getDefaultRowPrefetch entrypoint is valid for statements for which the user has not defined a different row prefetch.

To use the setDefaultRowPrefetch entrypoint you have to cast the Connection object to the type oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.

See Also:
OracleStatement.setRowPrefetch, setDefaultRowPrefetch


public void setDefaultExecuteBatch(int batch)
                            throws java.sql.SQLException
Set the batch value for executes for all prepared statements belonging to this connection and created after the batch value was set.

All statements created before using this API to set the batch value will have a batch value of 1.

Batching allows the JDBC driver to avoid making one round-trip to the RDBMS to execute a prepared statement every time bind variables change. The driver "batches" multiple executions of the statement with different bind variables. Actual execution normally happens when the number of executions reaches the pre-defined "batch" value. The set of bind variables along with the number of times the statement needs to be executed (equal to "batch"), are sent to the RDBMS in one round-trip.

To use the setDefaultExecuteBatch entrypoint you have to cast the Connection object to the type oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.

The user can override the batch value set by this setDefaultExecuteBatch entrypoint for individual prepared statements, by calling OraclePreparedStatement.setExecuteBatch for those statements.

The default value of batch will be overridden by the driver for a particular statement if that statement has any streaming bind values.

See Also:
OracleStatement.setRowPrefetch, getDefaultRowPrefetch


public int getDefaultExecuteBatch()
Allows the user to retrieve the batch value for the connection.

The batch value from the connection is used for all prepared statements associated with this connection. However, the user can also define a different batch value for individual prepared statements. This can be done by using OraclePreparedStatement.setExecuteBatch, which will override the default value provided from the connection. Therefore, the row prefetch value returned by this getDefaultExecuteBatch entrypoint is valid for prepared statements for which the user has not defined a different batch value.

To use the getDefaultExecuteBatch entrypoint you have to cast the Connection object to the type oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.

See Also:
OracleStatement.setRowPrefetch, setDefaultRowPrefetch


public void setRemarksReporting(boolean reportRemarks)
Turn on or off the reporting of the REMARKS columns by the getTables and getColumns calls of the DatabaseMetaData interface.

The DatabaseMetaData calls getTables and getColumns are extremely slow if the REMARKS column has to be reported as this necessitates an expensive outer join so by default the JDBC driver does not report the REMARKS columns.

You can turn the reporting of REMARKS on by passing a true argument to this method. You turn it back off by passing a false argument.

You can also control the reporting of REMARKS by passing a property named "remarksReporting" as "true" to the DriverManager.getConnection call.


public boolean getRemarksReporting()
Return true if the DatabaseMetaData calls getTables and getColumns will report the REMARKS column.


public void setIncludeSynonyms(boolean synonyms)
Turn on or off retrieval of synonym information in DatabaseMetaData. getColumns.

Similar to setRemarksReporting, getColumns performs extremely slow if information about synonyms has to be included, because it neccessitates an outer join. By default, the JDBC driver will not report information about table columns when you pass a synonym to getColumns.

You can get synonym information by passing true to this method, and turn it off by passing false. You can also control this behavior by passing a property named "includeSynonyms" as "true" to DriverManager.getConnection.


public boolean getIncludeSynonyms()
Returns true if DatabaseMetaData.getColumns will report information if a table synonym is passed in, and false otherwise.


public void setRestrictGetTables(boolean restrict)
Turn on or off the restriction of the returned data in DatabaseMetaData. getTables.

DatabaseMetaData.getTables will return information about all accessible tables, views, and synonyms. There are two issues relating to synonyms which can affect the quality of the returned data:

  1. Public synonyms can exist for tables to which you don't have access. Although the synonym itself is viewable, the underlying table is not.
  2. Synonyms can exist for non-table objects, such as procedures, sequences, Java classes, etc.
As a result of the above issues, getTables can return rows containing objects that are not describable with getColumns, either because they are not accessible (issue 1) or because they are not tables or views (issue 2).

To remedy this, you can restrict the results of getTables to only those tables and views to which you have access. This is done by either passing true to this method, or by passing the "restrictGetTables" property as "true" to the DriverManager.getConnection call. The default behavior is to return information about all synonyms, including those which do not point to accessible tables or views.

Note that getTables can return more than one row for the same object, one for the object itself, and additional rows for any synonyms defined for that object. This is the case regardless of the setting for restrictGetTables.


public boolean getRestrictGetTables()
Returns true if the information returned by DatabaseMetaData.getTables is restricted, and false otherwise.


public void setDefaultFixedString(boolean fixedString)
Changes the default setObject(string) behavior for Statements created from this Connection.

By default, a call to PreparedStatement.setObject() with a String will bind the string using Types.VARCHAR, which will use non blank-padded character comparison semantics. This is in accordance with the JDBC specification.

This behavior can be changed for all Statements by passing false to setDefaultFixedString(), or for an individual statement by passing false to OracleStatement.setFixedString().

fixedString - If true, then setObject(x, String) calls will bind with Types.FIXED_CHAR rather than Types.VARCHAR, which will result in blank-padded character comparison semantics.
See Also:


public boolean getDefaultFixedString()
Returns the current setObject(string) behavior for Statements created from this Connection.

By default, a call to PreparedStatement.setObject() with a String will bind the string using Types.VARCHAR, which will use non blank-padded character comparison semantics. This is in accordance with the JDBC specification.

This behavior can be changed for all Statements by passing false to setDefaultFixedString(), or for an individual statement by passing false to OracleStatement.setFixedString().

The current setting. If true, then setObject(x, String) calls will bind with Types.FIXED_CHAR rather than Types.VARCHAR, which will result in blank-padded character comparison semantics.
See Also:


public void needLine()
              throws java.sql.SQLException


public void holdLine(OracleStatement stmt)


public void releaseLine()


public void startup(java.lang.String startup_str,
                    int mode)
             throws java.sql.SQLException


public void shutdown(int mode)
              throws java.sql.SQLException


public void archive(int mode,
                    int aseq,
                    java.lang.String acstext)
             throws java.sql.SQLException


public void registerSQLType(java.lang.String sql_name,
                            java.lang.String java_class_name)
                     throws java.sql.SQLException
Map accessor methods


public void registerSQLType(java.lang.String sql_name,
                            java.lang.Class java_class)
                     throws java.sql.SQLException


public java.lang.String getSQLType(java.lang.Object obj)
                            throws java.sql.SQLException


public java.lang.Object getJavaObject(java.lang.String sql_name)
                               throws java.sql.SQLException


public void putDescriptor(java.lang.String sql_name,
                          java.lang.Object desc)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Store the Object Descriptor for later usage.


public java.lang.Object getDescriptor(java.lang.String sql_name)
Return the matched StructDescriptor.


public void putDescriptor(byte[] toid,
                          java.lang.Object desc)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Store the Object Descriptor for later usage.


public java.lang.Object getDescriptor(byte[] toid)
Return the matched StructDescriptor.


public short getJdbcCsId()
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Obtain the Oracle identifier of the character set used in the JDBC driver.
the Oracle identifier of the character set. See oracle.sql.CharacterSet for the set of constants defined for the identifiers.


public short getDbCsId()
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Obtain the Oracle identifier of the character set used in the database server.
the Oracle identifier of the character set. See oracle.sql.CharacterSet for the set of constants defined for the identifiers.


public short getStructAttrCsId()
                        throws java.sql.SQLException
Obtain the Oracle identifier of the character set used in STRUCT attributes. Note that TTC always send structure attributes in the database character set.
the Oracle identifier of the character set. See oracle.sql.CharacterSet for the set of constants defined for the identifiers.


public java.util.Map getTypeMap()


public void setTypeMap(java.util.Map map)


public void setUsingXAFlag(boolean value)


public boolean getUsingXAFlag()


public void setXAErrorFlag(boolean value)


public boolean getXAErrorFlag()


public void initUserName()
                  throws java.sql.SQLException


public java.lang.String getUserName()
                             throws java.sql.SQLException


public java.lang.Object getClientData(java.lang.Object key)
Obtain the client data value associated with a key.
key - key whose associated value is to be returned.
value associated with the specified key, or null if there is no value for this key.
NullPointerException - if the specified key is null.


public java.lang.Object setClientData(java.lang.Object key,
                                      java.lang.Object value)
Store a piece client data and associate it with the specified key. Neither the key nor the value can be null. If the specified key already existed, the old value is replaced.
key - key with which the specified client data value is to be associated.
value - client data value to be associated with the specified key.
previous client data value associated with specified key, or null if there was no previous association.
NullPointerException - if the specified key or value is null.


public java.lang.Object removeClientData(java.lang.Object key)
Remove the specified key and any associated client data.
key - key to be removed along with its associated value
client data value being removed, or null if there was no data found.
NullPointerException - if the specified key is null.


public oracle.jdbc.driver.BlobDBAccess createBlobDBAccess()
                                                   throws java.sql.SQLException


public oracle.jdbc.driver.ClobDBAccess createClobDBAccess()
                                                   throws java.sql.SQLException


public oracle.jdbc.driver.BfileDBAccess createBfileDBAccess()
                                                     throws java.sql.SQLException


public void setStmtCacheSize(int size)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Set the statement cache size. Default is 0. You cannot set this for logicalhandles obtained from PooledConnections.

If more than size cursors are already cached than they will be closed. By default the meta data of the cursor will be saved. Only data and the state will be cleared. You need to call this first to enable either type of Statement caching. When both types of Statement caching are enabled, the size is the total number of cursors cached for both the schemes together.

size - Size of the Cache
java.sql.SQLException -  


public void setStmtCacheSize(int size,
                             boolean clearMetaData)
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Set the statement cache size. Default is 0. You cannot set this for logicalhandles obtained from PooledConnections.

If more than size cursors are already cached than they will be closed. By default, the meta data of the cursor will be saved. But if clearMetaData is set to true, even that will be cleared. You need to call this first to enable either type of Statement caching. When both types of Statement caching are enabled, the size is the total number of cursors cached for both the schemes together.

size - Size of the Cache
clearMetaData - Whether the state has to be cleared or not
java.sql.SQLException -  


public int getStmtCacheSize()
Return the size of Statement Cache.
int Size of Statement Cache. If not set, the default 0 is returned.


public void setDefaultAutoRefetch(boolean autoRefetch)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Oracle extension. Set the default state of ResultSet's auto-refetch mode of the connection. If a ResultSet is in auto-refetch mode, then it automatically refetches the column values during updateRow(). Otherwise, the column values in the ResultSet are the same as the value from the updateXXX() calls which may not be in sync with the database column values if a database trigger is enabled to modify the column values. Disable auto-refetch improves performance by avoiding one database round-trip druing the updateRow() call. By default, the connection's default auto-refetech value is true.
autoRefetch - true enables auto-refetch; false disables auto-refetch.
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs
See Also:
OracleStatement.setAutoRefetch(boolean), OracleResultSet.setAutoRefetch(boolean)


public boolean getDefaultAutoRefetch()
                              throws java.sql.SQLException
Oracle extension. Gets the default auto-refetch state of this connection.
the current state of auot-refetch mode
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs
See Also:


public java.lang.String getDatabaseProductVersion()
                                           throws java.sql.SQLException
What's the version of this database product?
database version


public boolean getReportRemarks()


public short getVersionNumber()
                       throws java.sql.SQLException


public void registerCloseCallback(oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCloseCallback occ,
                                  java.lang.Object privData)


public void setCreateStatementAsRefCursor(boolean value)
When this is set to true, any new statements created from this connection will be created as a REF CURSOR. Only resultsets obtained from statements that are created as REF CURSORS can be returned from a Java Stored Procedure. This feture is supported by the server-side internal driver only, and is no-op in all other JDBC drivers. Default value is false. To use the setCreateStatementAsRefCursor entrypoint you have to cast the Connection object to the type oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.


public boolean getCreateStatementAsRefCursor()
Retrieve the current setting of the createStatementAsRefCursor flag.
current value of createStatementAsRefCursor flag To use the getCreateStatementAsRefCursor entrypoint you have to cast the Connection object to the type oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.

See Also:


public int pingDatabase(int timeOut)
                 throws java.sql.SQLException
ping Database and return status of connection


public void clearClientIdentifier(java.lang.String clientId)
                           throws java.sql.SQLException
Clear the client identifier for this session.
clientId - to be cleared
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs clearing


public void setClientIdentifier(java.lang.String clientId)
                         throws java.sql.SQLException
Set the client identifier for this session.
clientId - to be set
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs setting


public void assertComplete()
                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Wait until all Ultra method calls to this connection have completed, either by returning or throwing an exception. This method may throw an exception if one of the calls caused an error on the server. Is a no-op for the Thin, OCI, and Server Internal drivers.
java.sql.SQLException -  


public boolean getSynchronousMode()
Return the value of the synchronous mode switch for this connection. When using the Ultra driver may return true or false. If true, then this connection is operating in synchronous mode and exceptions will be thrown by the methods that casue them. If false, then running in asynchronous mode and exceptions may be thrown at some time after the method that caused them returns. See JDBC Users Guide for more details. Asynchronous mode is much faster. In the Thin, OCI, and Server Internal drivers, always returns true.
boolean true if synchronous mode, false if asynchronous.


public void setSynchronousMode(boolean isSynchronous)
Set the value of the synchronous mode switch for this connection. When using the Ultra driver may be either true or false. If true, then this connection will operate in synchronous mode and exceptions will be thrown by the methods that casue them. If false, then will run in asynchronous mode and exceptions may be thrown at some time after the method that caused them returns. See JDBC Users Guide for more details. Asynchronous mode is much faster. In the Thin, OCI, and Server Internal drivers, value is ignored.
isSynchronous - true if should run synchronously, false if asynchronously.


public void registerApiDescription(java.lang.String apiName,
                                   short major,
                                   short minor,
                                   java.lang.String className)
When used in the Ultra driver, registers an ApiDescription for use in a Jolt connection. See Jolt Appendix of JDBC Users Guide for more details. A single ApiDescription class can be registered for multiple versions and generic api names. The last ApiDescription class registered for a given api name and version replaces any others. Ignored by the Thin, OCI, and Server Internal drivers.
apiName - a String that names the generic api that this ApiDescription supports
major - a short that specifies the major version number that this ApiDescription supports
minor - a short that specifies the minor version number that this ApiDescription supports
className - a String that is the fully qualified class name of the ApiDescription class


public java.lang.Object openJoltConnection(java.lang.String apiName,
                                           short major,
                                           short minor)
When used with the Ultra driver, opens a Jolt connection with the given generic api name and the highest version supported by both parties that is less than or equal to the version provided. If there is no common version or the other party does not support that api name, then returns null. You must cast the result to an ApiDescription. See Jolt Appendix of JDBC Users Guide for more details. When used with the Thin, OCI, or Server Internal drivers, always returns null.
apiName - a String that names the generic api to be used
major - the major version number of the highest version to be used
minor - the minor version number of the highest version to be used
an ApiDescription that was regisetered with apiName and has the highest version number that is also supported by the server and is less than major.minor or null if none.


public void setSessionTimeZone(java.lang.String regionName)
                        throws java.sql.SQLException
Set the session time zone.

This method is used to set the session time zone. This method must be invoked before accessing any TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data. Upon invocation of this method, the Jdbc driver sets the session timezone of the connection adnd saves the session timezone so that any TSLTZ data accessed via Jdbc are adjusted using the session timezone.

regionName - Oracle session time zone region name.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurred.


public java.lang.String getSessionTimeZone()
Obtain Oracle session time zone region name.
Oracle session time zone region name.


public void setAccumulateBatchResult(boolean val)
Set if the batching type for the connection
true - if the batching is of type 9i false to turn off the 9i type of batching


public boolean isAccumulateBatchResult()
Check the batching type of the connection
true if the batching is of type 9i (accumulating premature batch flushing). false if the batching is not of type 9i