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Oracle9i Application Server Migrating from Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( to Release 2 (9.0.2)
Release 2 (9.0.2) for Sun SPARC Solaris

Part Number A96157-03
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Migrating Management Components

This chapter explains how to change the necessary configuration files, application deployment files, and metadata schema in order to migrate Management components. It contains these major sections:

Migrating Oracle Enterprise Manager


This migration procedure applies only if you have installed the Oracle Management Server as part of an Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) Infrastructure installation, and you previously used Oracle Enterprise Manager to manage Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( The procedure in this guide does not apply to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site, which provides Web-based management tools for Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2), and requires no migration. For information about these Enterprise Manager components, see the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide.

Migrating Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On

Migrating Oracle Internet Directory

Migrating Oracle Enterprise Manager

This section explains how to upgrade an Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 2.x repository to a Release 9i repository. Existing pre-9i repositories are not upgraded automatically during installation. To upgrade, you must run the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant manually after the installation. Before upgrading, you need to create a new 9i repository.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant takes an existing Release 2.x repository and upgrades it directly to a Release 9i repository.

Preparing for Migration

This section outlines the steps you must perform before you migrate Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Stop Management Servers and Enterprise Manager Applications

Before you attempt to perform an upgrade, you must first stop all Management Servers and Oracle Enterprise Manager applications that are using this repository. If any Management Server is currently using this repository, upgrading the repository causes a server error.

If you are using an Oracle Enterprise Manager version prior to Release 2.2, or if you are using any separately ordered management pack, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide for important information about migrating your Enterprise Manager Repository.

Back Up the Repository

Before you attempt to upgrade the repository, you must first back up the database or repository schema using the standard export mechanism. The EXPORT utility is a base utility shipped with the Oracle database server.


A repository created under the SYS user cannot be exported.

If there is a failure during a repository upgrade, the repository will no longer be usable. The failed repository would no longer appear in the list of repositories that could be upgraded.

Upgrading the Repository

To upgrade the repository, perform the steps in the following sections.


All job and event details in the repository are stored in binary fields to keep the information secure. The data itself is also encrypted using the schema owner name. Therefore, an Enterprise Manager repository can be moved to another database, but the owner of the repository must have the same schema name. You cannot change the schema name of a repository. If you export/import the repository from one user to another, the decryption key will not match and your jobs and events will no longer be usable.

  1. Start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant by performing the following steps:

    (Windows NT) Start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant from the Windows Start Menu, or

    Start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant from the command line using the command:


    (UNIX): Start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant from the command line using the command:



    You must have write access to the file in the ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config directory to run the emca command.

  2. Click Next on the Welcome page.

    The Configuration Operation page appears.

  3. Select "Upgrade an existing repository" from the list of configuration operations and press Next to continue.

    The Select Database for Repository page appears.

  4. Log in to the database that contains the repository you want to upgrade.


    In order to upgrade a repository, you must connect to the database as a user with DBA privileges. The repository schema user created by the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant will not have the necessary DBA privileges for this step. To avoid potential security issues, do not grant more privileges to your repository schema user than necessary. Connect to the database as a different user with DBA privileges instead. For example, system/manager.

    The "Select Repository" page appears. If you are selecting a repository to upgrade, the Select Repository page shows only Release 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 repositories. The Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant does not display Release 9.0.1 repositories in this situation (they are already at the current version and do not need to be upgraded). The page shows the following information about the repository:

    Username: The username of the repository.

    Version: The version of the repository.

    Type: The type of repository. Type can be either "Enterprise" or "Standalone". An Enterprise repository is used by the Oracle Enterprise Manager connected to a Management Server. A Standalone repository is required by certain applications when you use Oracle Enterprise Manager not connected to a Management Server.

  5. Select a repository and click Next.


    If the specified database does not contain any Release 2.x repositories, the list of repositories is empty and grayed out, and a message that "No repositories were found in the database" appears. Click Cancel to exit the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant or click Back to return to previous pages and connect to a different database.

    The Repository Login Information page appears.

    In order to perform a repository upgrade, you must log on to the repository database as the repository owner (the user so designated during repository creation). The repository user name is carried forward from the previous page, but you must enter the password.

  6. Enter the repository user password.

  7. Click Next to continue.

    The Upgrade Repository Summary page appears.

    All of the information you supplied is summarized on this page. Click Finish to perform the repository upgrade, or click Back to return to previous pages if you need to change any of the information.

    The Configuration Assistant Progress window appears, showing the processing performed and the processing steps that comprise the operation being performed. Each processing step is shown by a line of text.

  8. To view detailed information in a text area, click Show Details. You can close the text area by clicking Hide Details.

    You can cancel the requested operation before it completes by clicking the Cancel button. However, if you cancel the operation, the repository will become unusable.

    The Cancel button changes to a Close button when processing completes, whether it is successful or not.

    When all of the steps have been completed without error, the "Processing completed." message appears.

  9. Click Close.

    During the Configuration Assistant upgrade operation, the Oracle Management Service will be created (if it does not already exist) only if the repository being upgraded is the one actually being used by the local Management Server.

Dropping an Existing Repository

To drop the repository and deconfigure the local Management Server (if it uses that repository), perform the following steps:

  1. Stop all Management Servers and Oracle Enterprise Manager applications that are using this repository.


    If any Management Server is currently using this repository, deleting the repository causes a server error.

  2. Start the Configuration Assistant.

    The Welcome page appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The Configuration Operation page appears.

  4. Select "Drop an existing repository" from the list of configuration operations and click Next.

    The Select Database for Repository page appears.

  5. Log in to the database that contains the repository you want to drop.


    In order to upgrade a repository, you must connect to the database as a user with DBA privileges. The repository schema user created by the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant will not have the necessary DBA privileges for this step. To avoid potential security issues, do not grant more privileges to your repository schema user than necessary. Connect to the database as a different user with DBA privileges instead. For example, system/manager.

    The Select Repository page appears, showing the following information about the repository:

    Username: The username of the repository.

    Version: The version of the repository.

    Type: The type of repository. Type can be either "Enterprise" or "Standalone". An Enterprise repository is used by the Oracle Enterprise Manager connected to a Management Server. A Standalone repository is required by certain applications when you use Oracle Enterprise Manager not connected to a Management Server.

  6. Select a repository and click Next.


    If the specified database does not contain any Release 2.x or 9i repositories, the list of repositories is empty and grayed out, and a message that "No repositories were found in the database" appears. Click Cancel to exit the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant or click Back to return to previous pages and connect to a different database.

    The Repository Drop Options page appears. Here, you can choose to drop the repository user and all its schema objects or only the repository objects.

    • If you choose to drop only the repository, you must supply the repository user's password so that the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant can connect to the repository in order to invoke the Oracle Enterprise Manager SQL drop scripts. Only repository objects are dropped; other schema objects in the repository remain.

    • If you choose to drop the repository user and all its schema objects, a password is not required. Make sure that you do not have other objects of value in that schema before proceeding with this step. Valuable data may be lost if you do not ensure this.

    • If you selected that is not at the current/latest version, the only valid choice is to drop the repository user, because the drop scripts can only handle the latest/current version.

    • If the Configuration Assistant detects that a managed repository is specified in the file, and you are not dropping that repository, the Configuration Assistant will not change the Management Server configuration.

    • If you are dropping the managed repository, the Configuration Assistant will clear the Management Server configuration.

  7. Click Next.

    The Drop Repository Summary page appears, providing a summary of all the information supplied during the drop repository operation.

  8. Click Finish to continue repository removal, or click Back to return to previous pages if you need to change the information.

    The Configuration Assistant Progress window appears, showing the processing performed and the processing steps that comprise the operation being performed. Each processing step is shown by a line of text.

  9. To view detailed information in a text area, click Show Details. You can close the text area by clicking Hide Details.

    The Cancel button changes to a Close button when processing is completed whether it is successful or not.

    When all of the steps have been completed without error, the "Processing completed." message appears.

    You can cancel the requested operation before it completes by clicking the Cancel button.

  10. Click Close.

Controlling the Management Server After Configuration

Once configured, the Management Server provides distributed control between clients and managed nodes. A central engine for notification, it processes all system management tasks and administers the distribution of these tasks across the enterprise.

See Also:

Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide in the Oracle9iAS Documentation Library.

Migrating Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On

This section describes the process of migrating standalone Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( applications to enable them for Single Sign-On in Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2).

  1. Install the Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) Infrastructure option, which installs the Single Sign-On (SSO) Server and Oracle Internet Directory (OiD).

  2. Migrate user data for Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( applications to the OiD Release 9.0.2 in order for SSO Server Release 9.0.2 to recognize them as valid users. If there are multiple user repositories in use, then you must first reconcile the multiple account names that a single corporate user may have, issue a unique account/username to each user, and then migrate these unique accounts into the OiD. See the Oracle Internet Directory Migration Guide and OiD Release 9.0.2 documentation for details on user provisioning & directory information tree (DIT).

  3. Migrate the application logic to Oracle 9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J).

    See Also:

    Chapter 3, "Migrating Internet Applications Components"

    See Also:

    Oracle 9iAS Single Sign-On Administration Guide

    See Also:

    Oracle 9iAS Single Sign-On Developer's Guide

    In Release 2, most applications are integrated with mod_sso (the Single Sign-On module for Oracle HTTP Server) and the OC4J security infrastructure.

After this process is complete, Release 1 applications can use the security infrastructure provided in Release 2.


SSO Server Release 2 does not include migration of the server from Release 1.

Migrating Oracle Internet Directory

This section explains how to migrate Oracle Internet Directory (OID) Release from the following Oracle Internet Directory releases:

Throughout these instructions, ORACLE_HOME_1 represents the Oracle home of the existing Oracle Internet Directory and ORACLE_HOME_2 represents the Oracle home of the newly installed Oracle Internet Directory The migration and upgrade process is described below:

  1. The supported version of OID is available in ORACLE_HOME_1.

  2. An installation of OID takes place in a different Oracle home, ORACLE_HOME_2, through the Infrastructure Installation type.

  3. A migration of the database from the old OID installation must take place. This includes upgrading the database to the latest version and changing its parent Oracle home from ORACLE_HOME_1 to ORACLE_HOME_2. The binaries running the database will be coming from ORACLE_HOME_2 after this step.

  4. The OID schema is upgraded to version

  5. Upgrade is completed.

Upgrade Considerations

The following conditions and procedures are important in planning and executing a successful upgrade.

Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before you begin the upgrade, you must perform these steps:

  1. In ORACLE_HOME_1, where the existing OID is installed, stop all OID processes (OID Monitor, OID Server, Replication Server, Directory Integration Server). The corresponding database instance and the listener should remain running.


    Oracle Corporation strongly recommends that you back up the database in ORACLE_HOME_1 before proceeding, thereby retaining existing schema information and data.

  2. Install OID from the Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) Installation CD into ORACLE_HOME_2. When the installation completes, stop all of the OID processes running in ORACLE_HOME_2, as well as the corresponding infrastructure database and listener in ORACLE_HOME_2.

Upgrading in a Single Node Environment

The following table outlines the steps for upgrading OID in a single node environment.

OID Version Database Version Migration From ORACLE_HOME_1 to ORACLE_HOME_2 Database Migration to Version 9.0.1 Database Patch OID Schema Upgrade



Done by Oracle Data Migration Assistant (ODMA)

Done by Oracle Data Migration Assistant

Manual Step before launching OIDCA

(see details below)




Done by Oracle Internet Directory Configuration Assistant (OIDCA)


Manual Step - during execution of OIDCA

(see details below)


Migrating the Database from 8.1.7.* to

If you are upgrading from Oracle Internet Directory 3.0.1.x only, proceed to "Upgrading from 3.0.1.* to".

  1. In ORACLE_HOME_2, launch the Oracle Data Migration Assistant (ODMA) by executing ORACLE_HOME_2/bin/odma. Follow the wizard to migrate the existing 8.1.7.* database in ORACLE_HOME_1, on which the old 2.1.1.* OID is running. Make sure the correct SID is specified and that you choose to migrate the database listener. For more information on Oracle Data Migration Assistant, please refer to the 9i ( Database Migration Documentation.

Applying the database patch

Ensure that the database is brought up in ORACLE_HOME_2. To apply the database patch set, please follow the instructions in the "Post Install Actions section" in ORACLE_HOME_2/rdbms/notes/patch_note.htm.

Oracle Internet Directory Configuration Assistant

In ORACLE_HOME_2, do the following:

  1. Launch the Oracle Internet Directory Configuration Assistant (OIDCA) by executing ORACLE_HOME_2/bin/oidca.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Select the Upgrade an existing OID option and click Next.

    The Database Migration screen appears.

  4. Supply the information about the database you are upgrading (the database on which the OID you intend to upgrade was running):

    • Database SID of the old OID database

    • Passwords for the database users, SYSTEM and ODS

    • Oracle home of the old OID version

    • Location of the init.ora file for the old OID database (for example, /private1/oracle/dbs/initoiddb.ora)

    • Listener port for the OID database.

    • Connect string for the OID database.

  5. Click Next.

    The Upgrade in Progress window appears.

  6. On the Oracle Internet Directory Credentials screen, supply the following information about the OID server:

    • Non-SSL port on which the OID server must be started. The default value specified is 389.

    • SSL port on which the OID server must be started. The default value specified is 636.

    • The super-user Distinguished Name (DN).

    • The corresponding super-user password.

  7. Click Next.

    The Root Oracle context and the Directory Integration Platform-related information are upgraded.

  8. On the Upgrading Subscriber screen, please supply the Distinguished Name (DN) that identifies the root of your organization (e.g. o=acme, dc=com). This domain will become the default subscriber node. A subscriber Oracle Context will be created under this subscriber.


    Oracle Corporation recommends that you choose a domain with no existing Oracle Context or with an Oracle Context version or higher. A or newer Oracle Context can be upgraded. However, an Oracle Context will not be upgraded.

  9. Click Next.

    The User Data Migration screen appears.

  10. Select Yes if you want to perform a user data migration as part of the OIDCA. It is strongly recommended you do this as a post-upgrade step if you have a large directory (>10,000 users). See "User Data Upgrade" for more details on performing user migration outside of OIDCA.

    The upgrade is complete.

  11. Exit from Oracle Internet Directory Configuration Assistant.

    The OID is running, listening to the specified non-SSL and SSL ports.

Upgrading from 3.0.1.* to

In ORACLE_HOME_2, do the following:

  1. Launch the Oracle Internet Directory Configuration Assistant (OIDCA) by executing ORACLE_HOME_2/bin/oidca.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Select the Upgrade an existing OID option and click Next.

  4. The Database Migration screen appears.

  5. Supply the information about the database you are upgrading (the database on which the OID you intend to upgrade was running):

    • Database SID of the old OID database

    • Passwords for the database users, SYSTEM and ODS

    • Oracle home of the old OID version

    • Location of the INIT.ORA file for the old OID database (for example, /.../oracle/dbs/initoiddb.ora)

    • Listener port for the OID database.

    • Connect String for the OID database.

  6. Click Next.

    The OID database is migrated from ORACLE_HOME_1 to ORACLE_HOME_2.

  7. Apply the patch by performing the steps below in a separate window.

    1. If you are upgrading from OID 3.0.1.*, stop the database in ORACLE_HOME_1 if it is still running, and bring it up from the ORACLE_HOME_2 environment to complete the database migration.

    2. Stop the listener in ORACLE_HOME_1.

    3. Copy the listener entry for the old OID database from ORACLE_HOME_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora to ORACLE_HOME_2/network/admin/tnsnames.ora.

    4. Copy the listener entry for the old OID database from ORACLE_HOME_1/network/admin/listerner.ora to ORACLE_HOME_2/network/admin/listener.ora.

    5. Start the listener in ORACLE_HOME_2.

    6. To apply the database patch set, please follow the instructions in the "Post Install Actions" section in ORACLE_HOME_2/rdbms/notes/patch_note.htm.

    7. Click Next.

      The Upgrade in Progress window appears.

  8. On the Oracle Internet Directory Credentials screen, supply the following information about the OID server:

    • Non-SSL port on which the OID server needs to be started. The default value specified is 389.

    • SSL port on which the OID server needs to be started. The default value specified is 636.

    • The super-user Distinguished Name (DN)

    • The corresponding super-user password.

  9. Click Next.

    The Root Oracle context and the Directory Integration Platform-related information are upgraded.

  10. On the Upgrading Subscriber screen, supply the Distinguished Name (DN) that identifies the root of your organization (e.g. o=acme, dc=com). This domain will become the default subscriber node. A subscriber Oracle Context will be created under this subscriber.


    Oracle Corporation recommends that you choose a domain with no existing Oracle Context or with an Oracle Context version or higher. A or newer Oracle Context can be upgraded. However, an Oracle Context will not be upgraded.

  11. Click Next.

    The User Data Migration screen appears.

  12. Select "yes" if you want to perform a user data migration as part of the OIDCA. Oracle Corporation recommends that you do this as a post-upgrade step if you have a large directory (>10,000 users). See "User Data Upgrade" for more details on performing user migration outside of OIDCA.

    The upgrade is complete.

  13. Exit from Oracle Internet Directory Configuration Assistant.

    The OID server is running, listening to the specified non-SSL and SSL ports.

Upgrading in a Multi-Node Environment

Upgrading a multi-node OID system in a replication environment requires special attention. This section discusses the two ways to upgrade a multi-node OID system.

Upgrading One Node at a Time

This method avoids a complete shutdown of the replicated network. An upgrade on one node can take place, while the other nodes remain available. Note the following:

  1. Change a node to become Read-Only by doing the following:

    1. Create an input file inputfile.ldif as follows:

      changetype: modify
      replace: orclservermode
    2. Use the following command to change the node to Read-Only.

      ORACLE_HOME_1/bin/ldapmodify -D super-user DN -w super-user password -h 
      hostname -p port -f inputfile.ldif
  2. Perform the upgrade on each node, repeating the following steps on each node:

    1. Stop all OID processes.

    2. Delete ASR push jobs temporarily by running ORACLE_HOME_1/ldap/admin/delasrjobs.sql. This script deletes Oracle9i Replication jobs on other master sites that push changes to the MDS. Deleting these jobs temporarily removes the current node from the replication environment so that no changes can be applied to it. Other nodes, however, remain operational and continue replicating changes.

  3. Upgrade the node to OID by following the steps outlined in "Upgrading One Node at a Time" and "Backward Compatibility in a Replicated Environment".

  4. After the upgrade, ensure that OID database, listener and OID processes (OID monitor, OID server, Directory Integration Server) are all running.

  5. Create ASR push jobs again by running ORACLE_HOME_2/ldap/admin/delasrjobs.sql. The ASR jobs deleted will be restored. Changes in the upgraded node will be pushed to the rest of the network and vice versa. The upgraded node is now back in the replicated network.

Backward Compatibility in a Replicated Environment

As discussed previously, the upgrade is not complete until all nodes are upgraded.

When an existing Directory Replication Group (DRG) is being upgraded, some of the changes made on the newly upgraded OID will not replicate to nodes of the older version that have not been upgraded. These changes will eventually be replicated successfully when the consumer node is upgraded to

If possible, apply the following restrictions to the DRG during upgrade:

To do this, you can temporarily disable the pushing of changes by a particular node by bringing up the replication server in a special mode (-o FALSE). To start the replication server in this mode, execute the following:

$OH/bin/oidctl connect=connect string server=oidrepld instance=1 flags="-p port 
-h host -o FALSE " start

Note that any the changes made on an older node can be successfully replicated to any newer v. node.

Upgrading All Nodes at the Same Time

Backward compatibility issues can be avoided by upgrading all the nodes at one time. However, this method requires a complete shutdown of the replication network, which leads to downtime. If downtime is acceptable, this method is preferable.

This method requires all the nodes to become Read-Only, and an eventual shutdown of all the OID processes on all the nodes. This replicated network becomes unavailable during the upgrade process.

  1. Change a node to become Read-Only by doing the following:

    1. Create an input file inputfile.ldif as follows:

      changetype: modify
      replace: orclservermode
    2. Use the following command to change the node to Read-Only.

      ORACLE_HOME_1/bin/ldapmodify -D super-user DN -w super-user password -h 
      hostname -p port -f inputfile.ldif
  2. When the change log queue is empty on each node, stop the OID server and all OID processes and the corresponding database on each node.

  3. Upgrade each node to OID by following the steps outlined in "Upgrading One Node at a Time" and "Backward Compatibility in a Replicated Environment".

Post-Upgrade Tasks

After the upgrade, perform the following tasks:


On all the nodes in the DRG, please make sure that the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter in the init.ora file of the database is set to the following value:

User Data Upgrade

You must do this if you are performing a single-node upgrade. In a multi-node environment, this only needs to be done on the Master Definition Site (MDS). Skip this section if you have performed user data migration in OIDCA.

Password Conversion

The password format in OID is base-64. The older passwords stored in hexadecimal must be converted. To perform the conversion, follow these steps:

  1. Use the command below to perform an ldapsearch to output all the encrypted user passwords to a file. In this case, ORACLE_HOME_2/ldap/install/pwdin.ldif is used as the output file.

    ORACLE_HOME_2/bin/ldapsearch -L -h OID host name -p OID Non-SSL port -D OID 
    Super User DN-w OID Super User Password -b "" -s sub "objectclass=*" dn   
    userpassword > $OH/ldap/install/pwdin.ldif
  2. Issue the command below to use the passwordconvert tool to convert the userpasswords in ORACLE_HOME_2/ldap/install/pwdin.ldif and output it to ORACLE_HOME_2/ldap/install/pwdout.ldif.

    ORACLE_HOME_2/bin/passwordconvert -m hex2base64 -f modify ORACLE_HOME_
    2/ldap/install/pwdin.ldif  ORACLE_HOME_2/ldap/install/pwdout.ldif
  3. Issue the command below to use ldapmodify to upload the BASE-64 encoded userpasswords in $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/install/pwdout.ldif back into OID.

    ORACLE_HOME_2/bin/ldapmodify -h OID host name -p OID Non-SSL port -D OID 
    Super User DN-w OID Super User Password> -f ORACLE_HOME_

Oracle Context Configuration

You can use Oracle Directory Manager (ODM) to perform the Oracle Context configuration.

Root Oracle Context Configuration

The following information needs to be added in the Root Oracle Context under the DN "cn=Common, cn=Products, <Root Oracle Context DN>". By default, the Root Oracle Context DN is "cn=OracleContext". The following attribute values are needed:

Default Subscriber Oracle Context Configuration

The following information must be added in the subscriber-specific Oracle Context under the DN "cn=Common, cn=Products, cn=oracleContext, <Subscriber DN>".

Password Policy Configuration

If a password policy exists in the older version of OID (which would be located under the DN cn=pwdpolicyentry, cn=oracle internet directory), this policy will be applied to both the Root Oracle Context and the default Subscriber Oracle Context. The original DN containing the policy, cn=pwdpolicyentry, cn=oracle internet directory will be removed in the earlier version.

Otherwise, the default password policy is set up as part of the Subscriber Oracle Context creation. By default, the password policy for the default subscriber is set to the following values:

The password policy under Root Oracle Context applies to all entities under the root DSE. However, it does not apply to entities under the Root Oracle Context.

See Also:

Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide

If the upgraded OID is integrating with other Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2) components, appropriate access control policies (ACPs) will need to be set up to grant necessary privileges to the components.

See Also:

Oracle9i Application Server Security Guide

Post-Upgrade Manual Tasks and Database Migration Alternatives

Server Manageability

After the upgrade, the OID target in targets.xml must be updated manually to specify the correct ORACLE_SID, and the ods and emd administrator user passwords.

See Also:

Oracle Internet Directory Release Notes

Directory Integration Server

During the upgrade, the Directory Integration Platform (DIP) server is not brought up. In order to use the Directory Integration Platform, you need to explicitly register and start the DIP server.

See Also:

Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide

Database Import/Export Style Upgrade

An upgrade procedure using database import/export is also available. It offers a more flexible way of migrating OID from version to version. Database migration is not required.

See Also:

Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide

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